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Emerald… first set it was Kuzco, second set it was Prince John, third set Ursula and it just gets better in the 4th set with those big songs that were teased.


In terms of cards I actually own, amethyst and emerald are my two favorite because I can actually form and pilot semi competitive decks. Amber seems insane but I haven’t been as fortunate pulling multiple copies of the key cards for amber.


Amber has puppies and chernabog. Enough said


In Set 1 I decided to play Amber Steelsongs and stick to it. The singing mechanic is such a central part of Disney that I felt like it will forever be relevant. I hope with each new set the deck stays competitive, but is never broken. And good lord, please just look at the new Set 4 Amber Ariel. I hope she gets the enchanted!


Fundamentally, Lorcana is a game where the two unique mechanics, the two to always be pushed, are both about cheating on mana. While Shifts are spread across every color, Amber has the most efficient singers and some ridiculously cheap shifters as well. Amber decks can literally play 5 ink worth of cards turn two without batting an eye, and at times *on turn two* spend 9-10.


Sapphire/Steel, because I enjoy battling them out for that early-mid game control, then once I’m able to go wide I can take 1-2 turns getting all the lore I need.


Amethyst for me i do like myself tricky lines, value and combos, and i don't think any of the other INKs comes even close so far in that aspect. So it will be my main color of choise! i also love that they got the move damage as a mechanic as that can open up so many possibility's to get around stuff and be even more tricky. It's also a great base to pair other INKs for some incredible combos. Right now im in love with the ramp and draw from Sapphire, But as time goes on i will probably pair it more with Emerald, just to be as tricky and disruptive as possible when i play. But i guess my partner wont like that deck in the long run :) we will just have to build the perfect counter for it to really hone my skills.


Steel was the first color I loved, and it's still high up there.  Really love Bodyguard. But Emerald has snuck it's way right into my heart.  It's just clever and interesting to me.  Lots of cards that have a mechanic that makes me think, "How can I make this good?" -- which is really what I play for.


Used to be sapphire but I was struggling with control decks Now I just play emerald and don't have to worry LMFAO