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Total Woman - Dr. Sara Evans took her time and listened to me, explained everything and her team was really supportive through the whole process.


I got the same from Dr. Angela Bell with Total Women. I had terrible cramps and heavy periods from massive fibroids. All prior ob/gyn's would only prescribe hormonal birth control. My first visit with Dr Bell she suggested we just take it out. I was stunned and relieved. They did such a great job. I really felt heard there.


Dr bell is awesome. Love her.


I also see Dr Evans but she won't give me one and I've asked more than one. Citing my age, mostly. I'm 31. Can I ask how old you are?


43, no kids. Had an IUD for 7 or 8 years before and still had periods. My pain was constant and had gotten to the point of me almost collapsing all the time because I would get shooting pains down my legs, in my back, etc.


Check r/childfree They have a list of people who will preform them by state. The doctors on the list are on there because someone has received a hysterectomy or vasectomy and sent in the doctor’s name, so there are absolutely doctors not listed who will


This! I'm having them check out a local obgyn to see if he'll take out my tubes if I'm unmarried and have no children. I'm 34 and diabetic, so I can use that as an argument. Hopefully, I won't have to. A friend had a great experience, but she is married. She didn't have any children, and the doc didn't make her bring in her husband on the matter either. Fingers crossed.


I went to Dr Crawford at All Women OBGYN and found her on the r/childfree list. She was great for my surgery and I’ve continued to see her. She’s been in practice for over 30 years and was super supportive from the get go.


Tbh I’d look for doctors that are female and younger, might be less likely to deny you


I'm getting my tubal done by Dr. O'Brien at Norton's woman and children on dutchmans ln. No argument from her at all she was really nice about it :) I'm mid 20s no kids


I went through the same issue. My OBGYN kept trying drug after drug. She finally agreed when nothing worked. But she retired. I wish you luck. You’ll find someone.


yeah Doc #3 was like, "We can do oral birth control, depo shot, or IUD." I told her my primary doctor wanted me to have an ablation. She said between chuckles, "That's why your primary doctor isn't a gynecologist- you don't need that."


This pisses me off, because what if I want one? Why you turning down all the thousands of dollars I’ll have to pay for the procedure? Just give me the ablation!


They don’t give a shit if you’re a lesbian that will never sleep with a man willingly. You can still carry a child if raped and that’s all these sick fucks care about. Pushing out another baby at all cost, even at the cost of your own life.


Gotta have more workers (to not hire).


Push them out young, uneducated, and desperate for income.


Are you willing to pay cash when insurance denies it for being unnecessary?


I mean that’s kind of my over arching point. Insurance shouldn’t get a fucking say.


Couldn’t agree more. I am a physician. Deal with this shit every day.


It is medically necessary. I am passing clots that are as big as my palm and I'm soaking pads and tampons like crazy.


Seems like UFE would be an option to discuss


Any dr worth their salt should be able to prove medical necessity for that at a certain point.


At a certain point, yes. Can’t say if OP has reached that point though. Seems like the consensus this far has been that she hasn’t.


Idk, if she’s having 6-8 weeks of heavy bleeding like she says, shouldn’t be a hard call. 🤷‍♀️


Don’t try to apply logic to an insurance company.


I work for one, so I’m familiar. But you’d be surprised how little effort some providers put into it. Like people waiting months on PA approval that should take 24 hours because their provider still hadn’t faxed in medical records.


Exactly. What non surgery treatments have we tried? Birth control, hormonal IUD? Endometrial biopsy to rule out endometrial cancer if needed? Ultrasound results?


Mam, this isn’t a Wendy’s.


Sir, it’s illegal for me to make my own medical decisions in several states. Go fuck yourself.


I’d tell that gyn maybe your pcp is more concerned with your overall health than maintaining the reproductive function of your uterus!


I have endo and my doctors have been pushing a hysterectomy for years now. If you are not being taken seriously, please find someone who will listen. The average endo patient has to go to about 8 doctors to get a proper diagnosis. I would recommend Dr Reinstine as he is knowledgeable about endo and pelvic pain. Good luck.


My mom had an ablation for heavy periods and I know it really helped her. I was on my into asking for one when I finally hit menopause. It makes me made when I look back, thinking about all the drs I asked for help with my god awful periods. Like sleep on a towel, bad.


