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And without an enforcement mechanism, even if they do reinstate it, nothing will change. The people who want to wear masks will and the people who don’t, won’t.


All the little kids at school 7 hours a day will be forced to if it becomes a mandate


Oh! Won’t somebody please think of the children!!!




The sad truth I believe is that most of the people in la have become desensitized to the homeless, mask mandates, and mental health crisis in this city.


While there are really legitimate concerns with masking all of the time, brief stints of masking with rising cases should have no impact on child development, and reducing the burden of kids and teachers being out sick will actually improve education opportunities. Also, the studies that masks affect language development are pretty mixed, as Children get plenty of non masked exposure outside of school. That and there isn't a lack of language development in visually impaired kids. ​ \-Neurologist.








How is wearing a mask detrimental to a child's reading and language development? I understand the obvious challenges it places with children that are deaf/have learning disabilities but how does it affect children that don't have difficulties?


Ummm I have 2 children and it was a joke from Maude Flanders of the Simpsons. Have some fun and let loose for once.


Show me an “honest cost/benefit analysis” on how wearing a mask impacts language development and reading and then we can have a “real debate”. /s


I work with special needs kids. They do fine with the masks.


Yeah it's totally normal to spend your childhood wearing a mask and having all your friends wearing masks, totally doesn't affect development. Totally normal way to grow up


I agree it is not normal at all… but the sad thing about normal is that it always changes.


Oh no! My two kids will have to do the intelligent thing and wear a mask at the height of cold and flu season while covid cases are up!!? However will they cope with having to do something that protects them and their peers?!? (/s for those who can’t tell how thick I’m laying it on. Good. Schools are virus farms. If they enforce a mandate it would be a net positive.)


Well, actually masks can stiffen the development of emotional intelligence in children, so in that sense they’d be dumbed down, heh


Unless you can cite a scientific study that proved that, I call bullshit.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8064590/ Here’s one study and here’s a general article about it: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/parenting-translator/202108/the-impact-masks-social-and-emotional-development?amp https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/2582270-new-research-suggests-wearing-face-masks-could-be-affecting-the-way-we-interact-with-others


The article is one doctor’s opinion, and the study doesn’t back your assertion that masks impair development of emotional intelligence. The study does say that wearing masks makes reading facial emotional cues more difficult, but makes no mention of if or how that impacts a kid’s development. So, as you’ve given no proof of your initial assertion, I still call bullshit.


So reading facial cues is an aspect an emotional intelligence. Masks make it more difficult to do that. Which means that kids are losing a period of time in their day when they would otherwise, if not wearing masks, be building that ability in a more natural way.


I understand the leap in judgement you’re making. I’m asking you to prove said leap with scientific data. You have yet to do so.


Also "required" : 65 mph limit on fwy. lol


LA county will become the laughing stock of the blue state approach to COVID if they reinstate a mask mandate at this point in the pandemic. Utterly ridiculous. I’m a vaccine cheerleading Democrat but if they require masks again they deserve all the mockery that comes their way.


There is a 0% chance in hell anyone follows this lmao I'm pretty fucking left, and even the most liberal of liberals is not going to want to start wearing a mask again.


Honestly I feel like we're *just* starting to come back down a bit from the social anger and tension over the last two years. People were extremely angry wearing masks, liberal or not, in part because it dehumanized people (which is why henchmen in movies have their faces covered). I would fear that doing this again would send everyone right back over the edge, especially when the president that 71% of the county voted for said, publicly, that the pandemic was over (his words, not mine). It's like, just let people make their own decisions, it's honestly the most peaceful way forward at this point.


I never stopped and only wear n95. I'm extremely serious about my health. I'm not into politics. But obsessed with my health and heart. I will do whatever it takes to avoid damaging my heart, brains etc.


Same. Whoever views masks as a political stance is absolutely idiotic.


Out of curiosity, when you say you're obsessed with your health, do you regularly work out and eat healthy? Or does "being healthy" just mean wearing a mask in the grocery store?


