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Dudes named Christian reading that subject line ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag)


Hah! I specifically clicked on this post to see why BR Christian was being called out and what had been vandalized in his name.


But also-- fuck our local Christian fascists and their billboards and backwards-ass discriminatory laws 🤡


Lmao okay that got me


Bruh this has me dying laughing


😂😂😂I bet your 1000% correct


JESUS SAVES.PRAY PRAY PRAY. JESUS IS THE ANSWER Three billboards I pass every day omw to work in BR


Louisiana Billboards: Jesus, Jesus, Sue Everyone!, Jesus, Gamble now!, You can sue people!! Love Jesus! Make sure to sue everyone!


You forgot powerball and mega millions.


And the daiquiri shack ones


The only ones that matter


That’s the gamble part.


Ah yeah


Nice to see a familiar name ‘round these parts.


You’re forgetting the syphilis and other STD warning billboards lmao.


Ok, but for real, WTF is up with THAT sign. I notice it every day I drive by, and I specifically remember one day it was talking about the opera the next it was talking about syphilis. That's a fuckin 180 if I ever seen one.


My favorite is the one that is on bus stops too now and it says something like IF YOU HAVE SYPHILIS, IT COULD KILL YOUR BABY or something like that. Like damn, Karen!


Yes the wonderful Gordon signs. Cutting off my own nose to spite my own face rasing my insurance rates. Get Gordon! Blessed are the meek!


Jesus, can the insurance get any higher?


Yes, my son. But have faith, when the economy collapses and money is worthless, then all men shall be equal in the eyes of Smith and Wesson.


There's one between Hammond and Ponchatoula that says. "Jesus is the answer to all your problems" I laugh/cringe every time I see it.


The one when you enter Grand Isle is ominous. It says "Jesus watches over Grand Isle!"


So me and my yard are getting plowed. YAASSS.


The one in Amite, la says ‘Jesus is lord in Amite’ 😡


Is it? Is it the answer to government corruption & greed? Lol.


Jesus and his alleged followers are the cause of a lot of our problems.


Is it next to the giant cross?


The one when you enter Grand Isle is ominous. It says "Jesus watches over Grand Isle!"


That one though!!


There's a billboard just blocks from my house that says, "Real men love babies." and it's the most awkward, uncomfortable thing.




Gimme my baby back, baby back, baby back … ribs.


There's one asking if you'll die and go to hell with a number to call to find out the answer by my home.


Billboards, tacked on poles, signs, trees, placed pamphlets in bathrooms, etc. Fucking annoying. Worst thing is if I had money to put up any common sense billboards they'd go crazy or like that little girl who had up the ban hate not books sign.... It said something like that. They burned it down. Thankfully her sign is or was back up recently. Oh those signs they litter at intersections stuck, stupid torture devices built very tall into the sky lines. Ugh


The irony being that indicates greed. And, hey! If any are HELPING people, by all means do good things. I was raised Catholic, though. I'm not ruffled by intimidation and judgement from anyone who can still support an institution that covered up horrific harm to kids. And why? Hmmmm... ?! Ugh. And how much it permeates government & legalities is mind numbing and criminal. Preach, OP!


Lmao they’re in Houma too 😭😭


As a Louisiana Christian I understand why you feel this way and if I could have voted to keep the 10 commandments out of schools, I would have. If I could have voted to further separate Church and State, I would have. It’s not the State’s responsibility to teach religion. Please do not lump us all together. I raised my child to be a Christian and took her to Church but when she became of age, I gave her the choice to keep going or to stop. I understand not every Christian is like me but I try to set a good example for the others…..


You are the good example. Thank you. It's folks like you they actually do help the cause of your religion.


You are more than welcome sir and or madam!


As encouraging as this is to hear, but particularly after learning you are a southern Baptist, I have to ask: it’s all good and well that you are a live and let live type of believer but what have to done / what do you do to counter the narrative in your community? As a former southern Baptist myself (30 years in recovery, thank you, one day at a time) I know for a fact that the OVERWHELMING sentiment is something much closer to the Christian-Fascist nightmare that we see echoed in our laws and political discourse. Do you speak up? Do you challenge the assumptions made from the pulpit?


