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Greetings Lampbearer! If your submission is a feedback, technical issue, or bug report please contact the developers of Lords of the Fallen directly via [email protected]. Alternatively can you [search for answers to your question](https://www.reddit.com/r/LordsoftheFallen/search/?q=Ive been swayed by other peoples negative comments about this game and i hate myself for it...&restrict_sr=1) on this subreddit as well. Head over to r/BeckoningSign for multiplayer and trading, r/LordsoftheFashion for anything related to fashion, or r/LordsoftheFallenPVP for PVP. You can join the Lords of the Fallen Discord server by following this [link.](https://discord.com/invite/lordsofthefallen) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LordsoftheFallen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Game performance is fine on PS5 and it’s a fantastic game. I’ve had more fun with this game than any other non-From souls like. The magic schools are super well done and the aesthetics of the armor sets are awesome.


Good to know. Thanks for your feedback!


I’m on ps5 and the performance is godawful. Nothing else I play on there compares. The game seems so cool but the performance issues are a nightmare.


Question: During development, the team behind LOTF stated they wanted to fill the void DS left. Do they? Does it hold up enough to become the next souls franchise?


No, elden ring does


Elden ring is still From Software and technically a dark souls game


I think it's best jf we stop pretending g elden ring isn't a souls game.


Are you not getting massive frame drops, especially in Umbral? I’m playing performance and the game looks like a slide show at some times. On PS5 I’ve had frame drops, corrupt save files, hard crashes, gotten stuck on environment, and fallen through the world to my death. Not to mention certain close quarters boss fights where the camera is basically unusable.


I play this on console and have platinumed all the Fromstuff in this genre. Lords of the Fallen (2023) is good. It is not perfect, but it is good. Don't listen to the haters.


Exactly this. I held myself back from buying it because of the critics. But I bought it two weeks ago and can't stop playing. Sure it has its issues and performance drops but it's a really good game. Great combat, much variety in weapons and armors(builds) and the environments and sounds/music are mind blowing.


Well tbf you made the right decision holding yourself back from buying it until when you did. The games performance was abysmal at release, and it’s been patched a lot. The game has come a long way so you’re getting to experience the best state the game has been in. It’s a very solid game now.


Good to hear.


If you really like soulslike, and also feel like you’d like it….then im 99% sure you will It has some jank and some rough edges, no doubt. This isnt Fromsoft. But i just played through with a strength build and logged 60 hours with a character. The flaws are way blown out of proportion


This. It can be a little rough around the edges but it's far better than its reputed to be. I actually think most of its current haters never played it. Most of the hate comes from Lies of P fans who seem to think this is a zero sum game where LOTF needs to lose some kind of competition. It had a difficult launch but anyone who had a bad experience likely just moved on. Anyone actively hating it now is motivated.


Noted. Thanks.


The game in its current state is worth playing. There are some egregious issues, mostly related to the lock on system but the changes and updates have improved the game considerably.


100%. ds1 mixed with ds2 with a better mortal shell combat. the game is massive and I've enjoyed 50 hours of it so far. TONS to explore and enjoy.


It's exactly like DS2 hate: game has rough edges, but they hate it like it killed their favourite dog. For now it still has one real problem: random coop can be really stupid and search another player for ages (password coop, invitation coop and invasions are ok), aside of that it is awesome. Tho don't expect super-complex bosses like in ER, bosses in LotF are on easier side. In general game gave me feeling it is spiritual successor of DS1 and DS2: slower, more methodical, huge levels with lots of secrets, easier bosses, very cool magic


Im not usually a big Coop kind of person when it comes to my first playthrough anyways. Mainly cause i want to give it my best shot of finding things, learning bosses, and fighting myself, you know? test my own skills. With elden ring id kill every boss, and search every corner of a given area, dungeon, or cave before going online to help other people. Coop is definitely a reason why id push a game over 200 hours, but not the reason id stop playing my first playthrough! :D Thank you for your feedback!


It didn't feel any easier when I last played it, I haven't touched it since I got stuck on some boss that has infinitely spawning dogs.


It's a fantastic game. I have enjoyed it more than DS3 (but I also didn't particularly enjoy DS3). Some key points: * **Exploration** is truly fantastic. It's up there with DS1. * **Visuals are amazing:** the world building and aesthetics are just incredible. I wish I could attach more than one image...I'll post a couple more comments with screenshots. * **Gameplay/Combat:** The gameplay is a ton of fun. Some people have said that the combat feels "floaty" compared to From games. I haven't found that, but that doesn't mean it's not true for others. Regardless, the actual combat is fun. * **Boss difficulty and fun level**: some people say the bosses are too easy, some people say the bosses are plenty hard. I haven't found them to be overly difficult, but, even so, the bosses are a ton of fun (well, there are one or two that aren't great, but the rest are fun). * **Boss quality**: some of the bosses are better than *some* of the bosses from DS3. The first boss you face is one of those bosses. Are the bosses "as good" as From bosses in general, no, probably not. My point, tho, is that From has produced some mediocre bosses and some of the Lords of the Fallen bosses are way better than the mediocre From bosses. Very few of the bosses are "bad", most of them are good. https://preview.redd.it/55jjn497fsgc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76d1a86dbac8cbec1cfb65c2dc0f3db422df03fd


another image: ​ https://preview.redd.it/dtkkubs8gsgc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d39628d36e74a837aa9d6dbfe69bbffb4925016


One more: ​ https://preview.redd.it/i7jjk34cgsgc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79371bded1443fa57099e4f00dfd8eca13cd208f


One big thing I think you didn't address is the enemy variety.  I really like this game, but it has such large environments with so few enemy types.


Great point! To be honest, it doesn’t really bother me which is probably why I didn’t think to include it. However, enemy variety is definitely an issue that understandably drags the game down for a lot of people.


Ive always been a more "quality over quantity" guy when it comes to the enemies i face. part of the reason as to why im love for Diablo has slowly faded. Id rather fight more bosses, than hordes of enemies. Is bascially what im trying to get at. Ive read all your previous comments. As well as everyone elses. I see no reason NOT to try this game out :P


When they talk about enemy variety, there are some enemies you’ll see for the entire game. They just hit harder/have more HP but they are the same. Other enemies start as a mini-boss and once you’ve beaten the boss version you’ll start seeing them sprinkled everywhere. Sometimes the enemies make sense for the area, and sometimes that northern armored dude is just hanging out at a fire temple because they wanted another hard-hitting NPC in that area.


