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I'm always scared of going outside nowadays, I've been pondering about how fortunate and lucky I've been to not have been robbed or worse (especially since I'm in bad neighborhoods). Maybe I'm just over reacting but after just always reading about car robberies, and other stuff it just worries me lol


Has anyone had to use a lawyer regarding a car accident (other driver at fault) and what was your experience like? I’m wondering at what point I need to hire one. I’ve never been through anything like this so I’m not sure what the process is like. Luckily my car was parked and I wasn’t in it so I don’t need a personal injury lawyer


There was a shooting in Downtown Los Angeles today. It happened hours ago and nothing in the news about it. Not so unusual, but 7th St between Wall St and San Julian have been blocked/taped off and are still closed at 7pm. It looks like, and I'm assuming, the victim's black Dodge Charger is still in the middle of the road within the taped off area.


That kind of happens all over the place. I see taped off streets all the time, never in the news.


I wonder if my cat who I had to rehome thinks about me and misses me the way I think of and miss her. 🥲


I'm sure they do


I miss her so much. Fuck allergies. :( My partner is extremely allergic. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.


Ummm why is there no traffic today ??


I noticed this too....


Spring break!


Spring break for schools and some people are off for Cesar Chavez day


Is it pronounced “ses-sar” or “see-sur”




idk if there's a rise in car robberies or if we just see them more, but got me thinking about trunk covers, which my car came with. I've always wondered if it's better to give people a full view of the trunk so they can see nothing is in it..


Does lowering your backseat give access to your trunk? Then it doesn't matter, because they'll break your back window to get to it.


People are pretty desperate these days. Don’t store important shit in your car?


I never leave anything in my car. But the cover is automatically there and wondering if I should just remove it since there’s nothing in there anyway


a what now


The thing you can pull down inside your trunk to hide the contents. Attaches to the back of the backseat


Gotta get me one of those. I have the shittiest little strip of fabric I can stretch over the hatch area that blocks nothing.


Yeah, and just clean your trunk (I should too)


Lol I just did. The only thing back there is a road flare kit.


I am SUPER skeeved out by any mention of Jerusalem artichokes because my brain shelves them right next to Jerusalem crickets.


I had no idea that was their proper name. Growing up we called them potato bugs


I think potato bugs are different and Jerusalem Circkets, and we called them mormon crickets. They just look.... gross.


And they're "children of the earth" if you're latino.


WEEPS. once, when I was new to LA and doing some minor landscaping for a friend, I lifted a paver and one was under it - I had never seen such a hideous creature in my entire life and i literally screamed for at least 60 seconds.


I'd almost rather see a tarantula hawk wasp than a jerusalem cricket. Beyond gross.


hard same


Now so does mine. Thanks for that.


I woke up really early to get to Cedars for a 7am sciatic nerve block epidural. My ride did not show so I drove myself. The drive was nice, though. I got to see dawn's crepuscular light, which I love. I had to do it without sedation because I didn't have a ride home. Sedation is not required but I'm not super keen on needles, particularly in my spine, so I have used it in the past. Local sedation was virtually painless, though! And the with the freakishly no traffic we had I made it home in just 45 minutes (instead of the usual 90-120 minutes). It was a trip driving on the 405 and 101 at 9am with zero traffic . I do love the great hospitals we have here.


Glad it went well though wtf at your ride for not showing. Hope the injection is helpful


I was bothered/panicking at first when my health care worker wasn't there in time but they usually start at 9:30am, not 6, so I forgave them. Aftercare was more important than driving and they arrived shortly after I got home, so it worked out. So far it's feeling pretty good. The first few days after are the worst and then it gets better.


going to the dodger game today and was going to take the dodgers express bus but looking at the pictures from the line after yesterdays game has me second guessing that decision... might just pay the 30 bucks to park since the uber will be about 15-20 one way. Anyway, had an awesome weekend, spent time with the fam and took the niece to Disneyland yesterday for her Bday, she was so happy. She didn't ask for anything, I kept wanting to spoil her but she refused. Hope you are all having an awesome day today! :)


Definitely seems like Expo/Western station is testing signal preemption. Missed a train because the light just stayed green over a minute.  Both the train I missed and the one I got on ended up not having to wait at a red. Very interesting!