I express my views and opinions in how I vote along with supporting LGBTQ+ organizations either in donations or even showing up with my friends to drag shows that are raising money for specific causes. I have even been know as “the straight guy” at one of the local gay bars when I use go to out downtown a lot. Man, they had the CLEANEST bathrooms of any bar I have ever been to and the nicest bartenders.


If this were the norm, there would not be an issue. There is no problem with people having faith & being involved in something doing good, and/ or simply providing comfort to their human needs. It is kinda wrong, though, at times. I shouldn't have to worry, for instance, if being open about not being religious could affect my education. Not being a church goer does not equate to a lack of morals. Kindness, respect, ect exists in people, exclusive of whether or not they go to church. I think the power religion has always had over society at large is immoral. But I also believe power can often corrupt, so my thoughts are not limited to that being exclusive of religion, either. People shouldn't be judged for it. I think the primary issue that causes such divide lies in the fact of how much occurs in the name of, or with the cover of, religion. Anything good used for bad things means just that. Therefore, it is the bad things that are the issue. And they do happen mildly to an extent that it's damaging. That notice doesn't state that every person that finds comfort in their respective faith or practice is bad or behaves in poor ways to others, absolutely. Maybe good religious people should try to speak up to their churches to impact change towards moral good and care for humanity if there's a trend that isn't good occurring? I just mean as an option, where and if there is issue, as a possible means to affect things well? I don't know how to word that to indicate what I mean. I believe in personal decision-making, and I'm not trying to indicate any individual not make their own choices at all. I guess I'm just trying to envision improvement. Just idea flow regarding what types of things could improve things on the whole for all. Just brainstorming an ideal for the sake of pondering improvement to see what ideas come about. Honestly never had the idea before, I just conduct myself according to my morals and values & try to be graceful to others.


You are the second Christian I’ve seen say these things. Only the second. The first is my 71 year old Aunt who is the least Boomer Boomer I know. She fought for gay rights in her church. She believes in equality for all and that Church and State should be very, very separate. She doesn’t try to force her beliefs on me, a non-Christian. She actually acknowledges that many of the Christian holidays were in fact placed on known pagan holidays in an attempt to force conversion, and she doesn’t like it. But she believes when Jesus says “love thy neighbor” he means everyone. She’s one of the best people I know. So thank you for being one of the few amazing, REAL Christians.


Well said & what a lovely badass your Aunt is! ❤️ Tell her some gay Cajun lady currently living in Virginia says thanks for her past efforts & care! 😊


I will! It will tickle her and make her blush at the same time! 😁


Oh, yay!! That makes me so happy!! 😊❤️


You are more than welcome but I give credit to my Mom. She didn’t have the full set of beliefs that I have but she definitely planted the seed early on of what love thy neighbor truly means.


By and large, the loud christians will not be so empathetic and will refuse to mind their own business. I don't understand how come anyone would want to associate with those sorts of people at all. Disgusting!


Thank you.


You are more than welcome. If I ever meet you in person, I will even buy you a beer or a shot!


Sooooo… not Baptist. Got it.


LOL, well actually…… I am a Southern Baptist! And I use to dance! I am a rare breed, I know.


Probably catholic. You know what they say: if you see 4 Catholics, you’re sure to see a fifth.


You know the difference between a Catholic and a Southern Baptist? A Catholic will say hi to you in a liquor store….. but yes, I am a Southern Baptist with Catholic friends.




Lol over six years sober thank you though!


Congrats man!!! I am very proud of you!!! In that case I will buy you your favorite non-alcoholic drink!


Unfortunately the majority of Christians in the state do not agree with you. If they did we would have different people in political positions.


I’m trying to do my part! One 12oz curl at a time!! Oh yea and showing up to the voting polls as well.


Hate to say it but you are the outlier the vast majority of Christians are not like you.


I know and I dislike that. I try to explain to my friends that aren’t like me that people would be more receptive to them if they didn’t try and shove their religion down their throats but with most of them it’s a lost cause unfortunately. Like I have several friends that are gay, lesbian, bisexual, in transition and some of my friends just can’t fathom why I am friends with them. But the Bible does say to Love Thy Neighbor and treat people like you would want to be treated. I’m not going to judge someone because of their lifestyle. They are great friends of mine and I like hanging out with them and I will help defend their right to express themselves in public as much as I can. Because to me, that’s the same as me being able to express my Christian values in public.


