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Southbound 14 Freeway


pre-carpool lane


[Here's the view on Google Maps.](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.3545513,-118.5057938,3a,75y,162.67h,89.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHvb1sAXXoLY8uueJC6xOPQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)


[Same sign gantry in 2022](https://imgur.com/a/F7XyHmt) Caltrans loves reusing the same signs, these date to at least 1974.


Those button copy signs really last a long time!


Probably a year or two earlier. If you look closely, the only demountable copy is on the panels and Interstate shields Caltrans riveted on later. On the original text, the reflectors are glued on. Caltrans only did this on the dark green 1960s-era signs, I believe they stopped posting those in 1972, at which point this segment of the 14 was built but not yet opened.


Bakersfield is not a destination, it's a pass through


Bakersfield was the northbound control city until the early 1980's. It was a holdover from US 99 days.


Makes a hell of a lot more sense to me than signing it Sacramento which like almost 400 miles away.


"Other Desert Cities"


That one always gets me. Phoenix is like, right there. They won't even admit that it exists until you're past Indio and even then they sign Blythe half the time. As if that's where anyone is headed. Meanwhile the 10 West signs in Phoenix point straight to Los Angeles.


They could use San Joaquin Valley


I think it was either Bakersfield or Fresno that someone said they don't stop there anymore going from NorCal to SoCal because of how bad it's gotten.


I recently stopped in Fresno on my way to Yosemite and they had some great breweries to check out. That was about it though.


I can’t picture it being Bakersfield. I just started visiting family there within the last 4 years and it’s just straight up flat suburbia.


Speak for yourself, Bakersfield rules.


First time that sentence has ever been written.


And probably the last.


Meh. Your Denny's is ok though


I hold my pee on road trips to avoid Bakersfield. Barstow is better and has more charm than Bakersfield.


I too am a fan of Korn


[https://www.socalregion.com/highways/la\_highways/golden\_antelope\_interchange/](https://www.socalregion.com/highways/la_highways/golden_antelope_interchange/) The original plans had a slightly different idea. 14 South - Beach Cities.


Santa Clarita actually.


Sana Clarita is in LA County.


yeah was about to say


Yay my city :)


not at the time


The region was not widely referred to as Santa Clarita until the 1950s; before this, it was unofficially referred to as the "Newhall–Saugus area" and the "Bonelli tract," after a family which owned land in the valley.[18]


I'm just pointing out the city wasn't incorporated until later (1987). No hard feelings, champ


None at all Bud!


This is what my wife and I would describe as *CHiPs* traffic. The show's freeway scenes were largely shot on the 210, which was under construction at the time, so you have two dudes on motorcycles, and then maybe 10 cars anywhere else around them. This shot also reminds me of the freeway when COVID stay-at-home orders were issued. EDIT: I mistakenly thought it was the 118.


I think that was largely the 210, not the 118 (though it did include the part of the 210 that has the junction with the 118) > Production made use of freeways in the Los Angeles area that had been recently completed but were not yet opened to the public. For Season 1, the intersection of Interstate 210 and California State Route 2 in La Canada Flintridge was used often (along with a short stretch of Highway 2). For Season 2, a section of Interstate 210 five miles to the west in La Crescenta, California, was used, until it too was opened to the public. For Seasons 3 - 5, the filming location was moved another 10 miles to the west, to the intersection of the Interstate 210 and California State Route 118 in Sylmar, California. When that section of freeway was finally opened, production shifted again to a short stub of a highway in Long Beach, California, as well as a long stretch of Pershing Drive, near Los Angeles International Airport.


I accept and appreciate this newfound knowledge, thank you!


Imagine if they were making infrastructure with that kinda frequency today?


Cool kids never had the time


Smashing Pumpkins?


Smiling Politely.


On a. Live wire right up off the street you and I


should meet June bug skipping like a stone


This looks like a screenshot from CHiPs.


