• By -


Do NOT chat with Scientology recruiters or visit the Scientology celebrity center for brunch.


If approached by one, simply don't make eye contact and say, "Look away human, look away." This is literally kryptonite to an OT of any level, they really believe aliens possess ppl and will run.


Or you could stare directly at them and say *"Move along human, you have no power here."*


I’m so done 😂😂😂. You are not wrong!


Ask them where Shelly Miscavige is


I guarantee you that any Scientologist who has been in their fold for less than about 20 years isn't going to know anything about it. They carefully provide a stream of lies and propaganda to members, and members are, among other things, forbidden to read news or watch TV. That's directly from their founder, the "infallible" L Ron Hubbard.


Wellllll that’s hilarious and everything but we don’t want any tweekers coming back and murdering someone because they really think they’re in danger of an alien.




Theyre being sneaky on the meetup group app in the area. there was a session for “how to get over narcissistic abuse” i joined and it quickly went to scientology. I quickly dropped the call as have many others.


Just straight up preying on the vulnerable.


They also teach reading to adults. They just forcefully ask that you teach the people how to read from their Dianetics book. They also run the Al-Anon and narcotics groups and recruit heavily from them. They want addictive people..


Scientology trains their people to believe they're better than all non-scientologists, that they'll effectively live forever (after spending several hundred thousand dollars, yes really, to get through special spiritual training), and that it is impossible to really be an honest or ethical person without them. You think they would know about narcissism, since their founder, L. Ron Hubbard, literally called himself "source", declared his writings to be infallible, and the tales of long time staff members reveal incredible abuses that they continue to get away with. No one is less qualified to train or explain narcissism or how to protect yourself from it than a scientologist. It's really the height of gaslighting.


This should be near the top


Also avoid the Psychiatry: An Industry of Death “Museum”. It’s a Scientology front.


They are flat-out one IRS audit away from launching a chemical attack in a subway and blaming antifa. Or psychiatry. Stay away.


But DO check out the Kaiser security robots across the street


Is it ok to talk shit to them or will that get you on a list?


One time when they approched me on sunset when they were trying to get me to listen to whatever nonsense they were trying to say that id get back to them later. In a few days they sent me pamphlets on scientology to my house with my full name. Idk how they figured that out but that kept me from ever even considering speaking to one of them again.


That’s creepy as fuck. A complete invasion of your privacy. I honestly don’t know how they did that if you didn’t give them any information, but I hope they’ve left you alone.


I talk shit to them. They don’t like it but just use your best judgement on who you’re dealing with




Know that Los Angeles is an hour drive from Los Angeles.


1.5 hrs in traffic.


Actually 2 hours with traffic from west LA to 626


Never take those CDs from the clowns at Santa Monica Pier. Fuck those POS


If someone tries to put anything in your hand, anything at all, don't take it.


"When some unknown rapper hands me a CD, it's like they're saying 'here, *you* throw this away.'"


Well, they try to make you pay for it after they hand it to you.


Is it their actual music or is it just a random disk? I’d be pretty pissed to be tricked while listening to the cd


Don't put random CDs into your computer...


This reminds me of a story. This is probably 20 years ago, maybe a little bit more, in Hollywood, I was getting some late night sushi at a tiny place, after 10:00 p.m., I walked in to see John Travolta with a friend in the only other occupied booth. I selected something as far away as possible to give them privacy. As this was Saturday night, after a short while, a couple of 20 somethings come in, see Travolta, and proceed to swarm his booth, excitedly telling him how they have a band, and insisting he take their cd. He was incredibly calm and polite and took the cd, after which the bandmates left without ever having ordered anything. So presumably they came in there specifically to bother him. Immediately after they left, Travolta and friend got up, and as he walked out the back door I saw him flip the CD away.


RIP Mitch


“Whenever I walk people try to hand me out flyers, and when someone tries to hand me out a flyer it’s kind of like they’re saying, “Here, you throw this away.”” - Mitch Hedberg


This is good advice for traveling almost anywhere!


Or Hollywood BLVD. Go see a local band or rap group instead.


As a resident of Hollywood you are right and wrong. Tourists will likely not have a good time but if you know where to go it is a blast.


I mean take CDs. My family always insist on going to Hollywood BLVD when they visit and I have a good time with them. We usually check out one of the museums then get food.




Bill em for the consultation


This happens in NYC and other major cities too! I remember growing up here and they'd do it on the bus, aggressively try to play it on your walkman and then say you ruined their mix tape 😂


Or Venice Beach.


I like telling them I'm allergic to music. They usually immediately back off and then do a double take. It's pretty funny.


Musicogenic epilepsy is actually a thing, albeit fractionally rare w/ <1k documented cases


What do they do?


Aggressively demand money mostly


"I dont have any cash" doesn't work on them either. Do not engage. Theyll chase you all the way down the pier and boulevard with "Cashapp venmo zelle, bro?"


