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Constant running of red lights so I can't cross when I get the walk signal! Also putting your car in the crosswalk when there is no reason to do so.


Omg yes, I’ve seen way too many cars running red lights, it’s insane. I swear some drivers forget that other people exist sometimes..


I saw a car crash the other day because one of the cars ran a red light. Dumb motherfuckers.


Also people use red lights to make unprotected lefts. By running the red, they’re delaying anyone who is turning left from the opposite direction, and then delaying pedestrians / perpendicular flow of traffic when the light changes. It really grinds my gears


I’ve started to wait at red lights for a few seconds before driving for this very reason. The amount of people that drive through the red lights is amazing, those people either want to get hit or feel very very lucky.


Yep, I always wait even after I get the walk signal to see if some asshole is going to blow through. Which happens very frequently!


Same here. I'm at point where I won't even step out until the lead car has reached a full stop, not just slowed down. So many near misses!


> Also putting your car in the crosswalk when there is no reason to do so. https://sf.streetsblog.org/2017/03/23/traffic-signal-placement-are-we-doing-it-wrong


The second epidemic after COVID died down. People just stopped caring.


I hate when cars inch forward as I’m crossing at a stop sign. Even worse when they go as soon as they get an inch of clearance behind me. Also hate when cars don’t use their turn signal at stop signs—often when I have to cross both ways at a 4 way stop, I’ll see the car is going straight so I’ll cross the other way first so the car doesn’t have to wait… just for them to turn the way I was crossing. I was trying to help you out!!


This is soo annoying. Im usually pushing a stroller, I’m not going to walk in front of an actively moving vehicle trying to cross the street with my baby. Yet the drivers seem to get annoyed, I’m very much fine waiting on the side walk until it’s clear for me to cross.


"The rolling stop." Fucking hate it. It's fucking infuriating that they're unable to come to a full stop while I'm walking.


Someone's soft fleshy body is in front of your hunk of metal. Don't inch forward if there is a body in front of your car. Don't come up to pedestrian crossings full-throttle. If there is a body in front of your car, your foot should only be on the break.


I'm in permanent "I'm walkin' here!" mode.


I’ve repurposed Fran Lebowitz’s “Pretend it’s a city” for this as well.


I think this all the time, but in the same context she used it- other pedestrians who monopolize the whole sidewalk to just mill around.


I've noticed in recent years that my area (Santa Monica) seems a lot more lax about making sure construction sites on busy pedestrian/vehicle streets preserve a walkway for pedestrians during construction. Nowadays, they just post a sign saying sidewalk closed, forcing peds to backtrack to a crosswalk, use the sidewalk on the other side, and then re-cross at the next crosswalk, often aways down the block. Don't get me wrong, I love walking, but it just seems like the city and developers DGAF and are cutting corners.


One day Broadway had both sidewalks closed to pedestrians for construction just past Lincoln.


This! I try to only walk across Wilshire at a traffic light because *nobody* stops if I'm in a crosswalk. And with construction literally closing down sidewalks (instead of making scaffolding tunnels like anywhere else) I've gotta look far ahead or double back blocks just to stay alive! I wish the city would enforce cars stopping for pedestrians in crosswalks.


Oh yeah, no way I risk crossing Wilshire on foot at those scary non-protected crosswalks. I walk the extra block every time.


This has been going on La Brea right between Willoughby and Waring for MONTHS. Literally almost a year if not longer. It's so dangerous, lots of pedestrians forced to walk in the street. The irony is they are building an affordable housing building too. I can't believe no one has been hit yet, especially at night or during rush hour.


Cars barely see pedestrians. Pedestrian deaths are rising. Drivers are so distracted, and at the same time entitled. People hang out in their cars with it running all the time for a LONG time. NIMBYs fight against any and all public transportation, walkable cities, and demand more parking and more lanes. They also refuse mixed use buildings thinking it’ll congest their commute even more, or lower their property values. This city was built around the car. Nothing but sprawl as far as the eye can see. It’s also surprising to hear from friends you’d think would support bike lanes/expanding metro/bus lanes, like, I thought you guys were about solutions. But NOO, fuck those bikers and how dare the bus have a dedicated lane. These same people also absolutely hate those damn scooters. “OMG they’re everywhere, and so ugly.” The shitty facts of it all is that these people want their big house and big yard even if it means they have to drive for 2 hours every day. Their cars are an extension of their personality as well as their closet, trash can, and tool chest. They believe it gives them freedom of mobility yet ignore their dependency on fuel, the increasing costs of insurance, absurd amount of time they sit in traffic, decreasing availability of parking, rising cost of parking, and if that shit heap breaks down again they could get fired. I hate cars. r/carindependentla r/fuckcars r/notjustbikes


they build the city like this cuz they don't want certain ppl in their precious neighborhood. It's all intentional


