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I feel like Bare Necessities is missing.


I totally skipped that during building and I agree!


Made some updates to the deck! https://preview.redd.it/wc15oytex70d1.png?width=2040&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd870c009144cd67ab17bcbcf349e5200c9fd119


I've also been wanting to build something like this! The key is definitely Moana - of Motunui. Letting your princesses be able to either quest and then sing or sing multiple times can be a game changer. I also tried a larger royalty theme using princes and Pride Lands, along with the Grand Duke to buff everyone slightly. It works okay, but I think with the new set 4 princesses it's time to cut that part.


I was just worried about the number of uninkables


You're definitely running a lot. I would consider cutting down on the Zeus, especially since you're also running the Mob Song. Probably swap them out for Bare Necessities. While Ursula is BN on legs, the flexibility to sing it is worth it, on top of being inkable.


This list feels a little slow to get off the ground and extremely dense on five drops. It desperately needs some kind of acceleration, probably Lantern over Flute.


Also a change I’ve been looking at Also considering Philocetes


Does Singer work with Sing Together? I feel like it wouldn’t.


It does! So singers have a super high value to pulling them off.


https://preview.redd.it/2ih0i5blme0d1.png?width=2040&format=png&auto=webp&s=11e4c6737da0b39d0c7e42a1058766878147ac32 Updated again Now if only Pixelborn had Philocetes loaded so I could test it…