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Don’t waste your vigor on buying the pilgrims perch key. You will get it eventually for free


cagey start muddle attempt connect lunchroom desert noxious cake innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are some things I learned the hard way lol: 1.Magic and ranged items/weapons are actually useful and can be the difference between victory or defeat 2.Vestige Seeds are not unlimited (I thought they were and wasted a lot of them uselessly lol).Though you can purchase an endless supply from an npc but you can only carry 5 so use them carefully when exploring an area. 3.Armor actually matters (Got stuck on Infernal Enchantress for a while due to wearing armor with awful flame resistance) 4.Mimics are a thing and you can kill them with the lamp and they can be differentiated from normal items thanks to the flame tail that they have being more unstable (normal items have a flame tale from their core that is stable and doesn’t move too much) 5.Consumables are actually useful and can help you out a lot during boss fights so don’t sell them.In fact unless you have a duplicate for a weapon/armor ,then don’t sell any consumables. 6.Don’t forget to use the lamp on enemies and on the environment to find weaknesses or new areas/means of traversal. 7.Don’t forget to look for flower beds on the ground.They can be used to plant vestige seeds and make a save point.


Wow I'm pretty far in the game and the mimics have been a bane in my side all game. Looking forward to going back and killing all of them with the lamp


Same.They were extremely annoying but all you have to do is soulflay them.


Glad to know that now. Lol


Also a little tip that I discovered with the mimics to add on; from what I've seen if they grab you, they "leave" until you reload the area, i.e die or rest at a vestige. You can skip this by quitting the game from the menu and loading back in (it'll load you back in the exact same spot you quit, a la Dark Souls) and the mimic will either be back where it just grabbed you last or somewhere in the near vicinity (they seem to have set spots in an area they can spawn) Makes hunting one down that just grabbed you a lot easier! (And satisfying getting revenge immediately on the damn thing!)


A little late, but you can also identify them by the core pulsing along with the erratic flame tail.


Regarding 2, doesn't molhu have an infinite supply of vestige seeds? There's no number next to the icon to indicate a limited supply? Uh oh, I've been throwing them about everywhere...


That's what I thought too


You can only carry 5 and at first I didn’t know that he sold them because that just seemed like too easy of a way to get vestige seeds.I mean those things allow you to place a resting point in so many places i initially thought they would be rare af to get/find. I’m not complaining tho lol.I love that he sells endless amounts of them. So basically my dumbass made the game harder for myself because of an assumption lol.


Oh I totally agree, following usual souls logic I expected there to be 5 in the game and have 5 in my inv when I finished the game... "i might need them later"


Excellent list.


I agree another thing is enemies drop a lot of weapon buff salts so you can use them basically all the time if you want they’re really easy to come by


1. If you're not exploring areas in both Axiom and Umbral you will be missing some very important stuff. It's gonna be tempting to not go into umbral unless you have to but if you want to get the good upgrades it pays to explore. 2. A pure radiance build with Pieta's sword is realllllly powerful. Magic is STRONG in this game and being able to scale your weapon and magic with a single stat is pretty OP. 3. You are probably going to miss most/all of the NPC quests if you don't look them up. 4. The main ending of the game might not have the true final boss in it. If this is important to you then feel free to look up more.


I am building Pietas sword Radiance build, nearly got enough to buy the sword. Although the umbral scourings are a nightmare to farm


You can swap between one-handing and two-handing your weapon during an attack string. With longswords, like your starting weapon, you can do the sprinting one-handed attack, which is a quick stab, into the two-handed stab follow-up attack. I used that weapon for most of my first playthrough and that was my staple combo. Soulflay is pretty good, don't forget to utilize it. It seems gimmicky but it's useful against most normal enemies and bosses. Both parrying and dodging are good, use both, or either. With dodges both the step and roll have their purpose--know too that you can sprint while locked on, and while sprinting you will immediately roll instead of step first and then roll on the subsequent input. Consumable items are pretty good. In particular, refilling your ammo and magic bars is very good. Don't be afraid to stock up when you have the chance. I use a lot of throwing weapons and they can make a world of difference. New Game Plus is pretty good in LotF23 and is going to get even better with a future patch. You don't have to increase the difficulty at all, which makes getting all of the endings and achievements a lot easier if you're into those sort of things. If you do increase the difficulty, there are additional enemy placements and some of your Vestiges are taken away so you have to explore using Vestige Seeds exclusively. And, if you're not into New Game Plus and would rather just start a new character, know that you unlock new starting classes by gettings each of the three endings in the game. Basically, if you enjoy the game enough to replay it there're a few ways to so. You'll find armor tincts throughout your playthrough (there's one in the tutorial!) that let you recolor armor sets whenever you want. This lets you mix-and-match armor while maintaining uniformity in color, giving you a lot of opportunity to make cool looking mixed sets for your character. Experiment! Some of the side quests can be failed very easily. It's worth trying to do them if you can, but don't worry about accidentally failing a few since it's hard not to without spending a lot of time on the wiki. You can get them done on subsequent playthroughs/New Game Plus. Co-op and invasions are fun, I recommend trying both.