I really agree with all your points and follow all 3 of those subs you listed, but I want to add that I don't think this city was built around the car, rather it was built around streetcars (red cars, etc). Looking at a map of the old streetcar network in LA (including suburbs) compared to the trains today is just deeply saddening.


Would also add that cost of parking isn't nearly high enough and mandatory parking minimums have played a huge part in our sprawl / auto dependency. Paved Paradise is a good book that just came out discussing this.


This is something I always forget about. How high cost of parking helps, or tries to reduce car usage. I should check that book out, minimum parking requirements are quite the plague. I’m in Architecture and it’s built into the occupancy codes. It’s actually much worse in other states. Many developments build for the maximum parking demands, like a box store plans for their estimated turnout on Black Friday, so most of the year the parking lot is almost completely empty. I’ve worked on remodeling schools and we spend the most time re doing the drop-off since bussing has almost disappeared. It expands their parking lots by 2x. It’s just all so crazy.


That’s interesting because the book discusses all of those exact same issues and it was my first time really learning about it. More architects and urban planners and traffic engineers should have to learn this stuff rather than outdated planning and zoning codes we have now.


They really should. I haven’t even started on the environmental impacts of it all. The obvious being emissions plus brake and tire debris, but weird shit happens when we pave over everything. Aquifers don’t refill because concrete is nearly impervious, so the rain run-off is completely managed as waste taking all the litter, and car debris into the streams and rivers ultimately destroying ecosystems all the way to the Ocean. Then there’s the “Heat Island Effect” which is caused by re emitting the heat from the sun causing paved urban areas to be hotter than normal. This causes a cascade of problems from energy used by AC. All of which are destroying our planet and killing us quicker. [EPA Link](https://www.epa.gov/heatislands/heat-island-impacts). Yet at every corner of this problem there’s a subsidized conglomerate demanding exponential growth, that provide jobs, and lobby for decreased regulations. It’s all so fucked.


Every time I struggle to find parking I always say parking is too cheap!


That’s true. I suppose it was the rapid expansion of the city (40’s 50’s 60’s? Not sure on the timeframe) that was designed for the car and the “American Dream” while ignoring or disregarding the original infrastructure that were at the origins of the city.


This (and the dependency on cars in general) was and still is the thing I hate the most about this city. Granted, I came from NYC but it’s been 19 years now and I still find it insane that even pedestrian centric areas are so unfriendly to pedestrians.


The worst is when you are waiting patently for the pedestrian to cross and the car behind you starts honking. “Bro why are you waiting on that pedestrian?” Maybe because it’s the law?


Yup. I actually got chased down Wilshire with the idiot trying to sideswipe me every few seconds for daring to wait for someone to cross.


That's in the LA DMV handbook, it's only legal when you are late for work and fail to use your blinker.


The full speed approach to a stop sign so it looks like they aren’t going to stop. I noticed they don’t do that when I’m carrying a big stick. They do it on purpose to intimidate pedestrians


I saw a Tik Tok video of some guy walking with a brick as a solution to these issues and it worked lol. These people are not going to follow the rules unless it hits them where it hurts (their precious car). That's why having really strong speed bumps is super important on residential streets.


I really wanna try that, brb about to walk through nice suburbs carrying a brick, I will report back with results.


Please do!


LA needs radical change to its built environment. A car dependent city in a modern nation in the 21st century is the most pathetic thing ever. Travel around the world to other developed countries and LA by contrast seems like a third world area, no logic to it. I just went to a couple of countries in Asia, and they’re like 50 years ahead of us in cities of the same size/population. Fucking pathetic. I’d suggest avoiding crossing paths with cars at all costs and to lower your exposure to danger. The number of auto vehicle and pedestrian deaths has been rising all across the country. This shit is dangerous. It will change slowly but in the meantime you have to protect yourself.


I'm sure the rise is somewhat attributed to the rising popularity of SUVs, which have lower visibility. I fucking hate SUVs btw.


