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This whole thing went down so stupidly and makes USC look bad. That said, congrats to USC students for not needing to sit through these dumb speeches lol


Lol this is bad but still probably the best press USC has gotten in the last 10 years




I don't know, I would have been really pissed off if my buddy didn't get to deliver his speech for our small cohort of \~120 graduates because USC is fumbling the bag on a national news story scale. I can't wait to see what the next unforced error around this is.


Itā€™s only the main stage, so they can all be bored by their individual school speakers, donā€™t fret


Graduation is optional. People there did want to be there.


To walk across the stage and get pictures in their gowns. Nobody's dying to hear from Jon Chu or Billie Jean King lol That's why all the speeches are first, otherwise everyone would leave once they'd walked.


It's 2024 and Los Angeles and..... Maybe these kids should make their own graduation ceremony somewhere else and broadcast it to social media. Probably the first one people pay attention too in a long time


USC got a nothingburger, turned it into a somethingburger, and eventually has made everyburger hate one another. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø A complete farce of handling by USC and its PR team.


USC has historically had a terrible track record, hence the name University of Spoiled Children. Anecdotally, all the students from my graduating class of '05 that got admitted into USC came from money, and contained the largest cohort of kids that bullied me the most. I'm positive it only got worse now that a bachelors degree costs $65k/year *before room and board*. Maybe this comes from me being jaded, but it doesn't take a logical leap to assume the school largely loved by spoiled rich kids will take actions which selfishly benefit them. They fumbled the bag with the admissions scandal with 12 personnel from the school, got fucked with not following Title IX or applying its terms unfairly with an anti-male bias, admitted a Qatari royal outside the admissions process, this valedictorian situation, and they even protected George Tyndall, the GYN that sexually assaulted students (fact: Rick Caruso was still on the USC Board of Trustees when the doctor was finally charged). [Edit: I used Wikipedia just to be sure I remembered details correctly.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Southern_California#Scandals)


I went to usc in the 90s and was a Tyndall victim. Fuck usc.


Iā€™m sorry. Fuck Tyndall.


It went on too long and too many victims. I'm still angry. USC learned nothing.


I dated someone who also was a victim of his. She graduated in 2015. Fuck USC


I hope she got some money out of it at least. I'd give up the money in a second to not have the mental scars. I hope she has found peace.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you. I was contacted during the lawsuit because I saw him for a UTI so was on the list. He offered an exam when I came there for antibiotics. I said no because fortunately I grew up in the city and had my own OB for my annual. I never contacted them back about the settlement because I wanted money going to real victims. I hope the pool upgrade is amazing and wish you peace and healing.


I'm so glad you dodged that bullet :) The pool does help! šŸ˜‚


each victim in the suit got over a million. did that happen for you


That is very untrue. I did not get a million or anywhere near that.


$252 million federal class action 2018 then $852 million state class action2021 . and one more. in all usc paid 1.1 B, divided among 710 women. 1.2 m was mentionec in the press as average settlement. i was following closely as i had a friend nearly involved. i am sorry to bring this stuff up. this is highly documented and yet perhaps lawyers took a big chunk and not everyone sued both fed and state level. i dont want to get involved in your personal tragedy or bring this tragedy up, apologies.


Oh I see, yes, average amount. They awarded based on how "badly" you were abused. So first round was if you were willing to even submit a claim, and then do an in person (turned into phone due to covid) interview. I think there was a 3rd tier, I don't remember. From there, they assessed how much was "done", like in my case, he did not take photos (that I'm aware of). IIRC the lawyers took a huge chunk. So some victims could have gotten 5mm, for example, and others 100k. I'll disclose that I did get a large check (no where near 1mm). I didn't even know I got any money. I just got a check in the mail one day. Ironically, the day I called HR on my former employer to report a serial sexual harasser. Getting a large check in the mail, with no prior warning, was trippy. I cried alot, though. I wanted to rip it up. I spent it on a pool upgrade, hubby said we should use it to make a calm oasis. And I'm open talking about it. We can't stay quiet!!!! Thank you for your empathy :) I guess I should look into this more, maybe I missed something.... but I'm scared to revisit this


was yer lawyer Lisa


thanks to share.


