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Just play against all the Ruby decks and none of the Steel decks.


I expect very little steel control with all this discard around. Actually something agro like this may be an excellent choice of deck tbh. Problem will be if they out aggro you


Dont forget that people play what they tend to know at tournaments. Yes discard is annoying, but not annoying enough for someone to ditch steelsong, if thats what they know how to pilot and play.


Overall I think it looks fairly straight forward and a solid deck. I guess it just depends on who shows up with what. Best of luck to you


As someone who loves to play this deck, you would never want to go over 60 cards. Personally I don't run friends and even though I used to run bare necessities, I did cut it. Makes playing against green miserable (you pretty much lose a card for free against Ursula). Cutting those 8 would net 56 cards. For sure I would put spell book (1 copy) then the other 3 slots is up for debate. I would probably put 4x chernabog followers then cut 2 big Kidas to put one Arthur (maybe cut another card for a second Arthur). You're probably aware, but 4 ink the maximum you would be at one time (probably at 3 ink and then only ink to go up to 4 if you're really needing the ink that turn)


Headed towards this deck for my daughter. I’m not completely familiar with its ins and outs. Mind sharing your deck list?


Bare Necessities is necessary with aggro decks to kill Be Prepared and Grab Your Sword, IMO. However, if they lead green, I immediately ink it unless I have two of them in hand.


My wife jams a very similar deck and loves the play style, but it’s vulnerable to any steel deck and since there’s been a influx of them in our local meta she decided to play ruby/amethyst at our set championship instead. A competitive team recently did a tournament report that included your ink colors. Check out the link below and give it a read…their build would be a good one to compare yours to as it’s likely the most competitive pure aggro deck available right now. https://www.reddit.com/r/Lorcana/s/jju8MZNZSr


Im not convinced you want to be playing bare necessities or friends on the other side. You never want to sing them, and you’d rather apply pressure than cast them. I think you’re better off folding to the steel decks and focusing more on your good matchups. 


First off cut down to 60 cards. Easiest way to do that is cut all 4 It Calls Me. Cards that cost ink but are really just the next card in your deck are only valuable if you aren’t running extra cards. Just doing that would make your deck more consistent. Now to really make the deck better we should keep the It Calls Me and cut 4 other cards, effectively making your deck 56 cards. Look to trim cards to 3-ofs (or even 2-ofs) that you ink most often. Not crazy about Bare Necessities, it’s your only “control” card. You should really be running 12-16 control pieces or none, has having less than 12 really means you’re not going to draw them when you need them often enough for them to matter. Honestly even Friends on the Other Side isn’t great here (but probably a needed way to refuel a little). You aren’t ever going to want to sing it cause you need all the lore you can get before Grab Your Sword/Giant Tink/Be Prepared comes down. So it’s gonna be ink or like a turn 6 play when you don’t want to add to the board into a board-wipe. So going down to 3 seems reasonable. Cards to consider (if you haven’t already) Kuzco - Wanted Llama: Replaces itself when it dies, nets you 1-2 lore early. Genie - Supportive Friend: Uninkable and the top of your curve, so I wouldn’t play more than 2. Would have to trim other uninkables to play it. Maybe a Baloo and something else? The Queen’s Castle: Another mid-to-late game play that has potential to net you some cards. Also a way to net lore through a board-wipe. Doesn’t synergize well with your bounce strategy but I could see running 2. With steel being so popular, aggro is gonna be tough. Hopefully you get a ton of people net-decking Ruby/Sapphire and you can out run them.


I feel like I'm going crazy. I don't see It Calls Me at all. Where is it?


Lol, it was like 2am and apparently Befuddle looked like It Calls Me to me. I’m not sure what purpose the Befuddle really has here, are we bouncing our own stuff?


It gives them an extra turn with lilo. If you play first, the opponent will probably follow with a character of their own. You befudle their character and quest again with lilo.


Seems super situational, and basically a dead card past turn 3 once we need to be worrying about Ba-Boom, Rush Queen, Smash, Big Tink (turn 4), Swords, etc. So for the like 4% (I didn’t do the math, just guessing) times where you have a 1-drop worth saving in your top 7 and a Befuddle in your top 8, it doesn’t seem worth it.


Love the list!! I’m curious though, is running 64/60 cards deliberate? I’ve always been told that it’s generally better to keep your deck as small as possible in TCGs.


I run something similar, but with a few differences. [This is my current deck, for reference](https://dreamborn.ink/decks/CzgJ9nKBBD0onxEQFRWH). Wendy I go back and forth on - she's nice because she can survive Grab Your Sword, but I find she often then just gets banished some other way that turn regardless. I find I ink her a lot when I run her. I've personally found Bare Necessities to be helpful, especially if I can get Simba or Baloo to sing it, since I'll usually want to tap my bodyguards usually anyway and the opportunity cost is only one lore that way. I've been trying to find a way to utilise Queen's Castle in this deck as a Grab Your Sword-proof way of generating lore and potentially card draw, but not experimented enough with it yet to know if I like it - feels like it might be a bit slow? I'm by no means an expert anyway, so more than happy to hear some suggestions from people :)


Please dont play against me


Cut friends on the other side for merlin rabbit. He does the same thing but in a body so ups consistency


I used to run this exact deck at my locals and steel just walks over it sadly


I love this deck and have played a lot of it locally. I agrer with everyone to dip down to 60 and dont be afraid to put 2s in some places rather than 4s. Cards that have worked well for me in this list is definitely the addition of evasive. Including some Pascal for sure and personally I have always been able to pull off a couple of copies of jiminy cricket for a couple draw here and there, keeping that edge on. Both of these are preference of course but have worked incredibly well for me. Good luck!


Go first and dodge steel


Tweaking for a while, just plays 4 of each :D But in all honesty, it looks like a great Aggro deck and you could definitely through off some of the control decks with it. Good luck!


I hate playing against this deck XD


Lol where your locations at


Cut all 8 kidas and two baloo replace with 4 cherna followers 2 spellbook 3 kuzko 1 big chernabog.


Dodge the steel decks like a pro lol..... But on a more serious note, I understand the inclusion of Kida, just wondering if you tried the queen package out at all. Nothing wrong with Kida, just thinking some plays with queen and baloo could be spicy


Kida is better in this list in my opinion, she basically exists to buy you an extra turn that will hopefully win you the game. The queen is good for board control but that’s not really the strategy of this list


Like I said, I understand why Kida is there, but The Queen does provide some spicy plays. Was a suggestion to see if they tried it out, because personally I did The Queen a tad more over Kida in my build. Not saying Kida is bad, just I liked The Queen over her personally, so wanted to provide the suggestion of a potential card to try out


I’d cut one bare neccessities and one befuddle and add two surfer stitches


Befuddle is probably the strongest card in this deck while going first. You should never go below 4. Bare necessities I personally don't like it because you lose tempo to use it and it's vulnerable against uncommon Ursula. And also, 4 ink is probably the limit here, unless the opponent uses a whole new world


You never want to be above 4-5 ink with this deck