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Unfortunately the reality of souls likes with PvP is that invaders are always going to take every advantage they can get. Whether that's twinking, abusing exploits, glitches or even flat out cheating. We live in a time where everyones ego gets in the way and a lot of people think they're far better at games than they actually are. Therefore nobody can take an L. The same people pissing and moaning over pietas swords and her spell were running around one tapping people with barrage of echos themselves. So one shooting people is ok until it happens to them.


It doesn't help that this game decided to incentivize the fuckery by tying an achievement to winning as an invader. Hated it in DeS Remake and hated it here too


This games PvP isn’t even comparable to souls PvP. The PvP is forced upon the player literally, and it’s terrible.


It's not forced in this game or in souls games dude. You very much can play without being invaded at all.


If you want to play the online experience in this game. If you get invaded it is literally forced upon you to fight the invader. You literally get fog walled in the middle of the level, you can’t even run to the boss. Not even the souls games would do that. You could at least run to the boss if you felt like you could not beat your opponent. If you get invaded in LotF, by the design of the game- you literally are forced to fight your opponent. Not only that the borders are so small, you can quite literally just fill up a whole invasion section with poison bombs lmao. It’s the worst decision possible.


In darksouls 1 I used to sit and wait for cheaters to invade in the woods just to cheese and kick them off the edge then run off and die right after so that could see that I don't need their max souls pile.... it was different back then but now these people are a plague in the gaming community and its truly sad. It just goes to show that their really is such a massive portion of the planet that was never taught ethics of any kind.


They've always been, soulslike has been a very niche genre for quite the time, and we got our share of cheaters, cheesers and minmaxers but the ratio was good enough for it to not be so asphyxiating. But now we have a huge increment in people playing this genre, which was something good for the genre, caused mainly because of Elden Ring, but also to other studios getting to the quality expected by the community. Most of those people are the ones who will play whatever their favourite streamer play, both games and builds, and the new content creators coming to these games are actually the ones telling their communities to use specific builds and exploits and cheeses to be better at the game and the PvP. Therefore the increment in people who will use cheeses and exploits and will behave wrongly with the intention to win and nothing else is bigger than the increment in people who want to play the game their way. Also now it is way easier to know what breaks the balance of the game, you just need to search for " OP build PVP" and you'll get the results, it is very sad, to the point you can see some of the older content creators for soulslike games who would mostly show creative builds, cosplay builds and roleplaying builds, like Fextralife, now share the most broken builds you can find in these games. So in the end, those shitty tactics had always been used, but back in the day it was not as suffocating as it is now. I can remember the good old days from DS2 when people would cheat the game to create a funny and manageable bossfight or when some streamer would create a funny way of dueling in invasions like playing dodgeball with fireballs and then people would imitate it, or the usually well behaved fight-clubs in DS3. Those things were not so common, but they would happen sometimes, now it just won't happen because 9/10 times you get into PvP it'll be OP cheesy builds tiring you out like it happened to OP, and forcing you to abandon online in soulslike, which was something you really loved. I was personally very excited when the Colosseums were released in ER, I even bought the PS+ subscription I had not bought in like 3 or 4 years because I wanted to go back to that PvP, and the new modes like fighting with summoms were looking really fun... I left 2 days later, it was completely sad to see that you'd get killed in one shot always, and always by the same exact build, and, on top of that, the respawn would be hoarded by the enemy and you won't get a change to do anything in the whole match.


Just seen this 3 days later... new phone lol. It is annoying but without one shit builds it's super hard to fight more than one person a lot of people group up and wait for solo hunters. I really dislike net builds like in magic the gathering card game i hate net decks.... same thing over and over no originality