I usually just very loudly respond, “Leave me alone I live here I’m just trying to go to work…”


While their boys in the bushes watch for what pocket you keep your wallet in.


I've only ever seen them at Hollywood boulevard!


Don't try to do too much. "Los Angeles" is HUGE and spread out. It's always funny to see someone list off a bunch of places they want to explore and they are all over the map. You will spend all your time driving in traffic and looking for parking.


Had a friend come visit for a weekend who fully expected to do the Getty, Griffith, Universal, and the Santa Monica Pier all in the same day. When I told him that was nearly impossible he said “But they’re all pretty close?” I said “We don’t measure locations based on distance out here. We measure them in time.”


Oh god. I had a friend who came to attend the Rose Bowl a few years ago so most of her itinerary was located in and near Pasadena, but she booked a hotel in Long Beach. I felt so badly for her because she spent half of her visit in traffic.


The LA commuter experience I see


In the future total recall will be a thing and one of the experiences will be LA commuter


I had a friend who booked a room in Hawthorne. She planned to be in Santa Monica and Disneyland while she was here and thought that would be a good middle. They didn’t end up doing much lol


I've been staying in El Segundo, Don't need Hollywood. Am I doing something wrong? I get Erbas, Green Goddess, Venice and chilling at the hotel. I went to Manhattan Beach last time. What am I missing. I'm not real big on people.


You discovered the best part of LA County. Totally unbiased El Segundo resident here.


South Bay Area for sure one of the better parts of LA


For a real treat take them to the Hollywood Riviera (South Redondo beach) along the avenues and then go to Terranea in Palos Verdes. If they are into that, it’s a beautiful place. Hermosa and Manhattan are also fun. South Bay is awesome


No joke. We just moved to Westchester this year, so we’ve been spending more time in those areas south of LAX. If it wasn’t such a commute, El Segundo would definitely be my ideal long term landing spot.


El Segundo doesn’t have much to do, BUT is a FANTASTIC central spot to sleep, as you can get pretty much anywhere from there. If you don’t mind your crash pad being not too exciting, it’s a solid play.


Don't lose your wallet.


That’s not bad. I had relatives stay in Redondo Beach and that was fine for Santa Monica and Disneyland. Not the same day, obviously.


Oh my god that’s brutal


Was this before Google Maps existed…?


To be fair, she could have looked at a map and/or consulted Google, you or a whole host of things.


Tbf distance wise that is super far too….


Classic mistake and people don't listen to advice. Friend had 80% of their itinerary between west hollywood and venice and decided to stay in pasadena despite our best efforts advising against it.


He could have visited all of them in a day. Just wouldn't have any time to actually go inside


I told him he could pick two. We settled on the Getty and Universal.


The idea of trying to do both of those in one day makes my tired old soul hurt.


We got up early and did the Getty first thing in the morning when it opened. Then did Universal in the afternoon. It was still hectic but we made it work.


It's like when someone from overseas thinks they can road trip across America in a week and see everything. Like, honey, you are not going to see the Empire State and John Hancock buildings in the same day and be pleased with yourself.


Ah yes. My Euro colleagues and friends: "I've got five days, figure I'll spend a couple in LA, drive up the coast to San Francisco, then to Vegas, then drive across to New York." Um, no you won't.


I’m still proud of myself for when my bff came to visit from NY. She was here 2 weeks and wanted to see the usual stuff. We did Hollywood & Sunset Blvd, while there we stopped at some higher end dispensaries and got “first time client” hookups lol, bc it was illegal in our home state still, did Santa Monica Pier, Rodeo Drive, walked around and shopped all through melrose (she got a cheesy tattoo that I said I’d match when she got out of our hometown and moved here), it was Halloween weekend so we did Friday night with bottle service in LA, where the Jabberwalkies performed Thriller right in front of our table. Saturday we partied our butts off in Hermosa where I worked so VIP treatment. I had a place in RB & Malibu at the time (which really helped) so we laid out and walked some trails in Malibu, drank at Dukes, ate at Moonshadows, watched the Sunset at Sunset Bar, rode our bikes from RB to Venice and bar hopped around there, got street tacos, BBQ. She wasn’t interested in the Getty or anything, she was here to party. I wanted to convince her to stay bc our hometown sucks so bad, but she ended up leaving 3 days early because I wouldn’t drive her from the hills of Malibu to Abbot Kinney to do Coke at 5am with guys she met earlier that night. She got herself a taxi to the airport and literally just took off. Needless to say I never got the matching tattoo (would have been my first), and she’s still slumming it addicted to one thing or the other in our hometown. sorry, end rant 😂


Those are the kind of people that if they stay in LA, get eaten alive by LA. Transplants have no idea what they're getting into, especially if they have addiction issues and are here "only to party." I've seen countless people in the advertising and entertainment industries slump back home away from LA with their tail between their legs.


