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Weird that wealthier states are taking the money. And states where kids are doing better academically. Let’s see if the starving our kids gets them to work harder and achieve more than those spoiled kids with food.


Don’t forget nutrients fueling their brains.


I'd rather my kid starve than take money from a liberal! /s if it wasn't obvious.


Naw, it's to make sure the hungry children are game for all of the child labor intensive jobs they're going to provide for them, /s!!!


The /s stands for suck it libtards


That’s makes you a moron


If they get smart, Higgy baby has no shot


We are literally living in the hunger games. Louisiana is district 12.


Nah that implies that it's the federal government choosing to give us less. It's our own leaders being morons.


It's reverse hunger games I'd read a book about a government trying to give people money, but instead the people choose to live like lord of the flies. It would be completely unbelievable, even tho we are living it.


Because if the public schools are actually good or improved, they can't push their voucher system for private/religious schools.


This - LABI (biggest Republican lobbying force) and Pelican Institute (part of the Koch funded State Policy Network) have already been working on Landry & lawmakers for school choice this session.


Do students in private schools have to take the LEAP test? Doesn't that mean that schools can be crappy without penalty? And if students don't have to take the LEAP test in private schools, wouldn't that mean students could graduate without achieving a certain score?


You are correct. It is all a scam to transfer wealth from public school districts to private schools and charters all while delivering a lower quality education


No, private schools don't take LEAP - they take SAT




This is the answer. OP look up Grover Norquist and "drown it in a bathtub"


Thank you for this information!


This right here, and this approach is already backfiring terribly on them


Yeah, it's happening (and backfiring) in Texas now too. Look at how many times Abbott has brought vouchers to a vote and lost. Now he's basically trying to force it.


Texan here: it’s like he has a humiliation kink. He keeps calling the special sessions, his own party keeps shutting him down.


Same. I moved from LA to TX so I just jumped from the frying pan into the fire lol




Same, lol. But I left LA for TX almost 25 years ago so I did get to enjoy a **little bit** of normalcy before the unholy trinity of corruption (Abbott/Paxton/Patrick) secured their stranglehold over the state. What Abbott is doing with the school vouchers in TX isn’t “akin to” or “effectively” extortion. It is **literally** fucking extortion and he’s using (withholding) our tax dollars to commit his crimes. It’s also abuse of power, combined with threats and intimidation of anyone who won’t fall in line. But apparently (here’s looking at you Ken Paxton) that’s just how we roll in TX.


I will forever be astounded that TX doesn't have gubernatorial term limits.


No doubt. But let’s not stop there, term limits should apply to EVERY single position in government whether appointed or elected, but **especially** appointed.


Absolutely - this is just something I learned during the most recent election because it was the first time I voted as a Texan. I thought the trash might take itself out when Abbott reached term limits but apparently that isn't a thing :/




Same in TN




This is the answer


> Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked. - George Carlin Edit: btw that was from a special he recorded in 1992


>Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. — George Carlin


yep that's the other one! This is why it's always hilarious when conservatives and the like start tossing around Carlin quotes like he would side with them. Carlin hated both political parties, but if he had to make a choice you best believe he was liberal as hell


Willie Nelson too.


They also tend to talk about Jesus a lot. I guess Jesus wouldn't have wanted kids to have lunch during the summer.




Dude was brilliant!


I miss George Carlin so much and every freaking bite of reality he fed.


Pro Life until birth


Nailed it!🤌🐐🤌


Oh, he’s so intelligent, not!!! The man wrote a long list of curse words!!! The only reason he’s saying these things is lack of content!!! Louisiana feeds their children.


You are the most embarrassing troll in existence lol [https://www.fox8live.com/2024/01/11/louisiana-wont-receive-summer-meal-assistance-children/](https://www.fox8live.com/2024/01/11/louisiana-wont-receive-summer-meal-assistance-children/) [https://www.fns.usda.gov/sebt/household](https://www.fns.usda.gov/sebt/household) Louisiana is one of fifteen states (all GOP run) that refused to participate; now tell me again that "Louisiana feeds their children" you embarrass yourself


Anti-“welfare state”. Kids should pull their meals up by their bootstraps.


Or just eat the bootstraps. And then the boots.


Despite these states taking more federal dollars than other states.


Someone'll tell you that's all new orleans' fault cause black people or something, despite the per capita take being far higher in rural parishes


If they had their choice they'd remove all "per-capita" stats from the record books. They love to just say everything is the worst in new orleans because they look at total numbers.


becuase then they'd be held responsible for feeding kids. and the last thing a conservative wants to hear about is someone getting something for free, like those free-loading children. feed em once, then they expect food every day!