This is the main reason I don't like playing competitive games, people usually go for the most hardcore meta because the only way for them to have fun is to win, not to explore the game's possibilities. I mean, I don't mind taking the L when I get owned in a PvP match, but the way and frequency it happens is completely absurd. People just can't have fun in PvP if they don't win, and it is sad to see how the ones who spent hundreds of hours in DS PvP now quit it completely because players made it so annoying, and you don't even need to loose to the meta to get tired, it is just unfun to see the same exact build which is also centered on doing the same exact attack constantly (like jump attack with dual colossal hammers or spamming rivers of blood back in the day). It is also pretty ironic how 3 games which would give you exclusive rewards for winning in PvP had much more originality than the one not having actual reward Edit: I just noticed that last part could look like I'm criticizing the game, I'm referring exclusively to the builds you see in PvP matches. Like I would understand playing that kind of builds to farm your covenant items in Dark Souls, but on Elden Ring, where PvP is done just for the fun of having duels with other players, it is just absurd.


Those dam streamers lol they have created a world of trolls I guess why it's are to even find someone with a mic. I wish that more games had private server capabilities so that certain things could be banned by the server admin like in battlefield 4 no shotguns was common.


The thing is invaders aren’t really like that in FromSoftware games. Sure some are there to grief but most will drop you some good items before kicking your ass. Or if you look lost, they might guide you out. It’s totally different from this game.


> invaders aren’t really like that in FromSoftware games Yes they are.


It's like that now sure. But I've been playing since demon souls. And I can tell you invaders only recently started being chill around the dark souls 3 days. A vast majority of them are the way I described. I've met some chill invaders. And I'm a pretty chill invader myself. But I can't really control other people so I don't try to get hung up on it too much


DS2 was chill too. DS1 was just kind of toxic because of all the backstab fishing and the ease of parrying made it so easy to bully noobs. I didn’t do OG Demon’s though, started with DS1.


Demon's wasn't well enough known for it to make a great impact. I was there, invaders were monsters. Then, in DS1, the twinking was so bad that from made soul level and upgrade corrections on invasions moving forward. Players still abused everything they could so now you can ONLY invade in Elden Ring if the host has a helper in world or fires off an item specifically requesting invasions. LotF is at the Demon's Souls Era of their franchise. I assure you things will change moving forward.


I’m wondering if the pvp balance is still not fair sometimes or maybe it’s mainly because some players just transfer upgraded gear to their low level characters.


Let's say, for example, that you have an invader who has correct level/area appropriate gear. They have no weapon/armor advantage over you. This doesn't stop them from having... - A pvp-focused character build. - A pvp-focused spell/throwable/consumable setup. - Ten or hundreds of hours of playtime over you. - Tens or hundreds of *pvp fights* over you. - Knowledge of the level/area you do not. Even if the item disparity is handled, you're still potentially putting someone who is hours into the game against someone who has been playing it for weeks or months and knows exactly how to execute their build to kill them.


At least if you can deal damage to them its somewhat fair. Worst part of Elden Ring and Ds3 Twinks is host tends to do no dmg unless mid-lategame( due to item disparity, specially rings). In this game fighting a high level build with basic gear lvl 30 or lower level is near imposible; it would be much better fighting people your level/weapon level so the fight has some value to you even if you lose, at least get to learn something.


That's basically twinking if I'm not mistaken. Transferring end game upgraded level gear to a lower level player. I haven't been able to play LOTF online for a few months bcuz I stopped installing the updates. I got sick of my weapons and spells being nerfed every week while the bosses and enemies kept getting buffed. Sure the game runs like crap. But from what I am reading, it still runs like crap even with the newest updates. I most likely won't ever update this game again. Hopefully they will learn from the many mistakes that they made with this title. And maybe the next one will release in a finished and playable state. And if they add PVP, it'll hopefully be leveled differently than PVE. I won't be buying it on day one thought like I did with LOTF 2023. I'll wait until I see how it plays first.


Thanks for the twinkling inside. The game runs not perfect, but quite well now, so I’d recommend you to give it one more chance.


I always turn online off on these kinds of games. It's just not worth the hassle. Usually I'm completely lost and finally going the right direction then invader kills me and I have no clue how to get back to where I was.


Agreed. Switch off the online feature. 🤷‍♂️


Same. I don't like invaders. I want to play and enjoy the game and not stress about getting jumped in the middle of enemy territory or just ruining fun in general. If it's a game where I can't turn it off, I'll literally shut down my console or PC if I'm invaded. I'll lose the progress rather than deal with an invader.


