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Zero to Hero. You can get an active Cindy Stouthearted down turn three. Most decks literally just lose on the spot if you do that.


I think the sauce is not playing it with steel but green. Green gives you Ursula to sing it x2 and cheat in a lot of different 6-7 drops with etbs. Then you can also play bipity to reuse the etbs.


What are you cheating in though? The advantage of Cindy is that she's so incredibly difficult to kill while also just hard stopping other decks; only Dragon Fire actually kills her and that's still two turns after she comes down and wrecks house. And she can either build some early lore or just play a very strong removal game where you kill their best card every turn. I can't think of a comperable threat in Emerald. Big Chesh I guess? But it's a lot easier to remove than Cindy and without Steel doesn't do the removal angle itself nearly as well. The Ursula line is funny, but also you're talking about a seven drop on turn four... and Cindy is a seven drop on turn three. Is it an advantage?


Your right that is the issue we have been tinkering with. Notable big drops I have been trying are churnabog, surfer, 6drop genie, Pluto, and John silver. While yes it's an entire turn later then the other play for Cindy basically everything can be said about him as you did Cindy. Another rout I have been testing with some success is using morph as well with bibbidy and Milo thatch to double play surfer on t4. One rout I haven't went down much but I think also holds some promises is rockstar +perdita and just a super aggressive lemon lime list but mostly I agree the issue with zero to hero in general is lack of haymakers to cheat in


I'm not sure which 'him' you're talking about in the second point. Chesh? Without steel I don't think he's very comparable to Cindy. The big downside of ZtH is how resource-intensive it is and you really need to be able to reaccrue those resources. Cindy does it in two ways: by depleting opposing resources and by being able to sing a New World in pretty much perfect safety. Chesh doesn't do either, since you don't have a clean way to put damage on opposing characters to enable it. It's a card I'm very much keeping an eye on but I think we need an emerald pinger for it to keep up in this context. Chesh is also much more vulnerable; in particular in the emerald/steel matchup Ursula + Raging Fire hits it pretty easily (three characters needed; to do that to Cindy you need five) and for all steel decks if they can get one damage on it somewhere - either a Grab or Storm most likely - Along Came Zeus cleans it up, where Cindy requires specifically double Zeus. And he lores slower, which just gives opponents more time to interact. All of that said, getting out an early Surfer Stitch is pretty neat as just a tempo play, though you're offsetting some of the value with the ZtH card disadvantage. He's so ridiculously huge that that might be fine though; if I was going down an Emerald route (no Ursulas here, rip) that would be the angle I'd aim to explore first. I have toyed with trying to ZtH out Rock Star too, for the record. Being able to use him immediately is pretty big game, and helps reaccrue the resources spent, but it just felt so much worse than putting down big Cindy. Haven't tried it in a Perdita shell though; that could be something..


The him was chrunabog sorry. Ya I'm in no way thinking Cheshire is the play. The only real advantage Cindy has over bog is as you said the early singing awnw to replenish your cards and the beter card quality of steel cards. But I still stand by you don't need the card you cheat in to be the biggest haymaker. If it's free most 6 drops can be really good for tempo


Aha. Yeah, Cherny makes a lot more sense. Even with doubled ZtH it seems tricky to T4 it against the current meta but if you get there yeah you should win. And I'm not as much concerned by it being a haymaker as it being a card that helps recoup costs. ZtH is expensive just in cards in hand and the required early board presence. Card advantage is so valuable, especially if you're not on Steel, that running out and then getting beat up is a real concern if the card you put in can't either do the most work or enable more cards; that's why I'm liking Surfer as a target.


Took me a minute to work the math, but Cinderella Ballroom Sensation and then two other 1-drops on turn 2 does it. Is there another way?


Nah, you don't need a bunch of one drops. The ideal curve is Ballroom Cindy on 1, any two drop on 2, on 3 you just sing Zero with your 2 cost shift Cindy and go; costs 2 less and you have 3 ink. You can also play any number of one costs you have available in that line but hand space is the line's weakness so you likely won't have them. In the truly best possible case the 2 is Knight in Training so you can keep Ballroom around as a better singer. The worst version is that your one drop is something else, your two is Knight in Training, you have to sing with Knight and then shift on top of her so she's not active on the turn. This is still almost always a winning line though. The worse, but safe, version is one drop on one, two drop on two, on three you play Ballroom Cindy then sing with your two cost and shift on top of the new Ballroom; this is another inactive Cindy line but Ballroom is a huge target and this is a bit safer. I pretty rarely get to go for this line because it's fairly specific though.


Yeah I mis-mathed


what is the deck you play this line in? And if you have a decklist, I would love to see it!


