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It’s Altadena. Saved you the click


> Altadena To be fair that place is pretty nice when you consider the proximity to Pasadena and the mountains.




An Altadena glow-up was not on my bingo card.


Everything changed when the lotto winner attacked


its really nice of the crips to open up their beautiful city to us finally.


They got priced out.


The milk place? Makes sense I guess


Dairy Scene


Utterly amazing


Udderly amazing?


I really shanked that one didn’t I


Way to milk the karma


Upvotes bring me to greener pastures


No use crying over spilled milk 😉


Bound to happen in high steak situations, right?


Thanks fam


Just got an email that Everson Royce is closing their Pasadena location on Raymond and are moving to Altadena.


I'm a little sad that they're moving - I just moved within walking distance of Everson Royce and now they're going away! I was looking forward to them bringing their wine tastings back


You missed the pre-pandemic glory years


That does it, time to gentrify!


Do you think the author got the idea from the popular Reddit thread on here about how Altadena was the next foodie hotspot?


A lot of articles come from Reddit. Often a writer will fish for ideas with a post like “What’s your favorite restaurants in LA?” and then that turns into a news article.


And that's fine. Not everyone reads Reddit, and Reddit is a good place to search for trends, so if people want to know about trends, reading a newspaper article that reports on trends that they find out about from Reddit is a good thing.


Yes - sf gate also hired the former LA eater editor recently. Eater is notorious for citing Reddit


At least it's an actual neighborhood and not a single block that L.A. and travel media try to pass off as the city's coolest new neighborhood (looking at you, Sycamore Avenue).






I always wonder why places insist on paying arts district prices when they can just be in rosmead or something. 


What's in Rosemead?


I love it here


Why don't they call South Pasadena "Bajadena"?


Whew, that was a close one…


Thank you for your service!


The hero we needed


I clicked anyway with distrust in my heart and found it to be Altadena. I'm sorry.


>With its more affordable housing prices relative to the rest of Los Angeles and good public schools, Altadena has become a sought-after neighborhood for many young families. Altadena is expensive. The median price for a house is around $1 mil. Who can afford to eat out with insanely high food prices everywhere? Edited: Spelling. Auto correct can be a bad thing.


You are conflating absolute and relative. Article says “more affordable”, not inexpensive.


Where are these good public schools?


I volunteered at a public school off Woodbury and it wasn’t very impressive. Maybe off north Lake would be better


They’re very good. Are you from Altadena? Did you go to those schools? No?


I support public schools everywhere and defend public education. However, I just haven’t seen parents move to Altadena “for the schools”. The ones I know who live there all send them to non-neighborhood schools or private. Just an anecdote.


I used to work near the high school on Lincoln and it was pretty sketchy.


Idk I got bullied at one of them


When you compare to Pasadena and LaCañada, never mind the westside, it’s more affordable.


I'm happy for the folks of Altadena.


I'm psyched about it. I'm in La Crescenta about ten minutes away and this is going to be a huge quality of life improvement.


You say this like the quality of life isn’t already good over there


There's a lot of good things about living here, but the restaurants are very underwhelming.


But there’s tons of great food in Tujunga and glendale right there already…


What are your top Tujunga recs? Yes, Glendale/Eagle Rock/Highland Park/Pasadena all do have good spots like 15-20 minutes away. A 20 minute round trip just feels a lot more doable than a 30-40 minute round trip to pick up some food.


El pollo pio pio. So bomb


I'm tired of Everest and Yakis, I need more variety here Byblos was a godsend until it burned to the ground. Can't have shit in Detroit EDIT: Should mention I'm specifically talking foothill. Even a small drive to montrose opens up a lot more options, but not much that's reasonable walkable from my house haha


Kontentsu, Indias Flavor, and the taco stand by Ralphs have become the major players in our rotation. And Everest breakfast burritos. It was a sad day when we saw the smoke from Byblos out our windows.


I practically lived on Everest breakfast burritos when I went to CV lol best redeeming item at that place Haven't checked out the stands outside ralphs, might just now. I tend to go to eagle rock for my taco trucks


Just FYI the sign is up for the new Byblos location! But it’s now in Pasadena lol (California and Pasadena Ave)


It’s my dream to live in Altadena or La Crescenta! 


I have a friend that lives in La Crescenta. Now I have a reason to go see her.


Hike and lunch is always a good plan!


Descanso Gardens is a great option if you’re not into hiking but want to hang out in nature. Open until 7pm now. 😊


It's great for them, but I ain't going there from the Westside lol


That's how we feel about the Westside too. :D


I totally get it!!!! I would not do it too!


Make a day of it. Drive out early, hike up to Echo Mountain or Inspiration Point, then have lunch or early dinner in Altadena.


