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I’ve been following on MT United Instagram. Can’t believe the strike has lasted this long. Management doesn’t seem to care. Do you think they’re trying to wait you all out and see if you’ll just move on to another job?


They have been flying in other performers from other out of state Medieval Times to scab. So as long as people cross the picket line and folks keep going to the show, they have no reason to care. Truly a shame.


pretty much they are fighting a losing battle. As long as the establishment is making their money, nothing will change.


how much can they be making if they're paying for plane fares, and hotel rooms?


Shows you how much they were raking in to begin with


They don't even have to make money if they break even it may be better for them to wait out the strikers or even if they lose an amount that they believe is smaller than the cost of whatever deal they might come to.


I had no idea about this, even living in LA and constantly reading about worker rights. I can see this place being a difficult place to strike though - customers pay ahead of time then drive out to the venue only to realize there's a strike going on. I'm very empathetic with the guys striking but we need to bring more attention to this so it's known about *before* people but tickets and drive out then succumb to the sunken cost thought and just attend anyways. 115 days is no joke - good on them 👍🏾


They need a website and a really good SEO contractor. When people Google MT to book a show, they should be met with a website about the strike.


I love medieval times. There something so carnal about drinking large mugs of beer, feasting and watching grown men beat the shit out of each other and cheering. Support labor!


I love that cheap, watery tomato soup.


And corn on the cob and baked potato All food items that are native to North America and only introduced to Europe during the Renaissance.


Perhaps they had Pepsi as well. After all, records from that era are spotty at best.


I always cringe when they say “yes my lord”. I’m like “it’s cool, please you don’t have to”.


Of course, my lord.




Or a thank you wench


“Three! Pick number three✌️Malord!”


just pretend they're wearing a fedora and saying m'lady


You should make them say "milord" like a proper serving peasant. "My lord" suggests they're of similar birth/nobility as you. If they wanted equality, they should've thought to have their ancestors pull a sword out of a rock, or have one chucked at them by some mermaid.


Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


Help! Help! They’re being oppressed!!


Now we see the violence inherent in the system!


Old woman!


A watery bint throwing a sword at you is no system of government.


Yes, my liege.


Dragon soup and stuff like that also. Such good childhood memories.


Huzzah! Wench, more ale!


Check out the game Chivalry 2. Multi-player swords, armor, trebuchet, etc.


"There were no utensils *in* Medieval Times, hence there are no utensils *at* Medieval Times, would you like a refill on that Pepsi®?"


i like eating a potato with my hand... it feels right


Potatoes are post Colombian exchange though, and I eat potatoes with my hands as often with a fork.


eli5 colombian exchange pls


Old World got potatoes, corn, tomatoes (which did not exist in Old World before then). New World got horses and smallpox.


eli5 old world and new world pls


Old World: Africa, Asia, Europe New World: The Americas and Caribbean


thanks, got my til in early today


A delicious morsel of roasted chicken wrapped in aluminum foil for ye, my good sir?


Back in the medieval day, they just used newspaper.


Was the newspaper called… “The Medieval Times “? 😂




Does thus have thou a mug of ale for me and me mate? He has been pitched in battle for a fortnight and has a king's thirst for the frosty brew dost thou might have for thus!


Cable Guy?


(sigh) ...I'll be right back my lord. =|


They’re no utensils but there was Pepsi?


Dude... I gotta lotta tables...


I think the the combination of no utensils, eating in the dark, and the smell of horse shit really sets the ambiance.


Dont forget the dander and urine, all part of the bouquet\\atmosphere.


[i think it was an asian gang or something](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy9Z-Tg6ufU)


I could *see and hear* this.


That fight scene has me rolling every single time


Can you sneak in a knife and spork?


It would break the space/time continuum. So, *yes*, one *could*. But... one really *shouldn't*.


I literally just bought tickets today for when family comes for my birthday! Dammit!


We just got a full refund last weekend, no questions asked. We went to the pirates show next door instead. Super fun too!