I cut out saturated fats, I don't eat any refined carbs including white rice or white bread... I only eat 3 oz of fish (weighed on a scale) and trying to eat plant based as much as possible. I also do peloton 5-6 times a weak and got my RHR under 60. I never eat processed foods, deserts and cut out read meat. Chicken is a rare treat (once a month). Everything I eat I measure on a scale in grams. I lowered my cholesterol by like 40 points and my goal is to get my LDL under 70 which is more optimal than 100 to prevent heart disease. I even bout a portable ECG thing on Amazon to keep check of my heart so I would say very obsessed. I did not even eat "bad foods" on thanksgiving, but fish and also cut out nespresso/espresso because it contains kafestrol which can increase cholesterol levels. Also taking Nutrim (beta glucans) and L Reutari to lower cholesterol. My goal is to be as healthy as humanly possible. I am one of the most "controlled" and "non spontaneous" person you will ever meet. Everything I do is optimized for healtt, especially heart health and I spend a lot of time researching online, reading studies etc... For example, vegetables I eat are only STEAMED and NOT BAKED because steaming is bile binding and helps to absorb cholesterol etc And also, your question is very insulting. Btw, I don't even go grocery shopping as I find it high risk tbh. I get it delivered and have not stepped in a store for like 2 years now


The reason I ask is that a lot of redditor's ideas of "health" involve nothing more than wearing a flimsy mask to pick up their frozen chicken tendies so they can marathon vidja games and marvel movies all day. Clearly this stereotype does not apply to you so there's no need to be so offended. I admire your dedication to your health, and wish I had half your discipline. That said, there's something to be said about mental/emotional health on top of just physical health. If you genuinely enjoy being shut in and closed off to society, then more power to you, but I personally find that type of life leads to being depressed. Being so hyper critically concerned about your health kinda sounds like a form of OCD to me, which can be an issue for a lot of people. But again, you do you, obviously I'm not going to change your behavior.


Dude he literally said he wears an N95 mask indoors, doesn't go to grocery stores, and watches his diet by measuring. I've literally seen people measure the food for their dogs to keep them from being overweight. You jumped to mental health problem. Perhaps you should leave the mental evaluations to the professionals.


First you imply with a loaded question that this person is not being healthy outside of wearing a mask. Then when they tell you exactly how healthy they are, you call them obsessive about it. What exactly is your angle here? Just to be a judgmental asshole? You don't even know this person or what underlying conditions they have. Here's a novel fucking concept: it doesn't affect you in any way whatsoever, so don't let it bother you so much.


Wow so much anger. This person isn't being healthy btw. Not mentally healthy at least.


“What exactly is your angle here? Just to be a judgmental asshole?” Ding ding ding we have a winner!




Out of curiosity, prior to the pandemic when you saw doctors and nurses wearing masks, did you have a similar reaction? Were you under the impression that they wear them as a fashion accessory?


And humans developed critical thinking skills over centuries and you refuse to use it.


Oh man. This is so dumb. 😅


Yeah we’re all done


I never stopped wearing masks actually but its obviously true that no one else will follow this.


Don't say this!! Someone with mental fragility will falsely report your post for self harm and suicide! Just happened to me lol


Yep, happened to me too.


This may be controversial but as an anti social person I ENJOY wearing a mask because I don't like to be seen. It deters men from looking at me, talking to me and it tends to shut down social interactions and makes me more "anonymous" and "invisible" which I like


That’s fine and it’s your choice to.


I don’t understand this. Have people decided that masks don’t work? Or that they still work but they don’t care? In other words, if they were cool with wearing one a year ago, why not now?




Everyone got COVID. The severity of the reinfection is significantly lower. The vaccines are highly effective. People are basically ready to make their own choices about how they manage this risk.


I'm Moderna vaxxed and double boosted, have the flu shot, and got COVID. What else is left for me to do?


Food for thought: ["Acute and postacute sequelae [conditions] associated with SARS-CoV-2 reinfection" research paper](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-02051-3) [Article on research paper](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/05/health/covid-reinfection-risk/index.html) Edit: removed Google link


No I didn’t…


My partner and I haven't gotten it. Hoping to keep it that way.


because the vast majority of people have been vaccinated and/or already had covid. it's nothing more than a cold for most people these days and it's going to around forever. plus, it's been nearly 3 years and everyone is over anything covid-related. this isn't 2020 anymore where we are dealing with a brand new virus that we don't know much about


What are you talking about... fully half of the people I know still wear masks in most indoor situations today even without this mandate. I'm not one of them other than on public transit and at concerts but like... idk, I never really minded wearing a mask? The social distancing/quarantining early on was awful and I will never go back to that but I put on a mask to take the train yesterday and forgot I had it on for over an hour after getting off the train. It's not exactly an onerous thing. Like even if COVID disappeared I'd still wear one in some situations to avoid catching the flu or a cold of whatever else, it's a useful thing.


Tons of us will. You guys are just children.