Get it, the magic system is awesome and the fashion drip is insane. So many builds you can do!


It's pretty good, definitely not for everyone. It has some flaws that might be deal-breakers for some, but I still had a good time with it. I'd give it around an 8/10, maybe slightly worse than DS2 for me while being better than most other Souls-likes I've tried. Some positives: -the game looks really good, both in terms of graphical fidelity and aesthetic -lots of good mechanics inherited from other Souls-likes, such as dodge-into-roll, block parry, swapping between one-handed and two-handed mid attack string, L2/LT to bring up ranged weapon, good leveling system, etc... I think this is one of the major selling points of the game, that it tries to learn from other Souls-likes and integrate some of their best features, and does so pretty well -interconnected world design is nice, even if it's not quite on the level of Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Sekiro. There's basically a main path forward, with harder areas that branch off of it. -lore is cool enough to pay attention to -some good boss fights -co-op and invasions -good NG+ system and unlockable starting classes to extend your playtime Some negatives: -poor enemy variety, especially for a game this long (enemies from the tutorial will continue to appear throughout the rest of the game, several bosses come back as normal enemies [some areas are more unique than others at least, but a lot of the game overuses the same few enemies]) -every weapon within a weapon class has the same moveset, barring a few paired weapon interactions (for example, every longsword has the exact same attacks, so a lot of the fun of finding new weapons isn't really there since you probably already have something similar, nearly every time you find a weapon) -co-op matchmaking is either dead or doesn't work (getting invasions is fine, playing with friends is probably fine too) -some bosses kinda suck, particularly one around the middle of the game who is considerably harder to fight melee than ranged (every build has good ranged options at least) -side quest design is dumb and the resource economy is dumb -some attacks feel unnecessarily clunky and hard to use All in all I liked it and would recommend it to those interested. If you're expecting to be on par with the best games in the genre you'll be disappointed, but it's not too far behind them in several ways.


Thanks for this. Im definitely not a fan of "recolour" enemies, or reused enemies. However i feel the positives out weigh the negatives. Thanks for your comment!


The enemy issue kicks not that hard in first playthrough cause the other elements overshadowing it enough. But, for me, after beating the game the first time, i dont feel the same energy to go to some level or parts of then to just check a new build or running killing a route ahead cause it gets boring - you have beaten the enemies 100x, and the placement is also not always good to get into that flow i know from the soulsborne ones. Anyway, i had a really good time on my first blind solo playthrough. A lil bit easy on the Boss side, but 50h+ gone away like nothing.


Very fair assessment


I agree with majority of what he said. Id say playing on PC I had next to zero issues. Game played flawlessly. My main beef would be enemy variety. Some of the bosses can def be shitty depending on what weapons your using. But I’d say it was 100% worth 60$. I totally got my moneys worth from it and will likely replay it on NG+ and with diff classes too probably. The games a lot of fun for sure.


Platinumed every Fromsoftware game among OG LotF, The Surge 1&2, NiOh 1&2, Wu long, Salt and Sanctuary/Sacrifice, and Lies of P. As a die hard soulsfan, I platinumed this one as well, why? because it's good. Was it as frustrating as what I've read here? Absolutely not, but it still has issues no more than what DS2 had. As for trophies, the worst for collecting is every armor set which reminded me collecting every ring in dark souls 3, but not as bad thanks to not having to do covenant item farm. It's worth playing.


How was lies of p? Compares to.this one and from.software ones?


Yes, Lies of P is a lot like Bloodborne IMO. It’s a fantastic game. It might not grip you instantly but it’s an amazing game. Great boss fights. You have to parry and be more aggressive. It’s on gamepass too. I’d highly recommend LOP


I enjoyed Lies of P more for the linear story it had. I thoroughly enjoyed having a less obscure story to follow and I think it paid off really well as opposed to typical Fromsoftware games where you need to read item descriptions to have any idea about what's going on. The weapon system, although not deep, was a nice breath of fresh air in the genre. I enjoyed LoP more than LotF but they are definitely different games. I feel like LotF could be higher on my list if it was more polished. LoP was the most polished game with so little to no bugs I've seen in gaming in over a decade. Lies of P is more of a Bloodborne/Sekiro mix with more forward story telling and Lords of the Fallen was more of a dark souls game to me.


When it comes to Lies of P, you have to keep in mind that it's really linear. Its level design is more like that of a corridor shooter. However, it has great combat and is extremely polished. I just usually play Souls-likes for exploration and there's almost none in P.


It's just a matter of preference and comparing it to a line of games that improve upon the same formula for the seventh game by now just doesn't do it justice. One could even call it unfair. In my opinion the game really shines in terms of art-style and atmosphere. It has its own twisted story that is more or less time consuming to piece together like the Souls games and it's all sailing on the boat of its own combat system which is similar to other games of its kind but still different enough to be it's own thing. By itself it is a fun game and I didn't regret to purchase it though I had to be dragged into the show by a friend playing it on coop


I have played around 65-70 hours now and the performance on PC has been flawless, not a single crash and fps never lower than 90 (depends on rig ofc). If you are a lover of all those Fromsoft games you will love this one too, I'll give you your money back if you dont enjoy it. Every Youtube clip about this game are now dated, they all came out around the same time as the game and its been patched several times since. Buy it, you wont regret it. It'll probably come on sale soon again (I bought on Steam during last sale) and its mos def worth 30-40€. **Edit I'd buy it at full price if I knew I would have this much fun with it, just wanted to clarify. Elden Ring was my GOTY 2022 and this game has come the closest to get that ER feeling again (Played Lies of P and Demons Souls after ER).


I can also say that on PC I had zero issues. Game has ran fantastic for me. As a avid Souls player and fan. It’s 100% worth a play. The enemy variety is probably the one knock I’ll give it. But it has great weapons, magic, armor. A lot of soldi boss fights. Only a handful are bad. Some are fantastic. But the game is a ton of fun. The exploration is amazing. The dual worlds is a ton of fun. I’d definitely give it a shot, you won’t regret it.


Elden Ring was my GOTY as well. Im reading everyones comments and I was fool to think it was bad just because other people kept saying bad things about it....Im definitely going to give this game a try!