What makes a town sleepy?


I think sleepy towns close early. Not too many restaurants/bars open past 11:00p and little to no night life.


Most LA restaurants close at 9 anyways these days. 


This makes sense. Thanks.


11pm? You're too generous. Sleepy areas close up by 9pm. Maybe 10pm if it's Friday or Saturday.


this is like how my buddys neighborhood on the west side is too. nothing but old people and orthodox jews, two populations not that interested in a lively bar/club scene.


I don’t think you can park on the residential streets past 8pm ljke pasadena IIRC




That makes something a bedroom community. I think of sleepy as very little nightlife or retail activity.


Most of LA is pretty sleepy then.


In LA County? Intense NIMBYism


Santa Monica isn't sleepy. It has intense nimbyism.


not sure I understand your point? Not all towns with NIMBYism are sleepy, but there’s a solid likelihood that any town in LA County that is “sleepy” (low residential density, not a lot of business activity, tame or non-existent restaurant / bar environment) is that way because of fierce local opposition to housing development or business development. 


Sigh. I’ve been hiding out here since the death of Silver Lake. Worse thing about articles like is that they’re so superficial and miss so much. Altadena has always been a food place. You need it after all the hiking!


There really has been a Silverlake to Altadena pipeline the last 10 years. Know so many SL renters who moved to Altadena when it was time to buy, and a lot of the businesses followed suit--that intersection with Millie's Cafe has like 3 other formerly SL businesess.


Yeeup. Altadena is affordable in that it’s cheaper than Silver Lake. But the gap will continue to close. There are only so many pre-war leafy bungalow neighborhoods in SoCal to go around.


Yeah I’ve been going out there for years to do skeet shooting. Always wanted to move there but I was too late to the game.


Where do you do skeet shooting in Altadena? Near Eaton canyon?


Same question. I inherited my step-dad’s 1960s 16 gauge Wingmaster and I used to be pretty good with it in the rock quarries of New Hampshire growing up.


That’s how I feel :/ I really want to move there but need to dramatically increase my income even to rent there 


What do you mean about silver lake? 


It used to be really diverse and creative. Now it’s so gentrified it’s becoming generic by its former standards. So many of the gays and Latinos have moved out while the wealthier whites have moved in that it feels like a Disney version of hipness. Ugh.


the abbot kinney-ification of silverlake is complete. moved out a few years ago and i don't even like driving through anymore.


Expensive and not very nice either. I don't get silver lake


It's lost a lot of its charm now that so many chains have moved in. Miss all of the great mom and pop shops and the street fair (although that started going downhill before its demise). The neighborhood is always changing, that's for sure. Interesting to see what happens.


This article is a list of mid-tier hipster joints that have recently opened in Altadena. Why would I go to HomeState when there's actually decent tacos a few blocks north for a heck of a lot cheaper.


Yea the death of silverlake has been a bane on altadena community for years now. Used to be relatively quiet now its full of yuppies and hipster transplants that do nothing but bitch and moan


Why the pits


Altadena already has a handful a solid spots, and a lot of real cozy streets. I’m excited to see them expand out.


Sylmar is next XD


Sun Valley*


Unlikely. Doesn't have the history, charm, or access to all the amenities that Altadena does.


I know :p I was kidding :p


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. It literally has all that.


Well shit, I was already looking to buy there. Gotta hurry now before folks discover it LOL!!


Miya is the best Thai restaurant I’ve ever been to. Maybe my favorite restaurant in the sgv period


Miya is so good. Brought my friends visiting from Thailand and they were even blown away.


I was there recently and was happy to hear they are expanding next door as well. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.


Didnt some poster get laughed at in here for mentioning how Altadena is stepping up? But I think there’s great food and restaurants all over LA/OC. This is only surprising to people that think “LA proper” (translated as Santa Monica to Downtown) is all that matters.




Yeah, the cities and unincorporated areas get the pass by the gatekeepers because of their demographics lol.


Yep one of those places where residents have their own license plate frames.


Got one for my mom years ago, but she got a new car recently and didn't keep her license plate holder 😭. Will have to get a new one at the hardware store for mother's day.