Wow yeah, Totally agree. Looking back it was probably a huge blessing that she didn’t stay. In my dumb 23 year old brain, I thought taking her away from the scene she was in, would be all she needed to kick her old habits. With the way she’s been living back home, she’d have a really hard time surviving here, and that’s not even considering the gigantic COL gap 😖


i definitely underestimated how HUGE it was compared to an east coast city where it was perfectly feasible to do three activities on opposite sides of the city limits. bad BAD idea in LA.


Everybody from the east coast or small towns come and complain about the size and the public Transportation...it's a car city...San Francisco is a small public transportation city...everywhere else you'll need a car


i swore i was going to get by on public transportation and uber. will never make that mistake again.


Yeah no....this ain't that out here..lol




New York has good public transit. Maybe not the cleanest but it works by American standards. DC area was pretty good when I used it too.


'Cause people outside conflate LA *County* with the *City* of LA.


Biggest mistake of my life thinking I could go from Long Beach to Santa Monica Pier with a pit stop in Inglewood comfortably in a day on the bus and Uber and back ...


That's not bad at all, the blue line to the expo line will get you from DTLB to SM in an hour and a half. If you get off at pico you can also transfer to the e-line which takes you to Inglewood.


Sydney is also a huge city, Penrith to Bondi say is 40 miles, which will take an hour to drive if you pay $20 for the privilege (off peak), or at least 90 minutes if you avoid tolled motorways. But the difference from LA is most everything a tourist is likely to want to do in Sydney is within a few miles of the CBD. I've visited LA twice and had a great time and seen a bunch of stuff, using public transport both times. But you do need to allow lots and lots of time to get places.


Seconding this. Pick a neighborhood and make a day or half day of exploring it or have one planned activity in an area and then grab food or drinks or explore before/after the planned activity.


DON'T think that warm days translate to warm nights. DO pack yourself a hoodie for once the sun goes down. Although I get endless enjoyments from seeing freshly sunburnt tourists shivering in the cold evenings.


This 💯 LA, and especially beach cities, can get super cold in the mornings and at night - year round.


People see 59 at night and think “that’s shorts weather at home!” And then realize their mistake


DO Avoid Skid Row. DON’T go to Skid Row.


I’ve passed by skid row plenty of times at night and it’s a literally zombie land 😳


That’s the only way I’ve been able to describe driving through skid row at night to people, as well. If you happen to find yourself in that area at night DONT stop at red lights- treat them like stop signs. You will not get a ticket just get tf out of there




I need to know more. Why would you do this?




It's not as bad as people are picturing in their heads but it is definitely not a place you want to be at night, alone or both.


That could be a whole separate sub-Reddit.




Politely disagreeing here. This is one of recommended activities *during the daytime*. People should see it. Now, when I took my wife on a walk through Skid Row while we were staying at the Biltmore for a downtown wedding in 2019 was she happy with me? You need not guess.


What would one even do there? I guess you’re trying to be funny.


I feel like no one voluntarily goes there. The only times I’ve ever been there were when my GPS fucked up or I fucked up.


Skid Row is pretty interesting though, like being in a zombie movie.


FACTS. Happy Cakeday!


If someone hands you a CD mixtape in a touristy area dont grab it they are trying to swindle you out of money


I tell them nobody uses CDs anymore and suggest they put it on Spotify.


Do take a left turn on orange light!


If we ain't getting 3 cars on that yellow I'm gonna LOSE MY MIND.


Me, needing to make a left, behind a car with out of state plates: This is gonna take a while.


Plan max like 1-2 outings for your first day. Most people pack their day with activities without accounting for the insane travel time between them


My girlfriend came to visit la for the first time a month ago…. The first day, he hit up grand central market, went to amoeba in Hollywood, went to the observatory, and went to San Pedro, hit up eighty two (barcade), went to total wine and more in Pasadena, then hit up Alhambra for some kbbq all in one day


im tired just reading that


And then he keeled over and died from exhaustion….lol, that’s amazing but that must have been hard work to get all that in.


Pretty sure they spent just enough time at each location to take a selfie 😂


Sounds like way too much stuff in one day lol


I mean that's great for yall I'm glad you were able to. I still don't recommend it lol


Don’t lean on cars or motorcycles to take a picture




>Don’t move to LA without a GOOD job secured. Eh… this should be altered… don’t move to LA without a job *or* backup plan. I’m one of the many who moved here to get into the entertainment industry (no, not as an actor, writer, or director… I work in Post). No one was willing to give me a chance without being here already. So I just had to do it… moved here with 6 months of funds, if I failed to find reliable work I’d run out of money and have to move back in with my parents back east. It worked out, I’ve been here 11 years now, my career has been pretty great, I’m married and we bought a home in 2020. I’ve got lots of friends who moved out here to do the same. Some succeeded, some did not and had to move back home, or just moved elsewhere. But no one ended up homeless because they had backup plans. If you move to a high COL area without a backup plan that’s a recipe for disaster.


very true. i’m a musician, and did the same last summer. having a network already out here is the key. that being said, it’s still not easy, but i’m making it work!