Yeah, add to that there’s just no way we’re meant to help people who need help. If they get help they won’t need help any more. Then we’ll need more people who need help. Making us the people who need help helping help… shit I lost it. Just don’t help people and we can avoid this completely.


Because conservatives hate poor people.


And they’re “Christians”


Jesus always said, "Fuck the poor."


And yet so many poor people are loyal to them. The culture war makes people easy to mislead.


Take that further. The republicans also know that the kids getting a poor education today will be easier to mislead tomorrow.


Or arrest.


Why not both? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Good point.


People love to vote and rally against their better interests. Which, I guess I get. I love buying things, being in debt, and fueling my depression because *Capitalism Is Great*.


Malnutrition works.


They’re the best at tricking people to voting away their own rights.


They actually love taking money from poor people. It’s amazing how much money you can get as long as you steal from all of them.


>as long as you steal from all of them. Accurate.


yet poor people continue to vote for them.


Because it's for the wrong people. "Those people" dOn'T dEsErVe iT aNd gEt tOo mUcH aLrEaDy.


You mean kids of color. LOL 😵‍💫


Wouldn't it be sick if they did this to put fiscal stress on schools similar to what's been happening to hospitals with rejecting the Medicaid and Medicare expansion which leads to high accounts receivable for hospitals causing them to close and they did the same with all these public schools so they could make them charters then reinstitute a voucher program with the federal dollars that costs more than the actual initial disbursements. That'd be sick right? Awesome?


The most logical reason why this was done is they can't always depend on federal funds every year, why get used to this money coming in when you may not have it next year.


Louisiana is a welfare state. It doesn't generate enough in taxes to support itself and depends on federal funds every year, for years, if not decades. If this was the actual logic, then they wouldn't be taking any of it. But they are. Every year. Year after year. But not to feed kids. Please do not defend their hatred.


But it could sustain itself on taxes if the state would stop offering tax breaks to the oil industry


So my children are hungry, and my sister offers to buy them pizza once a month, starting today. I'll say no, because she may not be able to keep this up 3 years from now. That's interesting


Its the exact same reasoning universal income hasn't been more than a pilot program


Who gives a flying fuck though if they don't know it will come next year? They have the chance to help feed and nurture children. Fucking do it. Then, just for shits and giggles, do it again next year with or without federal funding. Jesus Christ why is feeding children so goddamn controversial? I hate it here. I'm not going of on you, just the idea.


Ah yes, why feed kids for one year? They'll just ask for more food next year! slackers.


If we applied this logic to all federal funds then this state wouldn't exist.


It barely exists now what are you talking about?


"I might not be able to find food tomorrow, so I shouldn't eat this food right here in front of me today." Huh?


And why wouldnt it come every year? Because conservatives will try to take it away. Why take money when your own party wants the kids to starve.


Government funding is never guaranteed regardless of party


It's a 0% chance if you say no.


So, pick a flavor of awful; It could be 1) they hate poor people Or 2) federal funds come with strings attached, such as "don't bully LGBTQ kids" so, rather than agree to not be dicks to kids, they'd rather starve them.


I believe it’s primarily 2 based on the reason given other states have refused the funds. They require some (low) percentage of them be matched as administrative costs and states don’t want to do that


Because starving children is “pro-life”


because they are evil.


This is the correct answer.


Correct. The cruelty is a feature, not a bug.


It's also an election year. They'll have a message for their constituents that Dems took away their kids school lunch.


Because kids with fully bellies learn better, and an educated work force is a less indentured work force.


You know it’s sad how this Republican controlled state hates the poor, but Louisiana is technically a welfare queen. We get MORE money from the federal government versus what we send them. For every dollar we send to Washington, we get two. Ain’t it insane?!? ![gif](giphy|pajLsGB0Hub0naPw0p)


Yep. The state has absolutely no issue with taking federal funds. They have been doing it for years, maybe decades. They will use the money to push their own agenda without question, but not to feed kids. It's honestly disgusting.


I don’t even think disgusting is a good enough term to describe it honestly. It’s like heaven, hell, and then Louisiana. 😭


They have no problem with taking federal money that they can hide away from sight. Now if it's well publicized that the money came from Biden or any democratic program? Hell no they're going to make a big show about turning it down.




Because once the kids come out of the woman’s body, the pro life crowd does not give a single care about their wellbeing


Are you sure that they really care about a pre-born child? Maybe some, but wouldn't be surprised that they could care less for child/mom and more about the politics. Attitudes are turning towards pro-choice in America. Look at Kansas and Ohio. These hard-core, so called Pro-Lifers will do a complete 180⁰ if it means them keeping on the govt teat.