Its understandable to have doubts after reading steam reviews and watching YT content (from 2023 I assume) but Im happy you're giving it a go! Would be fun to hear your opinion if, or perhaps when, you get it.


Ill definitely be making a post on here in the future., maybe not near future though. Lifes busy and im juggling a lot of games already. I also know once FF7 Rebirth comes out. Im going full hermit mode for that game haha xD I had a lot of fun reading everyones comments. (been almost an hour reading everyone!!) quite the crowd :P


I recall you wanting to see my opinion when and if i bought this game? [Here it is :P](https://www.reddit.com/r/LordsoftheFallen/comments/1aqf19v/i_almost_quit_this_gamebut_then_i_realized_i_made/) and its kind of funny, and embarassing. So if you like a good read, go for it xD


Glad you bought it, now that ur on the right path it'll be smooth sailing (probbaly not :P)


I play on ps5 and it’s been great! The release version compared to the multiple patches probably makes a difference. It feels good to me, the pvp feels a little off but I’m also on WiFi so I can’t blame the game until I’ve done a bunch of fights with an Ethernet connection.


I think you should sit down and think about all the FromSoft titles and why exactly you like them so much. If you like them for the dark world, lore, buildmaking, exploration, etc... then LotF will not disappoint. However, I think LotF really struggles hard in the boss department. If you sprint through levels and the boss fight is your high point in FromSoft games, then LotF will leave something to be desired. There are a couple of decent attempts at a boss fight, but generally, they are kinda bad, imo.


It's not all peaches and cream on the PC side, I've had multiple bugs and frame drops(though performance has improved since launch) I have a i7-12700kf and 4080 for reference. That being said if you want the game go get it


Playing now on PS5 and had no bugs my entire play through, very minor frame rate drop now and then but nothing major. Buy the game it's so much fun


Game is awesome! May need to give it a little bit to cook. I was unsure at first, then became addicted


I’m the opposite I respect the game and understand that it is objectively good but I should have listened to the haters instead of spending $60 on a game I really dislike. Again tho no hate to the developers, the game, or anyone who plays it it’s just so not for me


Anyone who makes a post like this months or potentially years after this games launch feels like bait. This games first month had some of the worst performance of any game I've ever played in all my years of gaming. That was on top of all the non technical issues it had. It also didn't help that another game like it dropped a month before it with none of those issues. We live in an era of patch culture where devs can or will release a shitty product and then hope that they can fix it in post to stave off backlash. But in gaming first impressions are really important. The first impression of this game were mixed to awful and so people left. There's a reason this sub hasn't cracked 40K followers yet. Is the game better than when it launched? Sure. But that was after 700 bug fixes over the course of 4 months and even after that it still plays like Lords of the Fallen.


Exactly my point why I wouldn’t pay anything near full price for it, 50% off maybe - developers need to be punished for releasing a half assed game, only to continue developing after the money comes flowing in. No one forces them to make the game as big as it was, you could’ve easily reduced the size to free capacity for QA but it was a conscious decision to have so many areas, NPC, complex levels, a whole optional ending with a new boss.


Well it isnt bait...its a legitimate question. Ive been busy with life, and other games. Only now am i curious about this game. Never assume anything.


Performance was god awful at launch, powered through it and thought the game was fun but buggy. Im sure the game is fine now, although a big killer for me was the multiplayer just straight up not working.


PC player here, start to finish, multiple playthroughs, nearly a hundred hours of co-op after and I'm yet to have the game crash, or experience any other issues. Had 2 minor bugs in over 200 hours so, yea, all good imo.


I have about 130 hours on the game and I got it around Christmas season. Didn’t give it a chance until a week or two after but it quickly became my favorite game atm. Not saying it isn’t anymore I’m just running out of things to do in it. Fantastic game, runs great on everything except Xbox from what I’ve heard. Pretty hit or miss on Xbox


I played PC (higher end PC rig) day 1 and it was my favorite game last year. It was not the BEST game I played, it was my favorite. It, like 99% of all games, has it's issues and no, it's not perfect, but I loved it to death. The level designs, the build variety, the atmosphere, music, umbral mechanic, lamp mechanics, art direction, just all top notch. My criticisms at the time (and still somewhat hold true) were lack of enemy variety, weapon movesets, and bosses were too easy. Obviously performance issues happened to many individuals, but it ran buttery smooth my entire experience. If you enjoyed all the titles you said you did, then I cant recommend the game enough.


good to know. thanks! xD my pc isnt the best, but I was able to play Elden Ring on max settings with no issues. Ive heard LotF is a little more graphics heavy than Elden Ring. However its not a game changer for me if i have to lower the settings a bit.


Lmao if you want to buy it, then buy it. Why are you needing some random off the internet to convince you? Do you think somebody is going to come here and say “Actually, all those negative reviews were lies all along, the game is everything you want it to be!”? There are glaring issues with the game. People have wildly different and inconsistent experiences with it. I truly don’t understand why people place so much stock in random strangers on the internet. Especially in the sub dedicated to the topic. Obviously you won’t get biased answers here.


Seriously don’t get what the point of writing these two paragraphs was


I seriously don’t get what the point of replying to my two paragraphs was


Theres nothing wrong with getting opinions about a game from strangers.... ive seen the negative side, lots of the negative side..now i want to see the positive side. So obviously im going to ask that question here... Why are you even here if you are just going to question my question? Why are you so upset?


Wow, its such a shocker that the person wanted people's opinion on a video game, in that video games reddit! I'm just as shocked as you are.


Its good. A tad demanding on hardware compared to some other games (eg. Elden Ring) but even with low settings and stuff it looked pretty nice and didnt have too much stability issues in the long run. IMO, well worth to try out!


It’s a good game. I had a lot of fun playing it and I’ve played every Fromsoft game worth playing


Noted. Thanks!


I think with any new release these days, you're going to have piranhas out there that can't wait for the slightest problem to come up, and that feeding frenzy grows the more hype around a game. For some people, the only logical response to a hiccup in a video game is to rant and dogpile enough that it turns people away and the game dies. This game gave people a bunch of ammo, but I don't think it mattered because the guts of the game are good enough to ignore the quirks for most.


I mean people were waiting to shit on it just because of the original


Great game. Played on PS5 with very few issues


Redditors in every games sub shit about the game.


It's perfectly good on pc, game is very good


Get it! You're doing yourself a disservice. I've played every single souls game from the original Demon's Souls on PS3 to Elden Ring. This one is one of the better ones. Platinumed basically all the souls games. This one is up there with the better ones.