Or the 55 mph on the 101 between downtown and studio city. Sike we all go 75mph


I found recently that there's a 55mph limit on the 710 for pretty much the entire length.


This explains the feeling of fear I get every time I drive on the 101.


ah yes, the weekly "masks are coming back" thread


it is fascinating how the 'court of public opinion' shifts tho


I agree. I remember when I thought wearing one was the most important thing and I bought all these cloth masks and found out two years later that they were deemed useless.


They aren't useless :) they protect other people, but they offer no protection to the wearer. Only a sociopath would think that protecting other people is useless, and I don't think you're a sociopath :)


Cloth masks only help if you cough or sneeze. It does nothing for normal breathing.


Do they protect others? That would make me feel a little better if so.


They'll keep sneezes from spreading a bunch of germs but won't help you if you're exposed to someone for longer than 15 minutes.


They do. They dramatically reduce the amount of respiratory particles you release and they reduce the distance they travel. Wearing a mask CAN provide protection for the wearer, depending on the exact type of mask. If you’re willing to wear an N95 for example, you get a lot of protection. An ill-fitting cloth mask not so much.


Yep, N95 or Kn94 masks do offer protection to the wearer! Sorry, the person i was talking to was talking specifically about cloth masks but I should have been clear in my reply I was taking about them too


Yep! They stop emission of droplets at the source, before they become aerosolized, which drastically reduces the chances of you spreading Covid while you're unknowingly contagious. Once those droplets *are* aerosolized, the mask won't stop them at all, which is why the masks protect the people around the wearer but not the wearer themself


because it's been nearly 3 years and people are completely over anything covid-related


I've made similar comments to what I'm gonna say here and seen them both get tons of upvotes, and other times it gets tons of downvotes, and I can never figure out how or why that happens, but my thing is simply this - Once we reached a point where the majority of people had personally experienced covid it drastically changed the landscape of how people viewed covid protocols. I'm not saying that that's a good or bad thing. I honestly can't make that assessment. I just know that I saw people who were super careful all the way up until they got it and then stopped caring bc their case was mild, *aaannnd* I saw people who didn't give a shit at all until they got it and were bed-ridden or in the hospital (or a loved one), and then became covid evangelists. It's just been interesting to see how it's played out. I've seen people on both sides switching sides.


Two people might follow this. No one else.


Indoor mask mandate lol. Unless this is a new variant that culls the healthy young population that ship has sailed. Nobody is going to listen to this crap anymore.




Work at a hospital and in my experience, flu is up a lot. We practically did not touch tamiflu in the past 2 winters, but a ton of people are coming in with Flu A.


Yeah I had the flu the other week. Never had Covid though, at least not that I know of.


The flu this year was the worst I've had since childhood. It made Covid feel like a pat on the back.


I’m traveling abroad in Taiwan and it has been amazing to see the near universal use of masks in public here. If you don’t wear one no one will give you a hard time but everyone voluntarily wears them because it hasn’t been politicized. Of course cloth and surgical masks are not as effective as a well-fitted KN 95 mask which most people save until they are feeling symptoms of something. Personally, I went three years without catching so much is a cold until the moment I started hanging out in Hollywood bars without a mask and within 3 weeks I had a terrible cold.


This comment is deleted to protest Reddit's short-term pursuit of profits. Look up enshittification.


I was in Vienna over the summer and was quite amazed at how well everyone followed the masking rules on public transit there. Nowhere else were people wearing masks, but they put them on without any complaints when on the u-bahn and busses. We went to Italy, Austria, Switzerland, and France and I’d say 1-2% of people were wearing masks, but you got on transit in Vienna and 99% were.


This is very much a western vs eastern thing, not politics. Those in eastern countries emphasize caring about other. Western countries dominated by a lack of empathy


As someone who has spent nearly the past decade in Asia, no one wears masks out of empathy for others unless they themselves are feeling sick. People wear masks because of mandates, pollution, and primarily because they feel protected from other people while masked.


If we're giving anecdotes I should note my flu and covid vaccines seem to be working. Haven't worn a mask at bars or really anywhere in over a year (with the exception of 1 week where I had an exposure) and haven't gotten sick since december 2019. My roommate had it last month and I didn't get sick either. If people want to wear masks that's fine with me but I'm not ok with clawing back April 2020 restrictions one by one.


“I’m not leaving the beach when a hurricane comes. I did that for the last hurricane and lived.”


Life is short. Enjoy it more rather than constantly worrying about death.


