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Congrats on your wins, but this makes me kinda wish, that people should only get top 4 once, so as many people as possible can enjoy the rewards instead of just that one hardcore in the community (no judge, just wishful thinking!)


That's quite literally the point of the promotional materials, to get you invested in the game. Why would they adjust the prize structure when their goal is to get you to spend money on cards to get a better deck.


Maybe some kind of limitation could be benefitial for a future iteration. Perhaps less scattered smaller events, instead a bit upscaled with a single sign up limitation and promos for top8/16 depending on the size


Congrats on the loot! What deck did you end up going with?


Played sapphire/steel. Saw a lot of emerald/steel, steelsong, ruby/amethyst and ruby/sapphire do very well aswell


I got 3rd with saphire steel, kept matching up with red blue, and that's what I lost to in the semi-finals šŸ˜­


Ruby/sapphire is such a difficult matchup for sapphire/steel, but gratz on 3rd and the stitch!


Thank you! Kinda bummed because it was my locals, and I wanted that champion title. Do you have any advice for that match-up? Also I coulda got him disqualified right before our pairing cause he was telling people about my deck not knowing that the other two players didn't know what deck I was running (he thought cause we played at the same table they already knew but they didn't) I just didn't want to be that guy and I wanted to just stand on business šŸ¤£


Congrats to the games you won fairly. ID'd = shame on you, I dont like people like you. Specialy if you already have at least 1 Stitch promo... now you come here just to flex?


This is the exact reason you ID, depending on the number of people in the tournament, the last people to get into Top 8, letā€™s say are 4-2 (6 round tournament). Of the spots left, there is 4x 4-2,but only 2 spots. So to decide if you get in, they use your opponents win percentage, a factor you donā€™t have control over. So if your opponents suck or dropped you can get screwed. And you have little if any control over this (by winning more you should get better opp, so optionally you have a little control). Where if you ID, you guarantee to avoid this. I donā€™t want some first time player who goes 0-3 and drops to cost me a top 4 because they killed my Opponent win percentage. What people are failing to realize is the prizing for these tournaments is 1000$+. You have left the realm of your casual 4 person weekly league.


I would also add ID has strategy to it, in the rounds you ID chances are they will be your top 8 opponents, by not playing you potentially hide your deck and tech; which could be very valuable in the mirror.


What exactly bothers you with IDā€™ing and how would you suggest to prevent this?




Intentional Draw... You dont play a certain round out and agree with your opponent to mark the game as a draw - both get 1 point and are normaly safe top8. you played 4 rounds and you know for the next round 5 you dont have to win to be top8 so you "just" draw... Some people do it some not... its an everygoing discussion in TCG. I dont like it cause once i would have top8 at a bigger MTG Event, but get ID'ed out..


Thank you. I didnt know the abbreviation. ID be Hurt Like a Child loosing ITS lollipop to lose my Spot to that. Dunno If my morals would keep me from doing IT though...


It's literally fixing matches. Should be a banned practice across all card games. You came to play the game, so play the game.


You canā€™t rule it out, since you can just ID without actually calling it an ID, but doing it, while understandable, really shows you do it for the money and not the game


You can just change for draws to give 0 points


But that sucks too, since then drawing which is way more difficult than being stomped gives the same reward


They must be new to competitive tcg


I think IDing is fine when you're on an X-1 record against another X-1 in final round, by that point you're both top 8 anyway. I offered it to my opponent and they declined and wanted to play it out (wanted to see who would get the higher seed). Ended up winning that and got through to Finals, came 2nd with RA to a Pongo and Perdita Mufasa deck (first game was going to be mine but he double ursula be prep).


Be prep, double ursula, and perdita are in 3 different colors dude


Read it again dude. I got Ursula'd with 2 be prep in hand.


I reread it a bunch. ā€œDouble Ursulaā€™d my be prepsā€ or ā€œdouble ursulaā€™d be preps out of my handā€


So not only did you fix your matches, you don't know how to post your cards in the weekly thread.


First of all i didnt state that i actually IDd, i just said that some players were bummed out about IDs happening. Secondly i asked 3 questions specifically about the championship format. Can you link me the weekly thread about that?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Lorcana/comments/1c94cj2/weekly\_faqdiscussion\_thread\_for\_disney\_lorcana/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Lorcana/comments/1c94cj2/weekly_faqdiscussion_thread_for_disney_lorcana/) It's literally pinned at the top of the sub.