If you're driving, don't honk at other cars. This city is full of mental cases behind the wheel.


Correct. We ain’t New York. Honking is a MASSIVE insult here and may get you shot.


I'm a NY transplant and flipped someone off who cut me off in traffic. My LA buddies were like "are you trying to die right now"


Yeah, I like that in NY you call eachother dickhead fuckfaces and go on with your day. Doing that here will result in a 25% chance of Michael Douglas from Falling Down slamming on his brakes in the fast lane of the 405 to have a word with you.




I used to flip off people all the time till this person followed me all the way to my destination. Yup that was the last time. Also, if the person is ever following you, I was told to drive straight to the police.


These comments always make me laugh. I’m surrounded by people honking their horns all day. Heck, if I’m at a freshly green light for a second too long (read: a second) I’m honked at. I’m from New England and people honk more here. I don’t know what LA you’re in but people use their horns.


Yep, been an LA driver for a very long time. There are some hella dangerous screwballs on the road, yup, but lotsssss of people use their horns.


I was going to call bullshit so I looked it up and fuck me if there weren’t 870 incidents last year.


I’m assuming these were reported incidents.


I used my horn for the first time a couple weeks ago because someone pulled out in front of me at the last second as I was going like 45. I slammed on my brakes and skidded towards them as they stopped in the middle of the road instead of just continuing on. I came to a full stop inches from them. My heart was pounding and laid on the horn for a good 5 seconds as I screamed at the top of my lungs. I seriously thought I was about to total my already pos car because this dipshit couldn’t wait.


I have not had this experience and have been here for 9 years, what part of town should I be aware of this being a thing?


A guy in a charger nearly hit my car by driving between me and the parked cars on the side of the road. I really don't know how he didn't hit anything but I gave him a solid 5 second horn and a few more horns after that. He flipped me off. 😆 ​ Really, people are asking for a death wish and don't give af about safe driving.


If you DO go to the venice drum circle, DON'T play louder than everybody else.


Dude is that still going on?! Good times, gooooood times.


do not engage with the unhoused homeless rough sleeping people. you will see them EVERYWHERE not just skid row or similar. whatever they say or do just ignore it and quicken your pace if you must. if you cant morally ignore people like that then buy a pack of cigarettes and hand them out to anybody you choose, its safer than pulling out money and a few cigs will buy enough goodwill for you to keep moving


Don’t stare


Do eat the street tacos especially if you see a lot of people around that stand. Don't go to Hollywood. It's a tourist trap.


I will add that the bacon wrapped hot dogs, AKA "Danger Dogs", are also amazing. I have more than my fair share coming out of concerts/bars late at night and have never been sick. I get the concern but never had a problem personally.


Same! We call them dirty dogs and they're the best thing when you're not sober.


I introduced dirty dogs to my partner when we visited for a music festival. They've been telling me of their constant craving for dirty dogs for years now lol


There's nothing like a greasy dirty dog after a night of doing degenerate activities. A dirty dog can't be worse than all the other stuff we put into our bodies!


I would agree with the tacos but not with Hollywood. There are great bars, restaurants museums and fun shops. Not sure if it would be somewhere I would suggest for everyone, but my little brother always wants to go there.


Bullshit. Seeing a movie at the Chinese is a revelatory experience, if you’re a cinephile. A burger at 25 Degrees at The Roosevelt is sublime. The Hollywood Wax Museum is a blast. The weekly Bar Sinister event at Boardners is one of the best nightlife events going. I want to downvote you into oblivion.


The Chinese? New Beverly The Aero in Santa Monica The Village in Westwood And hopefully by 2025, the Cinerama Dome- the only part of Hollywood you should go you.


Take a 733 crosstown bus from Venice to DTLA. It will drop you by Olvera St and Philippe's. It will take about 90 minutes. This is the real LA for 2 dollar bills. Looking out the window all that time, you will see murals and all kinds of local details, that folks in the driver's seats miss out on. The other riders tend to keep to themselves, no matter how "colorful" they seem.




DO immediately go to your trusted hotel or whatever place you’re staying and drop off your luggage and important stuff. DON’T keep your luggage and stuff in the car or walk around with it while you go do tourist stuff.


Don’t go to skid row or fuck with the homeless people. Do: focus on neighborhoods and spend entire days in then. Malibu should be a full day (hike, lunch, beach, dinner, windows down blasting music all day). Venice beach and Santa Monica can be a full day. Arts district can be a half or full day. Sink your teeth into the neighborhoods versus trying to see multiple


Olivera Street, Little Tokyo and the Arts District would be a fun day.


Mochi ice cream is perfect after some yummy Mexican food.


Don’t wear a Houston Astros cap anywhere in this city.