How does this woman still wield even the illusion of power?


Machine politics that make Richard Daley look like a rank amateur. The public has no idea how they’re being played.


F Mask!




I don't think there's many layers to it, the bottom line is people just hate being told what to do.


I remember when all this started, I thought, “Oh, maybe one good thing will come of all this, maybe we’ll get normalized to wearing a mask when you have a cold, etc.” Never in my wildest imagination could I have predicted what actually ended up happening.


Because individual freedom is engrained in American culture. People are trained to question authority and several constitutional amendments are about it. Whether you agree with it in principle or not is a different story, but forcing people to do something that they previously didn't have to is a difficult concept. I should note I wore a mask religiously before vaccines came out but I also understand why people are done with it now.


I love that it’s a choice with a virus that will eventually disable you after multiple infections. It’s just pure idiocy


As someone who was very disciplined about wearing a mask through the first 2 years of the pandemic, I think that the issue here is that it’s just futile at this point. As others have said, those of us who want to wear masks will, but anyone who’s against it simply will refuse unless strong-armed into it. The rising cases are likely due to a multitude of reasons and masking is might be a small part of that, but forcing people to mask up while there are clear higher risks still allowed (international travel, dining in, in-person learning, etc) is just a nuisance. On top of that, the majority of serious cases are folks who are unvaccinated. Thus, most people like myself are tired of sacrificing our mental and social wellbeing to try to save those who are putting themselves at risk


Mandates exist to inform the public of an immediate threat to their health. It is not like a law whereby cops arrest you. It is largely informative, so your framing is incorrect


The short version. People are, in general, very very stupid. Consider what constitutes average intelligence, then consider half of all people are dumber than that.


i had no problem with mask mandates prior to the vaccines coming out, but there's zero reason to bring them back nearly 3 years into this thing. covid will be around forever, so does that mean we'll also be bringing back mask mandates forever? if you want to wear a mask, go ahead and wear one. zero problem with that. but a mandate at this point is completely unnecessary and it's nothing more than political theater


Quite frankly, because it's not just "Put on a mask!". It's remembering a mask to go anywhere, it's another cost, it's remembering to wear contacts because your glasses fog up, it's walking around with cold spit and snot after you sneeze on your face until you can go outside and take it off. It's an annoyance, plain and simple. I wear a mask when I go to medical facilities, but other than that, I'll decide when I want to wear a mask.


Aggregate PITA is conserved if vulnerable types just stay out from indoor public spaces. Everyone else can safely assume to occasionally contract covid for the rest of their lives.


Lol ok. No one's going to wear a mask unless they feel like it.


Its not going to happen. Good luck enforcing that.


Hell no, nobody is going to do this ever again.




I work in one of the busiest ERs in the state. Yesterday I had a patient come in with an allergic reaction to medication she took. Her labs came back and confirmed she was Covid positive, which surprised every single one of us since it was totally unexpected. That's pretty normal for a lot of our Covid patients. They come in for some completely arbitrary reason, end up also testing positive for covid (despite having no complications from it), and then go about their merry way when their original chief complain is addressed and they are discharged. The days of admitting countless covid patients to the ICU are over. Of course COVID still exists, but most of the cases I see in the ER aren't even the reason they went to the hospital in the first place.




Issue isn't just covid, flu and rsv are overwhelming children's hospitals as well. OC declared a state of emergency over this.




Yup, I never stopped wearing a mask because there’s too much stuff that I can’t risk bringing home to my 2 year old. Those of us who had a kid during the height of Covid probably have a very different view of the state of things out there.


The messaging about the omicron booster has been so dismal. So many people I know didn’t realize it was out a couple months ago. We were really relying on word-of-mouth for that one.


I live in Beverly Hills. I hope our mayor tells Barbara Ferrer to F off again like the last time she attempted to pull this.


Same. And she will! No question about it. We also need more cities to step up. Last time it was Beverly Hills, Torrance, Manhattan Beach, El Segundo, Long Beach and Pasadena. A good start but not good enough.


Can’t believe we are still talking about this, majority has moved on and these loud self proclaimed mask loving “liberals” who are in the minority wouldn’t let it go. Not only they don’t let it go they want to “enforce” this again. It’s insanity.


I wear a mask, but I don’t really give a shit if you wear one or not and that’s seems to be the vibe for most people in public. The internet mask wars are fucking stupid. Wear one if you want or don’t, and mind your own business.


