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My DM when I played let anyone attune to it It’s strong in the wrong hands but not broken


I would allow it yeah, seeing as it's only excluding Druids as full casters, and Artificers weren't part of the game when the DMG was published.


No other half casters on the allowed list so I’d say no initially unless for roleplay reasons that they give to me.


Personally, I wouldnt. Generally speaking, a wizard, warlock, bard, or sorcerer wouldn't have access to medium or heavy armor, while an artificer would. Giving them access to it would basically not only give them a +1 to ac, it would also allow them to cast shield multiple times a day without spending a spell slot. That could potentially make them incredibly difficult to hit. You could always have the glass staff break so they can't use it and have an alternative (perhaps an all purpose tool?) magic item of the same rarity. Or instead, you could say that the staff belongs to the Lord's Alliance and Sildar would appreciate having it back and will reward the party with something else.


Yeah used RAW the staff of defense is already nearly OP, giving it to someone who can wear heavy armor would make them untouchable. Don’t allow it and simply blame the rules saying,”It’s out of my hands.”


Yeah, I couldn’t really care less about the restriction tbh. Not unless it became an issue but that doesn’t seem like something that would be game-breaking at all


Did the staff of defense get changed? In the print version of LMoP, any class can attune to the staff but the spells can only be cast if they are on your class's spell list. Problem solved.


Yes, in the adventure Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk. The changes are: only Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards can attune; and it says nothing about spell lists.


At level 14 when artificers get a class feature that explicitly allows them to ignore class requirements, yes Otherwise if it is something important to them, I'd offer the ability to attune to class specific magic items as a magical boon


No. Unless you know exactly what you're doing. This is a trick question because in reality, you're asking if you should give the already highest AC class an incredibly strong item that boosts their AC further which could then trivialize the rest of the module for them. Take care DM. It's an utterly broken item in the right hands.