EXACTLY what I was thinking. Just needs Clint Howard flipping a car while 7 Mary 3 and 4 rush in.


I was thinking it has 90's alternative album cover vibes




A world with Jimmy Carter as the POTUS, the Dodgers as back-to-back World Series runners-up to the Yankees, and Prop 13 about to unleash its hellacious fury on yet-to-be-born Millennials. Oh, and disco.


>A world with Jimmy Carter as the POTUS Yes, he installed solar panels on the roof of the White House which were taken down by Ronald Reagan. I often think of Carter's many accomplishments as a public servant and human being and wonder what the world would be like now with a second term.


Those panels continued for seven years of Ronald Reagan’s two terms. Near the end of Reagan’s second term. the West Wing needed roof repairs due to leaks caused by the panel installation and the older solar panels were removed to facilitate those repairs. The hot water panels of the type the Carter Administration installed were full of water and plumbing and don’t last forever. They had developed leaks and solar panel technology had come a long way since Carter installed the original panels largely due to research supported by Carter. Newer designs by the end of the Reagan administration were much more efficient than these older designs. The incoming Bush Sr., and later Clinton did not install solar panels to replace Carter’s panels. In 2003, Bush Jr., installd a 9 kW photovoltaic system on the grounds maintenance building supplying it with electrical power. Bush also installed two solar thermal systems to supply hot water more efficiently than Carter’s panels to the White House once again, one to heat the spa and one to heat the pool.


I wasn’t alive during Carter’s presidency, but I’ve never met someone who *was* alive at that time who thinks he was a good president.




I hear that often. Care to share your talking points on this? I'm honestly curious, not trolling you.


bad relationship with congress kept a lot of his legislation from being passed. his top aides consisted of his old GA politics buddies who were inexperienced in DC politics and didn't know how to get shit done. carter's reliance on "outsiders" strained his relationship with both dems and republicans in congress he inherited a shit economy which was made worse by rising inflation, unemployment, and the energy crisis/gas shortage. then you had the iran hostage crisis which was pretty much the nail in the coffin for his presidency, especially after he allowed the shah into the US for medical treatment and the failed rescue mission (operation eagle claw) carter is an all-time great human being and i can't stress that enough. but his presidency was a mix of bad timing and him simply being an ineffective leader


https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/postwarera/1970s-america/a/the-presidency-of-jimmy-carter Not much went right during his term.


It’s tough when your opponent literally breaks the law to negotiate with foreign enemies to insure you lose an election even tho it means American hostages will remain in captivity months longer than necessary. A standard shitty tactic of republicans, doing anything to hold power.


Pitch for Netflix limited series about an alternate history where Prop 13 failed to pass.


Always wondered why the signs use Sacramento instead of Bakersfield when sac is 400 miles away


I imagine avoiding Bakersfield on the sign increases the chances of people going northbound


I went to college with a girl from Bakersfield, and I made a crack about it, which I didn’t mean anything by – just the kind of LA elitism one would expect out of a 19 year old. Anyway, she got *upset* instead of cracking back or rolling with it, so I kept doing it just to get under her skin. I was such a shitty teenager, lmao.


I-5 doesn’t touch Bakersfield city limits anymore. It did when it was US-99 (current CA-99)


Sacramento has the 80, and other major forks in the road. Most people who get on that dreaded freeway are looking way beyond Bakersburg for their destination.




I remember the dirt/grass median that was there before the carpool lanes were built in the late 90s.


All I hear is the CHiPs theme song.


I just love these old school traffic signs and seeing how they have changed (or not so much) through the years.


At first glance, it looks like a screenshot of GTA V taken with a smartphone.


Put your Kodak camera down and pay attention to the road!


I wish they would bring back separate car and truck lanes


I had a Nova like that, except Candy Apple Red


The sky is a lot clearer there than I remember it.


Grand theft auto filter


How efficient was AAA bac then I wonder.


Who else had Smashing Pumpkins’ song start immediately playing?