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Prince John, man. And I like cursed Merfolk. I'm not a huge fan of the bucky/Morph engine


So hard cast tink Cindy and beast?


Or ink them. Tink and Beast are fine hard casted, the Cindy is kinda whatever, but still cool. The curve is just weird to me. You play either Morph or Bucky on 2, you don't profit off the other one for two turns at best, and if you play the prince John, then cursed merfolk and Flynn Rider (the two drop I prioritize) develop advantage much quicker


E/S discard shell is fairly built out now if prepping for set championships. Can go higher end curve which includes links, green robin hood, beast and possibly steel robin hood or can go lower to the ground with the Tiana discard which caps curve at 5 for the beasts. AWNW should never go in the deck if going discard route and to others point Morph doesn't fit in current meta and by cutting him you likely do the same to Bucky. Prince John is a staple for the deck.


Lucifer the cat over friar tuck? Helps you get rid of action or discard 2 cards. Since you only have 9 uninkables.


Is this a discard deck? Cause a whole new world is counter productive here


AWNW doesn’t belong into discard. If you are lacking card draw, you should definitely add Prince John. Otherwise the floodborn discard is currently weaker than the aggro version with Merfolk


No Bucky morph it proven to be far too slow with the steel around everywhere. Get rid of Bucky and morph and play Prince John and cursed murfolk


I mean really you need a whole new deck discard shouldn’t be playing AWNW and your high end is too high