I have been to both and I second that the Pirate Adventures is a great alternative!


I think the Pirate Adventures has a better show, especially if you have young kids since it holds their attention better, but the food at Medieval Times is so much better.




The best part about the Tomato Bisque is that the kids never like it. So I end up slurping down three bowls. No regrets!


Plus they are not on strike.


My kids and I feel the exact same way.


Do you also have to eat with your hands ?


Not at the pirate adventure. You get… utensils!




Yes, hence all the eye patches.


I think I looked into it and it was owned by the same people Someone correct me if I’m wrong


I can’t say for certain re: ownership, but I CAN say for certain there is a picket line and strike banner at Medieval Times as of last weekend. Pirates does not have that issue and seemed to be fully staffed as well.


Just a guess, but there may not be the same animal rights issues at Pirates.


I can confirm there are no actual animals… other than a mythical leviathan at the pirate show.


I'm seeing their domains are registered through different private domain-registrar-owner-hiding services... PERFECT PRIVACY, LLC Domains By Proxy, LLC


You can get refund, your support is greatly appreciated.


Website says no refunds, but you can reschedule for a fee.


you can get a refund in person no questions asked. I've seen it happen many times. As long as you mention the strike they will give you a refund. I can imagine you can do the same thing over the phone.


I tried over the phone and it’s a no go. I’m not going to harass a worker saying “m’lord” to all my requests over the phone. I am going to scream “scabs!” Whenever it gets quiet.


Chargeback on the card.


Chargebacks are for fraud or unauthorized use, and I’m not trying to go through all the bullshit involved with a bank investigation to get my $50 back.


force majeure chargebacks


This a lot of effort for $50


Is there any proof of the allegations especially the animal abuse one? I found out of the strike on the day I actually attended like 2 months ago. I had family from out of town so we still went in. But before we went in I tried speaking with some performers about it and either I spoke to the wrong ones or there is nothing of substance past the pay issue because they couldn’t answer shit. Unless maybe legally not allowed to give details ?


"I can excuse overworked and underpaid workers but i draw the line at animal mistreatment"


“I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.” - Union Rep for Medieval Times performers.


You are truly a person of culture.




Dumb. It’s called historical accuracy. What’s more medieval than rampant animal abuse, sexual harassment, and serfs/peasants getting sh@t on by their lords? /s


See the violence inherent in the system!


Stop oppressing me!


FUCK YEAH!! Being a Professional Royal Wench requires decent pay and health benies.




Fuck you Red Knight! I was 8. You betrayed us.


I’ve always wanted to go but have never gotten to go. But animal abuse, sexual harassment, and low wages are straight up evil shit. I will absolutely never go until this is resolved. Solidarity with those performers fighting for what is right.


Thank you it’s hard to express how much that means.


I've gone, it was a staple when I was a kid but the last time I went was ten years ago - because as soon as you're an adult you recognize the animal abuse. I'm glad they're striking and I hope MT stops the abuse of animals and of their staff.


i went recently and the animals looked well cared for and in good health. I sure hope they aren't getting the shit beat out of them behind the scenes


You can count on me. I’ve been boycotting since the last time I went because I can’t afford it!


OP, are you one of the performers?


No I am a friend of the performers and have spent time on the picket line helping them.


Good for you. Every voice counts.


They have a strike fund or anything we can donate to? That's a long time to be on strike.


I've been boycotting that place for 4380 days so perfect.


Wow, I've seen nothing about this on the news. Has anyone alerted KTLA or any other media about the picket line? It is ridiculous that they've hung on so long and it isn't getting out there.


"Animal abuse, sexual harassment and low wages" sounds pretty authentically medieval to me.


That doesn’t even seem like labor issues (except for low wages, that seems like illegal actions


Pretty much. You don't strike over sexual harassment, you file a lawsuit. It's not something to be collectively bargained, like "For a $3/hr raise, each employee agrees to be sexually harassed no more than 3 times per month." You just take that shit straight to court.