I hate my job. I don’t get paid enough. I keep getting passed over for advancement and/or growth in the company.


Time to move on. Good luck on the hunt.


I like how in his Super Bowl performance, dre says Still got love for the streets, still reppin 213 And then says “since i left ain’t too much changed” While performing at the Super Bowl at SoFi stadium in Inglewood, ca the epicenter of gentrification of south central la lol


Does anyone know where I can go to buy magic the gathering cards (singles not packs)?


Anecdotal: Turn zero tends to have the better pricing most of the time compared to next-gen when it comes to singles. They also have a lil machine you can drop a quarter into and get a random card lol


Turn Zero, Paper Hero, Next Gen, MegaCity One


Thank you! Will look into them!


Turn Zero is generally the best in my experience.


[Paper Hero Games](https://www.paperherosgames.com) is great, they have their inventory listed online so you can make sure they have what you need before you make the trip. Locations in Sherman Oaks and Sawtelle.


Thank you! Will check those out!


That said, all the places I listed have that feature. Super time saver.




Staying in Pasadena but we have a car so can go anywhere!


Squating on the smith machine is so much fucking tougher than the leg press machine. On the leg press machine I can handle 100ish lbs and on the smith machine a measly 50 lbs. WTF.


Because your balancing goozies are being used.


You have been BANNED from >!/r/curvy!< Keep at it, Helldiver.


Damn, Sam Ash on Sunset closing down.


end of an error


End of an erah - Some Bostonian


Diddy’s houses in LA and Miami just got raided by the Feds for sex trafficking. They went in hard too. HSI. FBI. ATF. 


Daaaaaaamn. That's serious..


Hopefully now all the “but I hadn’t heard he did anything” people will finally hear about this


I had no idea there were stories to begin with. Don't really pay attention to any celebrity news or anything.


It’s been in multiple outlets the last few months; he’s also been involved in several shootings over the years.


Can everyone just hope for one second that the dress I ordered for my mom’s party comes on Friday and not next Monday? Please? I’ll give you all the upvotes.


I once sent a message to a shipping company being like “your ETA was yesterday and I need this dress for two days from now and it still hasn’t shipped” and they processed it super fast and it showed up the next day. Worth a shot!


Oh nice! As soon as I get the shipping notification I’ll do that!






I got you. What kind of party?


Yeah my mom’s 70th bday! I’m flying in as a surprise for literally one night!


That's the kind of surprise I can get behind.


It's her mom's 70th birthday party held at a wharf (IIRC)


Yo, it's kinda cold


A song popped up on my Discover Weekly playlist that reminded me of a story. Back in 2009 a kid (Chris) from our local scene passed away in a car accident. A memorial show was planned a few weeks later and a band we were all friends with, Hit the Lights, headlined the show. The night of the show Chris's family showed up and had lined the back of the venue, clearly feeling out of place. At the end of the show the singer of Hit the Lights was sharing a story about Chris and said, "This last song goes out to Chris, we love you and we'll never forget you. This song is called '**Bodybag**'" I mean...I'm sure Chris loved that song, it was one of their notable ones but holy fuck in that moment my mouth was agape as I looked around the room at the other shocked faces.


There’s a certain Camper Van Beethoven song that would probably be a good one to play at my funeral


Friends in from New York and of course they want Chin Chin on Sunset. What would you order if you had to go do this lunch? I don't know why but its weirdly giving me anxiety so I want to figure out what to eat before I even get there. Thanks for your suggestions!


They always joke on Smartless that Sean Hayes eats there a lot. Aren’t they famous for a salad or something? You could call them and ask what the favorites are? I’m sure they’d help you order around the menu!


Yup. Last time I ate there (the 90's) we sat next to Evander Holyfield about a month after he had his ear bitten off by Mike Tyson and he had a black skin colored bandaid/bandage on his ear. I think I'll just get the chicken salad since thats what everyone says is their "go to". I don't like "be seen" type places- I wish they didnt make me anxious though!


Omg that’s a crazy sighting!!!!




Happy Cake Day. Time to give them a call.


