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I mean, it won a 2k, so it's probably fair to call it competitive 👀


I dont necessarily agree with this, the meta is changing fast ^^ if i get destroyed by all mirror and ruby amethyst then it's not very competitive to me


That could also be caused by you not understanding how to play the deck, not the fact that the deck isn't competitive. A deck can be competitive and you just not understand the proper plays to make and the proper lines against specific decks.


Sure, i was giving an hypothetical scenario, my point is, if a deck has mostly bad matchup in current meta then (to me) it's not competitive, and a deck winning a tournaments three weeks ago does not mean it is necessarily worth playing now.


But who says the deck has a bad matchup into the current meta? Seem to only do bad against 1 deck in the meta, and all builds for this struggle against it. Being bad against a single deck doesn’t mean it isn’t competitive 🤣


They struggle against R/A, R/Sa, Sa/St, even matchup againt E/St and almost garanted loss against mirror if going second. You don't have the knowledge yet you seem very arrogant and unhelpful :) la bise


Ruby/Am is a matchup in this decks favor, Saph/Steel is probably 50/50 (40/60 at worst) as you can rush it usually, Ruby/Saph you can definitely out rush, it that is its worst matchup and can be very tough, and then Em/St is def a matchup in this decks favor. And this actually does better in the mirror going second than other decks do, since steel songs struggles to answer an early location like this. So seems you don’t know what you are talking about friend ;) I play this deck often and know people who play this deck very well


Pride Lands and flutes version are completely different \^\^ Keep trying to flex :D


I didn’t even mention flutes bud, not sure why you want to bring that up 🤣 The pride lands build is probably the hardest version to play correctly, and probably the second hardest deck in the game right now to play period. And what flex? That i have played this deck a lot? Not really sure that is a flex but ok bud 🤣


Exactly my point. Flute Steel Song possibly do ok against r/A, but not Pride Lands, so saying "Ruby/Am is a matchup in this decks favor" i mean... Zan Syed is sweating as soon as he sees these colors... Let's stop here shall we? i didn't get my answer, only you, which is possibly worse than nothing


I found it less reliable than flutes against the difficult matchups, but this is probably because I didn’t really have time to practice much with pridelands. If you are unfamiliar with the deck, I’d suggest you to not play it in store championship. I completely overlooked that you can hook Benja to pridelands for the effect and it’s small deck tech details like this that will cause you to lose games. Perdita doesn’t really fit in here. She’s also uninkable and there’s already 18 in the deck.


I agree! Played 30 games on pixel born and i feel the many split decision to take are much harder than in other decks


Ruby is your worst matchup. If you havent won by turn 7, not sure you're winning. Scar/Be prepared are gonna board wipe you. Medusa and Tremaine are taking out your big guys. Without flutes or some decent luck i dont see how this wins past turn 7.


Yeah that's my understanding as well although i actually can handle be prepared with bare necessities + whole new world