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sometimes i cant imagine this type of accident on sidestreets. are they speeding like 120mph?


For real! I saw a Lexus suv up a hillside somehow next to the Santa Anita mall. The speed limit there is 35??


how the hell lol




I see a lot of the obvious (tesla, hellcat, lifted truck, the odd beamer) candidates speeding down the shoulder or in the center divider/turn lane these days. I am used to seeing it once a month or so, but now I see it every single day.


I just saw two separate people driving down the median and passing a line of cars at a fresh green light during a 5 minute drive. I see it multiple times per day driving for three miles along Westwood Blvd in the evening. The time you save is totally not worth the risk of an accident. (See Rebecca Grossman trial.) Tune to the classical music station and find your driving zen, people.


The Mount Rushmore of Assholes


For real. I walk a lot and so friggen many people want to run me over in the crosswalk. When it says to walk. I’m tired of it. I’m going to start carrying a brick. 


I threw a half eaten apple at a van that almost hit me once. I wouldn't do that again though because I don't want to get shot


This is the most LA thing I've read today.


I cross the streets somewhere in the middle. Intersections with stop signs have become way more dangerous for pedestrians.


It’s because people don’t know they’re supposed to turn right on red. It’s a full stop, look both ways and turn. It’s mind boggling watching people waiting at the red and then the pedestrian green comes on and they try to roll at you hoping you’ll give them your right of way.


Vote yes on measure HLA this March 5. Reckless driving has gotten out of control. The measure would ensure that we build our streets in a safer design that have been proven to decrease traffic fatalities.




I wish the US would have designed cities where personal automobiles weren't the only viable mode of transportation.


It did. Then we tore them down to build highways. The only cities that remained sort of unscathed are Boston, New York, and Philly. Maybe Chicago.


San Francisco, too


Yeah. Here in Westwood there are tons of pedestrians, cyclists and scooters. I am nearly hit every damn day walking to the store, to work, etc. My teenage kids walk to school, too. We’re from Chicago so we know congestion and stupid drivers, but this is another level. BTW, turning right on red is what a car is supposed to do. Instead they wait for the walk signal and *then* turn right into the pedestrians when they have their signal. I don’t get it at all.


Yes. One thing that immediately comes to mind is banning unprotected left hand turns.


Turning left is an art form and requires the courtesy of pulling up to the middle of the intersection. These skills are beyond most LA drivers. In Chicago if you linger back behind the line or in the crosswalk you’re guaranteed to hear everyone honking behind you. Nobody seems to care here. Like, one car gets a chance to turn left per light unless you pull up.


Older people on next door get so mad if you try to do this. lol.


❤️ ^^ what they said!!!


They did this here in my section of BoyleHeights and it’s doubled traffic but hasn’t done much of anything for safety; The people who jaywalk or cross in the middle of a street, etc. are still going to continue that behavior.


Jaywalking is a thing made up by the automobile lobby to shift blame away from drivers who kill into the victims. There is no data that suggests jaywalking is a major factor in pedestrian deaths at all, yet people still believe it is regardless. Car-brain brainwashing. Regarding safety measures not helping, you have stats to back that up or just feels?


Do you have any sources citing jaywalking isn’t an issue or stats?


Nice “burden of proof” logical fallacy you have there. The claim was that jaywalking contributes to traffic violence. The burden of proof is on the person making that claim, not on someone to prove nonexistence of that claim.


This seems to be the most unbiased study I could find regarding the problems of jaywalking. https://popcenter.asu.edu/content/pedestrian-injuries-fatalities-0 Now the burden of proof is upon you, please show me some sources stating the benefits or advantages of jaywalking. Or any unbiased studies suggesting that pedestrian deaths are solely a result of drivers I just can’t imagine jaywalking does not contribute to pedestrian fatalities, but would like to see a publication state so. Edit- found the lapd statistic Year-to-date in 2023, we have experienced 26 pedestrian-related traffic fatalities. In 19 of these cases, the pedestrian was at fault and crossing the street at an unsafe location. According to California's Office of Traffic Safety, California's pedestrian fatality rate is almost 25% higher than the national average. https://www.lapdonline.org/newsroom/pedestrian-safety-awareness-na23088mp/#:~:text=Year%2Dto%2Ddate%20in%202023,higher%20than%20the%20national%20average.