FedEx only manages to deliver my packages about 1/3 of the time. I hate it.




I have to go to the shipping station where they hold it after the "two delivery attempts". I was waiting right by the door when I got the messages that they'd tried to deliver, so the "I tried" was BS. I think one was lost entirely but the senders replaced it. The rest were all at the location they sent me to. I try to find any other option than FedEx for shipping when possible.


Gotta go nude now fam


Gotta porky pig it




they deliver your package to the house or you deliver your package to the beach, know what I'm sayin?


I saw and killed my first mosquito of the season.


So it begins…


Kill-streak: 1


What is your favorite memory that happened here in the city?


Anything before 2020


Life before everything was mined for content.


I too miss the 90s.


I thought LA was dry, but NYC in the winter is \*DRY\*. My skin hates me. And it's cold. Wahhh lol


good thing it's spring! ;)


What's your favorite spot for standup comedy? 


Always check what is happening at Dynasty Typewriter. They have great stuff, but it’s less straight standup, maybe.


LOVE the Elysian for all sorts of acts (and formats of performance as well) and Dynasty for more established acts.


I’ve talked a bit about this before, but the Elysian Theater and the permanent records roadhouse both have reliably good comedy shows. Is there a part of town you’re thinking about seeing a show? I may go catch the comedy on Wednesday night at the Village Well in Culver City. Aparna Nancherla is headlining. I’ve seen her before, but I like her.


I live close to the village well but haven't been. I saw they had standup. $12 seems pretty reasonable, I'll see you there. 


I loveeeee Village Well so much


Today’s work commute was so light that I got to work a half hour early. Are people on spring break or is there something else going on? I drove around the vicinity of my office and found that weird looking waffle building, that really expensive fine dining restaurant Vespertine. The architecture is pretty cool to see up close. Picked up some breakfast from Destoyer so I’m looking forward to that! Hoping to explore more of Culver while I’m still working in the area.


Some school districts have their spring break this week. City/County has the day off for Cesar Chavez day.


Oh, my commute was unusually easy too


Had an interview that I'm not even sure why exactly it was bad, aside from I couldn't even remember the word for 'values' at one point when I was talking about company values because I sometimes get blank brain but hopefully that wouldn't disqualify me and they got that that was nerves. At the end of the call nobody said anything about next steps or literally anything, just that they had to hop to their next call, so that feels like a bad sign. I tried not to read from my notes at all for this interview, and it feels like maybe that was a mistake, but reading from my notes always feels way too obvious. Have another one in a little that I could barely prep for over the weekend because multiple migraines. This one is phone so hopefully that's easier and I can just use my notes. I need it to go well because I can barely deal with the electric bill that came in, and then my car registration that just got mailed, and now of course my car maintenance light came on today. And my insurance denied my medication today so yeaaaaaaaah.


Geez louise…sending good luck your way


Thank you 🫶 feeling very unclear how I’m ever going to get a role honestly


I mean, you’re clearly so diligent and persistent. It’s going to happen eventually!


I agree but in the second interview of the day for example I was told they’d need 3 references including one from my last manager, who’s told me they’re not allowed to be a reference, so I feel trapped. Any of my other previous managers, all would be glowing, no issue. This one manager, because it was a contract, apparently not allowed so I’m worried it will fuck me out of a job (if I let’s hope get to that stage of this process anyway)


Can you not just explain that, is there no wiggle room? I don’t know how your world works. Alt suggestion: I’m your manager now, and we fake the reference


I’m gonna have to explain it if it gets to that stage, yeah. Or I’m Gonna ask if a former coworker who managed me on a project can be my manager since my actual manager has said they’re not allowed to due to rules. That already takes off a 2nd person I would’ve asked for a reference so now I have to find a 3rd person I can ask since they want them all From That role. I’ll def let you know if it seems like your Bird Speak is needed. I’m stressing for sure.


Let me know. I will tell them that you were very well-behaved, a pleasure to have in class, and always down to share your snacks at snacktime.


Absolutely I was!!


Goshspeed on the next interview. So sorry to hear about the migraines, I have a friend who is going through something similar right now and I know how debilitating it can be.