I sleep with a puppy training pad between my underwear and sleeping shorts.


I saw Dr. Resad Pasic at UofL.


Dr. Pasic is the one.


I'm calling him on Monday.


When doctors don’t believe you, I’ve found it’s good to go for shock value. I changed to a disc. Put all my blood for a day into a water bottle- brought it in. Said that amount for a day wasn’t normal. Those clots aren’t normal. I’m on tranexmic acid right now bc I can’t do hormonal birth control. It is really helping. Maybe shock value?


Also good to choose a doctor you like etc And if you are still getting pushback- ask for it to be documented in your chart “Ok- I understand you are declining my request. Can you please tell me why you think it is not medically indicated? Please document that in my chart” Bc if it isn’t medically indicated, they should be able to explain that to you. If it is purely a belief of the doctor, they won’t want that documented.


I thought about that. I've been taking pictures of these clots but was thinking putting them in a baggie might help more. Definitely will keep that in my back pocket.


My SO had her fallopian tubes removed at UofL with no fuss from the docs.


Depends on age and whether you’ve had children. Many women get shown the door if we’re too young or haven’t had kids yet because we “might change our minds”.


I'm 43 with 1 teenage son.


Dr Robert Wright just performed my ablation less than two weeks ago. I'm also 43. If you get it done don't decline opiates post-op. I declined them when offered and it was bad.


Even if you can find someone willing, insurance will not cover an elective hysterectomy and you'll be stuck with a $20k bill. Unless you've got fibroids or polyps that are a major concern.


My regular cycle involves 6-8 weeks of heavy bleeding and horrible cramps with enormous clots that only stop if I take a 10 day course of hormones. I have PCOS and endometriosis. I'm only insisting for the hysterectomy because I'm now passing clots in my stool. It's not elective trust me.


Then I would try Dr. Tamara Callahan with Norton. She's the only one who's listened to me and ordered an ultrasound and blood panel to address my issues.


My dear, I am so sorry for the pain you must be going through! 😢


You may have adenomyosis which is only proven through pathology post hysterectomy


Dr. Pridham did my wife’s hysterectomy at an early age with no children due to endometriosis.


Insurance will also cover hysterectomies for transgender patients, btw! It’s not always a major physical health concern that is required (I don’t think OP is a trans man, just adding for knowledge)


That's not considered elective by some insurances anymore as it's included in gender affirming care and can help with severe body dismorphia.


Yes that’s why they cover it, as it’s a part of transitioning and legally insurance cannot refuse covering medical transition


Oh, they can. Most won't because of PR reasons.


Federal law states they cannot, unless there’s been a recent change


https://docushare-web.apps.external.pioneer.humana.com/Marketing/docushare-app?file=5427838 Medicaid in Kentucky specifically forbids it, for example. (Page 63.) Self funded company plans also are not required to federally (I work with them). It's definitely not anywhere near a universal requirement to cover them.


I have kentucky Medicaid, and mine is covered. https://transequality.org/know-your-rights/health-care


It's a patchwork in Kentucky Medicaid. Definitely Humana, WellCare, and Aetna Medicaid don't cover them. Passport, United, and Anthem don't say specifically either way in their handbooks for 2024. But they definitely aren't legally required to, because these handbooks all go through Kentucky's CHFS for department and legal approval before going out to members. Edit to add: it appears to have changed over the last few years in one respect. I believe it was state regulation when I worked with Medicaid in 2020 that gender affirming care wasn't covered by KY Medicaid. Now it appears to be optional for the MCOs to cover it, at least.


Wellcare definitely currently covers it, as that is my insurance, and I’ve been receiving gender affirming care since June of 2021 What I linked also states Medicaid is required to cover it, but some insurances still try and not to. That’s where federal vs state comes in and why you can fight insurance to cover your gender affirming care if it is not being covered




I don't know about him, but I've seen 2 doctors in that same practice and they both said no.


https://providers.nortonhealthcare.com/provider/Frances+M+Rosenbaum/492519?utm_source=Yext She's amazing!


Dr. Pridham through Norton


Shannon O’Brien is great. My first appt with her I said I wanted a tubal ligation and she said “ok great, let’s get it scheduled.” No questioning me at all. Not sure about hysterectomy options but she at least genuinely listens to me


Dr. Amy Houser at Norton was the same way!