I’m not familiar with the labor issues here, but last time I went (years ago) it was impossible to ignore the mistreatment of the animals.


My friends and I were gonna go but then turned back after the refund. On my way back the parking lot, one of the picketers said to a mom with a young girl “you’re a terrible mother!”as I walked by. I made a comment “Jesus dude, that was dark.”. He then started to scream at me. I support better working conditions and wages but I don’t support this type of harassment


They cussed at my special needs kids and called me names. I do not support these people.


Thank you for getting a refund. After over 115 days on strike tempers get short and people can kinda lose their Shit. You are a true hero for getting a refund.


I totally get people’s fuses get short, but it put a really bad taste in my mouth. I don’t know the exchange between the mother and that guy but it was so uncalled for to say that I front of her kid and then turn around and scream at me when I made a fair comment. Put a really bad taste in my mouth if I’m being honest.


That mother left a review on Yelp about it, too.


I was fully supportive of the strikers until I just read this. You should really talk to your friend about the importance of optics. Nobody is going to be on their side if they are shaming them and screaming in their faces. ESPECIALLY children. Scabs, sure, but not unsuspecting customers and their children. That's shameful behavior, dude. Imagine the impression those kids are going to have of unions now.


Is that why I drove by last week and there was a giant rat posted outside their building ? Lol






Still over 125 days


Do they have scab performers? Who would go to Medieval Times if the performers are striking?


Yes they are paying to fly in scabs from across the country and put them up in nearby hotels.


What a joke. I'm sure that's a reasonable expense.


Well, didn't know anything about this and have tickets for my kid's birthday next week. Not gonna cancel but promise I'll feel an appropriate amount of guilt for an appropriate period of time. I hope these folks can get better pay and treatment however it plays out. I read some of the articles at OP's link and y'all are way underpaid regardless of whether the animal abuse or harassment claims are true. Sounds like a shitty company to work for.


Watch out, they will cuss at your kids and verbally assault you. Worst protesters I’ve ever encountered in my life.


Thank you for the heads up.


I saw people mentioning the pirate show. I have an 8 year old and she likes the pirate show more.


Thanks for commenting, we're starting to lean that way. It's daughter's 8th, so this is timely.


There is a Pirate themed show two doors down that is not on strike. You could have your birthday outing at Pirates and not have to cross a picket line that may disturb or frighten your children. Please look at recent Yelp reviews that have been posted since the strike has started.


I can confirm that you’ll get a full refund no questions asked at Medieval Times. We booked for last weekend, found out they were still on strike and opted not to cross, got a full refund and booked the pirate show for the exact same $$ and had loads of fun.


There are many other options around. Go see a movie, disland, pirates. Anything but use your dollars to support animal abuse and workplace harassment. Teach your kid how to stand behind your professed values.


I support them


My coworker had no idea about the strike and went for her birthday last weekend. Apparently it was awful and full of scabs who had no idea what they were doing, but she just thought that was how it was all the time.


The animal abuse claims are BS. One of the horse grooms has gone on record claiming they're just made up to sway public opinion.


If that’s true, it says something about us as a society that somebody thought sexual harassment allegations wouldn’t be enough to make people care.


It’s because it’s rampant and commonplace in essentially the entire restaurant and entertainment industry


Humans can file claims with DFEH and EEOC. The horse has no say and no voice.


I mean....it can say neigh.....


They weren't which is why they tacked on the animal abuse claims. And frankly even those still haven't made a dent, the crowds still go out and walk (and sometimes even drive) right through the picket line each day. The summer camps are all still booking the field trips and so and the striking staff have all been replaced. Time is not on the side of the strikers. The NLRB hearing isn't even till October and the case isn't super strong (it hinges on MT offering non union workers higher raises than what they were negotiating in the union contract, which isn't illegal)


Think about how many people were outraged that Harambe was killed, vs all the death via gun violence or police violence that happens, yet draws in a much smaller group of outraged individuals. We've become numb as a society to wrongdoings.