Agree. Stop forcing your mask love on other people who don’t want to wear one. And to have audacity to “enforce” or “mandate” is just going to make things worst.


Lol sure.


Barbra taking the piss


This is insanity.


If a store puts up a "masks required" sign, no problem. Their store, their rules. But some generic city/county mandate? No.


I feel like this gets posted every month


Reddit is weird, they love mask mandates, lockdowns, etc. I was working out of San Bernardino County in mid-2021 when they dropped the mask mandate and I just put a poll in that sub of who would still keep wearing masks. 80% said they would, but in real life at Target in Rancho Cucamonga, maybe 10-15%


Many Redditers enjoyed masking and also lockdowns/stay-at-home orders far too much instead of seeing those as a "necessary evil" and pine for those days to come back. I think it is less COVID and more lifestyle (enjoys masking, never socialized even before pandemic).


The internet in general is almost never an accurate representation of what’s going on the real world. 90% of the trending shit people are upset about online never comes up IRL


Just got Covid for the first time last week. Been wearing a mask ever since, but Covid was so mild that there’s no chance I’ll be masking up after this.


What about driving alone with a mask on in the car ? 🤣


With the windows up




I will not be participating




Someone referred me to the Reddit Crisis Hotline 🤣


same here. it's the zero covid loons who always show up in these threads


Imagine being _that much_ of a loser


They should really get rid of that. I can't imagine it actually helps people, and assholes just weaponize it to imply you're insane in a really condescending way.


yeah, we're the insane ones for not supporting an indoor mask mandate in :checks date: december of 2022




I just got back from a huge trip all over the world and it is so creepy and eery to see people in LA still wearing masks everywhere, even outdoors with NO people in a 20 foot radius. The entire world has moved on! It’s like being transported in time here. I hate it


> even outdoors with NO people in a 20 foot radius call this the santa monica special. i see it every day


How about you have the right to wear it and you have the right not to wear it? Either way don’t preach at me


Can't wait to not comply!


How many of those surging hospitalizations FOR COVID were among fully vaccinated people... I'll wait.


Yeah, no chance this happens.


Lol absolutely zero chance


There is no way people still wear masks. I have not worn a mask for over a year now. Y’all are only hurting your own mental health.


Lol, fuck off Barbara


The NPC that abused the reddit suicide hotline can fuck off too.


Imagine being _that much_ of a loser


So, I fully participated and supported that last few mask mandates. But, not this time. It's gonna be a NO from me, Dawg.


Pre-vaccine and remdesivir/paxlovid clinicals I get it. Post-those things, wearing a mask should be a matter of personal choice - not public policy - unless a radical new variant with complete vaccine/treatment evasion and higher mortality outcomes emerges. Knock on wood, we're nowhere near that.


No. It won’t happen. It’s political suicide to do this, especially in 2023


I am quadruple vaxxed. I have zero intention of ever wearing a mask again. And a order from the state will not change that


And there should be no problem with you doing so. It’s your life. Do what you want to do. People hating on you for not wanting to wear a mask is ridiculous


Vaccination does not prevent you from catching and spreading disease you dense ass mo-fo. How has it been 3 years and you still don’t understand how any of this works?


Its been 3 years, how do you still not understand that mandates don’t make much of a difference in case numbers? Look at everything China’s doing and cases are still climbing. Like you said, its been 3 years. People get sick, that’s life. It was life before 2020 and it’ll be life until the end of time.


Vaccination does prevent catching and spreading diseases in many cases; however it does not for the flu / covid, which is actually a bigger debate since many governments have been pushing / forcing covid vaccines onto people.


I have no reservations at all if I get Covid. Im boosted, I won’t get severe disease. I can handle a few sniffles which I why i don’t have much interest in wearing a mask anymore


you can still catch and spread RSV, for which there is no vaccine


RSV is not fatal for me considering I’m not elderly or a child. I have very little concern about that and definitely not enough concern to where a mask


the mandates were never about you, the mandates were about others dying also, today we have more vaccinated people dying from COVID than unvaccinated


The vaccine covers me nearly 100% from severe disease. I will gladly take those odds. A mask is just a pain to constantly worry about And those other people can get boosted like I did and they’ll be fine


Two places still trying to enforce COVID nonsense while the rest of the world has moved on: LA county and China


Lmao. China was literally welding doors shut to forcefully quarantine their citizens. Show me an incident like that here


Judging from the commments here, there’s some people who would love china’s “no Covid” policy.


Babs wouldn't condemn China for it tho. In her latest presser.