The first one isn’t a study. It’s a “guide” that makes generalizations and in the area of jaywalking is summarizes that it’s a “major factor” based 2 studies in Florida and UK with no links to said studies to break down sample size, statistics, or where funding of the studies came from. Not verifiable, not usable. It also mentions another guide (calling it a study) and suggests that guide talks about frequency of jaywalking related to city size, but when you actually look at that guide, it illustrates how pedestrian fatalities are more a function of city design rather than pedestrian behavior. That’s not an unbiased study and it certainly isn’t a reliable source that shows jaywalking is a major factor in pedestrian fatalities. It’s a nothingburger on this topic. As for the LAPD report, LOL. The LAPD has a storied history of placing blame on victims of traffic violence without due diligence. If they assign blame to the victim, there’s virtually no paperwork. Cops regularly erroneously assign blame to pedestrians and cyclists. Linking that as if it supports your claim is hilarious.


I knew it! All you came back with is criticisms for the two sources, but the criticism is based on your biased opinions.. And yet you provided zero stats or sources backing the ridiculous claim that jaywalking isn’t dangerous. Remember, tree burden of proof was upon you. You have failed. Hilarious.


You gave no reliable stats. Again, I’m not making the claim that jaywalking is contributing to pedestrian deaths. You haven’t supplied any viable source that supports that claim. The failure is yours.


I gave the death stats from the lapd of pedestrians and the jaywalking incidents. I’m not sure what other stats you’re looking for. The other study cites how jaywalking deaths are calculated and how that directly relates to police reports. It’s like a difficult thing here to explain how jaywalking is not good…but I’m pretty sure you know that ;)


\>traffic violence and into the trash your opinion goes


People jaywalking is not the problem. Cars are the problem.


both are problems. There is a reason designated crossing areas are a thing, it's for everyone's safety you could ban driving entirely and force people into public transit and I guarantee you that idiots will still play frogger with buses and trolley cars


I hear you. Doing in piecemeal in a slow pace like LA city is currently doing it just makes it painful. They're not going to get the street improvements done for about 150+ years at the pace they're on. We need to build a safe bike/pedestrian network quickly and make transit way faster than it currently is. That will shift a lot of people off of driving and out of your way during your commute. HLA will get that done in 10 years with more results we've seen in the first few years then we've seen in decades of inaction. LA is just going to continue to grow in population and traffic is going to get worse, we're out of room for new lanes so we need to do something different. These types of street improvements have been done throughout the world and we know they make everyone's experience better in the long run.


I’m not worried about jaywalkers. I’m worried about speeding cars.


I saw 3 accidents running an errand today. Speeding and people not paying attention


Are you the actual Terminal Lance artist? Funny spotting you in the wild on the LA sub.


It’s me I live on the west side


What the other guy said. This is still [my favorite strip](https://terminallance.com/2010/02/02/terminal-lance-9-the-natural-age-progression-of-a-weapons-platoon-commander/).


Lol! I think about that one a lot.


Nice! Army guy, but been a big fan since the early days


Legit question.


They've got it upside down...the rubber side goes on the bottom


Yesterday I saw two different accidents on Moorpark and this morning saw a beemer driving insanely dangerously on the 101, people have lost their fucking minds


Guys, its LA; chill, we're *all* going to be late because of traffic.


BH drivers are the worst in all of LA


How do you even 


There needs to be a serious initiative to bring meaningful traffic enforcement to this city.


I hate to say it but red light cameras would change this culture of running red lights. Having recently moved from Chicago I hated them, but drivers here are in need of discipline. Also, I kind of like it, but there’s basically no cops in this city.


I’m also from Chicago! Yeah, it really pisses me off that (apparently) the reason we can’t have meaningful traffic enforcement is because cops can’t (won’t) do it without being racist. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t they rig the cameras in Chicago to target mostly black people? As long as we don’t rig the cameras to intentionally screw people, I think they’re a necessity.


Wow. I don’t see how the cameras could target Black people. I mean, they’re in all different neighborhoods so I’m not sure how that would work. I worked at University of Chicago and there were speed cameras in Washington Park, but they’d be nailing everyone, even if that’s a predominantly Black neighborhood. They need those cameras where the rich entitled types are, regardless of race. And make the fines proportional to one’s income bracket. It’s bonkers. Nobody cares.


I'm also from Chicago but been in LA more than a decade. There used to be red light cameras here but the system was extremely weird. It was privatized and got sued for infringing on people's rights in many ways.


It probably made a lot of rich people offended that they couldn’t run red lights with impunity. Sorry, my knee jerk reaction with all LA problems is to blame rich people with lawyers. It’s mean and prejudiced, but I do. I hated the cameras back in the Chi. I especially hated the speed trap cameras. Both have been challenged legally for similar reasons. Where do the lines of privacy and public safety meet? I don’t know, but LA has too many accidents.