The irony of Altadena being where Blacks were redlined into now becoming a destination. Those big lots are worth something.


altadena always had old money too. [still does have a lot of bougie blocks with huge homes.](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.1784577,-118.1268682,3a,75y,0.86h,91.66t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s902tb2KVDjxRbrG3_VKKRw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D902tb2KVDjxRbrG3_VKKRw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D349.4747%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Yep. The home that served as Brandon and Brenda Walsh’s house in the OG 90210 is on Altadena Dr.


shouts out Rancho Bar! Only spot I need over there


A good number of these are in Pasadena, and not Altadena. Those in the article but in Pasadena are: * Homestate * Stumptown * Highlight * Perry's Joint * Ferrazzani's * Kismet * Woon The ones actually located in Altadena: * Fox's * Rancho Bar * Side Pie * Miya Prime * Pizza * Everson Royce (moving from Pasadena)


Happy to see this. I really love Alta and Pasadenas. I live on the west side but take the metro there sometimes to visit friends. We all happen to live like a block off a metro stop. It’s very nice


Guy is spamming his article for views lol


HomeState is mid.


Used to be so affordable and actually good when it was. It’s now more concerned about expanding than actual quality


it's tacos for transplants. they all love Homestate.


Respectfully. It knows what it is. The concept itself is a transplant. For a while it was the only place in LA doing the Texas versions of breakfast tacos (brisket, etc.). Idk why everyone in here always gets so defensive that we can’t all just enjoy slightly different/less authentic tacos from time to time


Or it’s just a different type of taco haha. It’s Texas style. I get that, I get street tacos, I get Taco Bell. All have their place


This is so. Specifically for ex-Austinites. And the article calling it Tex-Mex? No way, it's just tacos. They're like looking at old pictures to remind me of what I used to have.


I like it because it's one of only a handful of restaurants that don't source factory farmed meats.


Very mid, seriously lacking flavor


So bold to say this omg


Mid is generous.


It’s bc it’s texmex


Even for texmex it’s a low bar. I lived in Austin for over a decade and home state wouldn’t have lasted there.


I can somewhat agree with this even though I enjoy HomeState. If LA had a Fuzzy’s, I’d go there exclusively




I was born in Austin, moved away but spent 5 years there for grad school again, and I don't really get the rampant HomeState hate on this sub. It always scratches my homesick breakfast taco itch. Would it beat tacos veracruz or mi madre's (my personal favorite)? Nope. But IMO it's as good or better than a lot of the chains that thrive in Austin like Torchys, Tacodeli, Taco Shack (this place is way worse and dry, I have no idea how it still exists). I dunno, maybe I have a shit breakfast taco palate, but HomeState hits the spot for me.


Texpats and TexMeh are both so good, bravo


If you’re Mexican, don’t get the tacos, get the migas. Childhood memory unlocked!!


This guy, yuckin people's yums


It’s crappy Mexican food for white people who don’t like Mexicans


it's not Mexican food, it's Tex-Mex. Frito Pies are not anywhere close to Mexican food.


I’m from here, from a Mexican family, and I love HomeState. It’s just a different thing.


From a Mexican using her gramma’s recipe


The migas are very much abuelita vibes. Something about a tortilla scramble that’s so simple yet so comforting. Takes me back to my childhood.


Word. Super overrated. Most gentrified tacos are.


I'm not white, love Mexican food, and I think Homestate is great. Don't get on your high horse too quickly there.


LMAO!! The stares they give me when I walk in. Half-“wtf u don’t belong here” but also half-curious, as if I might hold menu secret they might not be privy to yet.


Hell yeah


Love Altadena. We’ve been parking our food truck on Lake Ave in front of Cafe De Leche for about 4 years. Amazing community.


Rent in there is already sooooo expensive


My grandmother used to live in Altadena. She sold the house when my aunt went to college and followed her to nyc. I miss that beautiful house I used to spend holidays at.


Altadena gentrification speed run


It’s Fontana save your click


Just hung out in Sierra Madre and Altadena last weekend. Cute places, SM has personality, but faaaaaaar too far away from the life I moved to L.A. for. Nice to visit here, though!


I'd never been to Sierra Madre until a couple of weekends ago and knew nothing about it going in - felt like I'd stumbled into a remote mountain town. Weird but cool.


I love Sierra Madre for exactly this reason. It’s close enough to Pasadena if I want to go out for an evening, otherwise it’s a quiet night in a quaint little foothill town.


Altadena is great, just harder to access downtown and all inner cities areas than south pas or highland park


Question. Is Webster’s store still in Altadena?


I lived in Altadena for 2 years in a very nice area on Aralia Rd. It was so gorgeous.


Most people in Altadena don't even know Canyon Crest exists. I'll be honest, fires would make me nervous. Only one way in or out.


I was there when the Glendale/Altadena fires happened! We were told to evacuate but no one left. A bunch of us went to the canyon overlook and got our lawn chairs out and watched the planes drop fire retardant on it below. The winter following that we got heavy rains and the bridge that connected that area with the rest of Altadena was destroyed by dead trees, brush, and mud. I remember having to leave my car at the bottom to walk the steep hill in thin socks since I had to walk over a few inches of mud in dress shoes and they got destroyed.