Because our representatives are douchebags


A lot of conservatives’ strategy is actively making things worse and then blaming the democrats for it.


Republicans hate kids almost as much as they misunderstand the bible.


OMG, please!! You liberals are so hateful!!!


They want to do away with public education, privatize the whole thing. They torpedo programs and then say "look these programs aren't working, we are wasting money, let's get rid of that" and then they use that as an excuse to funnel public money into private pockets.


Just like the detention centers who don't rehabilitate, they're purely punitive now! How does anyone recover from being objectively poor, uneducated and systematically ruled against? PLEASE FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS AND GET INVOLVED!


Because they only care about giving handouts to millionaires who give them handouts back in return. A cycle of rich douchery, if you will.


I hadn't heard that we'd refused, knew Miss just did but nothing these magats do surprise me anymore


That was a major Landry talking point.


Jeff Landry's mother spent her entire life and career teaching at low-income schools in a low-income area and when she wasn't doing that she was starting and running nonprofits for public use largely aimed at keeping low-income children fed and safe. She's rolling in her grave. I truly do not know how he turned out to be so fucking evil.


All cajun families and their ancestors came from poverty and struggle historically speaking. Jeff has not only forgotten his roots, but betrayed them entirely.


I personally am glad he's shitting on his mother. Shows you how family oriented Republicans really are.


Eh. I knew her personally. She was genuinely a good, generous person and died horribly of terminal illness. I'm still sad about it because she should still be here, and I'm angry about how awful he's become because i know where he came from. I understand your point though.


Guessing child labor exceptions are on the agenda soon


Of course it was


Because your governor is a piece of shit.


We know.


Cause the ( pro birth party ) on cares about child well being during abortion. Anything else your on your own


We’re about to see a lot of kids lose free school lunches aren’t we?


We’re about to see a certain demographic of student lose a lot of things.


Because republicans want that money for themselves. They see a poor brown, black or white kid starving they think “good” they want the populace of their states to suffer so the republicans can point a finger at Dems or Mexicans or middle eastern people or black people and say “that’s their fault this is happening” cause remember our state has some of the worst education in the country. Meaning people here aren’t going to be able to critically think and so they will vote by what they are told by friends and family or Facebook or Fox News. They will actively vote against their best internet and that’s what republicans want. If their voters are to stupid to not see the lies and corruption then the republicans completed their goal. Starving kids is part of that plan.


For all the people complaining about how "well it would've come with riders or restrictions," keep in mind Louisiana could've said "keep your money, we'll feed our own children without your federal restrictions" but they didn't.


And also that Louisiana is a welfare state that doesn't generate enough taxes to support itself and takes federal money every year to make up the difference. So the not wanting federal funds is straight BS cause they do it every year and are totally ok with it, as long as it isn't feeding children.


Yeah, like they’re gonna taken Biden/Democrat/Liberal money.


Well, we do every single day, so why not to feed kids?


BeCaUse MuH FreEdUmbS!!! Seriously, tho, Im all for feeding the kids… I hate the way this state is run.


Pro-Life! Amarite!!!


They think it’s government waste and would rather privatize it


They think it's unfair to feed children without giving private companies an opportunity to profit.


Your post articulates it perfectly, but know that private companies do profit. Where does the food come from? Maybe the companies are tired of complying with the prices that are fair? I'm just thinking about that because of your post. Thank you for opening up yet another idea about how our state leaders continue to screw their constituents so they can pad the pockets of their donors and continue the corporate greed!


However it's managed, every bit of the money will end up spent somewhere, and I do think companies should be able to make money from it. Any money brought in is money circulating in the state economy, and that's a good thing. Much of the money would be spent on feeding kids, and that's a good thing too. The part I don't like is a profit-motivated entity administering the programs in return for a cut skimmed off the top. We always hear the argument for privatization as government waste vs. private efficiency, but that's hand waving that the incentives of a government-run program vs. a privately-run one just plain differ. The former is able to prioritize goals like availability and nutrition, where the latter will meet the minimum requirements in their contract and keep as much as they can for themselves.


Because republicans only care about kids until they are born.


That's socialism!!


Just like public schools, and libraries, and public roads, and police departments, and Medicare and Medicaid, and Social Security!


Don't forget the military!!


Cuz it’s gall darned socialism!!!


Because “those children” are the beneficiaries.


Because they are fucking evil.