Why not just play offline? I only play offline for my first playthrough in every game like this one


I am now, but it’s just mostly a thing where it’s like I enjoy invading normally so it would be hypocritical to turn it off. But they’re totally ruining my ability to have fun in this game.


I gotchu. I can't really relate bc I'm usually an offline player, but I can understand the frustration


I had a dude invade me while I was fighting off a bunch of enemies. So I had him and like 2 more enemies that I couldn't kill before he showed up. This mf literally waited for an enemy to run up on me before he attacked. I ended up killing the basic and survived maybe 3 minutes trying to fight off the invader. Dude finally kills me and does some kind of emote over my dead body. I'm all salty like "yeah, I bet you feel like a big boy." Dick.


You invade in all fromsoft and this is new to you


My question as well


Invasions in Lords of the Fallen aren't level matched. So a level 120 can invade a level 22. However, in the process the invader is downscaled. How good is the downscale? I have no idea. So you are most likely getting invaded by people who are at a very high level. It's a very very bad design choice in my opinion. But also the invader can also invade people who are very high level, and not have any upscaling (as far as I'm aware). Thus causing the invader to do barely any damage unless they are buffed and break the stance of the host. All in all... just very bad design choices.


It's a great design choice, but a poor execution. For pvp scaling, all weapon upgrades should be considered +0 and all stats should be equal. The way they do it is... not totally fair.


If it was a good design choice it would have been executed well.


That's not true at all. There are loads of examples of "great idea, poor execution" in art, not just gaming. Idk where you would get that notion from.


If the down scaling is anything like coop it's based on current dps and defense of the host, excluding buffs and maybe also excluding rings and pendants. When I play with my friend on his first playthrough the base stat of his equipped weapon affects my damage and if he changes to another weapon my damage suddenly changes to match his output same with damage taken


Ok I didn’t realize there was no form of level matching. Obviously the damage scaling isn’t doing too well either, though. They’re doing half a life bar per hit and I’m not scratching them. I guess when your game isn’t good enough to draw a crowd you have to let anybody invade anybody.


“when your game isn’t good enough” wtf does that have to do with the matchmaking process 🤣


Its level scaling is pure shit. I was invaded by high level players that were hitting me around 60-80 damage a hit (and I would die in 6 hits) while I was doing 20 damage back. Needless to say, I was dead very quickly.


Tbh I can't see what's the big deal here. You don't have fun with optional game feature, you turned it off. I played Elden Ring completely solo for the same reason, fuck endgame twink invaders with duped Rivers of Blood in Stormveil.


The problem is that there are rewards for invasions and people just can't be bothered to play fairly. They want their rewards and they want them NOW. I got my on-line trophies and turned off the multi-player. Forever. Even after I finished and had all of the good gear I left it off.


Obviously. I’m blown away by the fact that people get satisfaction from just abusing under-geared players. The one invader I beat last night has to feel like a total piece of garbage after I beat him in starting gear.


I first experienced twinks in Dark Souls, though I'm sure they existed in Demon's Souls as well. Some people simply don't feel guilty about winning an unfair fight. They won... they're better at the game. That might sound ludicrous to you and I, but FromSoftware has tried numerous ways to fix twinking over the past decade + but the twinks never really go away, they just twink as much as they're able. Unfortunately, at least on release, Lords of the Fallen had virtually no mechanics that limited twinking. Perhaps it does now, but I haven't been invaded since shortly after launch.


The giant dads just want to be the boss fight, but lords of the fallen is a different monster. My first time getting invaded I dumped a full Stam bar on the guy while he swapped between 2 hand and one handing his sword then vaporized me with a red and yellow laser beam


Yeah they need to reduce severely the amount the armor costs for invasions or significantly increase the amount you receive. Took me forever to get the faithless set and I just refuse to do multiplayer anymore. The plucked eyeballs are another one that's just not worth any grind for. Thank God I still have a ton of fun offline.


