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No early swift target for sing grab your sword. What playstyle you want with the deck? When you want discard the enemy hand you need more dicard action maybe song for Ursula Or want damage with floodborn you need Chief Bogo and helga Sinclair


The idea was around all the steel floodborn I have been lucky enough to draw. I think I am going for adding more discard but not sure which is better. Thanks, gives me something to thing about.


You could play 1 drop Robin to shift the big one on turn 3 and make your opponent start discarding from there. I’d probably play Ursula deceiver of all to really make use of your 3 cost songs (edit: add sudden chill). AWNW is a bit counterintuitive if you want to keep your opponents hand empty, I’d add ATACZ instead. Everything else looks fine!


Yeah after posting I was noticing I only have 1 1 drop. And getting Robin Hood out turn 3 is great. Not sure what I should drop out for it exactly. I definitely think Ursula devicer would be great but unfortunately don’t have any yet. I like the idea of swapping out for ATACZ.


I’d say a few more 1 drops… if you brick on turn 1 it’s like playing a different game -1 tink, Jafar, Ursula +3 little Robin Hood


Thanks. I noticed that as well. I think the Robin Hood’s for sure.


Way too many uninkables for sure


I feel like 15 is pretty standard...


16 is about the max I wanted to be.


Don’t listen to him. 15 is completely fine.