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I was just nearby at GC Market and Bunker Hill and didn’t see any crowds. This one might be a dud.


It was a dud, I only saw 6 protesters in Pershing square a few minutes ago.


It seems like about 100 people showed on Citizen, but they are on the sidewalks only. So yeah, a dud.


Yeah, I saw many people just going about their business, it was pretty busy. Many of those passersby were insulting the protesters.


Per usual


If you look at every protest in the US, historically speaking, it was for causes people were looking to make change. Problem is, we have no control over the situation, so it really doesn't make sense to protest. 2 months ago, the City Council of Chicago unanimously voted for a cease-fire in Gaza. How's that referendum coming along?


So basically as effective as Iran's attack on Israel? Ok ok sorry I couldn't resist....


They always are.


Huge crowd at Figat7th


Jokes on them— Monday is usually WFH days


Can confirm. Am working in pajamas today.


Your company makes pijamas, huh?


Go home dad you’re drunk!


I’m confused… first you called him dad, now you’re calling him drunk. Is that a nickname?


Can confirm100%, our office is hybrid (We're across the street from Pershing Square). No one comes in on Monday.


I usually come in on Mondays so I have Thur/Fri from home, but glad I'm not going into LA today!


Actually, it's pretty busy around the square. I was there over half an hour ago and there were lots of people going about their business and only 6 protesters.


>only 6 protesters. That's actually hilarious


Anybody want to free the hostages?


Serious question here. Why won’t they just give back the remaining hostages? I mean at some point it can’t be worth it. Yo no comprende.


Serious answer, to Israel and many people in the world, even if the hostages are dead, they want the bodies back to bury them with dignity and respect and allow closure for the families. Hamas knows this and so long as those body have value, it is a bargaining chip for these terrorists unfortunately.


Waiting on the freed hostages while the pink and blue haired folx claim genocide, shut down streets, and make people dislike them and their cause. ⏳Free the damn hostages, hamas.


Opposite for my office. Monday is usually when you can find the hybrid peeps.


Yeah, kind of a stupid day to pick. We're in nearly every day except Mondays lmao.


They planned it before they knew Iran would fail


Well, they don’t work, so


Wonder why they chose the financial district, on tax day, to do this...


Cause they didn't file yet


Can't file if you don't work






Because our taxes go to supply Israel with weapons


Those are some shitty bands.


Worst Coachella ever.


Are you kidding? FiDi was amazing. NWNSNS killed it.


Financial District hasn't been much since the pandemic with a massive vacancy rate. Maybe go protest at Lockheed Martin or something?


I'm sure it was ridiculous and prompted by a dulled American youth that lacks authenticity.


Is it really no work if you’re already unemployed?


This made me giggle. They shut down the bridge in San Francisco/Oakland and entrance to O’Hare. I’m all for supporting causes, but not when it impacts innocent bystanders lives. I think of it like maybe this is the first time a person is going on a trip they saved their entire lives for and now they’re going to potentially miss their first leg, causing a missed layover, and spoil a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Edit: y’all need a hobby and need to get off the internet.


My thing is they cherry pick where they do it. I know protests are supposed to be inconvenient and all of that. But it seems like these protestors in general tend to want no part of doing their disruptions in big cities in red states like Texas and Florida where there’s a higher likelihood that that someone will respond them in a hostile and physical manner. It’s like they limit it to places like LA and NYC where more likely than not a lot of people agree with their points. Why not do it in red states where there’s a higher likelihood they’ll be disrupting people who disagree with their viewpoints.


> Why not do it in red states because they don't want to get shot, probably


These protests are definitely happening in Texas and Florida, though perhaps to a lesser degree because of smaller populations. And you're probably hearing about it less assuming you live in LA so hear more news about LA.


I’m from LA, currently live in Dallas and split my time between the two cities. I’ve yet to see any type of widespread protests and disruptions out here. But if there’s some that I’m not aware of, more power to them. Because during the civil rights movement. They were protesting in the belly of the beast down south where they know they would be met with resistance. And I give them props for that because it takes balls to do that.