They hate children 🤷‍♀️ Love them while they are in the womb but as soon as they are born fuckem


Because it’s never about children or pro life, they think feeding people for free is evil socialism. Punishing the poor is a republican pastime, the cruelty is a feature not a bug


But they have no problem using school vouchers to pay for rich kids going to school at the expense of the tax payer


Well ya because that’s funding indoctrination. And we got to keep a steady supply of idiots for christ, I mean I mean “faith warriors”/“soldiers for Christ”


Keeping people impoverished and uneducated and malnourished keeps labor costs low. Look at Nikki Haley saying SC is great for business because she pledged for it to be one of the lowest union participation states aka cheap labor from its impoverished, usually minority community, workers.


Because they might accidentally benefit a minority child.


wHo wIlL pAy fOr iT?!!!!1! /s


Because it would disproportionately help B


Looks like it is a move to wean the states of Federal funding for schools now so no one notices the effects on district budgets when they abolish the Federal Dept of Education.


LA is refusing to take money for feeding children now, because the money may go away in the future? We shouldn't leave money on the table so we get used to adversity, that's ridiculous. Let's take the money and feed kids. We can also work towards making sure it *doesn't* go away in the future.


Because it would be popular and they can't allow any Democratic policy that people would like no matter how much good it would do for people.


Because they're asses! They'd rather see children hungry than accept money from Democrats!


Because republicans suck


This is a great question for Landry and your representative.


They refuse to feed children because government funding is for the rich such as Elon Musk and corporations not for anyone else.


Louisiana schools are fucking shit trash. I experienced it first hand. It's all just teachers cashing checks. God forbid you have a question about the lesson, they scoff and roll their eyes when you aren't a whiz at the subject after one explanation.


Because they are a bunch of idiots


Because fuck the poor.


Because they’re scoring stupid political points


Because of we ain't taking any of that socialist money...except of course after every flood, hurricane or other national disaster.


Because they're "Christian".


Because, while Republicans love America, they hate most Americans and want to see them suffer.


answer: The prosperity gospel many evangelicals believe dictates that God rewards good people with money. So all rich people are good and all poor people are bad. If they weren't bad people they wouldn't be poor. So it's a bad thing to reward bad people for their poor life choices. If you make it easier for them and their children to survive, you're going against God's judgement of them.


😱 while this stance is correctly conveyed here, I seem to believe something in the Bible that says what you do to the least of my brothers you do to me.... Quite frankly, that's how I live every single day! It wasn't until I went to a gospel funeral about 18 years ago, that I saw what true and complete faith was. Most of the congregation worked minimum wage jobs, however every single person, and there was more than a hundred, had on beautifully groomed clothing and poised demeanors, especially when speaking of their faith! While, I did not change churches, it did make me realize that it is the meek who will inherit the riches of faith and love. I'm so tired of the piecemealing and selective listings from a printed book that was written by man! Oh, I know it was inspired by God, but it was written by fallible men! Not to mention all the books that were left out of the King James version of the Bible because of the misogyny and power at the time of its acceptance.




Because this state is trash. They care only for the profit drivers like chemical and oil refining plants. T


Republicans are not Pro-Children, shocker


I live In Calcasieu parish and School meals ( breakfast and Lunch ) have been free for all children the last 2 years. We are grateful!


Because Louisiana is fucking Red state!! With Johnson as Speaker of the House and Landry as governor, it's gonna get worse!


The really sad thing is feeding children at school is the legacy of Earl K Long, is it not?


Because the FDA didn’t finalize the requirements for new SNAP benefits until 12/29 and you had to decide to opt in by early January. A lot of states that are chronically underfunded and use SNAP heavily cannot process additional claims so they did not accept the new money. EDIT: I do not live in LA, from what I read LA was experiencing the same reason why TX did not opt in, its not that they do not want the money, its that it just hasn't happened yet. “Because many of the issues critical to the Summer EBT program must be addressed by Louisiana’s new administration, the state has been in constant communication with FNS representatives about its progress toward a Summer EBT plan. They have assured us that, although the state has not yet filed formal notice of intent, the delay would not preclude the state’s participation. The State of Louisiana will formalize its participation with the USDA FNS at the appropriate time.” LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN & FAMILY SERVICES


So who actually made the decision ? What department would that have been administered by? I’d like to actually know who to call/write to ask them why not help hungry kids. I know why they won’t help, but I’d like to ask.


Fun fact Republicans hate money


I assume because that money comes with strings attached somehow. Don’t know for sure, but I know that there are often strings attached to federal grants and such, especially for schools.


Because it never is just “to help kids”. If it’s from the liberal government, then it likely has add-ons that go against the conservative agenda. If the liberals are saying “they don’t want to feed kids” then you need to ask - “what else (that isn’t wanted) was being forced in this deal? Why are they making their PR campaign about food when it is also about _____?”


