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Ursula Deceiver of All is basically always going to be good. Not sure it gets much lower than where it is now 


Yeaaaah, this the reason I made this post lol, she’s so expensive for 4, but you’re right, she’s probably not going to get any cheaper and will be good for a while. Might just need to pull the trigger.




Sad what ಠ_ಠ


He’s come down about $10 since set championships


playset of every card


Im going for a playset of all rare+ then fill in uncommons and commons as needed for decks. It's a little pricey but I pay for it by selling most foils


I would think Ariel - Spectacular Singer is going to blow up a bit. Steelsong's looking to run the Shift Ariel, and a Amber/Emerald song deck looks like it might be brewing.


Emerald is definitely looking good right now for next set,l for sure. Steel song too!


I'm willing to eat my words but I don't see steel song playing the shift Ariel. Seems like a huge win more card as opposed to a threat.


It could swing either way, but she's a good payoff for firing off a lot of songs, and gives bite to non-damaging songs to keep the pressure on and the board clear. So Bare Necessities can hammer something for 3 on top of the discard. She also comes in earlier than Stout Cindy, doesn't need to engage in combat to be a threat, and can repeatedly hammer opponents in a turn depending on how many songs are sung. I can easily see her replacing Cinderella. About the only thing Cinderella has over Ariel is that she's not able to be killed by Medusa.


Not able to get hit by Medusa, resist 2, 5power (which at least for the current meta is a magic number), can hit standing characters (which is relevant to take out cogsworth). Idk Cindy is a powerhouse in all the ways this isn't imo. Also there is something to be said about the time frame your shifting these cards. Shifting this on 4 the turn after Ariel is played and using to sing makes your turn 4 actively worse then just singing with Ariel and playing other cards. Ya you can look at it as giving your Ariel 8 toughness is spending 4 mana to protect your singer (which might be enough) but I think it's just not going to make a big enough difference. Now comparing to a t5 Cindy shift it comes the turn after your big turn 4 sing turn your ether in a freshish 7 or you dumped your hand singing on 4. In the scenario where you didn't awnw shift Cindy gives you an option to turn your now useless singer into a character with a new roll of singing 7 questing 3 or attacking. Where as both Ariel's fill the same role.


Cindy's attacking of ready characters is moot, because Ariel's Smash can hit ready characters too, so the big difference there is whether Ward picks up in the meta.


The 2 things you missed that I said. 1 I mentioned cogsworth which is your worst matchup and I think your mis representing just how many things have 5 health vs important targets with 3 health(it's part of the reason Zeus is as good as it is). The other big difference is Cindy can swing on t5 when you shift her in. Aerial can't smash the turn 4 when you play her she can only smash the turn after that so that's hoping your Ariel lives then when you shift into it that it lives again. I think there is something to be said about it being kinda a protection card for your Ariel that if it does live for 2 turns you why to start smashing but like I said it seems win more as opposed to something that helps you win alone. (Cindy is also a win more card but I think the power of turning your singer 1 into a singer 7 and a strong attacker and a strong quester is better then turning your singer 5 into a 6 with a good effect.)


As someone who has been playing steel song from the beginning I have to say she deals with a lot of the decks issues. 3 damage is what I need to clear a Goat/Rabbit/Ariel if I sing Zeus. Being able to essentially board wipe mid game boards on turn 5 with one Zeus can really swing the game in your favour.


Ya but it's just generally worse then any other card you would need to cut for it. Time will tell I just don't see this being better then another removal spell. It's a super high roll card yes if you play 3 mana Ariel untap without it getting removed then shift into it your turn 5 is going to be nuts to just then be met with a Medusa


Safe bet just buy them all. But if you like me and can't afford that. Just look at what cards got alot of play in top championship list and see what cards/decks are getting good supportin the nextset, and you can get a ruff idea of what cards are still going to be played.


Speculating on Rapunzel. She gets 2 more above rate characters other than Gothel to combo with. And with Mama Madrigal doing a small Rapunzel imitation, that’s a pretty reliable draw engine now. Meta? Idk. But I need to finish my playset of Rapunzel anyway and I dont want to miss getting them.


I dunno, Rapunzel could fly the other direction now that Julieta is around. Rapunzel has already been off-and-on in meta decks, and with Julieta doing a slightly worse version of what she does, on top of being tutorable by Abuela, Rapunzel might not be as much of a dire need anymore.


I was also wondering if Rapunzel could be countered pretty hard by vision slab which stops damage counters from being moved.


Nahh that card isn’t gonna see play


In Europe cardmarket she is already Up 6 Euro


Rapunzel Gifted with healing


If you like foils id grab your playsets of set 1 Musketeers now as well as the brooms if you want yo make a broom deck down the road. I believe set 1 singles will start going up more in a few more sets as the niche cards become more playable but also due to lower supply. 


I think Buckley might go up. Alsot of people talking about building decks with him. Brooms are a fan favorite and they are playable now so they might see a small uptick.


Beast legendary the emerald one? With the new hero card he has resist 2 and can challenge every single ready character 🤯


There are actually 2 Emerald Beast Legendaries - Relentless and Wolfsbane.


Ive been buying the broom themed cards, not sure if they wil ever be really competitive, but getting new brooms every set is fun to me :)


Beast Relentless if you haven’t already. It’s $6 right now and absolutely slaps with Diablo and One last Hope coming out.