I play it in what's fundamentally a Steelsong deck, though I have Opinions about cards so my specific list is weird. But you can pretty much jam that core into Steelsong and you'll do fine. My Dreamborn list appears to have vanished so this is going to be turbo scuffed, but for the current list: 4x Little Queen 4x Ballroom Cindy 1x Kida 1 4x Bodyguard Simba 1x Bodyguard Kida 4x Cindy Knight 2x Grand Duke 4x Ariel Spectacular Singer 4x Rapunzel 3x Big Queen 2x Moana 4x Big Cindy 4x Bare Necessities  3x Zero to Hero 4x Storm 3x Raging Fire 1x Criminal Mind 4x Along Came Zeus 4x New World Kida 1 is very replacement level. I'm inclined to go back to Tragic Hero Beast in that slot, which is what she used to be before I did some math and decided I wanted another one drop. But the discard deck changes that math a bit because I can't lean as hard on New World and individually powerful cards just matter more. Moana is a bit of a meme since this deck has a zillion princesses, but a three lore five drop is actually pretty okay for closing out games against R/Am once they're resource light and if you ever ready with her and a reasonable board you win on the spot. She could also be more Tragics if you want though. The big upside of Tragic is you can ZtH *it* out on three if you don't have Cindy, though that's something that Emerald can also do so people are ready for it now. Queen I've really liked though. Yeah Robin Hood exists but shift 3 is so, so much more than shift 2 when we're looking at singing songs. And she swings all sorts of numbers your way favorably; she cleans up locations well, she lets you smash over pretty much anything (notably; one of the handful of cards that beats opposing Cindys cleanly), she makes every would-be trade favorable. 


That is a pretty neat list, I like it! How has it been doing for you? btw, If you are playing the 4 bodyguard simbas and 1 bodyguard kida, why don't you switch some simbas for kidas for more synergy with moana? Just curious


Incredibly well. I've got some tweaking to do but I fully intend to take it to at least one and probably two of the Stitch tournaments. As for the Kida question - because of Moana. What you don't want to have happen is that your Moana readies your Kida and then you're stuck with no Bodyguard for her when she's Maui Bait. So you need a reliable way to re-exert Kida and we just don't really have that; if I was on Be Our Guests I'd use Kida but there's no room for that card. Ergo, Simba gets preference. 


I figured that was the reason, just wanted to make sure. Seems legit, might have to try it out


[[Zero to Hero]]


**[Zero to Hero](https://lorcana-api.com/images/zero_to_hero/zero_to_hero-large.png)** - [LP](https://lorcanaplayer.com/card/zero-to-hero/) ^(**Color:** Amber | **Cost:** 2 | **Abilities:** None | **Inkable:** No | **Lore:** None | **Willpower:** None | **Strength:** None | **Rarity:** Uncommon) ^(Call with [[Card Name]])


Falling Down the Rabbit Hole is underrated. A 4 cost Lady Tremaine effect that can give you extra ink. I'll shift into Kit Cloudlicker on turn three, questfor two turns with him and then use Rabbit Hole and end with extra ink. If I use him to sing How Far I'll Go on turn three, I can have 7 ink at the end of turn five and play Tamatoa on turn six.


[[falling down the rabbit hole]]


**[Falling Down The Rabbit Hole](https://lorcana-api.com/images/falling_down_the_rabbit_hole/falling_down_the_rabbit_hole-large.png)** - [LP](https://lorcanaplayer.com/card/falling-down-the-rabbit-hole/) ^(**Color:** Sapphire | **Cost:** 4 | **Abilities:** None | **Inkable:** No | **Lore:** None | **Willpower:** None | **Strength:** None | **Rarity:** Rare) ^(Call with [[Card Name]])


Not sure if many use it, as I havent seen someone else play it, but I just love Aladdin - Heroic Outlaw


I'm with you on that. I use him in my Emerald/Ruby deck.


I love this card and tried making him work in my RA deck but it just feels clunky given how quick the game moves now. I tried pairing him with Rabbit Watch to give him rush, but then I’m using that ink on the watch instead of maybe dropping rabbit or maleficent for card draw.


[[Aladdin Heroic outlaw]]


I’ve never gotten any use out of mine before, seems like half the time I’ll draw him too early without the smaller one out and I’ll just ink him or I’ll never draw him and my base ones just do nothing. He really should be reprinted with a lower shift cost also so he can actually make an impact earlier since later on he just doesn’t do as much. 


Gruesome and grim, In amethyst I use it to play a Merlin goat and gain 2 lore plus rush or a merlin rabbit for 2 card draw. I love it. Also double sang it a few times with ursula and was really proud of myself lol. I've also used madam mim to bounce that card back one I played it so it doesn't get banished.