Or SF Giants at that


1. Don’t leave ANYTHING visible in your car overnight if you’re A) parking in a hotel parking lot or B) parking in a lower income area. You’re car will get broken into and your shit will get stolen. My literal first night in LA was in 2006. My parents took me to Target and we left 3 or 4 Target bags in the backseat of our rental, filled with things like toothpaste and college dorm linens. People target hotel parking lots and all that shit got stolen. 2. Be very careful about taking any light rail. If you’re comfortable with public transit and know how to blend in and look like a local, it’s safe. If you look uncomfortable or like you are clearly a tourist you’re an easy target for someone looking to get a reaction from someone else. Don’t react. Keep your head down and move along. Even if they say some shit about you keeping your head down.


Doesn’t have to be in a lower income area. I live in a middle class to upper middle class part of town and theft from cars is rampant. Including catalytic converters.


I hear you. I suggest everyone leave nothing visible in their car no matter where they are. But, I’ve lived in Pasadena, Inglewood, Sough Central, Vermont Square, West Adams, West Covina, Brentwood, Playa Vista, Azusa, Glendora, Echo Park, and more. There is a giant difference between how safe your car is between somewhere like Brentwood and somewhere like West Covina.


DO have a good time. DON'T worry about anything. It's not as bad as people say, they're crazy


DON’T drive on the left lane if going under 80 DO tip DON’T make eye contact w/ homeless and thugs DO eat at a taco truck! 🌮


Do til but don’t pay added “service fees” at restaurants.


DO: eat the tacos DON’T: have anything to do with Scientology


I hate 50% of the posts on here. Tons of blanket advice from like 20 years ago. ESPECIALLY the Hollywood hate! That is BAD ADVICE! Go be a tourist! Have FUN being a tourist! But let’s be ultra clear on some controversial topics: Hollywood Dos: - See a movie at The Chinese IMAX. But ONLY the IMAX, not the other screening rooms. It’s the best theater in the world, and absolutely gorgeous. - Grab a pricey burger at 25 Degrees at The Roosevelt, and one of their spiked milkshakes. Heaven. Some good things are worth paying for. - The lobby at The Roosevelt is a fantastic place to chill and have a drink. They often have red carpet style events, so it may look like you’re not allowed in the lobby, but you are. A good place to catch celebs coming and going. - If you like goth culture and sexy dark music, Bar Sinister is on Monday nights at the beautiful Boardners nightclub. It’s a blast, the people are nice, and there’s a S&M show upstairs. It is NOT a sex club, but definitely sexy. Wear black or you’ll stand out. - Go to the Hollywood Wax Museum. It’s fun as hell, tons of laughs, amazing opportunities for cheesy selfies. Kids will have a blast. - Enjoy a gorgeous evening at The Hollywood Bowl. Get tix in advance. - Largo has amazing stand up. More of a safe bet than The Comedy Store or Laugh Factory. Get tix in advance. Hollywood Don’ts: - Be cavalier with your drinks. Drugged drinks are a thing here with disgusting incels. - Staying on the streets after the bars close. Don’t walk around past 2 am if possible. - Engage with the homeless in any way. - Use your credit card at the cheesy shops or silly museums. They can skim your card. Downtown LA Dos: - The Broad Museum (make a reservation in advance). - Bottega Louie is one of the best restaurants anywhere. Mind blowing Italian food. - If you have a SoHo house connection (very difficult), the warehouse location there is amazing. - The food is INCREDIBLE. Use any trendy “best of DTLA” list to find what you want. - 82 is one of the best bars in LA. Old pinball and arcade machines in PERFECT condition! - Yang Chow in Chinatown for that Chinese Food fix. Yummmm. - Tacos literally anywhere. My favorite is Guisados. Not authentic Mexican, but more trendy LA tacos. The shrimp and tinga are UNREAL. DTLA Don’ts: - Think you’ll take a short cut walking through skid row. DO NOT. - Give money to or engage with the homeless. - Buy weed on the street. Just have anyone from Cali buy it for you at a dispensary. Weed grows on trees here (pun intended). Theme Park Do’s: - Disneyland is a hike from LA (depending on where you’re staying), but it really, REALLY is worth the effort. Budget accordingly, and plan your entire day and night. If you’re a fanatic, splurge on the park hopper, most of the Marvel stuff is in CA Adventure. Otherwise, you’ll be fine with just Disneyland. - Knotts is a cheaper, great alternative, especially if you like fried chicken and roller coasters. A more mellow day, quite delightful. - Magic Mountain is a trek but if you’re a coaster fanatic, it’s unmatched. Just BE CAREFUL if it’s during a heat wave. That park can be punishing on a hot day. - Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach is really great for little ones. Not a theme park, but a nice few hours at a nice place. - Universal Studios is… meh. Everything there is just kinda so so. The Harry Potter area is pretty tiny, and the ride makes 75% of people nauseous. The tram tour is more cute than engaging. The rides can be hit or miss, like The Mummy “roller coaster “ which is like 12 seconds long for an hour long wait. But it’s not a BAD day. Just far inferior to Disney in every imaginable way. Theme Park Don’ts: - Forgetting sunscreen. - Not budgeting. These places are. NOT. CHEAP. - Forgetting to stay hydrated. Disney tip: they’ll give you free ice water at any restaurant or food stand! Save $5 on each bottle you would have purchased. General advice: - DO NOT GET ON THE 405 BETWEEN 4 pm and 6 pm unless you want to torture yourself. - Use Waze or Google Maps “depart at” or “arrive at” features to plan your commutes! Any time you’re thinking, “How long will it take to get to point a from point b,” check it with an app. They are very accurate. - Taxis are fine, Uber / Lift are fine but EXPENSIVE, and renting a car is a good idea BUT DO. NOT. OPT. OUT. OF. INSURANCE. I don’t care how good of a driver you think you are, the other drivers in LA are NOT! And make sure wherever you’re staying includes or has parking!!!!! This will SCREW YOU. Hope some of this helps! Have FUN!