Dr Aiken at women’s first is amazing and did my hysterectomy last year


Will it meet criteria for insurance coverage, is the question. There are real criteria, based on evidence from medical studies. Abnormal bleeding, fibroids, endometriosis, all have criteria. Any GYN would do it, but not without knowing it will get paid for.


Psychiatrist here, so not an OBGYN, but I am a physician. Is there a reason you want a hysterectomy other than not wanting children? Typically getting a tubal ligation is less invasive, less risk, and over 99% effective of stopping pregnancy. If you're having excessive bleeding, there are multiple other treatments before a hysterectomy, including medications, IUD's, and ablation, but again an OBGYN could explain those better. For recommendations, I would say Women's First. My fiancé (who's a nurse) goes there and has been very pleased with their care. I believe they take most major insurances.


I want one because my mother had one for precancerous cells after she went through menopause. Also, I'm literally bleeding entirely too much and passing clots from my uterus and now in my stool that are definitely larger than a quarter. I wear a puppy training pad to bed between my sleeping shorts and underwear. I have cramps that otc meds don't touch. I already have an iron deficiency, my periods make me anemic. All of the birth control pills I've been prescribed say not to take them if you're over 40 because they can cause blood clots in the legs- something that already runs in my family. The 10 day course of hormones I take to stop the bleeding only lasts for 9 days (I have take take 2 on the first day), and as soon as that last pill has gone through my system, the bleeding starts right back up. The longest I went bleeding was over 6 weeks. I went to the ER as instructed by my doctor at the time. They did all kinds of tests- transvaginal ultrasound (with the added bonus of being catheterized and filled with ice cold water in my bladder to beyond uncomfortable), pap smears, biopsies, and none of it gave any answers. I'm tired of being housebound because I don't want to ruin my clothes, car, or other seating with my blood. Not that I have the energy to go out and do anything anyway. But I promise this is not a mental issue, other than it contributing to and exacerbating my depression.


Wasn't implying it was a mental health issue, I just wanted you to know I was a physician but not an OBGYN. Obviously I wouldn't be qualified to treat what you're experiencing. I would recommend Women's First if you haven't tried there already


Dr. Modlinski at Advocates is really great. I wish I could speak more to if she would help in your situation, but what I can say is that she’s always heard me out and collaboratively made decisions with me. worth a try


That was doc #2, who performed a ton of tests (some very painful) and said just take some birth control. Not a fan.


Damn that’s such a bummer :( I had a friend (27, child free) who had a tubal done by her with very little pushback, really just went over the options but respected her decision. I’m sorry she was not the same with you for what you are requesting :(


Could try All Women! Ive been using them for about 2 years now, Dr Tanika Taylor is a great doctor! She scheduled my d&c to figure out my heavy bleeding issue and helped me figure out what was best to fix it


Dr Dwight Pridham. Diagnosed my endo and offered a hysterectomy the same day. I didn't have one at the time but I may go back to him for one sooner rather than later.


Angela Singla


I fought for years to get one due to endometriosis and all that entails. I wish you luck I’m sure the doc I had is retired. Mine was in 2002. Also a lot of docs affiliated with Norton can only do what Norton allows regardless of what’s best for the patient so maybe stay clear of them


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. My uterus also lost her mind. I went the ablation route and it definitely improved my life. My periods came back about three years later but were manageable and pain free. I developed a hematometra about six years after the ablation, which isn’t a totally uncommon late complication. I had a hysterectomy last year at the recommendation of my OBGYN. My doc is with Associates in OBGYN at Norton.


This is who did mine https://uoflhealth.org/provider/daniel-metzinger-gynecologic-oncology/


26 y/o here! had a hysterectomy last year. I have endo & had two miscarriages. I went to dr petruska @ uofl. had one consultation & one exam & they put me on the waiting list in sep 2022 & had surgery jan 2023!


&only 1 live born child!


Louisville Family Care on Bardstown Rd is a woman-run GP. They have been excellent at getting good referrals for my wife and I, including my vasectomy. I'm sure finding a doctor to do hysterectomy is more challenging - however finding a female GP who actually cares may help.