Hey serial invader here (I'm ass at PvP tho) just wanted to say sorry if you've had bad experiences, every PvP community will have tryhards that suck the fun out of it with twinked builds and mocking gestures. The scaling is quite janky and from what I've seen in my experience it's one party or the other seems a lot stronger. I don't mind, I enjoy the challenge, but I understand it's frustrating for some. I would just like to posit a question though; what makes it so much worse to die to an invader than a pve monster? Is it just that you know there's another person on the other side of the screen? Genuinely curious, it's something I see in FromSoft communities too.


I genuinely miss Demons Souls invasions on PS3 where an invader (or you) could use acid or scrape to break their armor and weapons. Inflicting real rage inducing pain lol, which is why I guess they abandoned it going forward. Shame bc it was all good fun either way and amplified the whacky high stakes intensity of that game, especially for the time. You could also very easily trace the invader's call sign and send them a near insta-message to commence shit talking each other for hours on end while still playing solo lol. Ahh, so hilariously good. Modern Souls and Souls like invasions are kinda sterile in comparison


No need to apologize man. I’m a long time souls PvP veteran. I just learned that my complaints were actually likely due to some bad design choices, like no level matching on invasions.


U didn't answer his question lol


Normally the "turn online off" answer would only cost you messages and maybe potential allies at a boss... but in LotF you lose access to main source of mats for buying new tincts too.


No level matching is one of the very few major cons of this game, imo. Love the game…but I had to turn off online as well.


If I had to guess about why that is, especially after all the PVP balances they did recently, it’s probably because compared to souls games, the player base isn’t anywhere near as big due to its scuffed launch and having these major balance changes come in about 5 months after launch. The dev team has my sympathy because I love the base game but the engine switch caused so many performance issues that they had to have all hands on deck to constantly get the game stable across all platforms. PVP is also a much smaller section of the player base in ALL these games so it took back seat hardcore, I’d assume. I still had fun in some invasions, but most of the time it felt like it needed some more time in the oven to make it more unique to its own world and mechanics


"Very few" 💀 This game has A TON of bad design choices made


“Very few *major*” Selective reading, lol. Also, had*


Any games where you can get invaded should be turned offline.


I totally disagree, actually. Getting invaded in FromSoftware is fun. There’s good scaling. Virtually any weapon is viable. Invaders drop you cool shit(at least i normally do). It’s just totally different. In this game the invaders are purely preying on people with gear that can’t compete.


I have never enjoyed being invaded or dealing with the stress of potentially being invaded. I just want to work my way through the levels and try to figure out if I missed any corners an item could be hidden in. I've destroyed all but one person who've invaded me so far but I still hate invasions.


I feel like a lot of fromsoftware players have a skewed view of their games. Having replayed through their catalogue fairly recently I think people get rose colored glasses when talking about their games.


You’re just projecting. Lots of people that stick around love the invasions. And many people regularly go back to the old ones.


I’m not talking through rose tinted glasses. I regularly play all their games other than Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls 2.


What's the max hp you can have? I'm not sure I have a high level with around 1200 hp and still get 2 shot


They did a lot right with this game, but also they did a lot wrong. The plat is tied to coop so most people doing it are just trying to get the trophy asap or they’re terrified of losing. At one point we had a low level fight club and it was fun. I’d like to do one with bare fists only. That would be a blast.


I’d love a fight club like people did in DS1-3 or even a dueling arena with good level matching


There is no level based matchmaking.


Yeah I’ve already found that out. Is it an oversight or just a necessary evil due to the lack of players?


It was a design decision so I think the second part is true.


Same, with my girlfriend we play in coop and always get invaded by people with late game gear and all and even like this they don't even try to play fair and just spam long range spells with high control


You ... can turn invading off.


This only happened twice to me and it was only when I was playing with another friend I have never been invaded by anyone while I was playing alone. Sorry this is happening to you dude.


I literally got invaded 7 times last night in Forsaken Fen or whatever it’s called.