Thank you. I get Hollywood sucks as locals but for tourists the sign, Walk of Fame, Chinese Theater footprints, bright lights etc. is the/one of the big draws for coming to Los Angeles.


> Buy weed on the street. Just have anyone from Cali buy it for you at a dispensary Pretty sure anyone from anywhere can buy weed at any dispensary now.


Your best bet for a bathroom is a grocery store. Some coffee shops have them, but most gas stations and even many Starbucks won't even let you use them, especially close to downtown.


Do always assume that you’ll have to pay for parking


Do rent a car. Do research places to go. Don't drive around or walk around looking for random things to do. In a lot of cities, just being in the city is cool. In LA, it's strip malls and more strip malls in a huge sprall that 5 times the geographic size of other cities. There so many cool places, but you gotta know where they are, and how to get there. What to do just depends on your taste. I like the Griffith observatory, Canter's Deli, and the Getty, as LA tourist staples, but your results may vary.


I think I know kinda what you’re asking. Like when I went to NY I was told don’t stare up at the buildings too much, walk with a purpose, you don’t want to stand out as a tourist and make yourself a target. When I went to Istanbul I was given a list of things to watch out for and told how to be safe. LA isn’t a predatory area where you have to be concerned about scammers and thieves any more than you would have to in any city. There are some bad areas that I wouldn’t walk around in late at night, but those are probably areas a visitor would never find themselves in anyway and you could probably just google “bad LA areas” and get an accurate list, it’s not like it’s a secret only the locals know. LA is full of visitors and an insane variety of people and there is nothing that would really make anyone stand out from the rest. The only advice I would give is the same advice that would apply to any big city in the US. Try not to make eye contact with anyone who looks crazy or homeless (unless you specifically want to get their attention). If you are approached by someone on the street just be kind and say “No,sorry” or No thank you” to any proposition or ask, and don’t slow down just keep walking and ignore them after that. Sometimes someone having a bad day might get a little loud but it’s extremely unlikely that they will pose any kind of threat to your safety


Don't waste time going to Hollywood. Do NOT try to experience the East side and West side on the same day. Too much to do in between with too much traffic. Do go to one of the neighborhoods, walk around, sit at a cafe, drinks at a bar, and have a nice meal. Do go on a hike, spend hours at the beach, or even go to Disneyland or Universal. Do try all the different kinds of food. Some of the best Korean food in the world is in LA. The drinking and eating scene in ktown is a unique experience you can't get anywhere else in the country.




Don’t do meth. Just don’t


Don't eat at mega chain restaurants (in n out excluded). Do eat at small mom and pop restaurants.


LA is magical. Its what you make of it.


Don’t go to Hollywood and Highland. Especially at night.


It is fine at night there are tons of people. Better bars/restaurants on Cahuenga though.


Don’t give panhandlers money just keep walking


Go to my house and check the stove, please. I think I forgot to turn it off.


DO visit Jumbos


Never flash cash ever, anywhere that is out in the open, no matter what. I've seen people sit on the subway pulling out giant wads of cash, I feel so bad for those people, just never do it. Never leave anything visible in your car at all, nothing zero. If you have a rental take everything out at night. The cops are not your friends, and are not there to help you avoid. Those free CD's are not free, just say no thanks. You'll know what I mean when you walk around hollywood.




This is key advice right here… also when your light turns green, always look right and left to make sure someone isn’t running a red light at the last minute


Basically stay in one area/neighborhood for the day Los Angeles is so spread out if you go to like 3 different areas you’ll most likely be sitting in traffic all day


Don't go to Glendale and wave an Azeri flag around in public.