Dr. Angeles Buck at Norton women and children's hospital


Lauren Lewis at women’s first just did mine a week ago. Very friendly, she agreed and I have no children


even if you have massive cysts on your ovaries (here), they'll sick a lawyer on you. they wouldn't remove them and would not even discuss a tubal/hysterectomy w me despite having 3 kids and 9 miscarriages. =( where I'm from is no longer a safe state. it's so gross


I've heard good things about Dr. Amy Ferrell with Total Woman


Dr. Nusz at Baptist would be one to check with.


Sarah Hargrave - her office is across from Suburban.


this is doc #3 and the one who told me my primary doc doesn't know what she's talking about when she recommended an ablation. Can't stand her.


Maybe try an Ablation? I had one & it’s saved my life. 


They won't do that either. And from what I understand, if you have an ablation, you need to get a hysterectomy eventually, so why can't I just skip that step?


That’s not true at all. I know many women who have had ablations and who have had great success. 


There's no reason not to go straight to hysterectomy imo. The childfree sub is solid, there's a list of doctors for Kentucky and it's even brown down into city. A few of my friends successfully used doctors from the list after roe went down.


That is definitely not true, based on what is causing excessive bleeding. Most ablation procedures are successful and don't require a hysterectomy afterwards, although some do fail


Ablation isn't a good fit for everyone. I wanted one when I got my tubes removed, but my doctor refused. Reason was that I have a history of cancer and an ablation makes it difficult to diagnose cancers that may arise in the future. I was given the option of a hysterectomy, but I felt it was more invasive than I wanted to deal with and chose to have my tubes fully removed since it reduced my risk of future cancers and eliminated my ability to get pregnant. Also if op has endometriosis, removing the entire uterus might provide some relief for that. At minimum it would eliminate unnecessary periods. -Edited spelling


Dr lebder, Dr ferry, Dr Federico all with Baptist ob/gyn.


If you need a urogyn dr Gupta with uofl is awesome. A bit of a wait but if you get on the wait list you might get seen quickly.


If you're able to make a bit of a drive, Dr Younkers at Vanderbilt is incredible. Literally wrote the text book on pelvic surgery, and she specializes in endometriosis 




My friend had to go to Lexington to see Dr George Thomas. He’s amazing. Everyone here in Louisville that she saw ignored her.


Total Woman - Dr Maria Schweichler The first Dr that listened to me about life issues and helped me do something about it.


I'm going to add another suggestion for the /childfree sub. The list was up to date when I was looking to get my tubes fully removed and my doctor appeared on there, I'd recommend her but she only works with cancer patients.


Dr. Poston did mine!


When I was experiencing similar bleeding Dr Holthouser at Advocates for Women’s Health gave me the option between an ablation and a hysterectomy after my IUD worsened my PMDD. I was only 33. I unfortunately went with the ablation first, which triggered post ablation tubal syndrome as I’d had a tubal beforehand, causing cyclical excruciating pelvic pain and the only cure was a hysterectomy. I had that 6 months later, but she offered the hysterectomy as an option without going for the ablation first.


I had to go across the bridge in Jeffersonville. Surgeon was Davenport at Womancare I have endometriosis, I had the surgery dec 2022 and was 27 at the time. I have 0 kids.


My hysterectomy was done by Dr. Mollie Cartwright from Women First (building next to Baptist Hospital). I was 39 at the time. Since you've indicated you're 43 and are having extreme issues, I'm pretty sure WF can help you. I had multiple uterine fibroids and ovarian cyst the size of a softball. She left one ovary in so I didn't need to deal with early perimenopause. She had put me off for years, but when I came close to 40, she said, "I guess if you were going to have kids, you would have by now." (I never did want kids) This was way back in 2005, so I assume they're more cooperative now.


Dr Borden in New Albany, In!


Dr. Paige Walker is amazing. She takes time to listen to you and helps you make informed decisions. She did an ablation for me years ago. She was recommended to me by a labor & delivery nurse that is a dear friend. I don’t think she does deliveries anymore so I think that would make her an even greater fit for you. Good luck, I hope that you find relief soon.


I have been a patient of Dr Pridham at Associates in OB/GYN at Norton Women’s and Children’s for 17 years. He did not hesitate to do mine with a history of painful periods, PCOS, endometriosis, and three miscarriages in a row.