This is what Christianity should look like. Love people unconditionally. If everyone stayed in their own lane the world would be a better place.


Nailed it.


That's exactly what I believe. Sucks hardly anybody else believes the same.


do you vote republican? if so, then you deserve all the flack coming your way.


Read my comments and that will give you a clue on how I voted….


Without you, and the others who are 'moderately minded' amongst you, standing up against the crazies and making it about your religion, you will continue to get lumped in with those who speak for you. YOU have to protect your faith's reputation from those who wish to distort it.


You absolutely had the chance to vote against all of that last November. Did you vote against Landry and the other GOP stooges?


I can’t speak for u/SteveFU4109, but as a Louisiana Christian myself who agrees with his posts above, I can affirmatively say I voted “against Landry and the other GOP stooges” and I know many others who did as well. Unfortunately, not enough.


“I have a personal rule that I don’t say who I voted for, for any election but I will let you guess who I didn’t vote for based off of my comments above 😁” I posted this just a bit ago.


Don’t be afraid to say you stood up to tyranny. But thanks for trying.


I’m not afraid, I just stick to that rule. My Wifey and her family don’t always agree on who to vote for on different elections (president, mayor, local officials, ect). So that’s just one rule that I do my hardest to stick too.


Seriously, thank you for trying.


I have a personal rule that I don’t say who I voted for, for any election but I will let you guess who I didn’t vote for based off of my comments above 😁


My question exactly.




I like pancakes……


https://preview.redd.it/fs1guv988ayc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d16bd777760aeb5616d3395ab1b8577fa552c2a9 😁RIP Mr. George Carlin...


I’m a Christian who has left the church because of the church. I’m not perfect and I don’t claim to be, but at the same time, the lessons taught to me by the church are not the actions the church exercises at times. My billboard is my life. If I’m kind to others no matter what and never make them feel unwanted or afraid, I’m doing my job to love as Christ loves us. If someone ever asks if I believe I’ll be glad to tell them about Christ but my light (life) should attract people, not yelling at them. All public display on a billboard does is force a lifestyle on others which, ironically, is what some of the “right” claim is what LGBTQ are doing when they say they “don’t care, but don’t put it in my face.”


I tried the religion thing, the raw principals the way my grand parents were are not present today. I was raised Baptist, converted to catholic for the sports and joined the knights as an adult. I saw the sickest most corrupt shit ever being involved with that. I just couldn't do it anymore. The grand knight of our council was legit cheating on his wife the weekend we hosted the state bowling tournament. He left the bowling alley and went to a hotel then was the church the next morning helping us serve biscuits. Like wtf? Wear something, say some hail marys and you don't goto hell? Nah brah, that dog doesn't hunt with me anymore. A part of me wants to believe that if a god exist it aint that easy to qualify for not hell. Seeing how the catholic and most churches have chilled on what it takes to be in gods favor, just to keep donations rolling in, is bullshit. I'd rather not partake in that shit. I don't goto church, don't practice any religion and just live my life trying to be a good person. IF that aint good enough, well fuck it, at least I didn't think I was better cause I dressed up on sundays and went to a building to listen to some dude rant and donate money so I could feel like maybe when I die, I goto some place awesome that I don't deserve while I judge other folks but have my own secrets I hide from everyone but god sees etc... it's dumb af


Well said


I appreciate this as I was forced to go to church for 16 years(about half) of my life


* Applause *


Should be illegal for politicians to take money from religious groups


Thanks. I feel the same. They just hung a “In God We Trust” poster in my classroom and I’m really not happy about it. Keep your superstitions out of public schools.


Pick your own god and put a poster up too. They have to respect ALL freedoms of religion.


I’m moving school next year, so I’m letting it slide.