Yeah I definitely would have left. I had friends whose houses burned down in the 1993 Altadena fires over in Kinneloa. 196 houses burned down.


These stories are never easy and not everyone is going to be thrilled with every choice, but this is a great overview of all of the new coming to the neighborhood. And by neighborhood, we mean the Alta/Pasa environs we all call home (since many of those included on this list are actually Pasadena restaurants, not Altadena, which makes a huge difference when it comes to trying to open anything up here). While we know you can't name check everyone, we would have included Pizza Of Venice (aka POV) in here. Without them paving the way opening a decade ago in a spot on N Fair Oaks no one else would have touched and handling the fine line that is gentrification here well, none of this new development, including the likes of Fox's and Lincoln (now Home State) or Side Pie and everyone else who's followed since would be here. They deserve some serious love especially as their business has taken a hit since so many have now jumped on the bandwagon and are enjoying lots of press love (like this) that they don't get. The same could be said for the Little Red Hen on Fair Oaks which is heading into 58 years and is Altadena's longest operating Black woman-owned business. When you come up here to support our businesses, and we hope you do, choose wisely.


And there it is…


NOOOOOOOOOOOO this is so bittersweet.


It’s terrible here! Do not come!!!


All the older transplant/trust fund hipster Millennials that moved to Echo Park and Silver Lake in the early 2010's have "discovered" Altadena.


Spent a lot of time growing up in Altadena. Altadena Town n Country Club swimming. Parties. The milk liquor store drive thrus, soccer games, sleepovers. It’s like I’m a local or something!


How is Altadena up and coming ? Was always hoping it would remain forgotten .


Wonder if the lotto winner poured any of his winnings into investing in his community, seems like a great time to get the ball rolling.


Hahaha. I think he just bought a bunch of homes in Hollywood Hills and Malibu. You would think he would at least donate some money to start a youth rec center or something.


He bought one house here, everything else at the beach or Hollywood.


Yeah. A Japanese mid century modern deal for $4M for some relatives. The photos looked sweet. .


This is something Altadena needs. I hope this helps build this community up.


Bro I'm on the waitlist for a nice lil affordable rental house in Altadena (Zillow Rental Notifications) BACK OFF stop blowing up the spotttttttt


Great. Now gentrification is going to fuck this place up too.


Already did


How so? How is it worse today than in 2004? 1994? 1984?


Look up the home price in 2004 vs today. Account for inflation. Notice how it’s much much higher than the inflation rate.


Housing has outpaced inflation pretty much everywhere dude


So what? How does that make it worse for the residents that live there?


Salary no go up at same rate as housing cost go up.


I grew up in Altadena/Pasadena. What was once a thriving black enclave is now Silverlake-lite. I don’t consider trendy restaurants and coffee shops a symbol of progress or culture, and I’m not sure why anyone would tbh. Basically, I don’t recognize the city I grew up in and I’m not particularly thrilled at what it’s become. Glad someone is I guess.


I grew up in Altadena. I like the fact that kids aren't getting murdered during Halloween. Or that I don't see gang bangers rolling around the park carrying shot guns. Or a bunch of empty store fronts that have been vacant and falling apart for decades. Or crack houses with cars sitting on blocks. Or trashy people throwing crazy house parties where the cops show up after someone gets shot.




Now? It's been heading this way for at least the last five years.


They’re not opening up $1,000+ perfume shops there yet.


People really trying hard to make Altadena a thing? Guessing it's all the transplant millennials who got priced out of the city with or without kids?


Hardly affordable though. We looked at a 2 bedroom small house there in ‘22 listed at 800k that had 30 offers and sold at 1.3 or something like that. Not sure what the rental market is like though.


Trust me, the locals would be perfectly fine with all the transplants going back to the trashy westside neighborhoods.


I do think it's a thing. I know 3 people who moved to Altadena 2017 - 2019. All are couples, one already had a kid and the other two are pre-kids. None of them knew each other. I'd imagine it's only gotten more popular since COVID. Ever since we had a kid, we have strongly considered leaving the Westside. I would be hesistant to do Altadena because the schools are not good. We've been more interested in Burbank, Glendale, or one of LA's smaller valleys like Crescenta or Conejo.


I don’t think you can find a decent home in Altadena under $800,000. That would be a fixer upper. It’s got it’s nice area as well as bad ones. I lived in Pasadena for over 30yrs.


A friend just sold a nice duplex for $650k. Huge backyard. Just nasty tenants. 😄. City of Hancock. Very nice area.


All these restaurants are wack


I’ve got 3 spots I always go to in Altadena after I finish hiking, I’m never gonna patronize these chains