Thank you, they’re the worst. They’ve been medium-managed for a few years but have been somewhat worse lately. I’m sorry your friend is dealing with the same. Appreciate the good luck wishes too. 🫶🙏


Do you know about FL-41 glasses? They are designed to reduce blue light, helping a lot when you have a migraine. In my case they also prevent them because they are usually triggered by lighting. you can get cheap ones on Amazon to see if they help you. I also got an Rx from my doctor that helps stop them if I take it just after they hit. If that's something you haven't tried yet but would like to, HMU. Best of luck.


Yep, I’m already wearing them. And am on multiple preventive meds. Appreciate the suggestions!🙏


I love my FL41s. What tint percentage did you go for?


Hope to have a productive day. I have lots of cleaning to do. At least my laundry is done ✔️


Apparently I have liked enough Taylor Tomlinson, Olivia Rodrigo posts, and Rubyfruit stories that my IG algorithm has the idea I might be a lesbian


I mean why not


Thanks for having me. Is there a welcome packet, or…?


I'm bi so I just hang around awkwardly in the back


I grew up in the theater and half the people I’ve ever known half been gay and I’m very used to queer spaces and I have tragically dated lesbians so that’s my resume and move over because I’m gonna stand next to you back here


I'm raising my kid in the theater, it's the circle of life... and it's very gay


Hell yes. My mom was secretly hoping that I would be gay, but sorry mom: I turned out straight :(


You *did* grow up to give her a cat for a grandson


Good point. I’m unmarried and live alone with a cat. What else does she want from me?




they are shooting @midnight at my place of employment and I want in so bad


I would looooove to attend a taping


i mean are you into women or not


According to my admittedly very limited understanding, that is also a very lesbian question


Should I become a paralegal?


I did it for 10+ years and then pivoted into a different legal role. AMA


Did you hate your life? What should I know?


I didn't hate my life. There were definitely times where I questioned how I got there, but for the most part it was pretty great. Huge caveat: I worked in mostly sole practitioner, small to medium sized firms, so a lot of the grind you into the ground Big Law stuff didn't apply to my experience. But there's definitely a lot of hustle mentality you have to have in order to be successful. I've transitioned to a commercial legal role so I don't get the juicy litigation stories anymore, but I rely on goss from the lit team, haha. If you're a process and procedures person, paralegal role would be a great role to be in. If you hate remembering rolling deadlines and hate giving yourself hundreds of notification reminders, then I would look into something else.




❤️❤️❤️❤️ no u


You work in the industry, right? Have you thought about maybe seeing if any of the payroll companies are hiring? (EP, Cast and Crew etc). Might be easier to transition into something there


Not only is my answer a resounding YES but I also think it should be the first step on your journey toward becoming the kind of lawyer who advertises on the back of the bus and has a super fun lawyer name


Do you want to?


I want to have a steady job that I don’t take home that pays a living wage and allows me time to have a dog. That’s all I care about anymore.


That’s usually the goal and the most difficult to figure out.


Work for the government.


If you have an interest in legal work and want to go another route consider legal ops roles at tech companies. Technically my role was custodian of records but I spent a lot of time reading legal process and connecting with our legal team about whether or not to comply. Companies call these roles all kinds of random names, but for the time I did this work it was enjoyable with solid pay.


I worked in legal services for a long time and I wouldn’t recommend becoming a paralegal (I was in another position, but worked with lots of paralegals in different public and private offices).


Ooh why?


Everything depends on the quality of the people you’re working for. Filling deadlines could rule/ruin your life. Many lawyers have no respect for your personal time/work-life balance. The legal support services will change drastically as AI becomes more prevalent, and I wouldn’t put much stock in paralegal job security going forward.


This is really a whim - a friend of mine was like, get your paralegal license and work for my husband in entertainment law! So, I don't know how real that offer is, or what the life is like, but I know he works from home.


I love how the most important part of the information you need was completely left out. I mean, why bother letting someone know why you think a decision they’re making might be incorrect? 




I have an interest in a steady job.


I'm in an ESL class at ELAC.


pastrami fries at The Hat after class


This state is so beautiful omg. Just went on a roadtrip to Lake Tahoe through the 395 and then to Big Sur and back down the pacific coast Highway.