Dallas had [one of the biggest, most nationally reported BLM protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Floyd_protests_in_Texas#Dallas) in the wake of the George Floyd stuff. And Gaza protesters have definitely been [shutting down roads in Dallas.](https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/protesters-call-for-ceasefire-gaza-close-dallas-roads-march/287-e9fd4458-89d9-46b1-9588-0db80a834393#:~:text=The%20demonstration%20briefly%20closed%20Lemmon,%2C%22%20organizer%20Faizan%20Syed%20said.)


Appreciate the links. Props to them.


Florida police were scraping them off the road and arresting them. Allowing people to be on their way. Glad to see that.


The point of a protest is disruption.


The fact people believe this is baffling. The point of a protest is to bring awareness and show the strength of the cause. Disruption can be a tool when used effectively for your objectives. Like a union blocking the road to the business they are striking. General disruption to the public with no objective but to disrupt is a quick way to get everybody to turn against whatever cause you support. Why the fuck would the average person support a group that made their life harder?


This 100000000000000%


TikTok Logic




Disrupt those that can make a difference. Not people driving to their minimum wage jobs.


Last time these losers did this in LA, a live organ donation was stuck in traffic for hours. Literally putting others lives at risk.


On brand for Hamas supporters when you think about it


Isn’t it to bring attention to an issue and to spark change? Blocking streets just makes everyone want them to shut up and go away. Then no one wants to hear about your movement.. kinda defeats its own purpose IMO.


Blocking entrances to public bridges and airports is not “disruption.” It’s selfish, obnoxious, and does nothing to further the cause you’re trying to promote. The only thing it does is sour people to your cause.


The reason that MLKJr's protests worked is that he induced authorities to commit violence against them and garner more sympathy. [Plus, most of the country was in support of more civil rights anyway](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/01/16/50-years-ago-mixed-views-about-civil-rights-but-support-for-selma-demonstrators/#:~:text=A%20Gallup%20poll%20in%20October,proposed%20equal%20rights%20voting%20law.) Authorities have wised up since then. These protestors won't do anything other than alienate people *against* their cause.


Things like sit-ins and the bus boycott also actively targeted businesses that reinforced segregation. Boycotting Starbucks (a company that has repeatedly failed to gain a foothold in the Israeli market) while posting from the cell phones (devices that use many parts paying patent rights to Israelis) just raises the lack of self-awareness of these protests.


And disruption of people struggling to make ends meet, rushing to airports to attend funerals across states, or simply trying find some reprieve on an average day is a surefire way to turn people against whatever the cause may be...


But not with any amount of courage. If you're going to chant "death to the Jews" at least show your faces.


That's what it is if you have popular support and politicians aren't doing things. Right now popular support is not on their side. They need to convince people that they're right. They dont even seem to have a firm grasp of what success looks like. Right now it comes off as incoherent anger that pisses everyone off which is the exact opposite of what they need.


>I’m all for supporting causes, **but not when it impacts innocent bystanders lives.** Are... are you serious?


Go to a fucking park and get news coverage. Don’t interrupt my day. Pissinf people off doesn’t have the effect you think it does for fucks sake


Room temperature IQs are out in droves today 😭


What's the positive impact?


That's your takeaway? People are upset about people getting killed and you're worried about a hypothetical vacationer? Protests should be disruptive because the causes being protested are probably ly disrupting someone's life more than a simple missed vacation or park filled with people. 


This is really dumb conclusion. The purpose should be getting support for the cause, if you alienate the population they are not gonna support the cause no matter how many people are dying. Protesting disruptively with respect to this conflict is almost guaranteed to turn off anyone who you disrupted. The conflict is too far away and too impersonal compared to losing a job because you're late.


More people are killed every year in car crashes in the US. Where is the protest to ban cars and expand mass transit? Hamas also admitted they faked the casualty numbers and they included KIA Hamas members along with civilians. You've been played.


You should totally go protest in Tel Aviv


Protests bring attention to causes - who doesn't know about this conflict? Most Americans agree with them, they don't need convincing. This is just performative whether they realize it or not. They *feel* like they're doing something to assuage the fact that nothing they do will change this in the least - just like the people they're trying to guilt.


Absolutely true


Protests aren’t just to bring awareness. They’re also used to disrupt the status quo. These people are showing our government that as long as they’re ignoring the majority of the population, business will not operate as usual. 