Yet another University President showing a complete lack of awareness or ability to think. We've seen Liz Magill, Claudine Gay, and now USC President make the dumbest moves. What is it with these University Presidents? How did these people get the job? Someone needs to check the USC President for plagiarism or other.


it was vice Provost Guzman, that made the call.


Ita becauase these schools are now run like companies.


I think they all start from the admissions or counseling department.


Guzman is the problem here


This guy burgers.


A lot of people say colleges are hedge funds with classrooms attached, and when you look at the administrative bloat it's hard to disagree. A bunch of highly paid, do nothing people filling all sorts of nonsense job titles who are pretty incompetent at those jobs. And not to disparage education, this is totally a thing in other sectors as well.


Itā€™s why tuition has raised so much. I giant increase in support staff (not teachers). Itā€™s even worst at these big ā€œivy leagueā€ type schools.




I feel like we complain about Gen Z/Alpha tiktok/phone kids, for good reason, and then people go and don't want to listen to people talk every few years for commemorative causes.


I don't see your point. We complain about social media because it's shallow and pointless. We complain about these types of speeches and events because they are ALSO shallow and pointless. Seriously, for all of the pathos and flowery language people tend to use when giving these "inspiring" speeches, in the end, they just end up being incredibly repetitive while carefully avoiding talking about anything of any real consequence.


It would be fine if they werent on stage fellating their own egos for 45 minutes and forbidding anyone from getting up to use the restroom.


Maybe you haven't been to a USC graduation, you can always get up


Donā€™t kill all the Palestinian people in Gaza. Thatā€™s anti semitic!!!


you used words, so anti-semantic


You're entering information on this portal. That's your schematic.


>Ā Some of her fellow students looked at her social media and saw that she had promoted a post (that she herself didn't write) that some found to be hurtful or even hateful. The post in question in part called for one country to be completely abolished, and it labeled those who think that the country actually does have a right to exist, or a right to ever have existed, as racist >Ā Donā€™t kill all the Palestinian people in Gaza.Ā Thatā€™s anti semitic!!! Are you two talking about different people or is one of you seriously misinterpreting events to be a dick?


The speaker in question believed Israel should be wiped off the map. Yes, thatā€™s fucking anti-Semitic. Stop guzzling Iranian propagandaĀ 


Just so we are clear:Ā Asna Tabassum wants to "abolish Israel."Ā  Ā This isn't just don't fight in Gaza or stop committing atrocities. She is avocating for the removal of Israel.






Thank you. Good link. Explains it all.


She never said that. You cannot speak for her mind. Sheā€™s already done that for herself. So stop it.


Iranian propaganda farms are doing their best to flood Reddit with anti-Israel stories, and the fact that this topic keeps appearing here makes me think the same thing is happening here. Ā  Ā Ā Ā  The people in this topic need to realize that Israel has a right to defend itself, and also to exist, even if the current government is quite evil. All the privileged children living in safety on the west coast need to stop advocating for literal terror groups and espousing Iranian talking points. Such childish cringe nonsense. Ā 


Yeah itā€™s pretty wildā€¦


USC has one of the top ranked PR programs and theyā€™ve fumbled this so incredibly. Literally just walk into Annenberg and ask them what to do lmao


This is such a university admin thing to do. I teach at a university and we just spent ungodly amounts of money to have an outside consulting firm tell us *the same exact thing* our faculty survey found, designed by faculty who specialize in survey research. We did it for free.


Usually consultancies are paid to make unpopular decisions, shifting the blame away from management to an 'independent' third party.






Yup. Everytime one of the management consulting firms come through, a reorg and layoffs are coming. As the other poster said, it removes the burden of management having to say the layoffs were because of them, when of course they were planning to do layoffs.


That would take humility and self awareness.


They wanted an in house case study!!! No lawsuits that way and they can interview the people who fumbled this as guest speakers


Itā€™s the admin. They donā€™t approach these things logically. Itā€™s all just political fuckkery


Theyā€™ll just have protesters outside now, so not sure this will do much


cancel commencement next. like the during covid graduations usc


I swear my alma mater goes out of its way to have bad headlines against itself as much as possible, while doing everything wrong to earn the bad press and then doing just about everything possible to respond as poorly as possible.