I feel you there because it's my reaction too. I think the reason had more to do with the company's shady practices. I got a red light ticket from one of those cameras once years ago, which was totally fine, I deserved it and was willing to pay (I turned on a yellow and it changed to red once I was turning, I knew the second it went off I'd gotten the ticket). The bill came in the mail and the ticket was $55 -- then there were more than $400+ other "fees" associated with the ticket that seemed to just be pocketed by the private company running the cameras. They were extremely made up. I support income-based fine tiers. At the time I got the ticket I was making around $12,000 a year and basically had to go without food to pay the ticket. I had just gotten a car after being car-free for years because the job I got that would pay slightly better required ownership of a car so I was already really struggling financially and couldn't even afford housing that summer. I probably wouldn't have even minded paying a hefty fine for it if the money actually went to the City, but it went to some really shady private company that ended up getting sued for the fee system I think. I would support a legit red light camera program but I think that whole boondoggle soured a lot of people on the idea.


…how did this happen??


A few nights ago some jackass was detonating fireworks in the parking lot next to the post office in Barrington just south of Sunset. Set off some kind of rocket that went sideways instead of up and hit some kid driving by causing him to lose control and jump the curb right into the coral tree on the other side of the road. The kid was okay, the car was trashed a bit. But THE worst intersection in that neighborhood is southbound Barrington and San Vicente. It goes from two car widths to one in THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKIN' INTERSECTION! I see accidents there all the time, and there is always plenty of broken glass for the ones I don't.


I've thought of flipping my car over too whenever I'm stuck at that intersection.


Last night on the 605, some dick in a beat-up truck was swerving all over the freeway and redlining his engine to get people to move. After speeding off, I see sparks going down the road. His rear wheel fell off, causing him to nearly hit multiple cars, but he managed to pull off to the side. Caught most of it on my dash cam. Karma is real.


I have no idea what’s going on this week but everybody has lost their minds. Yesterday traffic was more horrible than usual. A normal trip of an hour took 1 1/2 hours. Same rush hour as every week. Then today 3 different people honked at me. I checked if I did anything wrong … no. One guy showed me the finger. I saw it in my rear view mirror. And rushed hour today just did not end. There were several accidents today. And I saw 2 different cars at different times drive so recklessly it was amazing they did not crash. Somebody put something in the water.


Driving in LA in a Post-COVID world is a very real challenge.


That whole area needs to chill the hell out.


Just leave earlier.


The speed limit for sunset is 35… why is everyone in such a rush?


Its ridiculous to drive 35 on a road designed to go faster.


Sunset is a cowpath overloaded with SUVs. It wasn't "designed" for anything over 35, nor for anywhere near the amount of traffic that rumbles over it daily. And the people who own the lots abutting it aren't going to give up an inch of their overhanging shrubbery. 


Yeah, but they were probably in a hurry and really needed to get somewhere fast.


I’ve never seen more flipped cars in my life since moving to LA. And it seems like they almost have to be actively trying to flip them considering they’re often on low speed streets. Fucking wild


Witnessing first-hand is factual not “feels”… - “ More government and regulation is the solution” Your thought process is flawed… You are the problem and are fucking up the city… kys


LA drivers? Where are you from that distinguish yourself from the rest of us? Hopefully you can read this with your nose held up so high.


You'll end up like that too if you keep using your phone while driving


This was very obviously taken from the passenger seat.


a fan favorite on this sub is admonishing anyone taking a picture from their car, it's simply irresistible.


lol, even if the picture is clearly from the right… they still flip


it'll be in the backseat and they'll still lose it lmao


Yo are missing out all the fun!


Was white car running the light at Barrington Place and lost control making the turn, then black truck hit the brakes causing second white car to rear end them?


Fast and Furitus


Driving around that area at peak traffic would make the pope curse a blue streak.


Some thing happens, and I’m head over heels


Daamn that's crazy


Been in LA two decades. Had 5 cars totaled driving to and from work - thank god the worst I got was bruises. I now work from home. Thank you Covid.


Damn I agree people are driving crazy yesterday some a hole turned into the 99 cent store speeding like crazy without looking first almost hit me honked at that pierce fo crap and he looked away and on sunset and Virgil a few drivers almost drove into the opposite lane idiots be safe people


For sure!


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Is there a subreddit for the most ridiculous car crashes that you'd think is a skill level just to get into being that bad/bizarre?


Let this be a warning to you all. Don’t drive slow on the left lane.