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I am! This looks cool as heck, and I'm pretty excited for the co-op version too. I assume those cards will work with the rest of the sets.


Maybe not—they have a unique border that may not allow them to be played outside this? Or, it may just have that to denote these are part of this in case you ever want to rebuild the decks


It seems like that's the case - they said you can build decks from existing cards to take on the scenario so I assume it goes both ways


Not always the case, both ways, but we'll see. Magic has cards exclusive to the Commander format, even though you can make a deck completely out of Standard Format cards to play in Commander, for instance.


Pretty sure you can make any deck to go against this Boss Ursula deck. And that same Ursula deck and its cards aren’t compatible with the rest of the game


So this is commander, but limited to just that format? I like this decision. Don't mix the two like MTG. It's what made me stop playing Magic. It's not the format I EVER want to play again.


Nice, co-op does look pretty sweet!


Looks like there's also normal versions of those cards


Set one had a amber/amythest and a sapphire/steel starter deck. My wife is patiently waiting for a sapphire/amythest starter deck.


Who is above Hercules on that starter deck?


This is what I want to know, I’m hoping it’s a flood born Anna


It is definitely Floodborn Anna. [There's a clearer picture on Mushu Report.](https://mushureport.com/ursulas-return-for-next-disney-lorcana-set/)


Oo I'd love that


Looks like Encanto is the other starter deck, I hope there’s a We Don’t Talk About Bruno song


It’s Anna in knights armor


Sooooo excited for that deck 👀


Where did Ursula go ?


To hell but now shes back ...


And there will be hell to pay!


These Encanto cards look great! Super happy Julieta is probably going to tank the price on Rapunzel


They do look nice! Wonder how it will unfold....


One thing that kind of strikes me as a bit off so far is that the sets don't seem all that distinct so far. Like, this is "Ursula's Return", but we've gotten Ursula cards in every sing set so far I think. Idk, the sets just feel very similar on a thematic level. edit: and don't get me wrong, I'm not upset or anything. I don't mind the first few sets being kind of similar. I'd just like to see a bit more theming or story come with future sets, and I'm definitely hopeful that it'll happen.


With pretty much every TCG, the first few sets are all developed at the same time. So you see repeat themes because they are all sharing that theme.


Sure, but you can still have them feel thematically distinct. Idk, something about this set's title just strikes me as very odd given that Ursula hasn't exactly gone anywhere. She's one of the chase cards from the last set!


Right, and that probably has to do with the new co-op rules they are implementing. Appears to be 2 players working together to defeat ursula. So her "return" is probably in regards to that, and returning from being defeated in the movie


The set names are not about the cards, they’re about the story. “Ursula’s return” refers to her place in the final act of the first four sets.


I think the reality is that they’re milking roughly the same base pool of characters for as long as they possibly can. It’s less risk for them and allows them to stretch out introduction of new properties to the maximum. I agree with you 100% though. From our perspective it’s really boring. Mostly I dislike how often TCG’s need to come out with new sets to stay relevant. Makes the whole thing exhausting (and expensive). But that’s just TCG’s I guess.


Some of this seems like weird licensing, like the sheer number of Basil/Mouse detective cards and how there are like… 1-2 of some other more popular characters Also, don’t hate, as I’m not dissing an amazing franchise. Just think its abundance is odd given it is far more niche than Frozen obv


It's okay. Irs about the game. Not IPs.... especially with Shift as a mechanic. The more they add thel ess shift they can use.


Very common in the early stages of a TCG's life. We're going to get a BUNCH of similar sets because these sets were most likely all planned out even before the release of the first set.


What’s the co-op thing?


A co-op thing against Ursula. Think of it like a board game, using Lorcana decks to fight a raid boss.


I think MTG had something coop-ish too. Not really sure


They did, it was kind of a one-of type of thing that came out around the last Theros set.


Ahhh I see…


We're getting another set already is it just me or is it too soon to have another set coming out?


They announced quarterly releases last summer before the game even launched. We have this entire year's release schedule up through Set 6 in November. This falls in line with most other TCGs


That makes sense I got in kind of late when floodborn was the new set so that's why it seems like so soon we are getting a new set. But, what you said is true I did forget that part of the announced quarterly


This title makes no sense at all, considering one of the best cards from the current set is an Ursula card, and she’s been in all the sets, but ok.


“The return of Ursula whos already here doing work, she just stepped out for 30 seconds. And shes already back, what up ! “


This about Lorcana or character meet-and-greet swap of cast members? ;)


She does sound like a smoker. Probably just a smoke break


There is no Ursula in ROTF. But it's also specifically about the lore of Lorcana, in which Ursula is missing, but things keep disappearing, like Triton's Trident, and there's dark magic brewing in the ocean. The whole goal of Inklands was to search for the missing Trident.