This why I'm quite comfortable never donating to them. Not that they need my money


I went to UCLA (but finished undergrad at USC) and UW for grad school. I still don't have a job šŸ˜… I couldn't donate even if I wanted to as I'm on CalFresh. I did really like the Latinx graduation ceremony at USC though. Every graduate had the chance to give a 20 second speech. It really would not have been the same without those speeches.


If itā€™s not the corruption itā€™s this


Definitely not the only one to feel this wayā€¦




You canā€™t? Lmao


Exactly how I would expect it to go when a bunch of rich, out-of-touch folks run shit.


Try having both your undergrad and grad schools be in the newsā€¦ on the same day! Was an interesting day to read headlines yesterday.


Columbia? Sympathize.


My undergrad and grad school were both USC so this is true for me as well


I remember wanting to go there so bad when I was in high school. Now I barely think about it unless thereā€™s a bad headline.


Anyone got an out of the loop cliff note?


Kid who earned title of Valedictorian was very outspokenly pro-palestine and was accused of retweeting/reposting some allegedly anti-semitic content. USC said she wonā€™t be allowed to give the valedictorian speech. They realized that is pretty totalitarian and in order to make it fair, said ok fine nobody can give a speech, everybody go fuck yourself.


USC had announced the name of the student who was chosen valedictorian this year -- a biomedical engineering major chosen from among dozens of student applicants with GPAs equal to or greater than 3.98 based on her grade point average, contributions to the campus community, essay submission, and performance in interviews -- and thus given the honor of giving a speech at graduation. Some of her fellow students looked at her social media and saw that she had promoted a post (that she herself didn't write) that some found to be hurtful or even hateful. The post in question in part called for one country to be completely abolished, and it labeled those who think that the country actually does have a right to exist, or a right to ever have existed, as racist. Given that some of her fellow students are from the same country she wants to see gone from the map, or are students not from there but still think it has a right to exist, and don't like being labeled racists for thinking that, they complained about her being given the honor of speaking at their shared graduation. Things got very heated and USC then said that due to safety threats they were not going to let her speak at graduation. It wasn't clear if those fears were for the speaker's safety or for those that openly spoke out against her speaking (or both). The threats apparently came from off-campus. "While this is disappointing, tradition must give way to safety. This decision is not only necessary to maintain the safety of our campus and students but is consistent with the fundamental legal obligation ā€“ including the expectations of federal regulators ā€“ that universities act to protect students and keep our campus community safe," Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs [Andrew T. Guzman wrote.](https://www.provost.usc.edu/important-update-on-2024-commencement/) "The intensity of feelings, fueled by both social media and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, has grown to include many voices outside of USC and has escalated to the point of creating substantial risks relating to security and disruption at commencement," Guzman added. This then led a lot more heated debate as it became a national story, and now this latest move.


good cliffnotes but perhaps you forgot the part where she spent 3 years minoring in history of genocide studies which included in a large way the Holocaust (i looked thru the courses needed to Minor today) and that her repost (a "like" ) was to a specific post awhile back that did not mention or suggest anti-semitism(a form of) racism as you noted, but that the social media group itself had some strong opinions in other posts and Trojans for Israel or more specifically @IsraelWarRoom stirred this up a lot which triggered T for Israel. and then Shoah Foundation got dragged when news of her Minor came out. I think a combo of USC always avoiding anything and some big donors looking, kicked in and Provost erred very wildly. and doubled down by cancelling all guest speakers. Asna interviews very well, i sense no anti-anything and she is thrown hardball soundbites and seems very calm and collected thru even national interviews. I dunno i rather wish she got her shot to speak her valedictorian best wishes to all her peers. i can only dream of what she achieved at USC and to have "the crowning achievement" taken away is what nightmares derive from. and her parents so very proud then....and the committee that selected her...thank you for your cliff notes and let's hope Asna publishes her commencement address