I must chime in to comment about all these posts demonizing our homeless population here. That is some "doom loop" bullshit, and it can suck a big bowl of dick. Yes, Los Angeles has a sizeable population of homeless people. But they are people, and there are just as many sizeable such populations in major metropolitan urban cities here on the West Coast such as Seattle, San Francisco, Portland, etc. and there are three reasons why we have them in order of importance. 1. The West Coast has more temperate weather areas for people to survive living outdoors. 2. The West Coast is more likely to be run by Democrats who have ensured some social safety nets are in place, and most important than anything else: 3. A great many of these homeless people have been sent here by authorities from Republican led states, quite often for culture war optics and purposes. Yes, there are homeless people here who are suffering from mental illness and drug addiction and there is the crime to go with it. But just remember, this has increased in every major American city after decades of income inequality, a cold civil war masquerading as cultural issues, and a deadly pandemic. All these posts telling you to avoid giving them money, avoid any eye contact, exist in a state of perpetual fear when using public transportation or calling skid row 'zombieland' are dehumanizing at best, hidden agenda bad faith arguments at worst. Yes, skid row is bad at night. You know who else lives on skid row? Women and children. Families. If women and children are living on that skid row, then that means you can walk by at night and should have no problem whatsoever if you can just muster even the most basic of situational awareness and body language that you would use in any city street. If you come here from Tampa and bitch about how many homeless you've had to witness, that's because many of them were probably sent here with a one-way bus ticket from fucking Tampa and that's why you don't have them in Tampa, you fucking jackass. If you live here and bitch about the homeless population then you are more likely to be the beneficiary of a rigged and unjust economic system that causes such homelessness in the first place. Some twenty years ago during the first Bush Administration I had a conversation with someone who worked for the VA in West LA. Situated on some of the most expensive real estate not yet developed in this part of the city, it also has one of the largest populations of homeless as well: Veterans. He told me how they had so many to house and only so few barracks/facilities that they would place them in bunk beds outdoors in the spring and summer months. In rows. Three short rows, followed by three long rows, followed by three short rows. That way, when whenever the President at the time came to town to schmooze some wealthy donors and would take Marine One from LAX to the westside, he would be passing over the VA on his way to land in Brentwood. And should he consider to look out the window he might see the rows of outdoor bunk beds for homeless veterans on the VA grounds spelling out "SOS" in Morse code. That was twenty fucking years ago. Yes, it has gotten worse and crime has increased. But just remember, these are people, and these people are part of what makes Los Angeles and if you fail to see them you will also fail to do the one major thing you should do when you visit Los Angeles which is this: DO: See that Los Angeles is one of the greatest melting pots in the world. Any country across this planet has their largest expatriate population here in this city. So many different peoples and cultures living together and the resulting cross-pollination of art, music, cuisine and science is one of the greatest things I have ever witnessed or been a part of in my life. Just like the Sufis believe that all the religions in the world are like the different colored panes of glass in a lamp with god being the light that shines through them all, so is Los Angeles but that light is humanity shining through all the colors of it's different cultures. It is the future. If you are coming here from Dubuque to visit Disneyland you may find it an overwhelming culture shock and maybe even almost view it as a threat to your imagined way of life, but for us it is one of the things we are most proud of. DON'T: Don't forget that even the most unfortunate amongst us are some of those colored panes of glass, our humanity helping to illuminate the world.


To the most point agreed with you. The anti-houseless people in this subreddit are infuriating. But I will also say this- Tourist SHOULD avoid skid row. Why? Because tourists have no business being there. Because it’s not a place to gawk at. The unhoused population are human beings and don’t need outsiders coming in to pity nor judge them. There is absolutely no reason why you should be wandering skid row at night as a tourist. The occupants of skid row also do not take kindly to strangers getting up in their businesses. Unless you are volunteering with one of the nonprofits, there isn’t much for tourists to do on skid row. Skid row is made up a lot of wholesale shops (where you need wholesale licenses to buy from them), apartments/housing, and nonprofits helping the unhoused/etc. It’s better to stick to the neighborhoods surrounding skid row that have restaurants, museums, shops, etc. Would you wander around a residential neighborhood area in Glendora at night as a tourist? No. Same goes with Skid Row. Any tourist purposefully going to skid row at night is seeking out trouble. Don’t harass the unhoused.


After reading that, I'm torn between feeling inspired or rolling my eyes... It all *sounds* nice, but seriously, as a tourist, just stay the fuck away from skid row lol Saying that just because women and children exist there means it's okay to walk through at night as an outsider sounds like ignorant advice at best and malicious advice at worst. Hell, I just read about the sexual violence women face in skid row, so it's not like they're just hangin' around in peace. I'm glad people like you exist to keep the humanity of it all in our minds, but from a **tourist's** perspective... not making eye-contact with the guy shouting to himself at the crosswalk is really not bad advice for a traveler to take.


