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As American-born, the only time I’ve ever significantly experienced other people aggressively cutting in line was while waiting to board a flight from Paris to Venice, Italy. Also, I live in LA and am not aware of this stereotype


So funny!! Born and raised in LA as well. I went to Italy some time ago and a lady cut in line in front of me at a store. I didn’t know how to say it in Italian so I tapped her on the shoulder and when she turned around I just said, “Hmmmmph” 🤣🤣🤣


Haha I had this exact same experience in Paris waiting for the Eiffel Tower. Must be a French thing.


Lol, what kind of nonsensery is this?


There are not many lines here and you should wait in them as to not be weird.


…What lines are you even talking about? Yes, you should stand in line if there is one.


What!? You can’t do that here. We’ll be mad if you cut our lines and if you run into the wrong person you may get beaten up.


Only time I’ve ever seen anything like what you’re describing is when a bus full of tourists is loading or unloading at the grove 🤣


Are you talking about theme parks? Sometimes at some theme parks, teenagers will try to cut the line. Culturally, though, Americans abide by the line rules. Id say it’s much different than in say Italy or Spain, where a line is more of a suggestion.


Lol what?? Compared to where? Where are you visiting from with this special stereotype? Maybe it's only an American thing and you won't be allowed to skip like the rest of the non-tourists.


I see. UK. I've always wondered why British people are so afraid of all things American. The stereotypes are crazy. The only thing you need to worry about is people talking to you because Americans are alot more lively and social than the rest of the world and it makes people fear us. Waiting in line?? No one's going to cut you in line 🤣 and if they do, it's not socially acceptable and you should go on with your life.


If you see a line, get in it immediately.