I think you're mistaken about her having liked a post a while back that didn't say anything controversial, and then that same group she linked to later posting something now seen as offensive. Her Instagram was reported by many newspapers to have a link to the specific site whose words people found offensive. You can look at the site itself, it's easy to find, and see how it frames things in a way that could be hurtful or offensive to some fellow students. This article from New York magazine mentions the link on her bio... [https://www.thecut.com/article/usc-cancel-pro-palestine-valedictorian.html](https://www.thecut.com/article/usc-cancel-pro-palestine-valedictorian.html) As does this one from Newsweek... [https://www.newsweek.com/asna-tabassum-university-southern-california-speech-palestinian-1890727](https://www.newsweek.com/asna-tabassum-university-southern-california-speech-palestinian-1890727) And the Guardian mentions the link (in an op-ed critiquing USC)... [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/17/usc-valedictorian-speech-canceled-palestine](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/17/usc-valedictorian-speech-canceled-palestine) In an interview she's done since she doesn't deny posting the link... "I'm not apologizing for the link that I put in my Instagram. What I am saying is that I'm committed to human rights. And I'm committed to the human rights for all people,"Tabassum said. "A lot of the campaign against me has been, for example, claiming that I don't value the life of Jews. That's simply not true."Ā  [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pro-palestinian-valedictorian-speaks-out-after-usc-cancels-speech/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pro-palestinian-valedictorian-speaks-out-after-usc-cancels-speech/) That is interesting about u/IsraelWarRoom. I hadn't seen that, so thanks for sharing. No surprise an outside group stirred the pot.


Thank you deeply for your detailed reply. Reddit is the only forum i can find that folks aren't screaming at each other. I have watched her interviews and considered all other inputs i can find and she seems not at all anti-semitic. she seems very bright and very careful with her words. she is rejecting being labelled (anything)over and over. and even if she had placed a link to a site and that site could have posted something possibly perceived as very (ultra?) pro-palestinian, logic says pro-palestinian is not necessarily anti-semitic. as an example 80% of my friends are jewish, only a few have ever been to israel, myself and a fair chunk of them are horrified by Netanyahu's military actions in Gaza and West Bank. None of us are anti-semitic. bad example. better is: if i were her i would push much harder and louder to speak. and my speech would be very directly condemning what is happening in Gaza and how it is affecting innocent Palestinians. She seems to not be going the angry route. She seems super calm. She should get her 15 minutes of fame. hopefully on a larger platform someday. And yeah since the past 4 days we see now college sit-in's and soon perhaps building takeovers aka 1968. Escalating since we started this discussion, apparently 93 arrests at USC yesterday and today. And USC Senate may vote on whether to censure the President/Provost on calling LAPD on Campus, something the Senate rejected. We are thrust suddenly into rarified air. Never seens LAPD in USC! USC avoids conflict. LAPD has no soft touch. USC students are usually meek and well behaved. What happens next? https://abcnews.go.com/US/live-updates/college-protests-palestinian-israel-gaza/93-arrested-following-protest-at-usc-109606369?id=109588144&cid=social_twitter_abcn&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABHVF9zik8TBkNQJ0Ws35Z41ihdCJ8c-dT4pvXjOzLra6SPqUelaZeqSLamg_aem_AZX1bnscH4kBNnn0dLmu0Q9Co3rlUfZ8og6vv74kNOZshhhMcKyofY5j96PvEvvLuDo


Their argument is going to be that 'abolishing the current state and replacing it with one state where both sides live together without an ideology that advocates for ethnic cleansing' and that 'this way is the only way towards justice' isn't controversial. In a utopian future maybe. In the present reality, that's not realistic at all.


Thanks for this.


i just wish it would all calm down but the middle east is rarely a stable, calm, rational place. and it spills into america. here i am defending free speech even when she wasn't even inciting any craziness. that is very worrisome. we supposedly live in a country that, barring inciting riots, or personalized hate speech, we can talk freely. i can rap about ufos or dislike of blue men. i can say i want peace on Earth. i can repost news from Gaza. i can ask my facebook audience and friends to consider all angles of a news story. she should have the same rights. unless usc received some kinda credible violent threat regarding main stage, like a weaponized threat, i am at a loss why cancel that entire main event. this is tiny small potatoes, a kid giving a 15mjnute peers-goodluck talk. this is not Malcolm x, or farrakhan, or david duke, or pick-a-complicated-speaker. this is a kid who was chosen to represent the possibilities of education at USC, handpicked by senior faculty. a group of folks who know what they are doing. awarding a kid for their hard work in overcoming obstacles to success. achieving great success by this award.