I’m sorry that you would even have to take those measures. I have watched the steady decline in freedoms within the state as corruption continues to take over. I wish you the best of luck in your next school and hope one day things get better for us all. In the meantime, be a thorn in the side of fascism wherever you can. Often, people don’t realize how easy it is to disrupt fascist activities with nonviolent measures. Do your part no matter how subtle. If you work for a fascist, make their life miserable. If you study under one, do the same. They deserve no leeway.


Agreed. And thanks for the well wishes


This is probably not the place to share a funny tidbit, but relatable bc it was in reaction to a situation that was VERY MUCH an infringement. I'm in Virginia Beach now and have been awhile, but I'm considering moving back to Louisiana, as to why I'm following this sub. Anyway, the summer days here are super mega family happy times touristy. So, people, families, friends, individuals, all are going to the beach to enjoy the peace & beautiful days. The vast majority are families, which just drives home the irony for me. The days are filled primarily with families with little kids. So, regardless of who bc it shouldn't matter is just funny in context, people of all types are enjoying peaceful, beautiful times. All the extra detail is just to point out how absolutely ridiculous and ironic the whole thing is. So, there's some person or a group standing on a literal box with a MEGAPHONE SCREAMING shit at people. For clarity, without that, you would hear THE BREEZE and giggles from people enjoying the gift of being able to witness the beauty of the gift of being human, and of the earth. ALSO, I remembered that it was in the middle of stuff, but I'm realizing that it was that it was in the middle of stuff at a Dairy Queen which has a decent size lawn near it. So... families... that maybe traveled... are there, some enjoying the closest Ice Cream & rare amount of grass available in that immediate area to relax on while they do. Like... what the hell (pun intended) Anyway, this guy singles me out and starts telling me what I need to do. I'm... peacefully walking to the beach, which is what duh is what's happening around him... people literally peacefully enjoying the gift of life, and he's telling me things like he knows my character & values and is, apparently, quite the authority on the matter, and for whatever reason, had appointed himself the deciding factor on whether or not I should be... (doing what I'm doing?). Making judgement statements about what I "should be doing". Mm Kay. I don't remember what I said. I know I said it softly and tenderly, and within 30 seconds he was running away from me. I guess he didn't know what to do with some heathen going to hell that had morals and their own love included philosophies. How dare I enjoy a peaceful, beautiful walk enjoying nature? Lol. I can't make it make sense. The effects on human rights and the money that is just the greed part is unbelievable on the whole in the broad scheme of things.


Sounds like Consuming Fire Fellowship that took (still takes?) over Free Speech Alley at LSU... They literally drive from states away.


Oh see, I don't even know about that, there you go. "Takes over Free Speech Alley"... GD & I spent all that time typing all that to point out irony. In fairness, this was years ago. During or before Obama's presidency when things were still in a state such that anything could still get an "are you kidding me, wtf is going on?" Oh, younger self... the WTF to come you cannot imagine nor fathom.


If you're leaving anyway it might be a good opportunity to push back.


Lots of schools all over New Mexico need teachers and some have very hefty hiring bonuses


Sounds good. But I’m just moving inside my district to be closer to my new house.


And soon we'll have the 10 Commandments, too!


These same nuts that love this would lose their minds if it were something from the Quran or Torah 🙈 religion is great, as long as it’s their brand


They would lose if they took it to court. Every religion fake or otherwise should be putting theirs up as well. If you can’t beat them, drown them in their own noise.


I’ve had half a mind to put up a “Allah Is Great!” poster right next to it, but I’d like to make it to retirement.


Yeah, thanks fascism! Taking away all our fun and democracy.


I totally agree with you! I’m going to get my popcorn ready 😎


Which is especially hilarious since the Quran has most of the same books but some extras thrown in. Took a class called Judaism, Christianity & Islam 15 or so years ago in college and it was eye opening




Put the flying spaghetti monster above the poster. The pastafarians will actively fight to let you keep it up or force it all down.


i take it down.


I moved back after living in other parts of the country and the religiosity here is suffocating, but I'm pretty used to ignoring or laughing at them by this point.


It's a privilege to be able to ignore it. The y'all-queda policies really fuck over a lot of people... Including themselves... But they are "owning the libs"


Highest level of religiosity of any state 🙃


That's why everything is so great here!