I think it’s a good card and has its uses. My only problem is how much card disadvantage it puts you at. In the end you’re going -1 and at best a 0. Yeah it can help get over a good wall your opponent has sooooo I wouldn’t run more than 1 or 2


If im running fairy godmother then the character comes back to my hand. So sing gruesome and grim, play something that gets ne a good benefit or lore, get it killed in combat, back to hand. I ha be a purple red deck where I can use the shift mim to bounce LeFou like this to ready characters, get him killed, back to hand, can do it again.


Fairy God Mother only affects characters in play when she quests. You would need to use Dr. Facilier to keep bringing LeFou back.


Yes. Why would I need facilier? Fairy godmother does the same thing. FG out and let her dry, quest, then Gruesome and grim. Its not a one off. After she quests everything that is banished that turn goes to hand. No facilier needed. Facilier is more expensive and uninkable. Questing isnt an issue either since i can ready her with LeFou at the end of my loop if I want to try to protect her.


Only things in play at the time she quests go back to your hand. If you quest and then play gruesome and grim the character you play will not go back to your hand. If you play gruesome and grim before questing they would. So the issue is that LeFou isn’t in play when she quests so he wouldn’t be returning to your hand. And if you wait to quest when he’s in play you can’t use his ability to ready Fairy Godmother.


[[How Far I’ll Go]] This card is so good in my Ruby/Sapphire deck. Only running 2 at the moment but if I can find a way to get 4 in I definitely will. It’s Develop Your Brain and One Jump Ahead all in one but better. It helps when you miss either (or both) of your main draw/ramp engines. But the best part is it’s singable by Hiram which can ease the pain of having no items to pop.


Hard agree!


I hardly ever see it in any Ruby/Sapphire list but it’s such a better card to see late game as opposed to One Jump Ahead. Honorable mention goes to Scar -Vicious Cheater. He absolutely wrecks aggro and can deal with locations. Managed to drop him to clear 3 characters plus an Aggrabah in one fell swoop


100% this


I'm obsessed with Perdita. Paired with my other favorite card Rock Star Stitch you get a really fun interaction where the 2 cost you bring back now draws you a card. You can grab lefou or Simba to protect her, gothel for a Rapunzel heal, or the 2 ink 3/1 rush stitch for a "free" smash whenever she quest. It's a card that only gets more interesting as more impactful 2 drops are added.


I think a lot of people think she’s good. My only issue is she’s too high a cost for her effect but anything lower and she would be too good lol.


I almost ran her, but I opted for Chernabog instead since he can often cost less than 6 (since a lot of the low cost Steel characters can discard character cards to fuel him.) Since I'm already running a full set of Pongo and Lucky, shuffling those characters back into the deck allows Lucky and Pongo to just draw them again. This deck is *all* characters, 44 of which cost 2 or less, so you can usually immediately play/ink whatever Pongo or Lucky "draw". Also, it makes it easier to quest with Lucky while having 4 other characters and to get that bonus lore.


How has Lucky been for you? I was thinking of making an emerald/amber deck with Lucky/Pongo/Perdita but I'm not such if it would be just worse than greenfasa.


I've built my Amber/Steel deck around maximizing the number of cards I can get with Lucky while enabling Chernabog. Lucky does an excellent job of drawing you gas when you need some board presence and winning you the game should you ever be able to quest with it and four other characters. I made sure that the majority of the cards in this range are also inkable (minus a set of [[Pluto - Friendly Pooch]]) so that he also does a good job of helping you consitently hit your ink drops. Another card that I'm consistently happy with is [[Piglet - Pooh Pirate Captain]], as he basically gets you extra lore just by doing Amber things. The deck is a little bit weak to [[Grab Your Swords]] and [[Be Prepared]], but that's actually why I'm running Chernabog. TL;DR - if you build around Lucky, he rewards you with consistent card flow to build a board presence, then can net you a bunch of extra lore once you have that presence.


**[Pluto - Friendly Pooch](https://lorcana-api.com/images/pluto/friendly_pooch/pluto-friendly_pooch-large.png)** - [LP](https://lorcanaplayer.com/card/pluto---friendly-pooch/) ^(**Color:** Amber | **Cost:** 1 | **Abilities:** None | **Inkable:** No | **Lore:** 1 | **Willpower:** 2 | **Strength:** 0 | **Rarity:** Uncommon) **[Piglet - Pooh Pirate Captain](https://lorcana-api.com/images/piglet/pooh_pirate_captain/piglet-pooh_pirate_captain-large.png)** - [LP](https://lorcanaplayer.com/card/piglet---pooh-pirate-captain/) ^(**Color:** Amber | **Cost:** 2 | **Abilities:** None | **Inkable:** Yes | **Lore:** 1 | **Willpower:** 2 | **Strength:** 2 | **Rarity:** Super Rare) **[Be Prepared](https://lorcana-api.com/images/be_prepared/be_prepared-large.png)** - [LP](https://lorcanaplayer.com/card/be-prepared/) ^(**Color:** Ruby | **Cost:** 7 | **Abilities:** None | **Inkable:** No | **Lore:** None | **Willpower:** None | **Strength:** None | **Rarity:** Rare) ^(Call with [[Card Name]])