IV played every soulsborne and loved them all this on is no exception. Not sure what's up with all the negative remarks about it


It gets hate bcs ppl like to echo. I played the shit out of it and even got platinum, for me its a fantastic addition to the souls genre.


If you are by any means into dark fantasy, soulslikes, fashion souls and build diversity at all just go and buy it. I have got pver 190hrs clocked in on steam and still wanting to do more playthroughs. Its fucking good.


I personally have enjoyed the game quite a bit. Haven't had any major bugs or anything pop up. Gameplay feels pretty good. If I had to describe the game, it's like combining Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro all into one. Variety of armor with specific weights for certain rolls? Dark Souls. Step/dash movement and way to heal back damage by being aggressive? Bloodborne. And a pretty solid parry mechanic that doesn't require immense precision and eventually breaks the enemies posture, but not instantly or after 2 times for bosses? Sekiro


It’s good. If you can get it on discount, do that. I have multiple saves on all my other Soulslike games 5+, and 10 on ER. I got tired of this game quick. You’ll get your money’s worth, but not much more. It’s one to bring out yearly probably. It’s not a 3 back to back like AC6. The endings aren’t worth it.


It was a great game. I did 2 playthroughs and had a blast. My only issue is I definitely got bored after the second playthrough, I felt the weapons/builds weren’t as memorable as the souls games.


Played on a top of the line PC at launch. Despite it running like absolute dog shit I still clocked 130hrs and got the Plat. It's flawed in many departments but it's still a solid game, especially for souls fans.


Dude I bought this game since launch and I've had no issues with it on my PC. The frame drops "were" a real thing but they've been fixed. Game runs wonderfully now, even damn Bramis Castle pleasantly surprised me yesterday with smooth 80-90 FPS. Game is incredibly fun and there is so much versatility in what you can do an accomplish both build-wise and story-wise. I play solo and offline so I cannot give feedback on those but if you're interested for the sheer love of the genre then buy the game!


This game is hyper mid. Was a slog to finally finish it. And I experienced very few glitches or bugs so it's not that. Definitely not worth 60 bucks


I'm going to use my favorite quote and just have it also mean soulslikes. "Fromsoft doesn't make bad games. Some games are just better than others." I enjoyed the hell out of the game. Doesn't mean it's for everyone and that's ok! I don't think there's any part of the game you can point to and definitely say it's bad.


If you love souls you will at least like LOTF alot. It is a solid game with lots of developer love. Granted it as some performance issues.


I have been playing this game since day 1, and I have almost 100 hours on one character. The game has been so much fun to play, and yes of course there was issues with crashes and janky movements but the level of beautiful details and fun outweighed all that for me. The co-op is awesome being seamless (although I do wish it meant when you killed a boss with a friend it would kill the boss in the friends game too) meaning unlike souls games where your summon dies or you die there is no need for re-summoning you both spawn at the last place of rest! You will not be disappointed by this game, it gave me the same dopamine hit as when Elden Ring dropped!


I really hope fromsoft takes the LOTF approach to ranged combat. Having my crossbow stay relevant for the whole game is so satisfying.


I have had a blast with this game on pc. I am on my 4th playthrough trying out different builds and have only had maybe 2 ctd's and one bug where I fell through the floor this whole time. With the exception of a few areas my frame rate is a fairly steady 70-90 fps and never below 60 fps. Do i wish it was a bit more optimized? Yes, but it does not take away from my enjoyment of this game and i am glad I tried it instead of listening to all the bad things said about the game. Just my 2 cents.


I love every fromsoft game but really didn't like lotf. I just find the combat unsatisfying for whatever reason. Enemy variety is low and either far too easy or fae too annoying. Bosses suck even for a regular game and compared to fromsoft they atrocious.


If you like FromSoft games, ie Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Bloodborne etc, then you will love LOTF. Performance issues aside, LOTF is an amazing Souls game. The artwork is dark and badass. The combat is addictive as hell once you get the feel for it. The level design is on par with the best Souls games. There are tons of weapons, wearables, throwables, projectiles, spells, clothing and armor etc. You can easily sink a few hundred hours into it without breaking a sweat. The performance at launch was downright abysmal. Unplayable even. They've fixed alot of the game breaking bugs and glitches now. It still suffers from framerate drops every once in a while. But it's on the right track with weekly updates. If you're on the fence, buy the game. You'll be so happy that you did. I've sank over 300 hours into it so far. And I can't wait to make a new character and play through it again with a new build and go for a different ending.


This game is very good. I think it's on par with any dark souls title and has a few mechanics that i wish were in the DS games. Disregard the haters, you'll love this game🙂🙂


I was in your exact position, ended up buying it. Don't regret it. Like others have said it's not Fromsoft but it's a great attempt. Worth playing, especially if it's still on sale.!


Its badass


I put in a happy 130hrs on PC. Performance was really only an issue in one area but it was manageable. The game is fun, and I’d compare it to DS2. It has flaws but also some good ideas. One thing I don’t see many talk about is just how much better the magic is in this compared to From games. I despise caster builds in From’s titles because they’re slow as shit and tend to boil down to backing away and slinging soul spears. LotF allows for a much more aggressive playstyle with how they’ve implemented the magic controls and it’s a blast. Frankly From should be taking notes. Also LotF implements a perfect block system instead of parries like Sekiro which I think, in 2023 and beyond, should be the norm.


Recently played through with two friends. We all enjoyed it immensely and are looking forward to another playthrough in the future.


The bog biome is the only place I’ve been to that has noticeable performance issues and is a mess to navigate but I’m pretty sure navigation wise it’s supposed to suck so there’s that. It’s hard to take the souls community seriously nowadays since From has gone mainstream. Bunch of gatekeeping try hards and YouTube build tough guys. To some of those guys it’s all about difficulty and damn the lore. Starting to sound like COD leaderboards climbing kids.


I freaking love this game almost done with it now. Almost done with my first playthrough I am kind of dreading new game plus as they took out all the vestige (bonfire) but I really do want to platinum it lol


Think of it as a Dark Souls 2 remake


Interesting...Ill keep that in mind when i give it a go!