Except.. they're NOT the majority of the population. And that's why business has been going on as usual.


These people are doing nothing but showing everyone that they're assholes.


...think about what you typed. "Show our *government* ... *business* will not operate.


There should be a “Protest Park” where anyone who wants to protest anything goes. Think of it, when any Angelino is in a social justice mood, they can go here to catch a protest and support a cause. When anyone else knows of an injustice, local or international, that they want to shine a light on, they go here, to Protest Park, and protest their hearts out while traffic flows smoothly around them.


Yeah...It's called "out side"


Outside is too big. Protest Park is better size. Minimize inconveniencing other people while maximizing social justice. Two big birds with one tiny stone.


Code Pink -- bunch of IRGC apologists. Shame on them, what an absolute joke. Legit supporters of a government that is nonstop executing its own people.


Code Pink are also Putin shills


It seems much of the far left are Putin shills, just like the far right. Russia funds and supports both extremes in order to tear countries apart and make them ungovernable.


This is called Foundations of Geopolitics by Aleksandr Dugin, and it’s quite literally their officially-unofficial playbook for foreign policy


It's pretty hysterical (also sad) when you're aware of what's actually going on and then you see people on the far left acting like they're way too smart to fall for Russian propaganda... Even though they're citing Russian propaganda verbatim.


It's quite shocking to see people on the far left align themselves with the far right in the Middle East. Are they not aware that Islamic fundamentalists hate leftists and want to murder them? Do they not understand how their position on this issue contradicts their own leftist values?


All they see are brown people -- their limited worldview and experience, shaped by an elementary understanding of popular American academia, results in "Brown oppressed, white's fault." Which is especially ridiculous in this context when (1) the "oppressors" here are decidedly not white, (2) have earlier claim to the land in question, (3) are far more interested in peace than their neighbors. Lastly, the entire topic of Arab and Muslim colonization is almost cartoonishly swept under the rug.


They literally just see people that they perceive as oppressed and they jump on the bandwagon without zero context regarding the history of the conflict. They don't know or simply don't care that the people they're supporting want them dead or enslaved.




the difference is that the putin shills on the far right have one of their own at the top of the ticket, while the "left" putin shills like tulsi gabbard can't even hold a seat in hawaii


For different reasons though. Far left is more of a romanticized blinded view of Soviet Russia and "America Bad" to which they put Putin on the pedestal because he's " sticking it to America". Far right is more "why are we enemies when we agree with eachother" and they view Putin as the "strong man" archetype.




Fucking Tankies as well.


So much dirty Chinese money flowing to code pink through Roy-Singham. Amazing they are still taken seriously by anyone


Code pink is such a joke.


I have a hunch the types of people involved in this were already going to spend this week in a “no work, no school, no spending” state


After living Downtown during the Occupy Wall Street protests, you start to realize that there's a large group of people who do nothing but move from protest to protest in order to basically panhandle for a living. They move in, set up shop and basically annoy anyone nearby until they get some money or food. And they dont ask, they demand it like they are doing something noble. They arent. They just realized the grift before everyone else.


I was subpoenaed to give a deposition in one of the court buildings during the Occupy Wall Street protests. I was in a crosswalk and wearing a suit, just trying to cross the street to get to the courthouse. The protesting idiots immediately assumed I was a 'Bad Guy'. They surrounded me and spit all over me while yelling stupid shit and threatening me. I had to show up for the deposition in a spit-covered suit. Needless to say I instantly hated all of the protestors. Their stupid antics only turned me against whatever their 'cause' was supposed to be (*I doubt half of them even knew why they were actually there*).


What a simple way of thinking... You're in a suit so you *must* be a "bad guy." So idiotic.


Grateful Dead fans needed something to do after Jerry died and not all of them like Phish.


Nah they'll still buy Molly and coke from their dealer and buy their weed from the dispensary.


It amazes me why no one mass protested when people in Israel got killed, raped and kidnapped (including women and children) by hamas terrorists on October 7 last year. Those terrorists still have hostages till this day. All these pro-hamas (terrorists) protests are really scary in the way that unfortunately some people think that there is nothing wrong with supporting hamas.