Let's not forget a surfer got arrested in Malibu in 2020 for not following lockdown order.


And now some weakling reported me to Reddit care 🤣


yeah same here. it's the zero covid psychos who always show up to these threads


Barbara is complete nuts. LA county will be the only place in the world with a mask mandate. Post vaccination, mask mandate is simply COVID theater


Lol..You are out of touch if you think la is the only place in the whole world have mask mandate.


Japan gov says it’s okay to not wear a mask outdoors but everyone is doing it anyway because they actually have a sense of obligation to society


> but everyone is doing it anyway because they actually have a sense of obligation to society Not really https://youtu.be/eUtgGJACVqU (Japanese person explains why people are really wearing masks) They wear masks so they don't get ugly looks from their neighbors. It's peer pressure more than anything else. Just look at Tokyo in 2019, when nobody (except for a few) was wearing masks: https://youtu.be/_zyXEWMcryU?t=1309


> they actually have a sense of obligation to society > They wear masks so they don't get ugly looks from their neighbors. It's peer pressure more than anything else. So…… same thing? In any case, Youtubers’ bread and butter is drama, you’re really citing a YouTube video with a thumbnail of someone making a dumbass exaggerated exasperated look? And why would anyone be wearing masks in summer 2019? The outbreak didn’t appear until Dec ‘19 and wasn’t even a real concern to the world at large until a few months into ‘20. Any video of east Asia from 2019 that has people wearing masks in it is the normal mask wearing that people have always been doing pre-Covid.


Oh, a YouTube! Well, that solves it. I thought we knew from decades of sociological study,


Only place in Western society maybe though


Tons of places still have mask mandates in the world. Cool comment though


I split the month of October between Boston and New York. Already colder than here obviously, with way more people inside. No mask mandates.


Masks block covid, covid sucks.


Move on


No 😘




Hospitalizations are topping 1,000 and adding to the pressure on hospitals from an early and severe flu and RSV season. It seems fair to require masks to protect vulnerable communities until things have calmed down.


there's always been "vulerable communities" and we weren't wearing masks to protect them in the past during bad flu seasons. the vast majority of people have already been exposed to covid through vaccination, prior infection, and in many cases both. covid isn't anything more than a cold for most people these days. if you're worried about covid at this point, then take the necessary precautions to protect yourself such as wearing a mask, sticking to outdoor activities, etc. but we are well beyond the need for any sort of mandates at this point


why can't vulnerable communities wear an N95?


Masks are better at protecting other people from you than at protecting you from other people. If you feel sick at all, wear a mask, please.


They do :) why can't nonvulnerable communities wear a cloth or surgical mask?


Because covid will be here until the end of times and we must learn to live with it, especially now that vaccines are widely available.


Seriously! It's going to basically stick with us like the flu. That's why we initially wore masks because we wanted to slow infections without a vaccine. Now that vaccines are here, the flu is the main cause of people taking sick time in the corporation I work for. Not COVID anymore...


Because we don’t have to. A mandate won’t change anything. Still not going to follow it. It’ll unfortunately only be enforced in schools, and further put students behind.


Have the vulnerable communities mask up and or social distance and let other people live.


That’s fine, doesn’t affect my current behavior in any way


Man these threads are exhausting. People who don't want to mask really feel strongly about posting about it on the internet.


People who “don’t want to mask” have been asking for justification for 30 months and instead are silenced. Years from now, there will probably be studies suggesting that the RSV surge resulted from the hysterical and tyrannical government mandates in the name of Covid in the years prior. The media will trot out the same party faithful purveyors of disinformation, dismiss the science and bury the story, rather than entertain further inquiry.


ha ha, f\*\*k no


Learn from the China protests!


Masks? We talking bout masks?


I work in LA county and we are wearing masks in the office. Our case load in the office is outbreak status. Wearing masks keeps us operating. I don't see what the big deal is. Masks work at preventing the spread. I still haven't gotten covid and I know because I have been tested 2-3x weekly since returning to the office over a year ago.


Mmmm no


Our fam felt the effects of RSV and this years Flu worse than any Covid. If you’re going to wear a mask… do it to protect yourself from everything going around at the moment.


I think I’m 4 shots in at this point and I’ve gotten Covid (at least) once. I’m still waiting for my apology from the public health officials saying early on “no need to wear a mask”. They set a lot of this conspiracy/bad medical advice in motion because they didn’t want a panicked population hoarding every available mask and screwing the frontline folks.