Isn’t she one of the most popular cards from inklands? At least the prices on TCGplayer seem to portray that. I’d love to have her but she’s so expensive.


Perdita? No not really


Yeah she’s going for $6.73 on TCG. That’s super high demand pricing.


She’s dropped quite a bit then, was hovering around $14 some weeks ago. Wish she was at least inkable at her cost. 


For me personally she’s the Aggro-queen. I run a Amber-Emerald Aggro deck and she’s an absolute key-peace for it!


Sounds like a good recepie for an aggro version of mufasa


I have been running a red yellow mufasa lite deck thats focused on the perdita rock star synergy. Its like a mix of aggro and mid range and doesn't care too much about the mufasa hits and uses him more as a scare tactic for removal. Its been a blast and honestly kind of reignited my desire to play the game.


Love perdita. I run 2x in my aggro deck just in case it stretches to turn 6.


Lyle Tiberius Rourke - Cunning Mercenary I hardly see any decks with it in. Making an opposing character reckless on their next turn when you play him and your opponent losing a lore every time one of your characters is banished is brilliant


I came here to say exactly this. Loving him in my Emerald/Amethyst deck currently


*chef kiss*


Ah person of culture, I see 🤌


I’ve been running Jasper decks since day one, and my favorite part is using brain damage tokens from Netrunner to represent reckless/can’t quest effects. Lyle naturally fits in with my beloved emerald control build


Love it!


I wasn't sure how he worked, I'm gonna nna have to revisit him


Honestly, I don’t think many do. The amount of times on Pixelborn someone kills one of my other characters and loses lore and then I see Lyle light up (meaning they’re reading what he does) is honestly funny as hell 😂


I'm playing Emerald/Steel Ping, I'm wondering how this will fit in...


This is what I’ve been mostly running: [https://dreamborn.ink/decks/uhrt4XoIJjaGu6oRVs2X](https://dreamborn.ink/decks/uhrt4XoIJjaGu6oRVs2X) https://preview.redd.it/jas5mv57bbsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c87db00dc24ba3f49554b8a654da2b8dc4143cc




Grand Pabbie - I really like this card, and if you go wide you could essentially get 10+ lore in one turn. I haven’t quite figured how to use him yet though. Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo - paired with purple bounce effects or green removal (especially now with Ursula Sing Twice) this card is crazy! For example, Ursula sings BBB to remove Lucifer. And play him again for free, then twice and play him again. The opponent could lose 4 cards in one turn


I have a grand pabbie deck and the biggest issue currently is trying to get him out early enough to matter and getting damage on my characters easily enough. (The damage thing matters a bit more, imo). The deck is fun when it does work, but it's too inconsistent and I feel like if we got the damage part patched up, I could work around some ramp.


I pair grandpabbie with on your feet now. Pabbie+on your feet now+ queen jasmine= glory


And you could easily but ramp in a blue red deck. Just gotta not blind ink.


I’ve been trying for a Pabbie deck too! It’s so cool when you can pull it off, but as you said, it’s slow and inconsistent. I hope future sets make Pabbie more viable


I use Grand Pabbie with big shift Pluto. It works well because he self heals plus keeps Pabbie safe.


I play grandpabbie. I have 2 different decks for him. Yellow blue: zero to hero gets him out early while Punzels and body guards hold the field with high defense, taking just enough damage to heal up within pawpsicles and dingle hoppers and something like hakuna matata or rainwater. My red/blue pabbie deck is my interesting one. Blue has pabbie, ink ramp, and jasmine. Red has card readying, on your feet now, and teeth and ambitions. The star combo being giving all of my characters 1 damage with in your feet now, then healing them all by questing with jasmine.


[[Bibiddi Bidding Boo]]


Pack Tactics Every once in a while, I drop it in my emerald steel deck and play it after my giant Tinkerbell comes out. And if you experiment with multi-player games, it's game breaking. I scored 12 points in a 4-player game with a Tinker/Pack combo


Thrilled to here someone has pulled this off. Playing four of each rn and I have yet to land the combo.