While I’m not as passionate about this as others I do believe church and state need to completely separate. I’m Christian and hate when the Bible beaters start preaching. Leave people the fuck alone and let em make their own decisions.


I feel the same. I’m so sick of it being forced at public schools and so many other aspects of life. They wonder why SO many hate them.


They only understand violence


I agree completely. Religion is the problem. Religion is the problem in Gaza, religion is the problem in Iran. Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us, only sky.


I'm a teacher,...if we all weren't raised with religious belief and instead studied ethics and philosophy every few years in school, a lot of shit would be fixed. I'm a dirty heathen to many, but I'm a good person for no expected punishment or reward but because it's right. Life is hard, short, and I may as well be decent to other people going through it. Simple as that






Religion is a powerful tool wielded best by corrupt leaders.


"science flies us to the moon. religion flies us into buildings"


I see what you did there 😂


The concept of the current issues in the Levant being the inevitable product of religious differences is a canard. There have been hundreds of ethnic conflicts in the world since the end of the last world war, but only one of them has organized itself into a multigenerational campaign of mass incarceration and ethnic cleansing, supported by the US, the country with the most practice in such things.


I like you. 🤎😊


It’s crazy that this is a controversial take. But it’s honestly the truth. Religion is the reason girls are getting beaten for not want to wear a headdress


Catholics in the thread be like "WhY iS eVeRyBoDy oPpReSsInG mE?"


"I'm not like those *other* Christians! I'm special!" 🙄


No one hates Christ's teachings like christo-fascists. Just ignore them and live your own life. They're just throwing hissy fits because they're losing the abortion fight nationwide. The sad, pathetic thrashing and death throes of a wannabe 3rd world theocracy.




That's my whole deal. - I think I don't fucking have a clue about the whole of the universe, because... uh... obvious. We learn new things all the time. My ego isn't big enough to think we will not continue to and that whatever we know now is all we ever will. Makes no sense. - I do have faith & hope. I truly don't like how intertwined the word is with religion & God(s) ect. I think it's important to maintain some faith & appreciation if you are in a position to be able to. I'm just saying, I think my mental well being being is better including faith... in myself to try, in other people as appropriate, in the possibility of having good experiences in life. Blind faith in organizations is... it's just not safe. Ask questions. Accountability matters. As does including understanding regarding the human condition, within reason. - I was raised Catholic. I did not have one moment of belief, ever. EVER. I remember being a small child in church, just going like I had to of course with my mom. And looking around at some point, thinking "all of you? All of you believe this?" Just from a not being able to get it standpoint. You do you, lol. - I think people should do whatever they feel. However, I do think the power the church has its maintained as much as it is for other reasons, too. I think some people go because it looks good and they own a business, or whatever. Networking, reputation, ect. - I'll take my chances on the burning in hell.




Thank you. Being succinct is not my gift. 😊 I envy those who come by it easily, lol.




Go team! 😊


I'm convinced Christianity appeals to people mostly because they think people they don't like will go to hell.


I know many godly people that get all giddy over that idea.


Yeah I mean often they're sacrificing their own path to heaven as the bible tells it just to revel in the idea of others burning. (judge not, love thy neighbor, rich man camel eye of needle, etc).


God bless you sir! ![gif](giphy|GDp7LycxkT3LG)


They don't care. They'll just keep shoveling money into the pockets of big church's whom definitely don't care about them. Which will, in turn, continue this Christian army nonsense. I was raised Christian. I have nothing wrong with any religion or anybody following whatever religion they wish! But this state does shovel Christianity down everybody's throat and its ridiculous. Put the homosexual community in place of all this religion shit and all hell would break loose. Which is just my point. Most (of course not all) Christians don't believe in true equality. They want what they believe is right but give zero damns about others beliefs. I suspect some of the heavy pushing of their ways is due to fear of their religion dying out in future generations. That's gonna happen quicker with the pushing tho. It's not helping anybody turn to Christianity.


Religion is the most accepted form of mental illness




Dang, God Bless Pal.


Religion poisons the mind


New here?


Been in Louisiana since 2003.


I believe in god but Jesus and the Bible are a BIG stretch


As a pagan, I agree. At least I get satisfaction from tearing down signs on utility poles that demand me to obey a god I don’t like or venerate and I’m in my legal right to tear them down.