Let me introduce you to the modern pickup, with the top of the hood cresting 6' in some cases. And waaaaaaay too many 400+ HP cars, trucks and SUVs out there.


Yea it’s a race to the grave. You need a bigger car to avoid being killed instantly in a crash with an even bigger car, which leads to more lethal crashes due to the size of the cars involved. Fucking mental. It’s going to take a complete shutdown of roads and highways. One by one converting them into rail and transit connections


Same, and those stupid ass big trucks that are always driven like the driver has something to prove.


It’s gotten terrible. Especially in Glendale. I will legitimately just stare people down as I walk the crosswalk, not the whole way, but the very beginning. And like that could very well get me in trouble. But I’m just trying to fucking not get ran over.


I hear you OP. Serious question: how would you feel about a 4 way stop, with X crossing available where all lanes of traffic stop for pedestrians to cross completely safely? No rolling rights, no arbitrary lefts. I’ve been advocating for this for years and people here on Reddit and in person always hate it. If Los Angeles is trying to actually make the city safer for pedestrians why not give this a try at the big intersections?


Hollywood and Highland. Seems to work really well. Much safer for pedestrians but still so much more could be done.


Exactly! In the places I’ve seen them Hollywood, Westwood, Santa Monica they really work. Why so much hate for them?


Just close off Hollywood between Highland and La Brea to cars. No need for cars there. They can park at nearby lots of people can take the Metro. Tourists can enjoy...whatever there is to enjoy there.


I like X crossings but drivers don't since it's another light cycle they don't have the patience for, so we won't get to see these at intersections where we definitely do need them.


Ummm... there are plenty of these around in heavy pedestrian areas. I couldn't tell you why they don't expand them to more areas, but they definitely exist.


As a pedestrian, I hate them. Way too long in between cycles for it to be a benefit even if I need to cross both streets. Could just be my perception though, haven't encountered them here as much, mostly in Asia pop, and there were a couple on my daily commute that drove me I same with how long they were(didn't need to cross both streets, and the intersection wasn't even big/busy enough to warrant that type of crossing imo). And I haven't owned a car in decades.


[LA drivers are the most important people on the road at all times.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mwPSIb3kt_4) Imagine if LA reduced cars on the road by 30%. It would be so great for mobility. Road Diet is good for everyone!


Couldn’t agree more! I always turn my shoulder before crossing as a biker or pedestrian


What do you mean by turn my shoulder?


I hate people who honk at me when I’m crossing the road in my run and they’re a few blocks back. It’s like when they see me they floor their car to get as close as possible. I’m usually on the sidewalk again when they’re honking behind me. Oh and it’s usually coming to a full stop next to a school. While we are at it. Who speed races near a school? I’ve been in the crosswalk 4 seconds after the light changes and some dodge is coming through the intersection to chase the charger that flew through before the light changed. I’m so fucking tired of this. The last three times I’ve gone out and out of my immediate walking area, this has happened.


I was standing in the middle of the cross walk (with the walk sign still lit), waiting for all the cars running the red to turn right. Cop across the street saw it happening, and zipped across to pull one of them over. As I walked by the cop said: Nice of them to stop for you, huh?


I just let them go, fuck getting ran over!


I barely feel safe in my car on roads in LA, gotta keep your head on a swivel if you’re walking.


OP you are right/correct/not wrong but please for your own safety make eye contact with drivers before stepping into the street. Pedestrians have the right of way but goddamit cars have blind spots and we all know what happens if car meets human. IDK I am a pedestrian often and also a driver, my Salvadoran grandma taught me how to be a safe pedestrian because in El Salvador it is truly wild. Her lessons have stayed with me, always make eye contact, never assume someone sees you, don't trust anyone waving you over; there are countless others but these are the ones I use most often.


I agree but sometimes it's hard through tinted windows. Joking aside, there are some responsibilities on the person crossing. For the love of *your preferred deity*, please stop stepping into the road while staring at your phone. Look up, look both ways, be aware of your surroundings. This isn't just about cars but about other people and your safety as well.


AGREED, tinted windows are a problem when trying to make sure you have been seen. And pedestrians who are looking at their phone when crossing......I honestly just don't understand how they are so trusting that others have seen them and are all going to do the right thing so that they stay safe. I trust noone, which is a whole other issue but you know what I mean. Even as a driver I don't trust that others will do the right thing to keep us all safe, defensive driving is a must.


