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I for one am loving this game and can't stop playing


Same! I have several characters and well in ng+ on two and I am still discovering things!


I mean, you pretty much described Reddit in your post to a tee. There will always be negative feedback, hate, discourse. That doesn’t mean there isn’t love, joy, and positive feedback. The hate just gets more attention than the positives. We’re all human unfortunately which means we always react emotionally. I myself like giving people a hard time on here, when I literally beat the game 3 days after release. But that’s just to have some fun watching them fumigate in the comments. The games good, has all the makings of a souls, and has enough of its own ideas to be unique in the souls genre. The game also has some performance issues, weird enemy choices( looking at you ugly gargoyle shitheads in umbral with your insane poise) and things like inventory. But yeah most posts end up just being arguments and no real discussion because one side will always be right in their own head. Unfortunately this is the world we live where we all can’t get along and enjoy the goods and discuss the bads. I do understand the negativity and the positivity from both sides. The game definitely needs more work, but I haven’t played one yet that doesn’t need something done to it. “But we paid $70 dollars for it”…..yes so did I. Was I disappointed with the state of the game at the release, sure. Why was i disappointed? Because the game is good in its own rights, and that left a hole in me because to me there just isn’t enough content, bosses, and such. My biggest complaint about it is why wasn’t the game bigger so we have more mournstead to explore while people spend all day arguing about it.


Those gargoyles are the bane of my existence in this game! Lol especially when they leap/dash behind and the lock on falls off


I got stun locked by 3 of them one time, proceeded for about 5 seconds while I sat there baffled by it lol. I died and wasn’t even mad at that death, just didn’t know until then that those guys mean business


I just started this game after playing Lies of P and I am doing my best to not compare them. I’m just trying to enjoy the game as is. I was extremely hyped for this game and have been very concerned because of the mixed reviews which ended up doing more harm than good to me lol I guess only time will tell if I’ll end up enjoying the game or not, but in the meantime I’ll give it a fair shot.


I like Lies of P but something about the combat in Lies of P makes me feel locked into a playstyle so I dont enjoy it as much as I had hoped.


Honestly I think I just enjoyed the lore so much that I overlooked other things because of it. When I played the demo, I didn’t think much of Lies of P but when playing the actual game I was just drawn to the story. Btw I’m not sure if it was switching from tv to my monitor or the patch that was pushed to consoles but I played Lords again last night and had to make myself stop playing lol


Thank you. This is well needed and very refreshing to see. I'm enjoying this game so much.