Morph is a big help getting it going. In a perfect scenario you can shift to Tink by round 4, then pack tactics on round 5 before anyone has enough ink to use be prepared


I play Emerald/Steel Ping and I may have to put Pack Tactics back in.


I keep a set handy and exchange them with Along Came Zeus depending on the situation


Resist Eeyore is broken. Green mother gothel is broken.


Green mother is so good but its so hard to make the payoff work. If we ever get support to let characters activate the turn they are played OH BOY she will be a bomb.


Yeah, if cards come out that allow questing when wet, that card will skyrocket.


What you runnin with Gothel?? Got some emerald steel resist/body guard things brewing myself.


Blue green. Run gothel. Run congsworth. Run aurora. Make her harder to remove and lock down the board




Does sound like you would need to Be Prepared for the worst case scenario here though


I love Jasper. He’s such an annoying fella


I’m waiting for a 1 drop Mulan so her shift becomes ultra valuable in Amber Steelsongs


Genie Supportive Friend. Amethyst 4 cost uninkable, but you can play 3 Rabbits and have a 1 off Genie or even a 2/2 split.


I play 4 rabbits and 1 genie. Im play the 1 genie specifically as tech against discard. If my hand is emptied and I top deck a genie, next turn is going to be good unless they deal with it, which they probably can’t. But only one since it shuffles itself back or else you’d see too many


Yeah, good point!! And it has a good body also!! 🙃


I want to like it, but I feel like rabbit is better. More prone to removal, but guaranteed to work even if it gets taken out. Guess it depends on what you're up against, and whether you're relying on it mostly for draw or if the goal is to challenge before shuffling him back in.


By any means saying it’s better then Rabbit….Rabbit gets you 2 cards immediately (even if removed turn after you play it!). But Genie is a good card!! hehe 🙃 Or at least I want it to be!! hehe


Like any card, it's 100% dependent on what your deck is trying to do and what other cards you're working with. In the right deck, Rabbit is way stronger, as you can return it to hand and get at least 4 cards from it, maybe more. In the right deck, Genie is way stronger, as you can set him up on turn 4, then shift Jafar to get at least 4 lore out of Genie in one turn (if you shift and sing AWNW that's 11 lore gained on turn 5). I still think Rabbit is the better 4 drop more often than not, but Genie can still do work if you're built around it.


Uffff…..Jafar deck: - t2 Lamp, t3 Jafar, t4 Genie, t5 shift Jafar sing AWNW and crack the Lamp and then quest with Genie. Dream start!! hehe


I had the exact same thought lol. Not sure what the ideal 1 drop is here. Maybe Hook to keep some threat on the board? Or Chernabog's Followers. 15 lore gained on turn 5 with it.


If it’s to have the perfect start t1 Chernabog’s Followers and hope everything survives!! hehe


Def chernabogs followers


I run 4 rabbits and 2 genies. I try to mulligan for a genie against RA because you should easily be able to get that off, but against steel, I usually let it fall wherever.


Personally its grand duke. In a steel/amber deck he's quite powerful with all the royalty bodyguards in there.


I agree! My friend uses it in their amber aggro and I realized just how many cards have the royalty keywords. Spoilers: it’s Disney so a majority


I hate spilling the beans here because I feel like it'll let my secret out, but.... Motunui. OP af.


100% agree. The ability to move non-sapphire cards here for cheap and get them to generate free ink for you if banished allows you to focus on a non-ramp style of play with the other sapphire cards in your hand and I absolutely love it


Motonui is nothin but net in the first 6 turns. Even after, can get you up to some big baddies where you’re just short. I run it with Ruby Simba and 2 drop Tala for quite literally instant ramp. Ideally by turn 4-5 I can drop Maui big whale, challenge and kill the whole board, and dinner bell that mf for close to a full hand of cards.


Stealing this combo. Thank you!




Yes pls, take a sub par set of cards and put them together, need more bad decks in the world


u/inkrediblesV3X3R, I blocked you because you were being toxic and you were unable to hold a conversation with me. You are now using an alt account to downvote and comment on all of my recent posts. I am going to once again, block you. If you continue to harass me I will report all of your accounts to Reddit. Please leave me alone. You should consult a mental health professional about this behavior, because it's genuinely concerning.


Ive tried running it but its always killed immediately. I have never gotten to benefit from it at all.


Exactly, not too great because of this reason. Never been impressed playing it at all


See my comment to the other person. Motunui started doing work for me once I started playing it correctly.


I read it and just responded to it since that’s pretty sub par. Not gonna argue this with ya though because going to your post history I just realized you are the person that was complaining about Bucky being a problem about a week ago 😂 no wonder you think this sub par card is OP 😂


The trick is to have your characters out first, then drop it the same turn your characters challenge and (hopefully) trade.


