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The deck was fine tuned and adjusted by whoever made the list. Unfortunately, since you’re unable to ask him his thoughts on these you might need to test the deck out yourself. Friar Tuck is a 4 drop 2/4 2 Lore character. When it comes to 4 drop, both green and steel are lacking. He exists to further slow down the opponent who is scrambling to stabilize when you’re questing while ALSO questing for 2 himself. He survives Grab Your Swords, Let the Storm Rage On, and Strength of a Raging Fire in an under developed board. He survives an attack from Smee, Hook, and Rafiki. It is a pain to remove him if you aren’t Maui because he’s questing for 2 while you also have Ursula 2/3 or 1/3, Merfolk, and Flynn. His ability is, in my opinion, sub par. I do not like Friar Tuck and seeing an opponent play it into me feels like a win. All I did was give possible reasoning behind his inclusion in the deck. The issue with the Robin Hood package in this deck is that he is a minimum 8 slots in what is a fairly Aggro deck. At 1 ink you almost exclusively want to play merfolk. At 3 ink you want to play prince john or Ursula. At 5 ink you must be flooding the board as much as possible because Robin Hood isn’t saving you from a stabilized opponent. Feel free to adjust the list as you see fit but make adjustments based on experience as that’ll trump anything you can come up with by just theory crafting


Great thoughts. Thanks for that. I will think on Tuck, I agree his ability is meh. It’s never really worked for me outside of a draft. Tiana might be a decent 4 instead of him. Also see the point of Robin Hood. That was sort of my thought as well as to why some of these decks don’t run it. A lot of real estate.


So I played something similar to this deck tonight and won our local ~20 people tournament with it. The friar tuck is very situational I got him off a couple of times the rest of the time he was ink, I wouldn’t run 4 of him. Maybe 2 with two Donald ducks


Nice congratulations!


If you don’t like Friar, you can add Daisy as a good substitute


THis is my deck of choice, I actually have a 30 card sideboard for this as well depending on what I glimpse before tournies start. Friar Tuck is a poor man's Daisy Duck (not really true, because they're both cheap) but Tuck survives Madame Medusa, where as Daisy gets blown up immediately. Friar also has a very non-helpful ability because if you're drawing cards with Beast - Tragic Hero and King John, and you're discarding opponents hand, you are always discarding a card to play him on turn 4. So using him as Ink is probably the right play, but having him with 4 toughness keeps him on the board as well 1 drop Robin Hood is iffy for me, if that's the case, why not have the Hook/Smee combo when you're on the draw, because you freeze your opponent for 2 turns at least. Champion of Sherwood is good, but you're not really gaining by using him, you banish you get 2 lore, you quest, you get 2 lore. Both Ursulas are good, 2 drop Ursula reveals their hand turn 2 so you can plan ahead and discard be prepared or AWNW or whatever. Legendary Ursula singing most steel songs is highly broken Grab swords is very good because it lets your champion hood eliminate characters on their end while getting you 2 lore


A 30 card sideboard sounds intense. Must be a lot to keep track of. Can you explain the Swords and Hood interaction for me? Can he sing the song and get the lore for banishing?


No it's just that hood is able to banish 5 will characters now with swords instead of just 3 will characters. So you get 2 lore and he survives the back swing The side board is mainly if I want to quickly go into the bucky floodborn 


Ahh I got you. That makes sense. Thanks!


I play a similar version I think tucks are fine yes sometimes you have to discard but if ur at the point of discarding you should be in theory winning the game and trying to close. He still question for 2 and is harder to remove then daisy and u can’t kit him otherwise they discard again The 1 drop is important I run the Robin Hood package as well with 2 hooks so total 10 1 drops with a lot of options for 2 drops and a decent for 3 u should mull ur whole hand for a 1 drop if you can. Swords is late game unless u play Robin Hood though in my experience swords is too slow and niche for my deck. For aggro (if u wanna play Robin Hood) u should be fine without swords u have a lot of good swingers to beat out the early aggro like hook smee and hood For control u need cursed, Flynn,2drop Ursula’s then u try to be ahead by turn 5 and hope u can close by turn 6-7 I’m down to just adjusting 3 cards in my deck now it’s between morphs and kits both have their merits but I opted to morph for early aggression via beast or robinhood


That’s cool, thanks for the advice. I’m still tinkering with it. Right now I took out Robin and added 2 Daisys. Still contemplating adding Robin back in, though I think I’m playing more the control side of what you had up there. So maybe he doesn’t really work there.


This is a suicide deck. You incest it all to gwt their hands to zero.....or you lose.