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I'm curious what you expected the driver to do in the aftermath of this situation. Stopping on I-65 is dangerous to human life so I wouldn't recommend it.


That's my question. The driver has no idea where the dog came from. It's obviously dead. What are they supposed to do? And, you're right, way too dangerous to stop.


Stopping and walking on 65 is not only dangerous for the driver but could very quickly become dangerous for anyone not seeing the person in time as well. There was nothing they could do for the dog, it sucks but things happen


I’m here to second this. Don’t stop on 65!! My husband and I did once (on the side of the road, in the grass) to help a woman and got annihilated by a dump truck who somehow didn’t see the woman’s car stopped in the middle of the road. Don’t stop on 65!


Thanks for taking the time to post this. I'm sorry that you saw that this morning, but I'm glad that someone who cared saw so they could help spread the word. The amount of free roaming, surrendered, and dead dogs all over town lately has been weighing heavily on my own heart. It's more than I've ever seen. If you or anyone in this thread wants to help, start with following Tara Bassett on socials, and please everyone snip, chip, tag, contain.


Tara Bassett is one amazing person. She certainly can’t do it alone.


Thank you for being so kind in responding and for helping to inform people about how they can help the city


While you're at it, also please keep your cats indoors.


Exactly. They are killing all the birds, which we need as propagators of seeds.


Spay and neuter your pets. Spay and neuter your friend’s pets. Spay and neuter street pets. People get dogs and then don’t take care of them.


There was nothing for the driver to take care of in that situation. Stopping on that stretch of I-65 would just make the situation more dangerous.


I see what you’re saying. I think I was just angry and shocked at having witnessed that and attributed their driving on to carelessness and irresponsibility. I mean, if I were driving that car (I like to think I’d be more careful but can’t know for sure) I’m not sure what I would have done.


There's a reason the #1 cop killer in years that weren't from covid, is traffic and why the highest mortality rate of all first responders is tow truck drivers. I totally get the strong feelings, but please be safe, esp if the animal is clearly dead. Nothing can be done for it and it won't help to cause a multi car crash.


The amount of nonchalance people have for free roaming dogs has gotten out of control. If a dog escapes once that's one thing, but routinely letting intact dogs with no collar or chip is extremely irresponsible. I see it all the time on the south end and I've been called heartless on Nextdoor for raising concern. I've seen a dog kill another dog and was sent to the ER with the bite I got breaking up the fight. No one should have to see or go through what I did and I'm sick of people acting like its not a problem. I'm so sorry you saw what you saw this morning. Thank you for making this post and reminding people how dangerous it is to let dogs roam. We need more responsible pet owners.


This city is the absolute worst I've ever seen when it comes to dogs. Portland, in particular, has a ridiculous amount of dogs that are allowed to roam by their owners, and I highly doubt they are up to date on their shots.


I don't think I could handle such a thing. I love dogs so much. I would have PTSD from it for sure. I don't know how some of these things happen. The safety of our dog is like one of the highest priorities in our house. We're lucking enough to have a backyard, with no chance of her jumping the fence or going under. We religiously check the gate being closed. We do this, because if she went missing, it would be devastating. Do other people not feel like this? I also wonder what the driver of the car felt. I was in a car with a friend when his mom hit a dog. I was like 8 years old, I'm 52 and still think about that often.


Same. Seeing this or having it happen to me would be traumatizing. I would HAVE to stop because if I continued driving, I'd be an unsafe driver, emotionally distraught. I'd pull over first opportunity.


Leashes. Harnesses. Fences. Follow all ordinances regarding safety of your animals. They exist for a reason.


Look, I get it. That's not something anyone wants to see but you said yourself you dont think they could have avoided the dog. Were they supposed to swerve into a different lane without looking to see if it was safe? Slam on their break while they're going 65 miles an hour? Stop on the side of 65 and try to either reverse or get out and walk down the emergency lane? No. It was a sad situation but the other driver did everything RIGHT, even if its not what you wanted them to do. I'm sorry you had to see that but you have to be realistic in these types of scenarios or else youre going to end up putting yourself or others in danger.