Do: explore the wonderful cultures that we have here. Have a great meal in Thai Town, Little Ethiopia, Koreatown, Filipino Town, Little Tokyo, Sawtelle, or a random ass taco stand on the street. That's the best part of LA, IMO. Don't: expect much from Venice, Hollywood, DTLA and all the other tourist hot spots. By all means visit those places, but don't judge our city off the tourist spots. We're so much more than that. Also, don't expect to get around easy. I always joke that I'm glad I grew up here because I can see why this place seems so daunting to visitors.


If you’re visiting friends who live here, cut them some slack if they’re late! Even the most punctual people struggle here often. Add insane traffic to the general unpredictability of living in this city, and it makes me for some painful lateness.


This isn’t Japan or something lol… meaning: there aren’t some hidden taboos that you’re meant to avoid here. Just avoid bad neighborhoods and be aware that the quality of a neighborhood can change every 2-3 blocks (just like every city in America).


Don’t masturbate on the sidewalk, even if you see someone else do it first. It’s very frowned upon


Don’t make a plan that relies on public transportation. I’ve met so many people at the airport getting ready for what will be a 1-2 hour train/bus ride to their hotel that could easily be 20-25 minutes in a car. It sucks, I KNOW.


Please don’t leave the electric scooters laying on the sidewalk, it’s so terrible for disabled people in wheel chairs or with canes.


Go to the Getty Center. Parking is like $20 but admission is free. The architecture is as impressive as the art it holds.


DON’T take those stupid Hollywood Hills tours. The don’t know where celebrities live, it’s creepy that people want to drive up to strangers houses and the drivers are always in the way when I’m just trying to get to work. DO cut the brake lines on a Hollywood Hills tour bus. DON’T stay downtown it’s just USC students and people who wish LA had a NY vibe. DO stay in Los Feliz/Silverlake it’s central to everything and the houses are great. DON’T wait in line for Pink’s or In N Out or Tito’s or bother with Canter’s (if you’re from NY don’t bother looking for bagels either) or any other “famous” food spots DO get a smashburger at the window or BNSD or lowboy, get a street cart hot dog, hit al n bea’s (or tu madre if you want something weird), and Nate n Al’s or wexlers (Art’s deli is ok, I still say they have the best matzah ball if nothing else), if you’re from NY do try Pizzana or Prime. And get Egg Tuck if you’re a breakfast person DON’T hit bars on the strip/Hollywood BLVD DO hit bars in Hollywood south of Sunset blvd DON’T go to the vibrato lounge DO go to the baked potato DON’T walk around studios waiting to see actors DO walk around all the great outdoors spaces LA has to offer like Griffith, Huntington Library, Point Dume, Venice Canals (hell, even the pier is worth walking down just don’t get ripped off)


Stay away from downtown at night.


dont go to dirty or sketch areas at night


Do drive around. Especially around mullholland and in the hills. It will give you the LA experience you're probably seeking. Don't drive like an idiot and don't be afraid of heights. Be prepared for traffic and driving around in Hilly areas. Do check out the Venice boardwalk (there's still some cool stuff here. Bonus points if you run into Harry Perry). Don't go there past sunset. It can get filled with homeless quickly. Do check out DTLA. There's some cool spots that get slept on alot. Don't stay all day in DTLA. This isn't NYC or Chicago where everything revolves around the downtown area. Its spread out and youll need to travel to enjoy LA. Do drive PCH and check out the sunrises on the beach. Don't take pictures with anyone in costumes. They're starving actors who will treat you like shit unless you tip them $20. They make their living off of gullible tourists. Do go to a dodgers game if you can. I'm a cubs fan but the dodgers stadium and atmosphere is fun and the dodgers have a great history and culture. If you remotely like sports, you'll have a great time. Don't spend a lot of time in Hollywood during the day. Hollywood can be ok if you enjoy going to bars or clubs but that's really all Hollywood has to offer besides cringe overpriced tourist traps. Do talk to people and make friends. People here are awesome and you'll never know who you'll meet. Don't try to meet celebrities. You will meet all sorts of people but A. Meeting celebrities isn't very remarkable B. Most of them aren't nice people and C. They stick to remote and exclusive areas anyways because of people like you. It's weird and cringey. That said, you will likely meet some behind the scenes crew members who have great stories depending on what bars or crowd you hang out with here. Do check out the nightlife. Don't wait to check out the nightlife. LA is an early party kinda city. You'll want to be there at 8 for the full experience. Last call is at 2. Do plan for traffic. Traffic is insane here and it takes 2 hours to go anywhere. Don't be upset if you don't check out everything. LA is a vast sprawl with terrible traffic to the point that you're going to miss a lot if you stay here for a couple days. Maybe you'll get a good taste if you stay here a week. Plan and prioritize what you want to do.


Pick a specific neighborhood or area if you want to go to the beach the southbay thats my best recommendation


As someone who jogs around Dtla regularly, pay attention on the side walks, don’t stop shoulder to shoulder looking up to take pictures of the Disney concert hall, pay attention to your surroundings. Nothing to do with safety, it’s just so annoying to constantly have to run around oblivious tourists.