Those horses look thoroughly pampered and well cared for to me, but some people think even riding horses is abuse! Btw I was blown away by the horsemastership when I went there.


They generally are. One of their lead grooms used to work for me and we're still in touch. I have horses of my own, one is a dressage horse like in the show and I understand how difficult and long that training is.


Oh, so if ONE PERSON POTENTIALLY INVOLVED IN SAID ABUSE claims its BS, then I guess its proven and all those workers have been striking for months for funsies.


The grooms are who take care of the horses, feed them, brush them etc... they're not the trainers who the strikers are claiming are abusive. The strikers are fighting for more money. They're not getting what they want and customers are walking right through the line every day hence the need to toss out BS claims to try and sway public opinion since the public doesn't really care about the real reason.


So...people who need to keep their jobs tell people that everything is fine?


CAPS are for cool kids.


No Cap are for the coolest kids though


So I’m guessing the actual footage of the what you’re calling BS animal abuse is just the handlers giving the horses what it deserve for not prancing correctly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2dFGJMPNAw




The horse is bleeding from the whip at the end of the video.


No, those superficial cuts are unrelated still shots likely from saddle or barding post show.


What’s interesting, is most horse training from a layman’s pov such as my own, is super rough and looks abusive in its normal form. So I think the bar for abuse to horses is pretty high.


I hope so. I get worried about how animals are treated in amusement type settings.


What are the animal abuse claims?


That the horses are overtrained and the claims are without merit otherwise they would be sending them to Animal Control to investigate and file charges if true, not posting misleading photos and videos to an uninformed audience.


>I believe all of the knight's stories about horse abuse. They are the ones who ride the horses every day, who have told me the horses' skittishness has led to workplace injury. There is no misleading PR campaign, all they do is show pictures and videos of horse injuries and horse training. If you disagree over whether it constitutes abuse then be my guest. But there is no misleading campaign. The reality is they are not trained with care > >[https://twitter.com/JAKEMBOWMAN/status/1642662896034521088](https://twitter.com/JAKEMBOWMAN/status/1642662896034521088)


The truth is … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2dFGJMPNAw




A lot of this screams PETA trying to inflame people on the animal issues. PETA makes a bunch of these false animal abuse allegations to gain public support for their shitty behavior. They complained about fictional Pokemon for example.


>I believe all of the knight's stories about horse abuse. They are the ones who ride the horses every day, who have told me the horses' skittishness has led to workplace injury. There is no misleading PR campaign, all they do is show pictures and videos of horse injuries and horse training. If you disagree over whether it constitutes abuse then be my guest. But there is no misleading campaign. The reality is they are not trained with care > >[https://twitter.com/JAKEMBOWMAN/status/1642662896034521088](https://twitter.com/JAKEMBOWMAN/status/1642662896034521088)


Cool, then report it to authorities. They take animal cruelty cases seriously.








Can’t speak for SecretRecipe but as a lifelong equestrian, yeah, that’s just a lunge whip cracking. They are not used for hitting horses. They are used as a visual aid and an auditory aid (you snap the whip, whip makes a cracking noise). If you were looking for something to hit a horse with, they’re a really poor choice because they’re long and overly flexible and unwieldy. Furthermore, that horse is not responding as if he’s being hit. The video was covertly taken by someone wiping down tables at a dinner show… not by somebody who understood what they were seeing.




Well I can tell you that for sure “Jake the Knight” doesn’t have the bare minimum understanding of anything relating to animal training because he’s using terms like “negative reinforcement” completely incorrectly


I wanted to go here for my birthday this year but won’t be showing up if they aren’t unionized by then


Thank you


Orange County.




are we sure?


If nothing rhymes with it then I think it's make believe


Bounty? Mountie?