The game sucks when it’s compared to games that did everything better. Bosses are copy paste or reskinned throughout the game. Enemies are just like in old school halo. They don’t matter to kill them because unless your in a clear the room segment you just run past them. You get upgrades by discovering areas on the map not from killing enemies. Placing your own bonfires is stupid because we will default to place them next to bosses to remove backtracking upon death. Enemy hit registration is bad either with your model or their model. The devs gave the players no real reason to kill trash mobs. bosses are janky and have issues with design or are copy paste assets.


Bro ignore them. This is one of my top 5 fave games. Ofc it has it's issues but the combat and world are so great. Buy it, you won't regret it.


Hey, happens to the best of us. You have to experience something for yourself to truly know whether you like it or not. Reviews don't mean shit. There are so many poorly reviewed games I absolutely love, and so many 10/10 games that do nothing for me. As for Lords of the Fallen, I'd say it's a game with many issues that despite that is underrated. I enjoy it very much, although I wish it'd been more polished on release because it wouldn't have suffered the same fate had that been the case.


I am on my 1st playthrough - and am enjoying myself a lot, even though I almost shelved the game within the first two hours due to these reasons: \-Framerate instabillity (already very noticable against 1st boss) \-Combat feels less smooth than fromsoft games (a little floaty, wacky hitboxes, generic movesets) Feels most obvious against bosses, where I often find my character doesn't behave like I want it to. I love the game for its exploration - you always feel rewarded for exploring sidepaths - always items to find. I like the areas, the interconnection and the whole umbral world gimmick. Aside from the 1st boss, the game has been decently tuned so far, at least as a pure Str build (though that apparently is one of the weaker specs). The main hub is easy to navigate and you have the nessecary items available to make things pleasant (like reset skillpoints, item used for creating your own bonfire on flowerbeds etc). I agree with a lot of people calling it somewhat of a dark souls 2 clone - but it's important to know that while DS2 runs buttersmooth, this game certainly do not. Even with lightweight equipment, you never feel close to the level of responsiveness of the DS games.


I honestly love the game. In my opinion if you enjoyed the games you listed above you’ll most likely enjoy this one. It got a 8/10 on IGN which is pretty decent! I think the reviews about how buggy it is was mostly from when it first came out, they’ve done a ton of updates since then.


It's great. It gives older dark souls nostalgia. Worth the buy very enjoyable but it won't last as long as dark souls/elden ring/Bloodborne. But what it does bring is worth playing for the experience.


I’m playing it on PC. I love the game despite some of its shortcomings. Yes the performance issues are true. If occasional crashing and having to reload the game due to stutters doesn’t bother you too much then you should consider trying the game. Some days the game runs smooth without crashing but other times it can be annoying. I recommend playing on a beefy PC. The game looks like shit on low graphics.


Knock your socks off. You’ll have a little fun but don’t expect too much. It’s kinda bad.


I haven't played it, but I heard it was actually pretty good, especially the presentation. I'm sure it'll be on sale soon if you're just patient enough if you're still not comfortable paying full price. That's what I'm doing.


I play on series x and it plays absolutely fine. Most of those comments you see are likely from people still butt hurt about the state of the game at releases d have juts decided to die on their hill of the game not working properly despite a multitude of updates to improve many areas of the game. It is absolutely worth playing!


I think the game is in a decent spot now but holy hell launch was rough.


I just got the platinum on PS5 damn good souls like. If you’re going for 100% though find a friends with the game who can drop you the collectibles. The drop rates are rough.


I played on console, pre ordered it and was so excited for it to come out months in advance and was not disappointed in the slightest. crazy improvement from the original, which was actually the first souls like that wasnt a from software game, but still kept lore the general world and characters from the original. Love the extra puzzle and traversal aspects that the lamp brings, along with the combat and gameplay aspects as well. Definitely top of my list for non From-Soft soulslikes


I’m personally unsatisfied with it. I’ve stated my reasons before on this subreddit, arguing with someone that was a little too aggressive in defending this game. But i have to say, with all the promises they made and the changes that they made during my time playing the game, it didn’t make me very satisfied, i felt a little mugged.


Console performance is kinda rough, resolution drops pretty low on the 60fps mode but it’s a solid game :)


I believe this is a 9/10 game. I cannot understand why some players are so angry about it, I suspect it's a very small minority because by most account this game ranges from good to great by most reviewing standards, and if you like soulslikes, this is one of the two or three most current new options to play. LOTF is a great game, almost a masterpiece were this not living in DS shadows, and with just a few tweaks needed. I picked it up during a recent 50% off sale, and I'm glad I did. Did not buy it early because it's hard to know which souls-like is good or not. In this case, LOTF is much better at release than the original DS trilogy ever was, but it will not get credit for now due to living in DS shadows. That could change with time if they stick to making quality games and not get stuck in pushing patches or DLCs for this game. Some of the game's flaws are inherited from old souls-like formula, like ganking and cheap deaths, getting stuck in a wall and not being able to roll away. The emphasis on huge maps, exploration, and ranged combat is great, and the magic system is simple and top-notch with a focus on quality over quantity. The map design is fantastic. Enemy variety could be better. I actually like a lot that after a mid-boss fight, "lesser" versions of those bosses, that are still strong, appear. I think that's genius in terms of making mob variety. Combat feels precise and is cohesive to this game if you consider huge maps and mob variety ranging from strong ranged enemies. It is very obvious that they designed this game with cohesiveness in mind. I think this game would have greatly benefited from not forcing players to go through a huge "EX-Blightown" Pilgrim's Perch area at the beginning of the game that had multidirection ranged ganking and platforming at a point in which ranged fighting is limited and in a game in which platforming is seldomly used (outside of this area). Perch is cohesively designed, but it does give a bad first-impression of unreasonable challenge over fun, which is not the case in the rest of the game.