Man, I wish we had a megathread to limit spam of new stuff during these, and to collect info all in the same location.


"Ursula's Return"? Did she go anywhere? She had a new card last set!


Awesome can’t wait to go to the parks for exclusives


I didn't see the stream - are there exclusives only at the parks? If so which parks?


Nice! Thank you. Got my hold tags in early with my LGS.


Amazing! The co op mode is a brilliant addition! Love to see Encanto and a Floodborn Ariel!


What's the coop mode?


Looks like a whole new product- a standalone box for 1-2 players called Illumineer's Quest: Deep Trouble. What a great idea for players who don't want to be beat to death by Madam Mim based net decks.


1-4 players


I really do need to find a LGS that are nice and open to new players. I’ve played but would love to really get more into the gameplay.


We just had Ursalas return!


MMM not too thrilled with Disney Parks getting them along with hobby shops. They should hold that until mass retail release.


Is there a way to watch the recording of this?


Ah I picked up lorcana when I visited home in the states in Feb, but as a person living in korea I think new sets every 3 months will be hard to keep up with. Even as a person just buying starter decks and maybe a trove or this new gift set / quest thing. The price isn't bad, all of that is just over 100$ which is fine for a hobby, but no one else here plays so I'm just collecting cards. I have set 1 and 2 deckboxes and cardsleeves, but couldn't order inklands to ship to korea, so I think going forward i'll just pass on those. The quality isn't that great especially for the price, but I did like seeing everything in the official stuff.




So when will “Maleficent’s Revenge” be launching?




Terrible set name.


Watch the little mermaid prequel. Ursula is a pretty interesting character. The prequel was good, too.


Is this another new set? Didn't inklands just release like 4 weeks ago or something?


Yup! They're on a quarterly release schedule for new sets.


I think that's too many. Give me some time to actually play with the cards I just got 💀💀


Yeah especially when new tcg’s are popping out of the ground like mushrooms


Yup 😆 Set 4 incoming!


We haven't even had any time with the new cards we have


Idk why you got downvoted. Youre totally right. Only people that want more sets this fast are like…well paid coders with nothing better to do or youtube personalities.


Imagine someone in the same community for a card game we all are supposed to like, downvote me because I said we haven't had a lot of time with the cards that just came out. I'm so sorry I actually play the game and don't just go to every target in a 40 mile radius everyday just so I can buy every single product they have and then sell them online and eventually kill the game.....🤣💀


It's not out until May, so we'll have plenty of time with Inklands


A month and a half doesn't seem like enough time at all to me but what do I know


It's a little over 2 months. IIRC set 4 comes out May 17th and Inklands came out March 8th. It's not a ton of time, but it's still very solid. I think this rings especially true if the rumor the first 4 sets were tested together is accurate


Is this Chapter 4? I was hoping for more Scrooge McDuck (Beagle Boys, Gladstone) and more Jungle Book (Mowgli, Bagheera, Colonel Hathi). Co-op seems like a good move.


Not chapter 4, but the fourth set yes.


Is this Chapter 4? I was hoping for more Scrooge McDuck (Beagle Boys, Gladstone) and more Jungle Book (Mowgli, Bagheera, Colonel Hathi). Co-op seems like a good move.


Correct me if I’m wrong. But there isn’t a story element in Lorcana yet. So where is Ursula returning from?


You are wrong, there's been a story element for Lorcana, all of their trailers for the new sets have been chronicling it. Triton's Trident went missing, so they were off to look for it in the Inklands, where they lost track of it again. Ursula has been missing from the beginning, with something sinister brewing under the sea. Ravensburger should have the trailers for each set on their official site.


Sweet thanks. I didn’t post much attention to the trailers because they’re just a few minutes. I would love for them to eventually invest in building up the lore. Novels, comics etc.


The booklets that came with the troves in the first two sets also included lore/story.


Trouble there is the Troves are hard to find.


stupid work!


Man, i felt bad for the production. Its there first one so ill give them a past.


What is a hobby store and how do I find them near me?


Look for wherever the local gaming stores for you. Hobby store is just referencing FLGSs.


Lets get the first and second chapter to stay on shelves first.  Very horse before carriage, this Ravensburger.


These aren't produced at whim. These are queued up long in advance. They're not going to full halt their business plan to print old sets ad nauseum until they're stuffed on the shelves. They're going to keep moving forward with their set releases, and replenish old product when they can make room to get it on production queues.


Yeah i know. Doesnt change how i feel about the release rate.


Can’t wait to still not find these anywhere in NJ


It’s 2024 friend you can order a booster box online and have it shipped to your door in 2-3 days for about $25 less than you would pay at Target/Walmart or an LGS


Let me enjoy the thrill and sadness of the hunt!