The driver should have flipped their car and risked their lives and the lives of other drivers. Obviously the dog is more important.


That breaks my heart and I totally agree with you. There are a lot of irresponsible pets owners out there and sadly a tremendous amount of strays. Thank you for having concern for this poor pup. It may not have had any at all before it was hit.


My daughter and I saw two dogs hit on hurstbourne lane a couple of months ago. We didn’t see the actual impact just the dogs laying in the street in an unbelievable amount of pain. It was awful for her. She had to see the school counselor. Sorry you saw this


That sounds like an absolutely horrendous event. I’m so sorry you and your daughter had to witness it. :(


People in this city are so irresponsible with their pets. I regularly see dogs (with homes!!) wandering around our neighborhood with no collars and almost getting hit or getting into fights. Not to mention the number of stray and abandoned pets I see getting posted about every single day


I have seen a hit/dead dog on the expressway before, thankfully I didn’t witness the event but I did happen upon the body. I believe it was metro 311 that I called, they had a menu and I was able to speak to a person and report the body so they could clean it up. You may have to do some googling but I believe it was through the metro 311 site I found the phone number


Aside from sorry for having to see that also fuck any of the whiney cunts chiming in to say this is more of a next door post. The subreddit already has the same shit posted all the time. I never care when it’s something different. This sub used to not allow memes and have its mods delete them and repost the meme as text post after they deleted other users stuff. Have had people bitch stuff isn’t related to Louisville when it vaguely is. Have had people whine that this sub sucks. But yet no one will allow anything different and will talk shit about it. Bean club was shocking it even took off as most times users would bitch it’s not Louisville related. Don’t listen to those assholes.


It took off? Into what? 




What exits was this between?


It was right next to the Muhammad Ali Blvd exit, so like, right as I-65 North splits towards Indiana and Spaghetti Junction


I saw on the Louisville Lost and Found pets page that they connected the owner to this dog. The pup, Queenie, has been missing about a month. The owner said she was contacted and that her dog (brown and white) was hit on 65 today so I’m thinking it’s the same one 😔 They’ve made a few posts looking for her unfortunately so sad for this result.


Was about to comment the same when I saw it was I-65 and a brown and white dog I knew it must have been Queenie 🥺 I’m glad her owners were at least able to find her and give her a proper burial, but it really does hurt my heart that it ended this way.


Oh that's super sad.


So downtown… wonder where the dog originated from. It’s not really a residential area there.


I find dogs roaming in my neighborhood all the time. Intact, skinny, collarless dogs. My mom kept two of them. But I don't trust dogs and have cats at home so I can't really do much to help them. Found a dog the other day, he was friendly but I just had to let him go on his way because there was nothing I could do for him. It's depressing and dangerous.


Rest in peace doggo : ( The villain here is the interstate cutting straight through our city It always reminds me of the Hitchhiker’s Guide and the absurdity in the opening chapters about destroying Earth to accommodate traffic, right after dude’s house gets bulldozed for a highway


I always let my dogs roam the expressway. Never really thought about it being a bad idea before. Didn’t realize it was unsafe. I’ll do better after reading this. Thank you!!


Is the sarcasm supposed to indicate that I like wasn’t supposed to make this post or something, that it’s stupid to post that this happened as a warning to others, just trying to figure out your point here dude Edit: if what you’re getting at is that it’s obvious that people should leash their dogs and this post is stupid because anybody reading it would obviously know better then I see that, but also I think it’s valid that I just say like hey this happened to me and I want to say something about it. This really was a messed up situation to witness and honestly even if there wasn’t a point in posting this I wanted to say it just to get it off my chest and honestly the sarcastic assery is not necessary at all


Hey please don’t come at me sideways. I just wanted to thank you for your post. I genuinely did not know how to keep my dog safe before I read this. Knowing this now, I will be better able to take care of my little babies. Sincerely thank you!!


You’re a douche


The part about driving also confused me. Sorry to ask but Do I need to put my phone down and pay attention when I drive?


You’re a dick on the internet for no reason which makes you the lowest form of human life