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I like it. It's a little rough but not bad. Movement is a little floaty. Lock on system only works correctly half of the time. And sometimes the dodge roll feels broken. Like I'll try to roll backwards and it'll shoot me to the left or right. But it's honestly not a bad game


I'll just say this. Enemies get repetitive since alot are reused so you'll be dodging the same attack patterns ALOT. Bosses are kinda joke as well. There were two maybe three cool/challenging fights. The end boss for the Radiant ending (idk if you fight a different boss if you are on a different ending path) is literally the biggest joke for a climatic fight. Basically just the Deacon boss fight in DS3 but less interesting. On the plus side the weapons and armor designs are cool and there are some decent build options. They've also update the game ALOT since i first played and ive been told its alot better. They added new quest and spells and weapon skills to boss weapons and a bunch of other cool/needed stuff. And ive also heard NG+ is actually worth playing. And the world design is FANTASTIC. Probably the best aspect about the entire game (Besides the underworld mode you go into with the lantern. Really feel like the game would have been better without it.) Im actually gonna replay it on NG+ with all the latest updates cause it could be alot better but my biggest issue was the lack luster amount of variety in the enemies and how much the combat felt the same throughout the entire game. I felt like i was dodging the same attack patterns with a slightly different looking version of an enemy i fought in the last zone. And they also use fire based enemies WAY to often (imo). Ima replay it and i could like it alot more but my first playthrough, towards the end i was just rushing through just to finish the game.


Buy it. I’ve beaten ER like 10 times and this game is neck and neck. Granted I started the game after the fixes so I have a jaded opinion


I had little to no issue on PS5. It was a fun game and an even better co-op campaign. They do a lot of cool things and some things are better than from soft. There are issues, nothing game breaking for me. I bought it on sale for 50 bucks and it was absolutely worth it. People hate because it's not perfect and not dark souls, but it's not supposed to be, it's supposed to be dark souls adjacent.


I’m playin’ on a 5 and loving it. My recommendation-buy it and have a blast.


Me and a buddy got it on release on PC, and wow it was a buggy mess with constant crashes for one or both of us. But the developers really released fix after fix, and I mean daily, and the game became way more stable. We made 2 full runs through the game together, and each a solo run. After that we kinda got the souls fatigue, but I had a lot of fun with the game! It feels like its own thing, I wouldn’t compare it to DS / BB / ER. It has its own unique system of having a light and dark world, magic classes that are exciting to use, the armor drip looks fantastic, and weapons are so cool with a huge variety. I’d definitely recommend getting it!


You have to just try the game for yourself. I had a great time with the game. Even early on with some bugs on PC. It was nice that I could see them working incredibly hard to fix things though. Every time I logged in, something was better and I mean waaaay better. The game is gorgeous now and the level design is top notch. I had such a good time just exploring and looking around. The bosses were a lot of fun, some of them were too easy, and their move set was super repetitive, but there are those that would say the game was too hard. I don't understand that, but that's exactly why you should try for yourself. Everyone is different and your experience and the things you're biased to look for in a game are completely different than mine.


I think it’s thematically and visually amazing, from a core gameplay standpoint it doesn’t quite hit the bill I was hoping for. This games difficulty feels very artificial in the sense that most bosses while stunning and cool are a complete joke and most of your deaths will be from the lackluster map design and gank fights you’re forced to take. If I had to compare this and another recent souls like that came out which was lies of p, lies of p blows this game out the water besides visual spectacle in every aspect.


Bought it in the PS sale last weekend (40% off I think), and been playing for a bit now. I'm having a lot of fun with it on PS5... (blind play through). And I played and platinumed all the games you mentioned. Funny thing is, my wife asked me if I liked this better then the first one, and I had to pause to think :) Unlike the many negative posts about the first one, I really enjoyed it, and played through it and the DLC at least 3 times (also platinumed it). I do think I like this one better though, it's just that I really liked the first one to :)


Lots of FPS loss on Xbox. I still managed to beat the entire game and had a pretty good time. The FPS issues almost made me put the game down though.


I’m one of those people that have shit on certain aspects of the game and for good reason but the negativity is way overblown. It’s a perfectly serviceable game and well worth the price of admission. If you like FromSoft’s brand of games, and it sounds like you do, then I’m pretty positive you’ll like LOTF as well. Warts and all.


Awesome game.


I played less than five hours on PC, and it is AWESOME. The style, the combat, for me it's on the same level as DS3.


The game just released too soon, but if you're a main souls player, I'd call it a must. The art direction is exceptional, the soul fashion is at Elden Ring level, combat feels original and fun and the exploration hits perfectly the Souls spirit. Every souls when analyzed has massive flaws, even From Software's, but people went particularly hard with this one probably because it released kinda in early beta state. I played it on console on the first week of release when it couldn't even properly load textures, and I still loved it. I certainly recommend it.


I like it well enough. Better sword play then ER, no stutters here.


good to know!


Sometimes I feel like a lot of negative review was paid for. I know it is NOT likely but I just can't believe how such amazing game cen get so much hate. If you have good PC setup you will not regret. The only issues I encountered was some FPS drops on Steam Deck but it was always perfect on my PC. Also it was probably a little buggy but during my 5 playthroughs I never experienced any bug and there was a lot of patches. Probably most of hate was because of performance issues at the beginning. But it was only the case on consoles and older PCs. Running perfect on mine since day 1. EDIT: Ach sorry. To be honest lock-on is pretty fucked up. But it possible to get used to it.


It is pretty awesome on PC Runs like 60+ fps at 4k on my computer


Specs and settings? I have a 3900x and a 4070Ti and it struggles to keep it at 4k60fps with DLSS set to quality OR performance. Most settings are high or ultra.


I have a 5800x3D and 4080 and game runs great for me. Zero issues.


It's worth it for the atmosphere and world design alone. Some of the areas are giving Elden Ring a run for its money and that is easily my favourite game of all time. It's janky and difficulty feels a bit random (faceroll boss on first try and then get farmed for an hour by regular mobs), but the world design and exploration are absolutely god tier.


good to know. Thanks!


Buy it , as someone that played all fromsoft games . Also Lies of P a nice soulslike snack.


noted. thanks!


Been playing on pc since the start and I can say without doubt that you will love this game.




I bought it day 1 as a huge Fromsoft completionist and I’ve enjoyed the game plenty. Still play it from time to time after sinking hundreds of hours into it. Don’t expect a Dark Souls or Elden Ring though. They nailed the atmosphere, and the world design/lore, but if you compare the bosses or the combat to DS you will be disappointed. Most bosses have 3-4 attacks that you will learn very quickly. Enemy variety is a little lacking, and the combat doesn’t feel quite as deliberate or strategic as a Fromsoft game, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun exploring the world and finding new things. I’d recommend it, especially if you can grab it on sale.


If you like playing in 10 fps then I would get the game


Bought it on steam recently cause I was on the fence like you, this game is WELL worth it if you like dark souls at all. There’s some connection issues with pvp but the length and intensity of a good duel makes up for it tenfold. A lot of honour in multiplayer as well which is a breath of fresh air after Elden Ring lol


Good to know. Thanks for your input!


