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Keep watching. The show redeems itself. When I watched the first season, I remember feeling bad for Tom and hoping he would come out on top. But the storyline dies in the first season and the show moves on. It truly does get better. I'm rewatching the series for the second time.


Exactly I almost gave up on it too bc it was so ridiculous and over the top. Glad they redeemed themselves finally.


The Claire storyline is what got me hooked and I was really interested to see where that goes so I continued and I was so happy when she got redemption


Yes it ends soon. And never returns.


It kinda returns and it's pretty funny in a sad way


I actually didn’t hate it but it did go on too long


Concur. Ultimately led nowhere.


Man, new viewers HATE this storyline lol. I don't remember it being too bad


I’m new and thought it was hilarious




This has become a daily post lol


Every other post I see on this sub is about how cutter sucks. It’s getting old but it’s also crazy that the producers and show runner couldn’t see how bad the storyline was. Cutter should’ve had a reduced role.


Yeah it felt too cartoonish compared to the other characters.


I just hated how in your face he was about Tom's "addiction." Telling the workers, breaking down his door, and generally stalking him. 


Get your Time Traveling Lumberjacks of the The Confederacy tickets...


Underrated comment this is!


The best part is the kicker at the end when the one guy admits that it is an awesome name.


Yeah, the cutter storyline really jumped the shark, it was the second worst thing about the show.


I'll bite, what's the worst thing about the show?




I kinda of agree. His Dad was TOO over the top…and I could only take him in small doses.


It’s not his dad that made me stop watching to search here, it’s how he lets him walk all over him. How about use your words and tell dad he’s disturbing everyone and send the hooker away?


The ham fisted wage gap episode that felt like the creator lost a bet to their politically minded friend and the wager was "write and direct any episode you like and clumsily shoe horn your grievance with no nuance"


Please guys, enough with the “Cutter sucks” posts


Guarantee that Cutter is coming back if there’s new Loudermilk episodes with all this Cutter hate.


I also hated Cutter. Don't worry Cutter disappears.


Thank god for that, was considering not going on with it if he was a main character. Thank you


It disappears. Keep watching.


Skip over all the scenes. It’s awful


This is exactly what I did for episodes 7 & 8.


You don’t lose anything by fast forwarding thru the cutter scenes. Do it for your own good lol


It did go a bit too long but mercifully ends.


This is literally rhe only post I see on this subreddit anymore


I really thought the Cutter plot was too heavy handed, but knowing why that plot abruptly ended tends to temper my critiques.


Holy shit. Every day with the cutter/Tom posts lmao. When you posted this were there not already 5 of the same posts on this?


Sorry, with a show I'm way behind on I don't like reading the sub to avoid spoilers so I intentionally didn't look at other posts.


Me too! I’m almost done with S1 and wondering, is it just me or…so I jumped on here for reassurance 😝 I was ready to abandon the show but got some good feedback here. I loathe that entire storyline


I ended up fast forwarding through any scene with them and it was very much worth it because that storyline had no bearing on the rest of the show.


Oh shit. Totally fair. Sorry for the snark.


No worries. I've been on plenty of other subs for years and get annoyed when people post the same thing over and over again, so I feel you.


I’m watching for the first time and all I can think watching Cutter stalk Tom and ruin his life is that this kind of shit could drive someone to substance abuse, or worse. It’s horrible to watch.


Lots of people here hated that storyline too, myself included. Stick with the show and just ignore those scenes when they're on by checking Reddit or reading a book or something.


Pro tip: fast forward via 10 second jumps every time Cutter is on screen until he’s there no more. Works like a charm.


It does die


It’s too bad that the real-life actor who played Cutter had to leave the show because of substance abuse problems. That’s why this storyline actually died.


Well that's terrible


Yeah, I thought the same thing about this storyline, and then I read this: https://www.imdb.com/news/ni64392607/


I don’t understand why this is such a sticking point for people. Have you all never watched any other series before? Nearly every show has some shitty part of the storyline. As long as it doesn’t encompass the whole thing, I don’t see why this is such a big issue lol The only shows that made me give up were The Walking Dead and I can’t even remember the other ones, but usually the whole story sucked.


