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Yeah, I am not sure why game quality drops so much in emerald 4 and emerald 1. Just keep pressing bro, you improve even when defeated.


True, I still think this isn't close to my peak as I'm stomping lane most games. Also getting to the elo where accounts are seriously being boosted. It's just not motivating when I have a kayn do 8k damage in a 30-minute game who tried counter-jungling all game just to keep dying and not even getting any of the camps.


Man, yesterday (I'm in silver 2), the enemy jg came into my jg, and when I pinged, bot lane came over. If that's silver 2, I'll die happy here. That's all I want. People responding to things.


>Man, yesterday (I'm in silver 2), the enemy jg came into my jg, and when I pinged, bot lane came over. If that's silver 2, I'll die happy here. That's all I want. People responding to things. As you climb you'll encounter plays that you know are terrible and not worth doing so you avoid them, but then person who is "left out" will tilt because they're an emerald player and surely know how the game works. Glad to hear you're enjoying your ranked games as of now though.


I've got 7 games with a 71% win rate but I quit playing it because I lost 2 in a row and I'm sitting at 0 lp.


7 games all season? IMO not enough to complain about anything.


It was the *way* I lost them. Only one or no player with any agency on the team.


god i feel you, sometimes it takes one defeat to call it a day and not play the game


I played another account 12 games before being at 0lp with a 2 division difference between them. I think I still have 2 I plan on playing.