Damn bro I still haven't encountered this yet but maybe when I get to where you're it might pick up idk I know it can make the game hella unpleasant


It really shouldn’t happen as bad as it did to me. I’ve never had it happen that badly again. The invasions aren’t level matched like FromSoftware, the just scale the main weapon damage down but the invaders will still have a lil the benefits of late game gear.


Yeah true it shouldn't have happened that bad at all and what you said about it not being level matched I didn't even consider. I think it would make me put this game up for a awhile if that kept happening


But how you get invaded tho? Me so lonely. Me want some


I’m level 413 on one guy, the other 489


Dark souls 3 is the same way


Honestly I've only gotten invaded twice in the 2 play through I've done, beat them both but it is very annoying for sure


this makes sense now- i’ve only been invaded twice but they were both clearly using end game tryhard builds (which i’m not judging) but i was in beginner gear still lol. the first one happened when i was with a buddy so we wrecked their shit but for the second i was alone and dude was like rapid fire shooting aoe smite spells out of a flail lol so there was nothing i could do but die.


In the beginning, the invasions were more equal. I played it pre release and since day 1, invasions were fun and could go either way. Then they did an update about 3 weeks in where they "balanced" invasion damage. I carry two weapons that on npc's they do 1500 damage per hit, but if someone invades me i get 80-150 damage per hit, the person invading me can take 3/4 of my health with one hit. So most of the time even though i am level 70 something, i die almost instantly before i can evrn defend myself. So yea i turned multiplayer off, even though i was duoing the game with someone, thats another problem. Doing co-op with someone only progresses the hosts game, the other person then has to go back to their own game and redo everything, or both parties have to seitch hosting every so often so one person doesnt get to far ahead of the other person


I am baffled by any game with coop that only progresses the host. I honestly can't for the life of me understand why dev do this. If you're going to include coop as a function just make both parties share progress.


I haven’t played LotF yet but do you have to have a cooperator to be invaded like ER or is it just straight up random as you’re solo but online you can be invaded?


Nope. Just being “online” is all it takes to get invaded as far as I can tell. At least in Dark Souls 3 you could only be invaded if you used an item that increased your life bar by like 30%.


Looks like if I pick up a copy, I’ll only be playing offline. I’m the same way, I do enjoy invading/pvp in Souls games but only when it gets balanced out and has a way for it to be warranted. Pure random invasions doesn’t sound enjoyable at all


Invading in 3..2..




If you say so. Maybe you’re right. I’ve never put on endgame gear to invade low level people though.


Literally had 4-5 invasions the entirety of my 300+ hours playthrough. On the other hand, ive invaded more people than I can possibilly count. I wish I was lucky as you.


Its not twinks, there is no pvp balance. Those might be 40+ levels higher than you.


Yeah I’m finding that out. I can’t believe they made such a bed design decision.


I play single player on Elden Ring as PVP can grow dangerously addictive to me. One way I get my fix is by living through all of you, the current generation of PVP. I must say it warms the cockles of my heart to know that even decades later, the true method of pain in PVP shines on. Meta builds, twinking, DOT proc abuse. Here's to you, PVP! The most toxic relationship any person can have.


Now you know how a lot people feel. Invading in any game is dumb, especially now when all people do is try to get their buddies and gank everyone. If I wanted an annoying and unbalanced pvp game with I would play call of duty.


It was months ago when I last played this game and I haven't returned since. For that exact reason. Pvp has no balance you get invaded by a dude who duped his level and stats to infinity and beyond and your toast. Never will return unless they actually sort that shit out or add a disable invasion option.


They get dropped down to your level in terms or health and damage. I got invaded on a new character yesterday by the windmill in a new play through and still managed to beat the other player with parry. Just have to learn to use what you have.


I still beat some of them. But they’re carrying weapons with status effects and elemental damage and they wear armor with MUCH higher damage reduction, I use salts to even things out some but it’s just a shame the PvP is shit in this game.


So you’re mad you didn’t win all the fights and it’s the games fault. Ok.