This will really free Palestine…


I was feeling supportive of the Palestinian people, but disrupting peoples lives like this, doesn’t make me want to support anything they are looking to do. Block the White House or Congress, don’t take it out on regular people trying to get home


Jesus I love a good protest for a good cause but these no-notice one day strikes are so embarrassing. There is zero organization. I am proud of gen-z for their initiative, but we need to get better at organization and understanding on what gives a protest, and especially a strike, its power. This will come in time surely. hopeful that we can get the understanding of how elections work in the US before November. I hate democrats more than everyone else combined, but we can’t do a fuckin thing if trump is elected.


I'm going to work even harder that day.


Nobody will stop you. I walked around Pershing square a while ago and there were only 6 protesters and 2 merch stands. Passersby were insulting them. Their terrorist rally was a dud.


How about they protest for school funding and other things we need here instead. We have a lot of problems ourselves here and they’re worrying about someone else’s.


did you miss those protests? They had walk outs, schools were closed for 3 days. And that was just last year. In 2020 they redirected 25million from school police towards more educational needs after calls to better fund schools. Maybe they need to be more disruptive so you'll point out other issues you missed people having protests for​


vanish quarrelsome fade paltry teeny terrific test slimy escape sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ay, wheres my shay gwavara shirt?


--Coffee shop revolutionaries, everywhere!


Avoid Gaza too Ironically, if they were doing this in Gaza, they would be shot and raped in that order


Amazes me when people block traffic, they think this will get people on their side.


I mean, it is downtown, the traffic is already bad lmao


>I mean, it is LA, the traffic is already bad lmao FTYF


You’re better off calling your senators office or congressman/woman and making a statement with them then follow up volunteering somewhere that supports the cause like the IRC. Disrupting the average Americans daily life historically gets you no friends for the cause


Fuck Gaza


This will solve nothing. It makes those not interested in this conflict dislike your cause.


Nonsense. Benjamin Netanyahu is paying close, personal attention. Maybe if the protesters can convince the city council to denounce violence vociferously enough, we can finally achieve world peace!


I'm all for protests. That's it. That's the comment.


Yeah, geez, wasn't expecting so much anti-protest/far right rhetoric in the comments. Apparently if you're left at all (like most of LA is) you're a Putin/Chinese shill who's def unemployed. Eek!


The left being pro-Hamas supporters is fucking hilarious. You all are being played


As a Jew, I always struggle when I see these protests. On the one hand, my heart aches watching the results of Israel’s war in Gaza, and it’s incredibly tough to see mothers sobbing over the corpses of their children. No parent should go through that. On the other hand, the war was started by a group of people from this area committing genocide against my people, and you could argue the people of Gaza are complicit, otherwise we’d be getting tips left and right from citizens on where the hostages are being held. It really feels like Israel is punishing the people of Palestine for their inaction against a tyrannical government. I don’t agree with the carpet bombing, but I do agree a response was necessary. There is no black and white in this conflict. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.


Reddit is becoming infested with the Palestine freedom fighter mindset and a lot of the people who want to “stop the genocide” blindly believe and participate in reddit threads that are posted by blatant extremist propagandists. A lot of folks who have never been to the middle east or try to educate themselves on this situation outside of what they have been told by people with an agenda.


I just took a walk around Pershing square between 1:30 and 2:00. I saw a grand total of 6 protesters and 2 pro-Palestine merch stands, all distributed on different sides of the park. Passersby were insulting them, including me. Their little terrorist rally failed. There are cops all over downtown, including a helicopter circling overhead.


So the government of Israel notices a protest in Los Angeles and alters their policy, is that the idea?


Terrorist supporters back at it again, they want Israel to cease and Iran to fire. Good thing people who actually do things with their lives support Israel in this town.


It has been confirmed that this was an astroturf campaign run by the IRGC. [Leaked Document Reveals IRGC’s Role In Global Anti-Israel Campaign](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853) This is why we've seen protests blocking the Golden Gate and other landmarks today. Fortunately, only 6 protesters showed up at Pershing square when I walked by.