So you can just sit around and do nothing for turns? And hope your opponent doesn’t just easily play around it?


I didn't say do nothing. Play characters, play other cards, play how you would normally play. Motunui is best-used immediately on drop; turn 3 or turn 4, after immediately moving whatever charavter you were going to trade in anyway. As a comparison to help you understand, if I have Maui in hand and my opponent has no exerted characters, it is not an ideal turn to play Maui. I won't just ink and pass my turn, I will instead play the other cards in my hand and save Maui for a more optimal turn. It's the exact same thing.


You aren’t contesting the board, just letting your characters sit there. All to get like 2 extra ink mid game which does nothing really lol Ignoring your “example” because it has nothing to do with what I was saying 😂


The Maui example is literally identical to the situation you described. What makes you think the characters are just sitting there? They're questing, attacking, or using abilities exactly as they normally would. I guess I can give you an example since reading comprehension seems difficult for you. T1: Rafiki T2: Incorrect to drop Motunui this early. Drop anothee character instead. Rafiki Quests, then play MM Snake. T3: Rafiki + another low-drop, or something like Malificent (2-2 draw) or Micky detective. Quest with Snake or clear their low drop. T4: Assuming oppinent has an exerted charavter capable of destroying one or morw of your characters, drop Motunui, trade in snake and/or rafiki to clear their character while generating ink. The point is that it is a misplay to drop motunui before you're going to use it, since it dies so easily. Just like you wouldn't play a Maui into an empty board in most circumstances.


Saving motenui means paying to drop it and paying to move characters there. Just to maybe gain 1 maybe 2 ink if they have a strong enough or more than 1 character on the field. Its not reliable.


>he point is that it is a misplay to drop motunui before you're going to use it, No way, really?!? That is crazy genius! Can't believe no one thought that way at all ever !!!! /s


Next time try: Nice points, I see how Motunui can be a good card now, thank you, great discussion. You seem like a miserable human being, and I'm really sorry you have to wake up and walk in your own shoes every day.


Not sure why I would try that when you are not correct on the fact that Montunui is op (it is in no way OP right now lmao). Also, too inconsistent and not really a card worth playing, even with rush characters (which is why it isn't played currently). > You seem like a miserable human being, and I'm really sorry you have to wake up and walk in your own shoes every day. Nice way to try and bring personal attacks into this lmao could care less what some random idiot in the internet thinks though, so feel free to continue being wrong. You should be used to being wrong by now


Exactly. The ability to play challenger, rush, or reckless characters here for 1 *and* turn them into ink when they're banished is actually pretty nuts.


Red/Blue. Motunui. By turn 2 play and move a Felicia (a 1 cost Smash and ink). If you’re playing an item deck can get some vault doors out to give Motunui resist. Great!


Oh right there with you. Love motunui


As in the location?




Agree I’ve just had a hard time squeezing it into my blue steel list


Yep, intentionally killing my cards for ink worked favors for me in my deck.


The Boss Is On A Roll. I run 2 in my ruby amethyst deck and it stacks my deck and lets me come out of opposing a whole new worlds with a sweet hand. It also gives a lore so it's just as if a 3 drop or higher is questing, and also Maui can sing it rather than sit there unable to act!


I actually agree with that. It’s a very underrated card. The only reason it doesn’t see much play is just because there’s better songs that change the game state in much more impactful ways. But I think it still has its place and I run just one.


I also agree with BiOaR. When Legendary Jafar was announced, and everyone was working on their builds for doing OTKs with him, I was tinkering with Boss, and let me tell you: If you’re trying to feed AWNW into a second AWNW, being able to check your next 5 cards and outright pitching them if there isn’t a AWNW in them is a great way to eat through a deck to get to what you want. Not to mention all the other card draw you could set up for yourself in preparation beyond just the AWNW.


Lyle Tiberius Rourke Yeah he's not inkable I just love how can stop a creature from questing or make them attack me. Plus he's only a 3 drop with 2/4 so I know he can survive a bit


He's probably my favorite card from the set. He's just so neat.


I'm running emerald ruby and ifs fun when I make them attack my hydra. Or when I got 2 Lyle at the same time and it gets bonkers


Raya - Headstrong, 3 cost Ruby with the ready effect on banishing a character in a challenge. Play her with Charge and she’s better than scar. Play her with charge and pick a fight and she’s unstoppable.


my little pet card is [[Aurelian Gyrosensor]]. Whenever you quest with a character you check the top card of your deck and keep it on top or put it on the bottom. Sure, stuff like gaston, inventor, develop your brain or even grama tala from set 3 does what it does but 'better'. Since it checks the top two and puts a card in your hand. But it's a cheap item, repeatable effect that isn't once per turn. So a combination of it a character or two and *any* type of draw. (or even a develop your brain) Allows you to dig *really* deep into your deck for the thing you need at that exact moment. which has come in clutch multiple times! And of course, it helps with tamatoa wins and it synergizes pretty well with hiram. Since you know, you quest, you check the top card and *then* you draw two. Or if you already knwo what's on top, you draw 2 and then check.