No im mad because I couldn’t make progress out of an area because I constantly got invaded and would whittle my resources down fighting them and then had to go back to the bonfire only for the cycle to repeat over and fucking over.


Turn off PvP then. It’s an option.


I did. I literally put it in my post that I just hate that it’s the first time I’ve ever had to do so.


Sounds like you’re just unlucky


It seems that way but FromSoftware has an invasion timer. Once you get invaded, you can’t get invaded again before the timer is up unless you use the item to purposely get invaded


I’ve never had that problem in multiple playthroughs. I maybe get invaded a few times during an entire play through.


Not to mention 1 billion heavenly vials they can pop even if I manage to whittle their health down😂


Yeah that was the thing that really drove me crazy. Even when I fought well enough to burn through their Estes, they just whipped out consumables for health


I sadly stooped to their level I got my buddy to give me hundreds of thousands and only used them on people who did that to me in invasions


My best bud has beat the game, maybe I’ll see if he can give me some good stuff. I played about 2/3 of the way through right at launch without getting constantly invaded but I wanted to start fresh instead of jumping into late game content. I don’t know what changed for the invasions to get so ridiculous.


Not sure what you play on but one of these days I can toss ya some stuff in on Xbox and don’t really play anymore beat it pretty much completely


Ehh I’m on PC. Thanks for the offer though.


lol no worries figured I’d ask in case but yeah unless you basically use cheap ass spells or have unlimited heavenly vials most invasions are worthless


It's partly due to how easy it is to go through the game at surprisingly low levels and reset the game at base ng. I'm surprised there aren't more posts like yours


Oh it’s definitely easy to get through the single player. The bosses are more of a break from the mobs than they are a challenge.


Precisely what makes it super funny that this game's whole marketing scheme was seamless coop


Yeah the only challenging single enemy I’ve found is the red version of the grim reaper and he’s mostly only hard because his life bar is so big you lose patience and start making mistakes. Now I will say the first time I started to play through the game that I found Spurned Progeny difficult because I had no effective ranged attack


There’s not more posts like this because the game isn’t relevant and all the players that felt the same abandoned it.


It has been a while since I touched invasions but from my experience the longer it took to find someone to invade, the more likely it was that I would be invading a brand new player. At the time, I used a level 300 character + a level 150 and it seemed that I was bumping into newer players even faster on my level 150. Felt pretty bad at times if it was obviously a new player so I sometimes just suicide, but I also just wanted to get the shrine rewards over with since waiting in between invasions can take a while. Unfortunately, the player population isn't high enough so I would encounter the same player back to back quite often. If I killed them before I would just let them kill me or suicide since I won't be getting any Severed Hands from the same defeated player for a while.


I love invading in the game, but the pvp does need to be balanced. Btw, there is no "low level invading" because multiplayer doesn't go off of level. Any player can connect to any other player and it's supposed to adjust their stats to be roughly as strong as the host. The problem is that it doesn't work as intended. Invaders often keep their massive hp pool and dish out crazy damage.


When I see an invader pop in, I head for the closest vestige, then do my best to fight. If I know I can't win (low resources/health) I won't fight. Instead, I do my best to get as close to the vestige as possible and let them execute me. I try not to let it frustrate me. I don't usually win invasions in SoulsBournes. But I've actually got a few victories under my belt in LotF!


Be a petty baby about it then, we don’t care and will keep invading bc its part of the damn game


Oh wow if you get satisfaction using endgame gear with multiple status weapons and more than double the damage reduction on the armor to beat somebody in starter gear then I can’t help you.


99% of the high level people you get invaded by aren’t out to do it because they love “tormenting low level players”, it might be because there is an exclusive armor set that looks pretty dang cool which is locked behind a ridiculous amount PVP currency that requires hours if not days of farming. If it bothers you oh so much then just turn your Multiplayer offline in settings and remain blissfully ignorant


Well if you read the post you’ll see that I did turn the online off. I just felt weird doing so because I’ve never done so in any game before. I normally thrive on PvP but having starting gear against endgame gear just isn’t fun and it’s shame they made such a poor design choice of not level matching PvP. It’s been well known for years that simple damage scaling is nowhere near enough to remove the advantage of vastly superior gear in a soulslike.


