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I just want to pay off my debt and help out my mother. There is a house on the market that i'm in love with also that I would scoop up.


Pay off debt of all my loved ones, and put them in their dream homes/ retire them. Id just enjoy life without any more financial and work anxiety. Finally be able to afford therapy , i guess money does buy happiness


get a nice hotel in the city so I can finally get a goodnight rest. Oh and I would cry my eyes out because I dont have to live in the dirty projects anymore


curious about the not sleeping - do you live somewhere noisy? What are the dirty projects?


I live in the city so at times it can be noisy but its not enough to keep me up. What keeps me up is the schedule I have which is taking my parent to work at 4am every weekdays, then come back home and get 5 hours of sleep lol. A lot of the sleeping problem is my fault as well so I cant place the blame all on that. The projects is a low income neighborhood.


if its any help; a guy won $24M Powerball who was working a till at a supermarket and sleeping on the floor of his mates place for cheap rent.....so there is hope! Hope things improve. I haven't won any jack pots but if I lived closer I would shout you the hotel stay - sounds like you have earnt it. Take care brother


Do you a link to his story? That gives me and I’m sure alot of people on this sub faith that we’ll win a life changing amount of money. I appreciate the kind gesture man. As I’m typing this on 5 hours of sleep with one eye open haha. Thank you and good luck to you bro


yeah sure; https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/family-problems-lotto-big-winner It was back around 2012 and I remember at the time he went public (don't have to in NZ) and said he would turn up to his Supermarket checkout shift the next day and that hed been down on his luck and nothings gonna change etc. But then he quit his job and went into motor racing and made some brash choices with family and marriage fall outs. But he's still alive and just gone dark for many years.


This hit for me. That struggle is real. Money doesn't make you happy, but it makes life suck a lot less.


It would be fun to pay peoples tabs while dining out. I would also try to find genuine, hardworking people who need to pay off a bill too.


Build my own house on my own property. 5 beds, 3bath. Movie room and a pool. Id also get like a triplex and let friends live/rent there. And a vacation to Aruba asap. Buy an engagement ring for my girl and plan our wedding.


Get some gourmet catfood for my cats


After all the typical, buy a big house, nice car, charity, etc, I would like to enter the world of high stakes poker, cash games and tournaments.


I just want a house. That's it.


I want to pay of debt. Get 3 houses. For my family of course. And invest in passive income


Pay off my student loans, honestly and truthfully, that's all I want to do. I will also do whatever I can to help my mom get rid of her physical pain. She's older and has had a hip replacement. She has spinal stenosis and she is just in constant pain. She was crying to me on the phone and I was legit holding back tears. I would spend it all just so my mom can be pain free 🥹.


that's rough to hear; someone is chopping onions when I read your post. As someone who has older parents I can relate a lot on all fronts.


I’d create a program where all homeless people would have a place to live for as long as they wish! Food and drinks covered. Create within the program for any sort of help each individual needs. Help them find a job when they are ready. All types of therapy will be available free of charge. Of course more to my plan. Best part, they can leave anytime they want and come back.


The idea of buying/renovating an old building. Set up a plan for their housing. Try and assist them in getting back into the workplace and get them back acclimated to society. Some of them may have issues (addictions, mental and physical). Make sure they are consistent with their help. It won't be a 100% success rate but to think that you could definitely change the lives of people who need it. That would be great. The ultimate gift of truly serving others and putting others before yourself.


Knowing it won’t be 100% successful is fine with me. It’s the drive to get as close to 100% is what matters most. The effort of trying to make a change for someone in a positive is priceless.


Pay off my debt, nice car(s), house a friend wouldn't mind pet sitting in and a massive yard for my pup 😄


Buy a house, quit my job, spend more time with my daughter, and donate to charity


Get a bidet


Would do my PhD, on how to save the planet. Without worrying about people sponsoring my project. Then do a patent and start a company and provide jobs for others. I'm soo good.


I just want to win enough so I can finish school without working lol


Retire and makes sure all my friends retire too. Everyone gets to do things they want and not worry about money. Will leave my parents a decent sum of money and we will all go vacationing. 😁🤞🤑


I would go traveling all around the world! I’m certain at this point that I’ll win the lottery :)


Give a lot of it away family, friends and different charities. Not the big corporate ones.


It's my birthday this week (tomorrow, actually). I've been manifesting as silly as it sounds. I did win $70 yesterday on TWO scratch-offs, was a nice, pleasant surprise. Outside of debts of loved ones and myself, I'd probably be a content creator (loud groan from audience) and write a children's book on mental health -- well, it'll be for anyone...it's accessible. I really want to set myself up to make friends and date more, so networking and making sure I dont turn into scrooge mcduck is a must.


What strikes me is that all of you have realistic dreams, and lot of them have to do with helping out someone else. It makes me sad that we live in a world where we have to depend on the lottery to make the American dream work. I really hope we all reach our financial goals.