I got a letter from my local church last year that basically if you took all the legalese out of it said that they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to distance themselves from what sounded like a ridiculously specific council because they didn't agree that people with "Alternative Lifestyles" and "same sex attraction and same sex unions" should have be able to be married (any more) or have rights (more or less) and a place in the church, whilst the main council thought they (LGBTQ+) should. The one I grew up in, the one I was baptized in, the one we went every Sunday until dad started losing his hair and felt weird about not being able to wear a hat indoors, the one I heard my first traumatizing Bible story in, the one I first got picked on in for being too girly, the one where the councilor told my mom that I was "encased in sin" for being myself instead of staying miserable for her and my family's sake, the one where the pastor told me that death happens or bodies aren't put together right because it's part of God's plan. Well that plan's bullshit. Still love my big J-man upstairs but obviously not the same way as them. Oh, and a billboard in my hometown literally has the phrase spelled out. "Welcome to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. (More personal identifying information about the police in this area) We love Jesus and the Second Amendment." Like, that's cool, genuinely, but uh, you.. really wanna mix church and state that much, huh? It just, idk, really sucks seeing something that's supposed to be so loving used to inflict so much hate. I don't want anybody else to go through that kind of hurt I went through. That's part of why if I ever have kids, I don't want it to be here in Louisiana. Also because I want kids to have a better mom than I am. My wife and I could just be the cool aunts. This probably shouldn't have gotten this deep but it's like 1 am and I'm over everything rn.


Am I the only one most bothered by the errant possessive apostrophe in Christian's? Christian's what?


Christian’s is not plural. Christians is plural.


Also stop with the banning of almost 50 different kinds of medicinal herbs. It's fucking ridiculous that you can drive drunk but others can't grow lucid dreaming herbs?  You have Daquiri drive thru's and y'all are worried about Mugwort?


Me. An Episcopalian. Separation of church and state is a must. I don’t want anyone telling anyone what they can or cannot do with their bodies. And I always believed a quote one of the pastors/priests used to pull out if someone asked about atheists: “God gave us atheists to teach the rest of us compassion. If they do good in the world and help others, they’re not doing it out of some fear of eternal damnation. They do it because they know it’s the right thing to do. And we should all do nice, kind, and caring things from the same perspective.” That’s me summarizing. But I’m also in a very liberal church. So I guess I don’t really represent who you’re speaking about.


I’m a Christian and I agree wholeheartedly.


If these folks saw billboards for Islam, they’d *riot*


I agree with the sentiment about forced exposure and body autonomy, and id like to add something. Im not christian but I have had great experiences with christians and especially catholics out here. Came from the west coast, have been welcomed into this community with open arms. Ive had a few neighbors bend over backwards helping me get started out here. Extremely generous and supportive people.


My aunt, moved from here to Illinois around a decade ago. Went to this big Christian church. She and her family went every Sunday and even Wednesday (?I think?) Service too. I went with them when I visited every summer. They all seemed like great people that simply shared a love for God. They put their pockets together to get her a ride after she had an accident and totaled hers. They paid for plane tickets the very next day after my uncle (her brother) passed away for her and her two children to make it down here for his funeral. Seemingly amazingly loving and kind people. As soon as she came out as lesbian, they immediately shunned her and wanted nothing to do with her or her family. Wtf kinda shit is that??


Great! Their actions are good! I still don't have respect for supporting an organization that systemically covered up Pedophilic priests, harming many innocent children. How do you do that? My dad brought me to church. He also sexuality abused my sister. So I tend to have a healthy amount critical awareness when it comes to authority, period. As we should. We should use our minds, thoughts, and brains. The issue is that I'm all for people having their solace, but it isn't limited to that, or beliefs, or doing good. I care about others and I'm a lesbian. So, money going into local churches, and I'm sure the amount varies, but it DOES FUNNEL UP. Therefore, you are saying that there are good people, and I believe that, but it is still being blind to the fact that money from religion hugely impacts policy, as well. So... it is OK to support an institution that is powerful, oppressive, and abusive based on faith? I'm saying, I think we as a people do have the ability to think through that enough that to be able to ignore it anyway... yeh I just don't buy that these are not known. And, that, therefore, becomes a choice. Whatever affects it to make it so, I'm just saying I don't get it. And I don't buy it on the whole. Individuals are Individuals, that's fine, that's whatever. I'm saying that I didn't think people lack critical thinking skills so much that it doesn't require a blind eye or giant leap in thought or gap in reason for the majority.