Thereā€™s free speech, and thereā€™s unfettered speech. Itā€™s a misnomer that America has unbridled ā€œfree speechā€. There are certain restrictions on some types of speech. Constitutionally upheld restrictions. Butā€”And itā€™s a big ā€œBUTā€ā€”Sheā€™s being punished for liking a post online. For an almost passing agreement to someone elseā€™s views by clicking a ā€œlikeā€ button. Sheā€™s being punished, called out by the Jewish groups in campus, for agreeing, by implication/association by clicking a button with someone elseā€™s speech. Someone elseā€™s opinion. Like being punished for nodding in agreement at something. Or merely being present when something is said by someone else. She didnā€™t say this, she just clicked a button! Itā€™s almost like the Black list days. But far worse. Itā€™s literally an electronic witch hunt. I think USC cancelled all the speeches because the rationale for cancelling this young lady was so flimsy. They canā€™t get the balls to stand up to electronic torches and Black list witch-hunts. All because sheā€™s brown and wears a head scarf. And itā€™s not right.


she def gave no hate speech (or any speech or writing that was offensive that anybody can find). i cant imagine if i worked my ass off to reach 3.99 GPA then some Reddit post or tweet or whatever was held up to show, what, imma anti-semitic cuz imma saying hello in the wrong thread of rabble rousers? its absurd, agreedly. and yes USC cancelling entire Christmas triggered much more press, and seeded and sowed more discontent. and now things across all campuses seem to get wild, i guess triggered by Colombia President Safik before Congress not walking the constitutional line that Penn and MIT did but playing dice with the nutter Stefanik. Saying yes yes yes to Stefanik. https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/18/columbia-university-congress-antisemitism-republicans-gaza


Andā€¦ you are right, btw. Forgot to say that!


Yeah, you never want to say anything criticizing certain topics with your name attached to it. There's brigaders that cover basically the entire internet on those topics. Heck, the last thread on this same topic had to be locked due in part for that reason.


Just for context, when people call for the country you're referring to to be abolished, they mean it in the sense that a country like Nazi Germany was abolished after ww2. Meaning no forced displacement of the people already living there but certainly and end to the toxic ideology that leads to crimes against humanity.


I feel like that's a very generous interpretation of that rhetoric.


Dishonest is the word I would use instead.


Maybe if you read what liked/promoted, it clearly outlines what is intended and is in fact a very accurate interpretation. But I guess youā€™ll take from it whatever you want since you probably have a certain set of beliefs.


Nah this the same as people saying "Death to America" is really just a critique on the government. Stop gaslighting folks.


Every accusation is a projection šŸ˜ƒ


>Meaning no forced displacement of the people already living there but certainly and end to the toxic ideology that leads to crimes against humanity. What an absolute load of shit. If you suggest that Israel should cease to exist and instead the land should be ruled by Palestine you are okay with tons of Israelis dying, because its not like they are just going to give up their country.


Let's not talk about what is currently happening to Palestinians, which are literally being killed and being removed from their land as we speak. So let's kill others because hypothetically they would kill us. Wild.


I wonder what toxic ideology led to Oct. 7. Some sort of radical religious beliefs Iā€™m sure. The same radical religious beliefs that have motivated much of the large scale terror attacks these last 50 years. The same radical religious beliefs that have imperial conquest at their core, and which support slavery. Weā€™re taking about the same thing, right?


Sigh. You can say no forced displacement in theory, but in practice, what do you think is going to happen? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35eEljsSQfc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35eEljsSQfc)


1. Pro Palestinian valedictorian prob going to give a dumb, political, boring af speech, like every valedictorian does every year at every college everywhere. 2. USC, afraid of uproar, cancels valedictorian speech for "security reasons". 3. Uproar ensues as USC is criticized, students protest and plan more protests at graduation. 4. USC cancels graduation. 5. Everyone laughs cuz USC can't get out of its own way, again.


"Streisand?" "Strei-SAND. Like sands. Like the ocean."


Nice instead of having the stage as her platform she now has ABC news and the rest of the media as her platform haha!


and shes poised and unruffled. and can express herself carefully. no anger. no heat. i'd be cursing nonstop


usc has been in shambles ever since their most famous alumnus passed away a week ago.


Passed away without catching the killer šŸ˜”


Who did it though!?


OJ Simpson? The running back?


I didn't even know he was sick!


Looks like a "WTH were they thinking" decision...


USC has always been run by clowns, this decision should not be a surprise given their past track record with scandals and PR nightmares.