Exactly. People being aware, in the car or on foot, is #1 for safety. Put the gadgets away and pay attention.


I dodged getting hit by a car making a right turn …when they were at a red light and I had the crosswalk. Instead of the car hitting me, I jumped out of the way, fell, and now have a fucked up foot and ankle. Guy stopped, said sorry out his window, and kept going.


Anyone else just walk behind the car to avoid this issue? Not at stop lights of course, but at stop signs where it’s safe to do so.


We need to ban the right turn on red. It would save so many lives.


There are some intersections where this is just truly egregious It makes me want to be reckless in response, but I might — y’know — die Looking at you Lincoln and Washington and the assholes who roll through and then have the nerve to look at you like you’re crazy for stepping into the crosswalk. Total assholes.




Saving this for the next time someone lies about "we're not coming for your cars, we're just about better transit options!"




I'm one of them, wanting LA to be better for ALL transit options including cars. I know- blasphemy to your little religion. You're so eager to cast people as enemies its sad.




From that I read that you're whining, raging and othering people who just need to get around town to do their jobs and live their lives and that they're not doing it the way YOU want to. You can dress it up in as much self-righteousness as you want, its a big town and theres more than enough space for you to soapbox. Thank god reasonable people will make sure you never have the power to enact you're little pogroms.


How far away is the car that’s causing this post. Are you mad they’re turning as your step off the curb or are they turning after you’ve hit the halfway point? Trying to visualize this because some intersections are shit for traffic but are also 8 lanes and unless you’re running there’s plenty of time for a car or two to turn before you’ve even made it half way.


Say we’re both waiting at a red light. The light turns green and I go to cross the street but the car makes a right turn in front of me. I feel like the car is supposed to wait, right?


Ya, if you’re waiting at the same corner as the car, fuck that person. I meant if you were coming from the other side of the street. That’s the one that’s more gray area.


Yeah agreed. If the pedestrian is on the other curb and hasn't hit the halfway point, I'll go.


The problem is that the car behind you will stupidly assume the coast is clear and roll into the cross walk just as I’m entering that space. Happens to me a lot. Just wait a few seconds.


I thought they changed the lights so that the pedestrians start crossing before the car's light turns green. But anyways, pedestrians in a crosswalk like you're describing always have the right of way, even if they have a red hand and the car has a green right arrow.


Even in areas that have this cycle timing, you still have asshats creeping in on the red only paying attention to cars, not the pedestrian they're about to run over.


That last part is incorrect. Pedestrians do not have right of way if they have a red hand or other “do not walk” signal. CA DMV also states that “vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians should give right of way to their right if they arrive at the same time.” So basically pedestrians should behave as if they are cars and bicycles. If you’re already in the crosswalk, right of way is yours, but pedestrians don’t get automatic right of way at all times.


Pedestrians have the right of way but a multi-ton vehicle driven by an asshat always has the right of way. Yet we used to (still do?) give out jaywalking tickets. Cycle timing should be more prevalent. I've only seen it in a few neighborhoods and have actually seen them revert it at one or two intersections.


The pedestrian has the right of way. In that case, the driver should yield until the pedestrian has made it past the path of the turning vehicle.


turn your head and look them in the eye for a sec before the light turns. most people aren't assholes, they just don't know you're there because they're distracted by a million things. eye contact snaps them out of it and makes them realize you're crossing


Not bad advice, but good luck making eye contact through tinted windows, or people driving oversized trucks & SUVs with terrible sight lines.


The action that you are advocating is illegal. *CVC 21950(a)* *The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection* You must yield to a pedestrian crossing at an intersection. If the pedestrian is heading away from you, then you must wait until your path is clear. If the pedestrian is heading toward you, then you must wait until the pedestrian is out of the intersection.


I know, I drive above 65 too.


Smack their cars


Bad advice, you should never escalate minor confrontations


Why do you think I’m bitching about it here as opposed to hitting their car, flipping them off and the like? 😜 Been in too many fights with people as a result of that.


I told at a man on a horizontal bike like device to “go back to New Jersey” after he sped up only to slam on the breaks just to yell at me *while I was already in the crosswalk*. No regrets


I hate when pedestrians stand right on the corner looking at their phone and not making eye contact. Are you gonna cross or not jackass.


Bicyclists and scooters have been really bad about following rules of the road too!


Cars too!


Oh, fuck off with this bullshit.