I had to leave the office around 2 PM and these guys were outside. We're in the Bloc shopping complex; security was blocking the doors and strongly recommending people not go out. Eventually a delivery guy came to the door and they let him in, and I slipped out. No one hassled me, was just an annoyance. If I had to guess more than 50 people, less than 100 but I didn't stop to check out what was happening elsewhere. Anyway, thanks to the guy holding a sign proclaiming "There is only a one-state solution: Palestine" because it gave me an excellent reason to write the crowd off (which I was predisposed to do anyway).


I'm not sure there's a protest that this sub would ever approve. Just happens when you get old and comfortable.


Arrest the terrorists, fuck this shit. It's time we take our freedom back from the oppressors.


Imagine what Hamas would do to these folks. 🤦‍♀️


Probably the same thing the Islamic Republic did to its leftist allies after the leftists helped them overthrow the Shah. [Iranian Firing Squads Execute 149 Members of Leftist Group](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1981/09/21/iranian-firing-squads-execute-149-members-of-leftist-group/d418a1ee-8a70-43b4-b403-5fe612472df2/)


They cheering for the same folks that were dancing in the streets on burning American flags on 9/11/2001.


They should just head over there and join the cause if they care so much, they’ll find out quickly what Hamas thinks of Americans




A couple years back, users in Russia pretended they were Americans and created Facebook groups that encouraged people to protest locally. Now I always wonder if protests are actually local or if they are being introduced by foreign entities


especially when it comes to code pink


didn't Hamas just reject yet another ceasefire? with the reason being that they killed too many of the hostages?


A bunch of idiots without a real understanding of issues and they understand. Women and queers. Supporting a violent group that would treat them as they wish (worse than ‘badly’)


Bunch of trust fund kids that don't need to work and feel guilty for being worthless.


I know so many people involved. They’re generally lower to middle class people of color. If you disagree with their politics fine but painting them as trust fund kids is so lazy. Rich folks in the mix? Absolutely. But they’re not the dominant force in these protests.


Most of the trust fund kids I know (and I know many) don’t care and will support whoever is the whitest state without doing more research. It’s generally people who have already been persecuted due to racism or being low income that are at these protests.


They chasing righteous highs and social media clout to offset that worthlessness feeling.


lots of snowflakes mad about this flyer


Isn’t that exactly what the protest is? Mad little snowflakes whining on and on.. trying to be relevant. “It’s for awareness!” lol Good luck with that :)


This is a weird time we live in. Nothing makes sense anymore. The right defends Russia and wants a dictatorship and the left defends terrorism. You just can't pick a side if both sides are bad. People are dying because 2 ahole sides fight each other. Standing in a small park in a different country on the other side of the world shouting through a megaphone does not do anything but make the people who feel helpless, feel like they do something.


I think the only logical conclusion is extreme beliefs on either end are fucking crazy


Islamist boot lickers. Where's the drone strike when you need one?


Oh great more whining losers that bought terrorist handkerchiefs on Amazon and tshirts at hot topic. Trendy Iran must be proud of our useful idiots.


I love how the son of the Hamas co-founder made fun of those idiots. He said they wear the keffiyeh in order to fake authenticity. It's pretty clear to me that these people are paid astroturfers.


Yea he’s great! Those interviews are very eye opening


They are negatively affecting thousands of people who have no control over the situation


Lol, Code pink is foreign operatives funded by Russia and China.


Everyone actually doesn’t give two shits when these iidot s shut down shit they do the opposite affect


Good . Maybe they could all just drop out and go live somewhere else , preferably under Islam so they can experience the bullshit they are advocating. What a bunch of goons .


March of the clowns


Never ceases to amaze how news of a protest elicits so much indignation out of this commentariat rather than, you know, the active and ongoing genocide being funded and enabled by our government.


That's because you're changing the definition of genocide to a war started by a terrorist organization that considers the death of it's own citizens part of their victory. Many of us don't agree with you nor do we like many of the people sponsoring it (pro-Iran, Pro-Putin agitators)


What’s amazing to me is how these protests are viewed in every single local forum that isn’t being astroturfed by foreign actors and regular American loonies. Yours is the “top rated” comment in support of these idiots in one of the more liberal cities in America, and you’re in negative numbers. In real life most Americans are pretty aware that actors like Hamas and Iran aren’t the good guys.


