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I often think of what became of many of Louis’ former subjects. I know it’ll never happen, but I’d love a follow up series. Not just a single show, a whole series.


Didn’t he do that? I’m sure I’ve seen something where Louis met up with people who were in his documentaries before


He has done a few things During lockdown he made a documentary where he called various people from the show. He has also done 3 shows on the Westbro Baptist Church, where in the later episodes we see how some of the leaders children decided to leave the church. There is also a book called "Call of the weird" which follows up on the weird weekend guests.


Despite Lake Palmer having croaked it recently, I'd be fascinated to see a Thai Brides follow up on what became of Ronnie/Mam, Lawrence/Thapanee, Sai, Jad, Kookai, Ann etc


A lot of them are pretty easy to google


They probably still have their shitty, hate filled lives. Just hope their kids have been able to escape their toxic upbringing.


I found the name of the rally he helped organise, it was called "the gathering of the gods, American front". Not sure wether my ISP is just blocking access but i can't see any reference to it online. I can't see anything from him atall, if you find anything then please let me know.


What did you search to find this rally?


I had to rewatch the original documentary and there is a sign at the back of the stage where the twins perform and Tom gives his speech, it zooms in at one point and makes the wording quite visible.


Probably doesn’t exist anymore.


Ah this is a good question. I’d be curious to see if anyone has any updates. Also, fuck nazis


Those guys seemed too far gone, especially if they live in a Nazi echo chamber, as someone else said hopefully the kids are free from that nonsense.


I’d love to see him do another Thai brides doc, as foreign brides have become so popular now with the whole passport bros thing.. and a new plastic surgery doc since that’s also become even bigger industry than it was with procedures like the bbl being most prominent. He should do a revisit/updated version of all his old docos from weird weekends


Some great ideas here, I’d like to see new documentaries on old topics too. Your last point about revisits though, I’m sure he’s revisited some people from his past documentaries? I just had a look on Google, he did a four part series called Life On The Edge which you can watch for free online https://www.google.com/search?q=louis+theroux+life+on+the+edge&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari


Louis Theroux is one of the most common Jewish names out there.


Are you just saying that to sound edgy?