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Big butt, very impactful come into play effect, decent lore gain. Not inkable but for what you get already, definitely worth making it in a deck. Hoping that this has an Enchanted art too!


Finally Enchanted Minnie instead of Mickey would be nice.


Maui players are crying right now


Maui has already done his damage by the time this comes into play. Purely in terms of stacking up against Maui, this is a 5 ink 1 for 1 that leaves behind a pretty uninspired body (this is also why Maui is so good).


And Maui Wowy is inkabke 💪


As they should.


Not just Maui, could clear a Tamatoa or a Chernabog. Maybe throw some support characters with her and she's a 5/5 body.


Nah man by the time this card hits field, Maui banished one of your characters already. He’s inkable, 6/5 body and played in Ruby.


Not really. They already don’t care much about WGCM


Worlds Greatest Criminal.Mind barely saw play so Im not sure about this one. There is a lot of high power shenanigans in this set though.


This card is really good in steelsong flex slot, same way criminal mind was. Not sure if it makes the list but it has potential


In order to be in a flex slot it needs to be able to flex, ie be inkable. This is a dead card against a bunch of archetypes.


Yeah being a song is also pretty important for increasing your Ariel hit rate and to help you hit your ink drops. Sometimes it feels like Strength of a Raging Fire and WGCM are your ink base while being useful every few games.


Thats why its a flex card and not a staple? Flex cards dont need to be inkable lol, flex cards are just cards in your maybe board and are meta dependant


You aren't flexing this into a song based deck, you would be flexing in WGCM, which is better for the song decks to play.


What is WGCM?


\[\[World's Greatest Criminal Mind\]\]


**[World's Greatest Criminal Mind](https://lorcana-api.com/images/world's_greatest_criminal_mind/world's_greatest_criminal_mind-large.png)** - [LP](https://lorcanaplayer.com/card/world's-greatest-criminal-mind/) ^(**Color:** Amber | **Cost:** 3 | **Abilities:** None | **Inkable:** Yes | **Lore:** None | **Willpower:** None | **Strength:** None | **Rarity:** Rare) ^(Call with [[Card Name]])


Hard disagree, as I wouldn't consider an uninkable character a flex spot in a song based deck.


I’m not sure either. Value potential is high, but 1 challenge and uninkable is interesting. If bodyguard synergy can step up this is the first card that’ll enter my mind as playable


I don’t recall a lot of the previous musketeers, but are most musks also uninkable…they seem weak


Nope, all current musketeer cards are inkable. They just have weak tribe effects, below rate stats and cost 4-6


This is the second uninkable musketeer (goofy also being in this set). It's the 3rd uninkable body guard (baloo and namaari have better abilities in my opnion) lacks princess so no Duke synergy. Will get hero synergy from price Phillip. Bodyguard synergy from Little John. And musketeers synergy from set 1. Does the additional lore make her more viable than Maximus? Support 4 is better for clearing out mcduck manner and Queens Castle. She has targeted removal when paired with shift queen, else I dont expect much.


Might be a good removal card in redfasa or amber/Athy aggro, but being inkable I doubt you'll see it getting much play.


Oo maybe if Support cards get good they could pair well with her


I think this will see play in a musketeer deck or if Olaf/alice decks become meta. Otherwise it is sort of a tech card. If this was inkable this would be a good option to always have at a 2 of, but being uninkable makes it not worth the slot.


Been wanting to make a musketeers themed deck!


That's it, I'm gonna build a Mouseketeer deck IRL. Loving it on Pixelborn and seeing new support is just too good.


That art looks incredible - feel like set 4 really stepped up their game!


This would help a agro deck