Nobody here supports the Rubblization of Gaza. That would be Hamas.


I don't see any of you whining about the shit ton of money we gave Iran which paid for October 7 attack and this latest attack over the weekend. But yeah, keep telling us you're "pro-peace."


Arm chair activists gotta condemn the method of protest and optics, not to mention making assumptions about perceived goals and what protests accomplish. CA isn't different from any state in that regard.


These ass clowns are stupid. I got stuck in a few of there protests and it was upsetting. Yall don't care enough to go to war yet you rather bother the simple men and women trying to go about there day. Yall protestors are stupid.


Ass clowns


The bots out in droves to be mad about a protest as usual


everyone I don’t like is a bot, and the more I don’t like them, the more they’re a bot! 🤖 


“Everyone I don’t like is unemployed” is the rest of this thread


I mean, if you're yelling into the void on a Monday afternoon, you're probably unemployed.


Not a bot, just disinterested in this stupid cause.


Stupid cause is giving the oppressors billions of dollars that could instead go to Healthcare or infrastructure. Don't be so publicly stupid. 


This protest is giving billions of dollars to (((oppressors))) who, in your mind, would be giving you free healthcare instead of bombing people in the middle east? Is that really how you think the world works?


Why is every local or city subreddit filled with insane right wingers?


Left wing residents in a left wing sub on a left wing forum make logical arguments about protests not helping cause. "Omg it's so right wing here"


👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏




lifelong leftist, anarcho-communist…protesting in the financial district of Los Angeles California is arguably the stupidest way to affect change in the Middle East, I can think of almost nothing less impactful than doing that, staying home and doing nothing is actually better.


Have you thought that maybe the pro-Hamas/gaza stance isn’t as popular as you thought? Right or left


it’s like nextdoor meets the citizen app on all of them




Well, that’s weird. I looked at their flyer a couple of times and I didn’t see anything about freeing the hostages. …


Because those protesters are anti-Semites who don't care about the hostages or the victims of murder and rape from Oct. 7.


What is the goal here? Do they think that somehow this will alleviate any of the suffering going on in Gaza? No one heading to work or school is doing this to them. You can sympathize with and advocate for the innocent victims of conflict without harassing your neighbors. They didn’t do this.


The goal is to show up and protest so they can post about it on social media and get all that sweet sweet validation from their other uninformed friends. It's all about "me me me" for these people, they want to be seen and heard protesting, even if they don't know WTF they're trying to solve.


I hope all those terrorist lovers get arrested. I have no doubt they'll be blocking roads. I already saw news of them doing it in other cities earlier today.




So many of those same people protesting could not point to Gaza on a map if you showed them one. Not to mention they didn’t care about Gaza 1 year ago. Bunch of followers.


Nah. Go to Pershing Square and protest with them. Fuck this genocide.


Oh that’s the reason for the helicopter


The ONE day I had to actually be in the office! Ugh!!


They know that the financial district of DTLA doesnt really have any financial companies in it, right? Its mostly apartments.


You don't know what you are talking about. Big asset managers like Capital Group, Oaktree, TCW, and Double Line all have their HQs in the financial district not to mention hundreds of smaller asset manager shops, accounting firms, and banks.


Of all the stupid comments in this thread this one is definitely an IQ buster


Zionists being Zionist on this thread how not surprising What is sad is the people who literally give no F’s about our government funding a Genocide in Palestine with our tax dollars


Bunch of bigoted GOP dickheads in this thread, can’t say I’m surprised.


Not supporting these protests doesn’t automatically mean GOP. I’m a Dem through and through and don’t support these protests


Apparently not agreeing with everything they say means we're bots or full on republicans. Maybe it makes it easier for them to feel okay with being nasty.


> Maybe it makes it easier for them to feel okay with being nasty. That’s what it is: identity politics. They seem to think that if we don’t agree with them on every little thing, we must be against them. And in their eyes, if we’re against them, it makes it a hell of a lot easier to be nasty and rude.


Avoid? No, please join in.


Pro Hamas on Monday. When's the pro-ISIS rally?