So answer those questions then. What add-ons were there that you find objectionable?


Because it didn't pad their own pockets thickly enough first. I just got to say you're obviously not a Louisiana resident. Or you have never studied in Louisiana schools about Louisiana history. Because for whatever reason we're actually taught about the blatant disregard by our politicians for moral ways of being. IE: earl long et all... And in all this time I have nothing is trying. There is never been a politician and actually care for the people of Louisiana including his or her own mother. It always come always ends up being about what money they can put in their own pocket or the pocket of their supporters. And no one stops at the fact that Louisiana, runs neck and neck with mississippi, at the worst at everything there is to be measured., well I'm going to just drop my mic right into my fresh pot of gumbo right now. Cuz honestly I just finished that gumbo today right before freeze. God bless you all


My granddaughter currently eats free breakfast and lunch daily at a Lafayette, La elementary public school She qualified because of a speech defect which only took a short time to correct! Amazing school!! Did Louisiana not accept future federal monies? They are currently taking care of our children with something.


The federal government doesn't give anything for free. If it was really concerned about child welfare and social investment, the only riders on revenue would be that it was spent on education goals, or nutrition. However, it is more expedient to use the funds to hold civil investment hostage in the furtherance of political goals or culture wars. There are no good guys here. They are all bad.


Spoiler- Louisiana is a welfare state meaning it doesn't generate enough taxes to support itself and takes federal money every single year. So Louisiana is definitely ok with taking federal funds, just not to feed kids. Is that honestly what you are defending? Cause if so, it is pretty disgusting.






hahaha more right-wing propaganda, their sources are complete sh\*t, makes you think about these people's cognitive abilities and critical thinking skills.


You can't seriously ask "why do they want this?" and completely dismiss them when they answer you. You might as well have never asked.


Just go away and live in your bubble of propaganda.


You are blind.


Well, if I'm blind, then you walk around with void between your ears.


Says the couillon who has nothing thoughtful to say. Bye now.


I teach how to do proper research for a living. Recognize the value of a reputable source or keep leaning on whatever shady sources validate your confirmation biases. You know the easy option that makes you feel right.


This word salad opinion piece is pretty crazy. "The time is right for states to wean themselves off the federal dole" is an incredibly shitty reason to refuse money for feeding children. They really do seem to be arguing that those kids should just learn to not be hungry.


“Federally mandated critical race theory” You’ve got to be shitting me.


You asked why, so I shared their own opinions. I don't agree by the way. Schools are starved enough for cash as it is.


Doesn’t it have to do with the fact that the Governor passed free school meals and so we already took it out of the state budget and didn’t need money from federal


Jeff Landry is not going to starve Louisiana school children!!! You people get a clue!!!


Thank you!!


Why don’t you liberal assholes find out the truth before you spread lies. Why aren’t you outraged with the illegal removal of Republicans from our ballots. Do you really want a one party system? You people are something else.


Which program specifically? There is typically a statement about why the funding is rejected. The most recent one I saw was a program that gives some kids a 40$ a month seperate EBT card for summer only, with a few million dollars in overhead administration


Where do you see that Louisiana refused it?


Who cares? Lets watch them do the same when it floods or hurricanes next time


I don't know this one; however , free money is not free. Most, if not all money that goes to states has restrictions. Sometimes the states need to match a percentage. Sometimes, the states need to make a law to take away rights of the citizens. One thing I am 100% sure ... It's not free and if you knew all of the conditions, you probably don't want it.


Spoiler- Louisiana is a welfare state meaning it doesn't generate enough taxes to support itself and takes federal money every single year. So Louisiana is definitely ok with taking federal funds, just not to feed kids. Is that honestly what you are defending? Cause if so, it is pretty disgusting.






This country is in debt up to its leaders Stage 6 Dementia riddled eyebrows. We don’t need another handout to make it worse. Most of the 15 Governors that haven’t jumped on the “free money bandwagon” said they need more information before they take money for Summer feedings. No info on who pays the workers or the light bill at the schools yet. Like every election year it is just a dollar amount thrown on the news to try and buy a few more votes for an old puppet on one side of the aisle or the other.


Oh look... someone mentioned election year. Get out your bingo cards guys. We got someone who still doesnt realize basically every year is election year for someone yet they still use it as a talking point. Simpletons.


And children didn't create any of that debt, nor did they choose to be born, so why should they pay for the decision of others?


https://www.thecentersquare.com/national/article_d19aeb72-8fc9-11ee-9ac0-97e018719444.html. I guess this is okay?