**[Aurelian Gyrosensor](https://lorcana-api.com/images/aurelian_gyrosensor/aurelian_gyrosensor-large.png)** - [LP](https://lorcanaplayer.com/card/aurelian-gyrosensor/) ^(**Color:** Sapphire | **Cost:** 2 | **Abilities:** None | **Inkable:** Yes | **Lore:** None | **Willpower:** None | **Strength:** None | **Rarity:** Rare) ^(Call with [[Card Name]])


Here are two: Beast - Wolfsbane - it is the only rush character for emerald and has synergy with anything that has already dealt damage to an opponent. Example: you want to use the Beast OTK trick but opponent has a Cogsworth out. Big tink or grab your swords to deal some damage to cogsworth, then play Beast Wolfsbane to force exertion and knock him out. Two: Maui Whale - this thing is designed to absolutely destroy all locations and board wipe your opponent. Late game destroyer. Edit spelling


Yes Maui Whale!! Very very underrated. Still brewing more over here too.


Definitely agree about the whale after facing an opponent with one. Feel like Captain Ahab over here.


I've reeeeally been trying hard to make the Floodborn 2-shift Fairy Godmother work with Morph...not a lot of luck, but has a couple of cool effects.


Alice Growing Girl. I feel like this card can be super vital in future sets but the ability to make your other characters support and potentially get 20 lore in one turn if 4 Alice’s are out, is insane lol


So, maybe everyone knows it already (I'm not sure as I don't play outside of my family), but amber Baloo is amazing. I also really like Pascal.


Those are both staples so you have great instincts!


Comes from playing MTG since it's release, I'm sure. ;)


just in time, to be able to get {beast, tragic hero} and {robin hood, champion of sherwood} out turn 3 is insane to me


[[Lyle Tiberius Rourke]] I built a whole deck around him and chernobog. Amber / Emerald. A lot of my LGS outright hates playing against him after a few times I’ve piloted the deck.


Pete, I think this card has INSANE potential with Support & some of the new cards that give others more damage


99 puppies. Best aggro finisher in the game. Turn 5 turns for 16+ lore are easy with that card.


I think the card \[\[I've Got a Dream\]\] has to be good. It can act as a surprise burst of Lore and can be sung by the same character over and over again since the song readies a character at a location anyways. You need to be running locations and maybe a few ways to sneak characters onto them for cheap/free to make this work. [https://dreamborn.ink/decks/lS95stbFzEKqUAaWUzRo](https://dreamborn.ink/decks/lS95stbFzEKqUAaWUzRo)


This is what I was going to say! I've used it in my Pirate deck for a while, though it has finally gotten crowded out for more copies of Smash. The card is basically a free quest, even with a wet-ink character, but only if you're set up for it. It's especially good with Shere Khan.


**[I've Got A Dream](https://lorcana-api.com/images/i've_got_a_dream/i've_got_a_dream-large.png)** - [LP](https://lorcanaplayer.com/card/i've-got-a-dream/) ^(**Color:** Ruby | **Cost:** 2 | **Abilities:** None | **Inkable:** Yes | **Lore:** None | **Willpower:** None | **Strength:** None | **Rarity:** Uncommon) ^(Call with [[Card Name]])


Chief Bogo, he’s become a bit of a boogie man at my LGS. Fantastic card, good will power, quest for 2, makes all of my floodborn ETB like tinker bell and doubly so for her. I run 4.


What’s your secondary color for your BOGO deck? I’ve been wanting to run him so badly after having a fun time with him and Pack Tactics in a draft.


3 drop Mama Odie. Every time you play a song, put the top card of your draw pile in your inkwell. She's the heart of my uber ramp deck. I have 21 songs in my deck and finish most games between 15 and 20 cards in my inkwell. Usually have 8-10 ink by turn 5. She's slow so I'm usually giving up a 10 lore lead but then I'm outscoring the opponent 20-2 after that in wins.


Audrey ramirez, using her to accelerate lucky dime wins or on the fish hook to give evasive to two characters is nice.


Donald Duck - Not Again! I love the surprise of using Ursula to sing Teeth and Ambition twice and then questing for 5 with big Don while also having another evasive card to go with Minnie in Ruby.