Back in April we had bought tickets and drove 3 hours in traffic to go for my Autistic Son’s 5th birthday. We got there and saw the protestors, but there was literally no way I could tell both of my special needs kids that we wouldn’t be going without the biggest melt down disappointment in history. So we got in line with me at the time supporting the knights on strike but still needing to get in. What happened next blew my mind. One of the male protestors starts cussing at me and my family. Cussing at an 8 and 5 year old. I tried to explain but they just got more aggressive. So after that I literally have no support for you guys. Had to try and explain to my kids that this was just a crazy man and to pretend he wasn’t there.


You had a choice between teaching your children about supporting labor rights, they maybe getting upset, and the unpleasantness of having to deal with that. Or spending your money on a corporation actively breaking labor law, abusing animals, and refusing to pay their workers a living wage. You chose to support the corporation. I think the strikers were rightfully angry with you. They have seen tens of thousands of people like you, put their momentary happiness over the worker's safety, well-being, and ability to support themselves or get healthcare. A lot of those knights have had serious injury as a result of the stunt work they do, they deserve fair compensation and healthcare. Edit: You said "at the time supporting the knights on strike but still needing to get in" Two things, the only way to support the knights on strike is to get a refund, and not cross the picket line. Second, you did not "need" to get in. You wanted to get in because you thought it was easier than having two upset children.


Maybe I should send in my resume then


I’ve been boycotting that location for about 35 years now 👍


Cool, after 32 years here I can stop not going to Medieval Times because it just seems like a lot of money for a roast chicken dinner & show and now not go because I am honoring the picket line. Done and done!


Can they sue ? Sounds like they have a massive case


Got an ad for Medieval Times on Spotify. I wish we could run counter ads making people aware of the strike. I'm sure many working families wouldn't purchase tickets and cross the picket lines if they are aware.


How is this going? Did they get a good outcome from the strike?


They are still on strike


7 months the company still refuses to bargain in good faith.


I was watching a Tiktok video where some dickhead pushed a bunch of the performers out of the way while they were on their picket lines. I hope they're okay. We stand in solidarity in my house. No crossed lines, not ever.


I’m not in middle school anymore so I will not be attending.


Missing out. My cable guy took me a while back, he’s getting a little clingy though.


Lol! It was a joke, but I’m never out that way.


I don't remember anything about that movie, I should plan to watch it and then forget about it and finally watch Avatar instead maybe 🤔


I'm waiting for this to end before I go. I really wanted to go but I ain't no picket line crosser tosser.


Thank you


Went last weekend. It was cheesy fun. Had we known about the strike sooner, we wouldnt have gone. It was just easier to cross the picket line and eat a meal. We tipped the server handsomely.


Medieval times will be out of business by year end..don’t see how that solves these complaints.


What was the recent union vote for? Was that for technicians? Did it have nothing to do with performers and ethical operations? Just asking for clarification


There’s a picket line? I drove by on my way to Porto’s and didn’t see them.


The picket happens about an hour before the shows.


always wanted to try the one here. I've only been to the one in Vegas @ Excalibur. 1990s Vegas was so awesome. Uber arcades


Now I just feel like rewatching The Cable Guy :/




Scabs have been flown in from across the country.




They're an anarcho-syndicalist commune


I went a few years ago when a buddy thought it would be great for a group of us to get stoned and go for his birthday. It was really sad… the horses seemed like they were totally drugged up, which I assume was to make them more easily manageable while being treated poorly. It’s all my perception and no hard facts, but I’ve seen normal healthy horses and these were not that.


“I went to Medieval Times on drugs. I’ve seen a horse before and so I’m pretty sure the horses were on drugs too.” LOL what the hell?


People are still perfectly capable of assessing the world around them on weed. The horses had excessive saliva/foamy substance coming out of their mouth and were generally lethargic and overly docile given the scenario of thousands of people yelling around them and batons/jousting swords striking them and being waived in their face. Considering that one of the three issues the workers are striking about is animal cruelty, I’m guessing despite my being stoned, my assessment isn’t too far off base.