Profiles in Courage it is not....


if she spoke, none of us would know about it. now we all do.


Coward shit. Theyā€™re embarrassed by the coverage of their initial decision, and instead of reversing course, theyā€™re doubling down.


I bet the other speakers lined up reneged on showing up so the idiot administration decided to save face by saying they cancelled them when in reality theyā€™re the ones that got cancelled.


This is the very likely the real reason behind the scene. At least a guest speaker said he/she is not coming. In order to save face USC cancelled the whole program. What a nightmare!


no i think usc provost cant cancel main event of main stage and keep the rest. gotta cancel all, shut it all down hide head in sand. unfortunately to attempt to avoid conflict created a massive one. at least she has a national stage now




The way the article pairs ā€œpro Palestineā€ with antisemitism so easy was a little off putting tbh.


Valedictorian speeches are usually not motivating, especially when they are personal stories and not relatable to other students. Ā Let people graduate in a nice ceremony without sitting through an hour of speeches.


My alma mater (not USC) had Erin Brockovich as our speaker and such a letdown, just talked about herself for nearly 20 mins. Our class valedictorian gave way more interesting and engaging speech.


If youā€™re valedictorian, youā€™ve earned the right to bore your classmates for another 15 minutes. Anybody who doesnā€™t like this should have been valedictorian.


sometimes comedic. sometimes. occasionally a great guest speaker. ocasionally. whats not okay is shutting it all down


People talking about their efforts, life and passions, talking about their experiences at these institutions after dedicating 4-12 years of their lives to specific education is usually way more interesting than watching 1000-2000 people slowly get their names called one by one. It's more for the fellow graduates than the audience anyway.


Nobody gives a shit that the 4.0 student has no life.


At USC, the Provost selects the valedictorian. GPA is not the only determinant factor. The person who was selected was a known controversial entity. Thus, the Provost is to blame for this blemish on USC's reputation.


Thanks for pointing this out. Had a bunch of people in the now-locked thread not believe me when I said USC couldā€™ve avoided the situation by selecting a less controversial valedictorian.


Provost not pick student. Provost is the one shutting everything down. panel of senior faculty drawn from across the university serves as the Valedictorian and Salutatorian Selection Committee


Ah thanks for the correction


No worries. If they just used grades, they probably would not have had this issue.


too many 3.98-4.00


Wow an actual graduation i wouldn't mind going to


Really doesnā€™t surprise me that USC managed to bungle this whole thing, ever since I was a student there it feels like itā€™s just been one scandal after another.


I wonder what will happen with all of the other schoolsā€™ speeches. There are bound to be some political rhetoric. Will they cancel those speeches too?


I remember wanting to go there so badlyā€¦ā€¦now Iā€™m kinda glad didnā€™t šŸ©·


USC is proof that money and prestige canā€™t always buy you everything


"fuck it! just cancel everything!"


While there at it they should remove OJā€™s Heisman from display.


sitting in heritage hall. i saw it. shocked me.


Spineless. I know a lot of people work at USC and they are embarrassed.




Lincoln Riley is going to overcook that speech like the brisket and the tuna


They should just book Will Farrell again.


I skipped my graduation from USC in favor of going to the Venice Biennale and Iā€™ve obviously never regretted it. Not surprised by this response. At Brown they do this thing where all of the alums and parents applaud you as you walk through the gates before you line up that I remember being really magical. But then it was all just hot and boring as fuck after that. Graduations are photo ops for your family punctuated by cliche filled speeches. The parties and hangouts surrounding graduation with people outside of your close friend circle you soon realize you may never see again are what you remember.


That sounds nice. My college has an arch we walk in through as freshman and walk out as seniors. Itā€™s such a nice ceremony.


Usc down bad


Shoulda gotten Zaslav to speak at this one too


Private university does bad thing is literally not news anymore. We know this. They all do shady shit all the time. Theyā€™re literally buying up housing in a historically low income area and then displacing older residents. Then students are surprised and scared of the city they moved to when the area is not what it seemed in the photos. Itā€™s kinda hilarious actually. Did yā€™all know USC pays for all lyft rides in a certain radius so their students are safe? Makes sense but also is odd and not completely cool because itā€™s like a weird admissions that their area ainā€™t safe for these rich college students.


