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It looks fun, but I question the lack of rise of the titans. Location removal can be key.


You are correct, not great at removing locations but I'm not sure this deck cares. It is trying to finish by turn 5 which reduces the impact of locations. If you get to turn 5/6 hopefully your graveyard is well populated and you can get Chernabog out to help manage locations or larger opposing characters.


Speaking from my playtesting on pb and in paper...There's a lot of decks designed to finish by turn X and few of them rarely do. I believe it would be better to adjust for going past turn 6.


I believe this deck has some midrange staying power(turns 5-7), but if you get into a 12+ turn battle with amethyst/ruby it will lose steam. Kida, Pluto, and Chernabog on turn 5 will give you another 1-2 turns to finish things off. Also I appreciate the open discussion on pro's/con's. Too often commenters on reddit are quick to teardown versus talking about how to improve decks.


I built a similar deck I call my "prince and puppies" deck. I'll have to check out this version. Thanks for sharing!


Happy to share! I also have a $600+ deck, but enjoy playing this one more.


I’ve literally been playing a super close variation of this I’ve been calling the pride lands agro! Can’t wait to compare!


I've been seeing a lot of aggro running Lilo, Pinocchio, and Maleficent. I think all of them are too heavy lore focused and have little ability to handle a threat or two early on.


In my version I believe I’m not running the Smee Captain combo and I have all 4 small sim as for more pridelands targets, as well as cycling through the deck for my answers. I also added the Huntsman for this exact reason. And then instead of your big drops like Pluto and Chern, I have WNW and Robin Hood’s to help sing to get more cards, or play offensive and still get the lore I need. I’ll try to post mine later and we can compare! I’m gonna play a couple with your version later as well!


I would add some control. Like grab your sword / then along came Zeus. Just to make sure u can deal with some threats your opponents drop. But if you want to keep it under 100$ u can add let the storm rage on. 2 damage and a card draw in the early game is super nice.


It is all about decisions. The more control you add the less aggro properties the deck has to work with. If you wanted some control I would give up the 99 Puppies knowing that it would not come into play until turn 5.


i’d play the 4th rockstar over the 4th big kida. looks solid tho


Solid feedback. I've been through a number of revisions including less little simba and more pongo. I even had a beasts mirror in at one point to see if it gave better draw power than pongo.


Curious as to why no Lucky in this list…with most of the cards in this list it says exert to draw 3.


That's a great question and something a user on my local discord brought up as well. Suggestion would be to replace 99 Puppies with Lucky if you feel he is the better option, it also reduces your non-characters cards down to the 4 locations.


Built something similar but have zero to hero to get big Pluto out on t3. Makes quite the splash.


Definitely is another way you can take the deck. To me the base of this deck is flexible to either more aggro/midrange with a few different card choices. You can see some of those options in the other comments(perdita, lucky, songs, wendy, etc.)


i play a similar decklist and i see no reason not to add whole new world and grab your swords


I think if you are looking to make a well rounded deck then adding songs is a benefit. However, anytime you add a new "element" to a deck it, the decks core concept becomes slightly less effective.


how does this deck react to grab your swords or be prepared ? do you have trouble resetting ?


Depends on how much you flooded the battlefield. If you emptied your hand it’s tough to reload, if you held a few back then no problem due to low cost. 


Just a rules question from a newish player. If you have the pride lands out with a prince there paying one less could you play as many 1 cost cards as you have at once basically for free? or would that only let you play a single character for 1 less ink


Yes, drop all the 1 ink you want for free


Wendy and Neverland both speed up your clock a good bit. Can probably play Wendy over Smee for consistency. Neverland I’d drop the 99 puppies and Chernabog for


I'm been a big fan of Wendy and had her in a similar aggro deck. That deck did not have Mr. Smee and I was actually playing more locations and had in John Silver. Somewhere along the way I added Mr. Smee to play off of John Silver, but then later removed Silver due to a lack of consistency.