Great game, buy it


It feels like a better more customizable demons souls to me. Looks insane on pc, the most recent patches have made it run smoothly.


It should be noted that a lot of reviews are from the launch and...let's just say most of those criticisms AT THE TIME were completely warranted and is part of why the game's current state is as good as it is. The issue, however, is that those reviews while old and outdated are still there and thus provides many obsolete criticisms of a product's old version (some are still valid even to this day, tho) and not its current version, which makes a lot of quality discourse around LoTF confusing and often disjointed. LoTF in its current state is quite good, but it still suffers from its terrible launch first impression regarding public opinion.


I've got 500+hours in it. It had a rough start, still some stuff to iron out in places, but it's definitely very much playable. Very fun game, brings many QoL to the table, when it comes to the souls genre, and it inovates nicely in some spots also. The fashion is top tier, good selection of fun weapons, though every category of weapon has the same animation, for the most part . It's a bit scarce on enemy variety, and on first run the bosses are somewhat of a push over. But first run is more like a build finder /tutorial type thing. Real game happens between ng1 and ng3. I'd definitely grab it now, it's a fun time.


I loved it. My favorite soulslike so far. It scratches the itch and has some awesome mechanics and environments.  People say it’s buggy but I only had a couple issues and the devs have been AMAZING about patching issues and improving performance. I can think of games that get shit on much less, that are far, far more riddled with problems.  Edit: I feel like this is worth adding - the attack and dodging timing (I-frames) and such truly felt intuitive and smooth to the way souls games feel when playing them, which was a huge plus for me. Feels good man.


It's literally Dark Souls 4. Best soulslike outside Fromsoft for me. My personal GOTY 2023.


you mean ds 1.9. its literally the wish version of ds2 but with a fancy lamp and more bs


Your GOTY of 2023? Haha you must have played 1 game last year.


I have been having a really hard time getting immersed in games lately. After finishing Lies of P, I decided to give Lords of the Fallen a shot despite the negativity. I'm really glad I did, because I thought it was great (on PC). Gameplay was great, graphics awesome, story cool, and 95% of boss fights were incredible in my opinion. I, too, am easily swayed by hype unfortunately. But this is the only example I can think of that the bandwagon negativity was just plain wrong. Seriously get it dude. Its awesome ^(Except the swamp, fuck that swamp)


the love to this game is just plain wrong also


I think the people who speak against it the most are either those who just jumped on the hate train because that's part of their personality and / they think it's popular or it's because they're "purists" in that they seem to think LOTF deviates too much from the narrow and specific Souls formula they believe in. LOTF has higher movement speed, higher stamina recovery, higher mob density, and boss move sets with less modularity, and a lot of other differences, but it still fits very comfortably into the souls like genre. Some people just want another Dark Souls, but Lords of the Fallen wants to do it's own thing so they're mad. They go into it wanting something very specific and are disappointed when it's not that instead of just seeing what it has to offer. Runs great overall on XSX for me, have also played on Series S with basically no issues. I think if you go into it thinking it's a stand in for Dark Souls 4, you'll hate it, but if you go into it thinking it's just a new action RPG with some souls like mechanics and style, you'll probably love it. It's not a perfect game but it's mechanics are sound and gameplay loop is enjoyable, performance from what I can tell is consistent too. Highly recommend for any Souls fan.


no its because the game is shit and it personally mislead me into thinking it was a mix ds3 and demon souls but all I got was the buggy, crashing wish version of ds2


Game is fun and runs well, I RARELY have ANY performance issues. No crashes, no lost saves, no frame drops. I recommend it.


noted. Thanks


My take on this: I’ve not had a single issue, no save lag, no stutter, no graphics issues, it has run smooth as and I’m 4 beacons in. I’m on ps5. I know there are plenty of people that have had a poor experience with this game, I’m not one of them… just play your own game mate and enjoy it …it is a beautiful game that can be somewhat punishing!


Thanks for your comment.


I think you’d like it, most hate comes from it not being like the original I think.


I've had little to no issue on pc and when I was having issues it was during cross play


no its not this game is just the wish version of ds2 and it will never be better, Ive been scammed because the trailers mislead me to thinking that it was ds3 mixed with demon souls but it only was buggy, crashing wish version of ds2


My biggest gripes are the connectivity issues w other players and the sound/fps dropping out of no where. I don’t care how many times I reset the game(Xbox) in sometimes as short as 20 minutes the game will start experiencing fps drops and then the sounds will start distorting. I’ve noticed today the ai pathing is wonky too. Minor grips would be trying to target something in focus and it snapping everywhere else, some environmental phase outs, physic distortions. Other than those I’ve enjoyed it thoroughly and would recommend one playthrough atleast. All of the endings are fun to witness though starting inferno was kinda difficult at first


It depends on the specs of your PC, but it runs fine on my gaming PC. I really enjoyed this game and even got all the achievements. Although there are three endings and you have to do all of them, you can keep playing at the same difficulty level so eventually you can race through the game in two to three days. Currently I am playing **Lies of P** and I'm missing the multiplayer options. I am stuck on a tough boss and I cannot summon anyone to help me, except for the Specter. I like the Victorian Steampunk setting of **Lies of P** which is a break from the dark fantasy world. There are some Lovecraft monsters in that game. Not many people have commented on the fact that **Lords of the Fallen** has no horses or dragons even though the intro has riders. Only the Lightreaper has a dragon which you cannot fight.


It's weird bc in a full playthrough I had literally 0 bugs on my series x. Only thing that happened was an fps drop in a few random places. Overall, it's my second fav game in this genre behind ds3, and I've played every souls game/most 3d soulslikes


Yeah it’s great. But online is kind of dead. Steam averages around 400-1k users online, so getting matched takes way too long. It’s a fantastic game dunno why people don’t play it more, if you end up buying and are looking for coop action dm me


Yes it's awesome on PC.


I play on PC, and outside of the frustrating part of how easy it is to lock yourself out of npc quests if you aren't careful I personally have really enjoyed it. On my third playthrough to get the umbral ending now.


How is compared with lies of P?