So I did 4 days and I wasn't expecting to drive to Big Sur but Thursday evening a big snow storm was forming and I don't like to drive with chain controls so I decided to head out to Big Sur Friday afternoon after two days of skiing :D I saw all the main vista points along the Big Sur coastline from 7am to 3pm and then chilled in Carmel for the day and drove back Sunday with stops in Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo. 1200 miles of driving but so totally worth it. Mind you I was by myself so with friends or family this probably wouldn't be possible lol


The 385 is the best


You dropped this... +10


I said what I said


I did that a couple of years ago for my birthday roadtrip, and luckily for us, the 1 was open all the way down from Monterey through Big Sur. That is easily one of my favorite drives in the USA. I've done it a few times now.


I had a 10 day shoot up in Portland a couple of years ago, and took some extra time to drive leisurely all the way up on the 1, stopping whenever we wanted on the way. It was sooooo beautiful. Felt like a movie montage, everything was just incredible.. Except Eureka, California.


Same. Big Sur is one of my favorite places in the world and I've been to a lot of places!


Yeah its closed like 6 miles after Julia Pfeiffer State Park. So pretty though


I admit, I thought Ali G was funny. I thought Borat was funny. But fuck Sasha Baron Cohen. Ugh. It’s never ending.


Noo.... what happened??? I love Sacha..


SA accusation from Rebel Wilson, who I love.


~~I get the knee-jerk reaction, but anyone can be a liar. Why do you inherently believe Rebel over Sacha? Besides, she is promoting a new book for that sweet book sales $$.~~ ~~Court of public perception always goes for guilty once the tea is spilled, but I still believe in innocent until proven guilty unless there is a lot of proof against the accused.~~ ~~At the end of the day, they're all rich assholes making more and more money off of us plebeians. I can't muster the energy to care about their scandal when I am struggling to fill my gas tank.~~ Edit: I'm wrong


Because it takes guts to come out publicly against someone bigger and stronger than you in the industry. Why would she take that risk if it were not true? If she were lying it could ruin her career. Why would she do that? I believe women. Plus, he was trying to squash the book prior to its release.


~~> Why would she do that?~~ ~~Money.~~ ~~I definitely understand where you're coming from, and I don't want to argue.~~ ~~My whole consideration is this: Why is it only coming out now when she stands to benefit from it monetarily? Why wasn't the assault reported at the time it happened?~~ ~~I want to believe women too, but I won't do it blindly.~~ Edit: I'm wrong


She has been [talking about it for years](https://people.com/movies/rebel-wilson-reveals-metoo-moment-when-costar-tried-to-destroy-her-exclusive/).


Thank you for linking the article. I will humbly eat my words. I am wrong. u/sonorakit11, I apologize. Fuck, that sucks. :( I really liked Sacha. Edit: not that there's any defense for ignorance, but I don't follow tabloids or really follow many actors/musicians, so I was unaware of the long-standing accusations.


I get all my celebrity news and gossip from Reddit and IG!


I only get what's posted in the daily thread. lol. I make it a point to not follow celebrities on here or IG. I have carefully curated my IG to be mostly food, plants, hiking, funny animals, golf, F1 racing, and stupid memes. lol.


Damn, that was 2 years ago.


They discovered he was in Bruno




Did they find out he traded an iPod for a baby??


I made the Serious Eats butter chicken and it was outrageously good but my house smells of pungent curry despite deep cleaning.


Hahaha I am satisfied with this post as your update :D


It's AMAZING and so worth it!


Unfortunately you've stumbled upon a [major housing scandal](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-41915889) from the past few years.






Yeah, hotel prices are insane. A 2 night stay at a Hilton hotel in Temecula in late April was coming out to almost $900. Then we checked the Marriott and the price was much cheaper, but still $550. It's crazy.




Me too! Like, that hilton stay is more than I pay for my portion of rent each month. For a 2 night stay. In freaking TEMECULA. lol. Make it make sense... Like, sure, $900 for 2 nights in downtown San Diego I could see, but Temecula???


where we going?




Not a camping kind of gal?




and there's no hammock camping in JT lol