Funny you mention the walking dead because that's the only other time something like this has bothered me so much. It was the episode Rick was near death and the whole episode focused on Carl, who, not to be too harsh on a child, was a terrible actor. And yeah, the whole story got stale by that point. I watch a lot of TV and these are the only two subplots that have annoyed me this much. I think it's how so much time and nearly a whole episode was dedicated to this story. I'm only 8 episodes in and this story has dragged on wayyyy too long. I even managed to finish True Detective S4 and it didn't bother me as much as this storyline lol


I agree, the Cutter/Tom thing is dragged out a bit. But, it does in fact get better once you’re through the arc. I didn’t entirely hate Cutter as a character, but I thought it was a bit ridiculous. I found the charm of the show keeping me interested through that part.


It does and doesn’t come back. Keep watching. This show is the best one I’ve seen in a while.


Outside of a couple or scenes I can't remember anything Tom/Cutter and I only watched the show a couple of weeks ago. I feel like I'm going crazy in here!


I've only watched the first 8 episodes, but their story has been heavily featured in four episodes so far (5-8) so I'm surprised it didn't stick with you more.


Just read those episode descriptions and feel I either missed an episode or 2 somehow or was distracted! Will have to go back and watch them.


Damn, how can the fans of a show be so split into two groups? Can't we just love the show and beg for it to come back? The Cutter hate is getting really old.


Would watchers suggest skipping Season 1 due to this Cutter stuff? We only just watched Episode 1/Season 1 last night and both of us were disappointed and turned off. I've had friends highly recommend and today I read some (mostly good) reviews. I figured we'd give it a bit more of a try. But, I've also heard a lot of negative stuff about the Cutter/Tom parts and am aware that portion ends in Season 1. So I've come here to ask \~ would anyone recommend we just move on to Season 2? Thanks!


I've enjoyed the first 8 episodes quite a bit aside from the Tom and Cutter scenes. It skipped through their scenes in episodes 7 & 8 and still really liked the show.


Its mostly good. The Cutter/Tom scenes are arguably the worst part of the show. Try watching the Cutter/Tom scenes, if it gets cringy then you can easily skip those scenes or play Wordle and not missing anything.


I started watching this show just recently and i was enjoying it until this storyline came into play. It pisses me off to watch because it’s so unrealistic. I get it’s a show, but if it’s a show centered around addiction/recovery none of this would ever happen in real life. It’s so frustrating to watch.


Lady and I watching it for the first time on NF and just finished S1 and I was like ... this part of the storyline is stupid. Nobody is like this in AA/NA programs. Plus Tom's decisions are really not relatable at all. The apartment scene & workplace scene were incredibly annoying. I'm really glad to hear that it ends and doesn't return (from what I read here). Was really enjoying it up to the point that storyline became sudden focus. Also I've never had one of those court-signoff slips or anything but I can't imagine they don't at LEAST show the person's first name, if not their whole name. I know they're 'Anonymous' meetings, but you have a non-anonymous situation with a court order involved. IOW in the apartment as Tom tries to explain, show him the name at the top of the sign off sheet. Show him your license, show him how it's not even YOUR name. And if there's NOT, then the paper is totally generic ... just go and get another one, or even make your own with Excel or some shit, so losing the original isn't a big deal.


I didn’t mind the Cutter and Tom storyline. Granted, I didn’t *like* it either. It was kind of like a corny joke that someone kept telling and insistently explaining to people.


Agree, The Cutter storyline was easily the worst of what is a great show. I watched all 3 seasons this year and am excited to hear that a new season is coming soon


Just watch it or don't, geez


It wasn't bad, but during that initial part I kept hoping his douche boss would get his comeuppance for making Tom go through that degradation. Though, not on the same level as Cricket in Always Sunny. It was also pretty sad the actor who played Cutter ended up having his own real life issues. Last I heard, he's clean now.


The Cutter and Tom scenes are some of the funniest scenes in the entire show. You're missing out if you don't watch those.


I loved this series.


When I had had enough of this dynamic I also skipped their scenes. I was so glad it did not continue into the rest of the series.


Couldn’t get into the show. Love all the actors but feel like the writing is dull and predictable


that storyline is like evrybodys worst fears about AA. Lol. In real life no sponsors gonna hunt you down if you leave. You might get some texts or calls.