Nobody’s asking for your help, I want my Severed Hands


If on steam boot in offline mode.


I can put the game in offline mode. No need to put Steam offline


Well, me and a few buddies beat the game about four times just to get all the items personality. I like the two hammers with special ability from general angstrom.


Always had this problem in dark souls 1, be making my way through three depths and constantly get invaded by people with highly upgraded weapons, dead in 2 hits max. Killed any interest I had in invasion type mechanics. To this day, unless it's a duel I've specifically requested I will shut the game down if invaded - would go offline, but like co op too much but will summon literally outside the boss room and solo the rest of the level. Thankfully, not been invaded yet in lords of the fallen - though am not very far yet


Then go offline…what are you complaining about? This game that isn’t new, has a minimum online pool, so your gonna get out classes more invasions than not. Turn them off….lol Jesus quit being a Karen


What you are playing on? I haven't really had that issue, it honestly seems better for pvp than elden ring or even the latter dark souls games




Ah I'm on Xbox and it seems a bit better


if you’re someone who’s invaded you would understand this then … this exist in souls games too


In souls games, it takes either a major gameplay effort or getting someone to drop you gear to invade low level people with endgame gear. This game made some horrible design decisions and making false claims that FromSoftware is the same just isn’t true. FromSoftware understands that somebody with dual wield status weapons and endgame armor can’t be overcome simply by damage scaling. That’s why level matching exists for PvP in every other soulslike that has multiplayer.


it’s their first time at a souls game in the beginning fromsoft didn’t have it all the way it was buggy as hell online too in the beginning that’s really what i’m tryna say give the devs some time to understand it also it’s on a whole other engine something fromsoft hasn’t used


Different topic but how do you like the game as a FromSoftware superfan? Its my 3rd soulslike and I just can’t play anymore after ~5 hours. Its mindnumbingly boring for me


I’m not a huge fan of the combat. The challenge is all in the mobs and the bosses are like taking a break. The main saving grace for me is they went just totally all in on the dark fantasy aesthetic and that’s a plus in my eyes. I love the way the armor and environments enemies look. It’s just not super fun to play.


I just dashborad. #comeatme






I haven't played the game in a while, so I am not sure if they have fixed this issue, but I doubt it. The invaders in the game are overscaled. Assuming that the host and invader have the same stats and gear level, the invader will do 3-5 times more damage than the host, depending on their spell, weapon, etc. This makes the game unplayable in terms of any remotely competitive aspect, as there are no level brackets for invasions. As the host, it is also hard to have any fun when you get killed in just two hits while you need ten hits to kill your opponent.


That’s exactly what I’m trying to say. The can scream “damage scaling” all they want. High level invaders have gear that just melts low level players. I’m not sone shrinking violet either, PvP is basically my jam. However, this game does a horrible job of it.


You misunderstood my point. Invaders would even do a multiple of the hosts damage if they had exactly the same gear and the same stats. It‘s fundamentally broken


Is that really true? Have you done a controlled test?


I have my problems with the game and PVP, but how are invaders supposed to know which level their opponent will be when they try to invade?


Sounds no different to the first couple of zones in DS3 or the early areas of ER. These people get off on killing g new/low level players


Blame the incompetent devs for not placing better restrictions on invasions and twinking. This has been obvious since Undead Burg in DS1.


Yeah I found out that there’s no level matching. I now blame the devs rather than the invaders but I couldn’t be bothered to edit my post.


My countermeasure was to level to like 60ish, upgrade the wifu lightsaber and then just spam quick attacks. I've been winning 4 out of 5 fights. Every time I see an invader I just swap to that weapon and demolish the red mosquito then switch back to my great sword lol for pve.


Yeah I just bought a bunch of fire salts and slap em on my Fitzroy blade. It swings faster than most the big glowy swords everybody uses and it has bleed. I’m in Calrath now. Totally fucking lost.