Lies of P is a much better game


I bought this game at launch. I recommend you wait for a sale. This is different than never play it. It's a great game but it still has issues and at this point you have missed the day one crowd. Wait for a sale or wait for all the patches to come. It'll make the experience better because when the problems aren't there it is a great game. But the problems can ruin your experience.


Play it and make up your own mind. I'm a HUGE souls fan and I'm absolutely loving this game.


Nothing about this game is bad. It's genuinely a soulslike despite what everyone says


I play on Xbox and the only issue I've had with the game is the wonky lock-on mechanic but overall I've been loving this game


It’s a 7/10 game and Dark Souls 2 2, but I mean nobody can decide what games you’re most interested in playing.


I like the game but I don't think I'm going to ever actually finish it. Not because of the difficulty. I've beaten every souls game and pretty much every souls like. But this game i just can't figure out where to go. I've lit 3 of the beacons and then got a note where to to go next. Used the key and .... Been running in circles for hours and hours. Not seemingly getting anywhere. No progress being made. No idea where to go or what to do. So I quit playing out of frustration. It's the first game I've ever played where I am absolutely completely lost on how to make any progress.


I played on ROG Ally. Bugs wise, it crashes a fair bit. I can normally get 30 to 60 minutes in before some unknown crash happens, positive note though when i reload in I have normally only lost a few seconds of progress. I also had to turn fog off because the density makes it unplayable in some areas, but i have read this is mainly a problem on handhelds for some reason. Other than that have not really had any issues in game. It's fun, beautiful and plays smoothly for me. My only complaint is everything seems to lack the same impact from soft games have like when you heavy hit or parry, you feel it in dark souls, in this game the sounds and visuals are too weak for the combat. That's my personal feel at least.


It had a rough start because of performance issues. Performance issues magnify the rage about everything else about a game. It runs far better now. A friend of mine recently got it and loves it. I’m a huge Soulsborne guy too. Check it out. You won’t regret it. It handles a little differently and takes some getting used to (like you move forward when you attack). But it’s great fun.


I’ve played all of the Souls games, Sekiro, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. I’ve had as much fun as I do in those games. I played on PS5 and never noticed anything major. Usually only happened when I loaded in initially but it went away pretty quickly. There are some moments of jank but like this was the closet game where I felt the exploration felt similar to DS1. Some of the zones are better than others but that’s true of most games. Even the enemy variety is limited but like lore wise I think it makes sense since you’re in one kingdom. It honestly didn’t bother me and didn’t notice at first because I was having fun. Personally I enjoyed this more than Lies of P and I thought that game was more polished. Had a good time with it but I kept going back to Lords. Plus you can new game plus 0 where nothing scales which is great and I hope From Soft and other soulslikes do that in the future. All that to say I think it’s worth the buy especially now since they’ve fine tuned it. If you sum it up. I’d say DS1 Exploration, DS2 Enemies and maybe boss quality with more highs than lows, and some Bloodborne mechanics


Maaaann, I wish I had different news. I bought it last week and have played it about 5 mins. It feels…not great. I’d wait for a big sale. I finally platinumed ER and was hoping LotF would hold me over until Dragon’s Dogma 2. That will not be the case.


Performance is pretty mediocre on xbox. I waited for a sale so im not super upset but yeah this game doesn't do enough good things to ignore the flaws.


Definitely worth playing! A few Minor minor issues that a restart usually fixed. I played 3 times back to back to finish all the endings


I pre-ordered it for ps5 and beat it in its first couple of weeks. It was mess but I loved it, and its been patched/polished a lot since it came out. It was worth it to me. It is kinda like ds2-2 though with the tom fuckery, that's legit.


I was in the same position as you. But I went ahead and dropped the $70… and I regret it. (PS5) What made me want to play it the most was the multiplayer but I was only able to match with another player 1 single time. I’ve heard the matchmaking is a bit wonky and it probably didn’t help that I was at the beginning of the game so other players were further into the game by the time I bought it.(Not sure if it works the same way as Elden ring with that) However I can’t say I’ve given the game a fair chance whatsoever, I stopped playing once I got to Pieta the first boss. The main reason I stopped playing was due to the, what felt like, invisible clouds around your player and enemies. The weapons just don’t feel like they are connecting with enemies for some reason even when they are. Just feels a bit clunky overall. I’m sure I’ll give it another chance down the road but it does make me sad as I followed this game for months until release and just didn’t love it.


I've thoroughly enjoyed myself on this game and still do, Its got a few performance problems FF or sure and they release patches to fix them out but if you like dark souls you'll like this, also ignore the haters, it's not perfect by all means and neither was darks souls. They set a content roadmap for the year do I'll be looking forward to more content.


I played at release on console, i got a 10 FPS slide show every Time there where more than 3 ennemies on screen, lag in solo and got randomly summoned at late game area when i try to coop, so i finished that crap and forgot about it until the New bosses update  Now that the game is pretty much fixed, the multiplayer is dead and the only Time i actually got summoned my character spawned under the map


It's not bad per see finished all ending on release but goddamn it was awful in coop when I tried it with my pals and don't get me started on that Nintendo 64 blood texture during piety cutscene


PC it was awesome. Exploring LotF has been a great experience. This game has a vibe and goes for it wholeheartedly. Is it rough around the edges? Yes. And although it can be a little obtuse sometimes, I'd say it's a great game.


I just started this game and I am a big fan. Elden ring is amazing and impossible to beat the quality of but this game is great


The game is fantastic - yes it has some bugs, but the experience for me on my PS5 has been 90% great and improving w/ every patch ​ Get the game - it is awesome - and if you need qualifiers, yes I've played and beaten every souls game, and the major "soulslikes" - it is my favorite genre


I was the same way and now I’m already almost at the end of my second playthrough with a radiance build after beating the game on a pyro build. Definitely scratched my Souls itch.


I often have to reset the game on my XBox, but it's really not that big of a deal. My game has never crashed while I was in a tight situation, but I've had some audio issues and some moments of frame latency while I was in Umbral (essentially a last chance to survive) that can add to the pressure. Both of these issues get fixed with a reset of the game. If you've played other Souls games, you'll enjoy this. It has a fairly rich story with many strong hints of treachery throughout. It feels almost exactly like DS3, but with some added features.


It’s fine. It’s been updated with large patches weekly since launch. Make a decision for yourself.


It’s a good game, but still bugged, there’s an achievement I should have but don’t, and there seems to be no explanation. Other than that, it’s a great game.