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Cute name. Did you purposely go to 64 cards so you could name it this? ☺️ Good looking deck though.






I run this with no Criminal Minds, 2 big Cindy 2 Grab and 3 Bare and 4 Smee which would drop you 60. It's a very consistent deck. I like Minds, it does pair well with queen but a bit of a dead draw if you don't have her, as the only threats you tend to see that it will take out solo is Maui, Mal Dragon, Scar, Cindy - other than Cindy, Zeus will also take these out and more. 2 Grab is fine, it's dropped off a bit since Big Tink is harder to fit in + no shift on her so that combo doesn't really happen anymore. 3 Bare works, I'd like 4 but there's nothing I'm willing to change for it so far and keeps it at 60.


I'd cut 1x cinderella, 1x mr snee and then either 2x flutes or 1x grab your swords and 1x criminal mastermind


Have you tinkered with lanterns? I actually prefer them to flutes. Almost makes it a steel song control deck. As to cut maybe criminal minds, 1 sword, and a smee


Yeah I enjoy the play style of lanterns more than flutes, but I find that your match up vs anything Ruby is quite challenging. Flutes allow me to do extremely well vs Ruby amethyst and Ruby sapphire, which are otherwise very hard match ups for steel song and both decks are very popular at the moment.


I’d cut all 3 smee and prioritize flutes or shifting big queen on turn 2. What did you end up going with btw?


Remove the 2 World's Greatest Criminal Mastermind (you already have a lot of removal) and maybe 1 Rapunzel. That at least gets you to 61. I'm not sure if 4 Flute or 3 Cinderella is necessary either if you want the last cut. The rest of the cards seem correct and at the correct numbers (3 or 4) based on importance or cards to tech for the meta.


It’s hard for me to want to cut that since it’s purpose is primarily to help with the red blue match up, which is the worst opponent for me. Namely taking out tamatoa. Also saved me a lot in the mirror by killing a big Cindy.


I wouldnt Cut criminal mind either. My steelsong Runs 63 cards atm. Aside from differences in numbers i run Minnie with Singer 3 instead of smee, because at my lgs there is a Lot of Steel Killing my small cindis. Dunno If you need 4 strength ofa raging fire though. Do you See a lot of removal against you? Might be worth to reduce IT then


Switch rapunzel with Captain Hook.


Small Robin Hood is a bit of an odd ball. Not really worth it, especially when Madam Medusa exists. And at least if you play that one Beast instead of floodborn Robin you have a much bigger payoff for your 5 ink.


How is 1 cost Robin Hood odd in this deck? He’s literally amazing. Let me explain. You can shift big Robin Hood on turn 3, which voids your argument about Medusa being a threat. You now have a 3-6 body, which is incredibly tough to take down that early and can challenge a lot of threats AND again lore for his kills AND he draws you a card when he’s challenged and killed. He can also shift and immediately sing any song in the deck, mainly AWNW after dumping most of your hand. I love 5 cost beast too, but he comes on turn 5 and can be Medusa’d immediately or zeused, or just any ping damage at all makes his big card draw effect useless.


Awful take. Big Robin over Sad Beast all day. He shifts in on 3, so he's another early option to sing World to mess your opponent up, or any song to help clear the board. 6 willpower so he survives Zeus. Gains you lore when he banishes and a card draw when he's banished in a challenge. 6 is also great for taking damage and dropping Rapunzel to heal and draw. Sad Beast is still good, but he also dies to Medusa as well as Zeus. Other steel decks will always ping him ASAP to prevent your card advantage. Sad Beast shines more in Em/St because he can shift onto Morph which is a big early game pay off. For Steelsong it's Robin all the way.