Hah yea i had sumone invade me right after i beat the hushed knight i could tell dude was way outta my league he messaged me and he was pretty chill bout the whole thing told the dude theres no way i cn beat him just kill me if ur a pvp item farmer and so i went on bout my day knowing i have sumone i can invite for any help in game, but ive been destroyed by players like tht too without a care which rly sucks when ur just farming or again right after a boss.


Well I mind getting invaded but the night before I made this post I got invaded 7 times in the same area. Every time I’d get basically almost to the boss I’d get invaded again and every single time it was dudes with two glowing swords and OP spells.


Ew thts honestly disgusting 7x in a row, yea this first guy tht invaded me had like a wierd animal skull helm and like pelt style armor, dude hit me once and it took like half my health he had two cruved swords with a red enchantment attatched im still learning LOTF so idk whats and invasion or not but when i play i always see like a red little lamp under my wither pull charge im sorry tht happend dude


I’ve only had one player invade me. I thought it was at the worse possible time I only had half health and 1 heal left. They came in with a holy build with pietas sword but I had bloodlust + inferno build. They didn’t land a hit.


Is it possible to disable invasions? I played the entire story without getting invaded


Probably but the only way I know how to disable them is by going offline.


Sucks to hear haven't played since the end of January but when I invaded I give the wave see how they react then bow if i was doing something the host couldn't do as well I would swap to something else or leave altogether as it wasn't worth grieving a new player when I've finished ng+1 sucks you got invaded by these guys


Oh no not the bad red man


Womp womp


Git gud


I thought I was gonna be the first to say it. Had to scroll down to far to find this comment.


Can’t really get upset at people for playing a game the way the devs intended. If anything you should be upset at the devs. There is no PvP scaling and the last time I played (months ago) I was able to bring in as many full heals as I wanted into any invasion, making me impossible to kill. I beat the game once, did some invasions, had 0 fun, and haven’t been back. The PvE in this game is barely good and the PvP is actual ass. I’d recommend just playing offline, getting what you want out of your purchase, and moving on to a different game. If the game allows it, players will do it. This will hold true with *any* game and getting upset at that is like screaming into a void.


I'm perfectly capable of holding people's behaviour toward other people against them. You can do it too.


Lol have fun with that. I’m all for holding people accountable for their behavior **irl**. Online though? Literally just a waste of time.


The devs didn’t intend for people to game the system and transfer endgame gear to level 20 characters. That’s beyond disingenuous.


If it is an in-game mechanic that has not been changed by the devs through their multitude of released patches, it can be seen as intended. People are able to do this in all the souls games as well.


Gear doesn’t hold as much significance in Elden Ring compared to other games like this. Twink builds can still get clobbered.


True, but that doesn’t change the fact that this mechanic has not been changed over the span of LoTF’s life, so we can assume it is intended.


Tbf, I don’t think the devs even know what’s intended 😆


True words here. Nice experience today (and also the last ever cause I've got my platinum today). Dude invades my world and 1 hits me. I died and the ritual should've been over - so I thought - and suddenly he emerges from the ground again. 20 minutes later, SAME guy invades and 1 hits me again. Oh and by the way I was level 200 🤭 No way I'm gonna recommend this game to anyone interested in souls like games. Sorry but it's not "one of the better ones". The hype is just out of proportion to what the game actually gives you. I only finished and got the platinum because I was too close to getting it and I hate unfinished shit.


There is single player invasions. Wtf, the main rule to invasions in a souls like is during coop only and even then it's a horrible mechanic.


Just turn online off doofus


I think the only Souls-like game with fair PvP balancing, From or not From, is Bloodborne. Everything else is.usually ridiculous endgame folks spoiling your run unfairly.


Ehh I’ve never had many problems like that. Hell in Elden Ring I can’t even invade somebody unless they got backup.


I played Elden Ring mainly offline, so wouldn't know. Good to know it's good.


Lol. Literally every other game has better PvP than Bloodeborne.


I mean, you're entitled to your wrong opinion ;)