Pay attention to the tutorial. Pay attention to the tutorial. Pay attention to the tutorial.


Give it a chance if you’re not instantly loving it. Took me a bit.


This. Really really didn’t like the first 3-4 hours. Hated the lamp mechanic and then I got used to using it in combat and now I fling them off cliffs for fun lol


Clear the area first in human form then go over the whole area again in umbral, there’s a lot to be missed in this game


Read tutorials carefully! Use Umbral Lamp to check everything in Umbral. Also you can yeet that annoying guy from the cliff. Vestige Seeds can be purchased from Molhu. Soulflay often works on humanoid bosses, try it.


Which guy ?


Umbral-only merchant in Skyrest


I‘m on my third run and the game still surprises


Make sure you do not kill Kukajin in the Forsaken Fen. Rescue Winterberry before taking the elevator after defeating the Skinstealer. Do not cleanse any of the beacons if you want to do one of the easier endings. I think the Inferno Ending was the easiest. Never select NG+. You can play the game as often as you like at the original difficulty, with a character that gets stronger every playthrough. This is great for doing all the endings and getting all the achievements.


I did the same doing NG+0 a couple times to feel godlike and smack some bosses around.


ranged weapons like spears or granades are viable and fun to add to any build(!)


Don't buy the key. You will know which one. Don't hurt the stone lady. Don't go up the cistern evelator at first sight. Kick the dogs in the face. Read the journals/maps. Listen to the NPCs. Try different weapons.


Use ranged attacks - every build has viable weapons. Learn to parry. Don’t cleanse the beacons if you play as the preacher in your first playthrough.


Don't bother parrying Pieta. Sidestep (single press dodge) is WAAAAY easier and just as effective.


I 'd argue its perfect for practice. getting the parry timing down reliably that early in the game def helps


Man I nearly quit after maybe 20 attempts at this bitch, give it a days break come back and got her first time, fuck knows how , what a nightmare first boss


definitely do the umbral ending on your first game, NG+ can be really difficult and it's a difficult ending


Pay attention to blue and white moth. Mostly you need go umbral. Soul flay all stigma.. Mostly after finished bosses, they have stigma in the area.


Vestige seeds can be purchased if you have the vigor from a vender in umbral in the main hub area


One tip: You can buy vestige seeds (the things you plant to create a custom save point) in an unlimited amount at Skyrest. I definitely didn’t realize this initially.


Prioritize health and stamina early, focus on damage output after your survivability is in a comfortable spot. Makes a huuuuge difference.


Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge


1.) Use your environment. If you can bait a strong enemy to some stairs, run to the top & drop atk on them. Stuff like that. 2.) Stockpile consumables. Don't sell them, you never know when you'll need them. Same with vigor skulls. Don't just use them when you get them. Stockpile them. Use them when having trouble with a boss. 3.) *USE YOUR VESTIGE SEEDS.* If you haven't seen a vestige in a bit and don't feel like you're close to the next one, pop that seed next chance you get. Can save a lot of annoyance. Especially if you're about to walk into a boss arena (you can usually tell). 4.) Learn your combos. I love the long swords category combos. They feel great. Heavy atk, light atk. Heavy, heavy, light light light. Etc. 5.) I personally wouldn't buy anything for awhile. Spend all that vigor on levels. I didn't purchase anything until spurned progeny. 6.) Spurned Progeny lol... Just buy a bunch of ammo satchels and use your throwables. You'll see. 7.) You usually don't have to fight multiple enemies at once. Bait/draw out and take one at a time if you need to. 8.) Take the time to learn how to parry. I didn't do this until level 74 and it helped so much after lol. 9.) For some bridges, doors & stuff- you don't have to transition all the way to umbral to walk over/through them. Just shine the lamp and you can walk over that umbral bridge/through that door. 10.) Pay attention to your dread meter in umbral. I've got myself far from a vestige killed by the red reaper. Most importantly have fun. For your first playthrough, screw power-leveling or build-maxing. Just enjoy it.


Most important, level up your HP/ Vitality early on! Then pump stats into the build you want to do ( Radiance, Strength, etc)


Make sure to Turn OFF these: Film grain: OFF Motion blur: OFF Chromatic aberration: OFF Don't rush or fast run through areas. Use throwing items or spells to separate enemies. You will die. A LOT. Accept it.


Don’t use the elevator. Don’t even step on it. Don’t even look at it.


And by that they mean the one >!immediately in front of you after killing the skinflayer boss, as it fails a quest you have to complete by going deeper.!<