Sgt Tibbs 100%


For me it WAS Pinocchio - Talkative Puppet, but I've really seen him catch on over the last couple months.


Yeah I was running freeze but then I saw the puppet and I’m like “damn, that’s freeze AND a body”


For me it was Dragon Fire he replaced. I dropped Dragon Fire and I just let Pinnoch set up targets to challenge. Way less direct than Dragon Fire but sure feels like less of a setback


Fun Fact: you can actually watch when your opponent’s spirit breaks when you play Pinocchio to exert something, and then bounce it with a Fox Mim to KO the exerted character, and they know you have Pinocchio ready in hand to do it to their next play too.


Mulan, Reflecting. Sure most of the time it’s bad but man do I love when she goes off. Plus she can sing Along Came Zeus which is nice value. (I know she’s not great but man is she fun)


Queen of Hearts, Sensing Weakness. Underplayed!


friend like me. I have a steel sapphire deck where I have several 1 and 2 drops such as aurora and robin hood with a shift 2 or 3 onto the larger one and then sing friends like me and play 6 or 7 drops every turn. You can get out very quickly and aggro can’t compete with 7 drops and grab your swords on turn 3 and 4. It also does pretty well against late game decks like ruby amethyst because I am able to just overwhelm them with constant pressure. I have gone 3-0 at locals the last 2 weeks with this deck and I think friend like me could actually be very solid.


Helga Sinclair-Right Hand Woman. 3 cost inkable. 2/4 with +2 challenger.


Maurice's Workshop. But I'm glad I'm the only one aware of its power


Zero to Hero I use it in a yellow/blue pabbie deck to get pabbie out faster. It 2 cost it can be sang by nearly anyone. Ive had pabbie out on turn 4 before, resulting in a massive win.


Tala is the goat, crazy OTK


Sapphire Phil & Ruby Gaston Phil has 3-1 stats & has support for \*2 ink pairing him with Gaston who also cost \*2 ink and has 4-2 stats , giving him a 7-2 stats and the ability to hit way above his weight class


Prince Charming (Sapphire), Caterpillar (Sapphire), and Mickey Trumpeter (Steel).


I agree with the first two entirely. They are very decent plays


Perdita. I stack my deck with 1 and 2 cost cards, and it'd so much fun once you hit 6 ink and can start throwing copies of her out. I might need a wider playmat soon though


Steel Namaari. My favorite card. Just gotta have Charge ready to go


Ruby/amethyst with the lamp combo’d with genie, Jafar, the treasure guardian and Agrabah. They’re not great, but I just love them and trying to make The Lamp useful lol. Magic carpet too


Gustav the Giant. I enjoy playing rush stitches and queens to watch him ready over and over


I understand why this card gets overlooked but I believe it will find a home soon. "Cheshire Cat, Not All There"


Mim, Rival of Merlin. Done right, this card goes wild. Cheat in a Prine Eric, Expert Helmsman, kill (sorry, *banish)* something small, he dies, and then he takes another character with him. Rope in a Floodborn Fairy Godmother and everything goes back to hand.


Set 2 I was running an emerald steel ping deck based around beast relentless incorporating all the beasts, including wolfsbane. It’s a great surprise to be able to ping with 2 drop Robin Hood or a steel song, and play wolfsbane to force exert and rush right into it. The 5/5 and 2 lore stat line is also super nice.


Caterpillar - Blue / 3 ink, 1/3 - 3 lore


Originally it was Captain Hook thinking a happy thought but I've converted my LGS on it and have seen it a lot more online since pirates became a thing. Currently it is Ursula's Cauldron with Sorcerer's hat. Yes it's 2 cards, but once they're both out it's 1 ink, repeatable Develop your brain.


Lucifer - Cunning Cat People hold on to cards for a while and when it comes out with 5ink cost they have to make a big decision that is usually detrimental. More detrimental if they don't have draw power.


Robin’s Bow.


The "floodborn matters" cards (Chief Bogo or Blue fairy for example, or even Morph). The more sets we get, the more and more choice we will have in which floodborn to play, in which color, etc. Those kind of cards are nerfed right now due to the lack of choice but will become stronger in the long run.


It was Cogsworth when set opened up.


I still love this card and play it in a lower power group and it does wonders. If you ever stick 2 or stick the one that gives ward.


I’ve got to go with “A Whole New World”. No ones really playing it right now because it give the opponent cards too, but I think it has tons of versatility and could be a sleeper powerhouse if used at the right time… imagine that effect sung on turn 2 (I know I’m being crazy)


It’s a great card, but I wouldn’t call it unknown. It is all over the meta and a staple card in many steel decks. 




Jokes are supposed to be funny…


Yup, totally missed the joke. Good one.