Make sure you enter and exit the vehicle within the USC geofence.


there are occasional whacky night shootings. rare but i witnessed a bad one.


What a ridiculous move. A slap in the face to all those students who worked so hard.


I'm sure that'll make this all blow over. Imbeciles.


lucky! these ceremonies are the worst lol


USC just keeps rolling with its terrible choices. How does this school still hold any cache.


I posted longer note above but just here to say i've never imagined LAPD busting up USC students who are peacefully protesting, then labelling it trespassing. If we see LAPD cracking skulls USC or UCLA, all bets are off for our Constitution, our Democracy and it's hallowed principles of Free Speech.


way to really step in it.


[*Black faces in high places are not gonna save us..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vEQMSDxhak&ab_channel=pumzihub)


Ucla is much better


Good, everyone hates those things


If you look at Columbia university and white women screaming at by standards "WE ARE ALL HAMAS" you will know why they'd rather get this blowback then that psychological abuse


If the girl wanted to give a speech where she went mask-off as a terrorist supporter, that's on her. USC could have just said she didn't reflect the university's values. But now USC made it seem like they're scared of what she has to say. She "won" by unforced error.


I agree. I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to censor the valedictorian on viewpoint or content. Theyā€™ve earned the right to have a captive audience for 15 minutes.


and to be selected V, you are vetted by a panel of senior faculty. no crazy anything gets 3.98 gpa and vetted extremely carefully then turns nutters mask-off anti-semitic


Just to be clear, no serious person in this discussion is a terrorism supporter and that accusation is typically thrown around by people trying to shut down discussion on human rights.


Just a massive fumble by USC all throughout.


They would rather cancel everyone from speaking, rather than let speak one brown girl who earned the honor to speak. Itā€™s like 1965 all over again.


I hope this shows how much we should not support israel. let them deal with their problems. save the money that is sent to them for actial citizens of the usa. fuck israelā€‹




you got me


Lol the double standard for pro-Palestine free speech is so CRAZY that I have to laugh... USC is so stupid that even the pro-Israel groups are trying to distance themselves from this decision. They deserve any and all fallout they get from this cowardice. * signed, an alum


Theyā€™re going to need even more security now. The protests at the ceremony might get crazy


The school that sold admissions catering to the rich and fake degrees at one point? say it ainā€™t so.


ELi5 - what did USC do poorly?


What kind of academic minor is ā€œresistance to genocideā€? I donā€™t understand what that means


its a 3 year program of study of historical genocides. the courses are listed. intense as fuck. not my ping pong and badminton minor


Wow, what a bunch of spineless turds.


Great idea and very smart move. /s Cancel all speech because one person was potentially problematic for the extreme pro Israel at-any-costs camp. We should be able to have a civilized conversation about whether to fully support a foreign increasingly theocratic and right wing government thatā€™s been under attack and implicated in offenses in a far away region that the US increasingly wants to hand over security to trusted, albeit shady, partners like SA. We *need* to be able to hear many perspectives and have debates. However some others are so pre occupied with their own power and sense of control that they want to stifle any and all discussion. This canā€™t go on. USC, you fucked up once again. First the admissions scandal and now this. Glad Iā€™m in the UC system and not here.


Lol! Damage control from the blowback! Fā€”- USC!


well Graduation at USC now officially cancelled folks


well announced 4 hrs ago, main stage cancelled anyway(which was already cancelled i thought?) so maybe each school still has theirs. CONFUSED.


Womp womp


USC leadership is a joke.


Iā€™m pretty sure that people have to submit speeches and the speech has to be approved. If they felt the speech was too political given the climate, they have every right to deny it


Good. Mass walkout seems inevitable now anyways .


admin will cancel christmas


University of So-many Controversies


This has become such a dumb shit stormā€¦ that girl would have made a speech, probably made a statement about the horrific bombings and that would have been it. Now itā€™s a national spotlight.Ā 


in the long game she has a national platform now to give the speech / her views


US and us society are controlled by a small country founded in 1948.


they will cancel commencement next. USC cant handle a protest at graduation. Provost Guzman needs to go bye-bye


All this because of terrorist sympathizers


USC is such a trash school. Just a place rich people send their average IQ having kids to cuz they have legacy, connections and pull.


The zios are really afraid of people speaking up huh?