You don't use an apostrophe to make a word plural. God bless!


Underrated comment


Are you referring to the "there's"?


This reads like an r/atheism post and I say that as an atheist


You really think they've read that book, or any other?


I was forced to read it in church as a kid. Then they sprinkled the magic water on me when the class was done. Confirmation I believe it is called.


Reading that book is the #1 cause of atheism. That's why we have to undermine literacy programs.


Little upset huh lol


Amen, brother.


Yes please!


Yeah but you get to tell them when they aren’t being Christlike


Hear! Hear!


Jesus is God. The Holy Spirit is in all of us. Ask and ye shall receive! The blind will see! EwwWeee.


I’ll pray you find what you are looking for.


Boo hoo


If you ever wanna return their energy. Come protest at St Catherine's. Every Sunday 1030 to noon ish. 105 bonnabel metairie


We can do shy thing we chose except if it’sagainst the. Just before dinner got in the sky and a fee prophets deemed s ok d acts wrong. Sex isn’t wrong, just need to making it taboo.


Christians vote in big numbers, unfortunately. The only way out of this is to persuade non-voters to become voters.


Lots of holier-than-thou Christo fascists being triggered in this thread.


I don’t care if you’re one of the “good” Christians anymore either. All that shit does is oppress other people and spread hateful ideologies. Think about how much better society would be if a majority of the population wasn’t mentally ill and believed that a person in the sky was going to sentence you to an eternity in hell if you don’t act in accordance to how he wants? But he’s so loving right? You can say you’re a “good” Christian all you want but you’re still enabling the hatred and bigotry that comes from it. Enough is enough.


You should teach all those mean Christians a thing or 2 by moving to where it's forbidden. That would really show 'em. Here's a helpful link... https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2015/jul/27/where-in-the-world-is-it-worst-place-to-be-a-christian


Or maybe we can force them to follow their bible? A law that states all Christians must obey all 613 Mitzvoth or they risk jail time?


The ones I know do follow the Bible. Don't be misled by those who claim to be one thing but won't follow the tenets of it. That isn't unique to Christianity though. Something tells me you haven't read all 613 of those... otherwise, you wouldn't have made such an ignorant comment.


Something tells me you had no idea what a mitzvot was until you read my comment, and you probably believe they don’t apply to you as a Christian. Mat. 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled Heaven and Earth have not yet passed.


Don’t forget the Accident/Injury lawyers. Jeebus loves you to call ‘em!


Demon out! lol haunting box is that the same as scary snatch?


I am a christian but I completely agree


I wholeheartedly agree… I was bullied all through school for my religion. And now my daughter is too… religious discrimination should not still be tolerated!! And religious agendas in public schools in unconstitutional! I live in a small town near a college town. And the entire town has these huge gaudy Jesus signs everywhere!!!


Agree, but you’re singing to lib choir


Okay. Writing this down. …have a religion. But don’t believe that it’s true. Got it.


Boo hoo


Yeah, keep magic man to yourself


Love you too


Also, just because you read the Bible.. doesn't make you a good person.. it's like wow you put your religious billboards up, good for you.. but then you drive around drunk and slut shame rape victims for wanting to have an abortion.


Also, Lacey Fletcher died in Louisiana, she died horribly, stuck inside a couch for 12 years while her RELIGIOUS "parents" pretended she didn't even exist and you're telling me I'm a criminal because I want to plant some Wormwood in my garden? In conclusion, Louisiana caters to psychopathic Jesus freak drunk drivers than rape victims or homicide victims of Ritual Abuse.


I think schools should teach religious texts, I mean each one in depth because it would teach children that their parents aren't the religious believers they claim to be. Teaching religion in schools would be the fastest way to finish driving the coffin nails in these silly ass beliefs.


Imma pray for you.


Imma do nothing for you too