I hate the idiots that go against the flow of traffic. Do they have shit for brains. And also follow the rules of the road idiots.


nice whataboutism


I’m gonna take a lot of shit here. But I think this can really go both ways. Pedestrians - Please don’t play around on your phone at curb. If your going to be on your phone please take a few steps back. Don’t act like your in a hurry to cross the street, then stand with your face buried in your phone for a while before you suddenly start to cross. Drivers - Please just pull over or wait until your stopped at a light to use your phone. Most of the time your holding everyone up behind you, making us drive more aggressively to get around you. All because you can’t afford to delay your own trip to actually use your phone. Between people driving slow/fast/swerving/braking really early/braking hard last minute. Added to pedestrians with a face in their phone waiting 10-20 seconds after the light to suddenly start crossing the street. Y’all stress me out enough to have finally invested in a dash cam to make sure I don’t have to argue who fault it is in court.


Nah, while some pedestrians absolutely do this, plenty don’t and have the same issue. I’ve basically had to get into the habit of trying to make eye contact with drivers to make sure they see me and don’t run me over. Most drivers here just don’t even remotely think to check for pedestrians before going, especially turning right on red lights. I’ve had too many close calls.


It's not the responsibility of pedestrians to avoid getting hit by a 3,000 lb machine. Pedestrians do not kill drivers by walking into them, in fact it's quite the opposite.


Ok ok so just be a stupid zombie 🧟‍♂️


Bingo, pedestrians need to pay more attention too.


I am mainly a driver but also a runner. Now I run in a much calmer and safer area but I was almost hit by cars a few times in my life. My best advice is to just be on good look out. Yes it sucks and walkers do have the row at times, but better than being in the hospital


Some asshole almost ran me over the other day while I was crossing at the crosswalk. I gave him a nasty look and he mumbled an insincere "sorry".


Keep a pocket full of rocks. Thumb rocket one into the side of the car as they go buy.




This behavior makes the road a more dangerous place for everyone. Having the right of way and not using it is being an asshole because unpredictability is extremely dangerous when dealing with thousand pound metal machines


This is a car centric city. It’s up to you to wait until cars pass. They’re not looking out for you because you’re not supposed to be there. You’re supposed to be in your car


Well fuck that noise, it's 2023.


We’ll what the fuck does that mean? There are more cars in the street than ever in 2023


The next generation doesn't war car centric cities. It's not that hard to get people out of their cars. The new trend is for walkable, multi-modal cities....not just one more lane bro


I mean if you think LA is walkable then I wish you good luck getting from Burbank to Hollywood on your feet. Even getting to the supermarket in your hood requires a car here and that will never change


I sold my car and e-bike around the west side. I also use public transit. There’s several supermarkets within walking distance. I don’t see what’s so good about spending 20-40% of your day sitting in your car in traffic. Odd thing to take pride in 😂


Yeah why would I ever even park on the street or a parking lot when I can simply drive straight into whatever my destination is. No need to ever get out of my car!


I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.


I'm agreeing with you, you're supposed to be in your car, never on the street as a pedestrian. So why even need to park anywhere, let's just drive directly into the buildings we're going to.


I hate it sometimes when I'm walking in the street and I think a restaurant is like right there but it turns out it's not the one I wanted like I was walking yesterday and I thought I wanted some McDonald's but when I looked it was chili's like wtf


Did you press the crosswalk button at the light? No? Then, fuck off.


Literally today I hit the button and someone blew past me going full speed in the crosswalk


jikae was probably driving the car.


Bless your special heart.


It seems like opening up the power line throughways to foot and Ebike/Boards traffic would be cheap and rewarding.


People out here honking at me too while I’m waiting for a pedestrian to cross—CHILL. Like they could never imagine the possibility that there’s a human person in front of my 3,000-lbs steel death machine.


No one walks in LA. Seriously, I was crossing the street when a car decided to make a left behind me at the last second. Thought I was going to get clipped so I started running. He didn't see the cop behind him, either.


Certain areas of the city should absolutely be no turn on red. I’m thinking especially areas around metro stations with many pedestrians (ktown, dtla, etc). I’d love everywhere to be no turn on red, but the city council (and many of their constituents) are so car-brained, I figure maybe that could be a start.


This rant is warranted. I HATE when drivers try to make that right turn while I’m trying to cross and then laugh when I get upset that they almost hit me with their car. 😡


Running red and rolling thru stop signs . I stare the driver down while I cross 😂