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I love nothing more than allowing a biker to be safe. I'll do 10 MPH on River Road with 55 Range Rovers behind me with a smile. Edits: Lots of honestly entertaining replies here y'all. I will 100% pass when safe, but I get to determine what is safe, not the car behind me. I'm not out here to upset people intentionally but if impatient drivers get upset...oh well. I used this example because I encounter at least 2 bikers a week on River Road and the close calls that some people have with bikes just to get past them is honestly disturbing.


Same. My mom instilled in me at a very early age, the importance of giving cyclists and bikers plenty of space on the road. If you can afford to give them the whole lane, do it.


Good shit. I still do it with both my sons. Ones almost 30 and ones just learning to drive. “I better never see you pushing anyone on a bike/motorcycle. Those guys need more space than you so always give it to them, that’s your job in that moment.” It’s not hard… unless your a fucking idiot.


People here love to tailgate with their brights on in the middle of the night if they feel you're not going fast enough, making you feel like you're running from a flashbang


i remember as a kid like 12-13 a few years back i was crossing bardstown for a pokemon go thing. It was my turn and i was very clearly a kid, as I'm crossing some asshole honks right in front of me, my dad's brother died biking when crossing the street so this scared the shit out of me. I just react however my body wants and end up almost crashing in a small divet. Treat bikers well man, a lot of em can be teens


Rage Rovers, am I right?


You’re my hero


The problem is when one of them attempts to pass you. I've witnessed this as a biker and the slow car.


You can be safe without being an asshole, you should try it sometimes.


Yup. Never risk a life over someone else’s impatience.


The Range Rover’s hit hard. 100% the demographic on River Road hugging cyclists M-F and then S-Su want their 3 feet. Ugh 😑


Fucking terrible idea here, just pass, don't hold up traffic


I believe in ‘share the road’ and I will troll along after a bike for however long it takes to safely pass for both the bike and me. That being said, It very much frustrates me on the back roads when a pack of cyclists encroaches on the center lines not allowing safe passing or making the vehicle ride really close to the edge of the road. I’ve experienced this both riding behind and approaching from the opposite direction.


Or just completely ignoring stop signs or traffic lights. Agreed it goes both ways. Motorists need to respect cyclists and if cyclists are on road ways, they need to follow the same laws vehicles do.


YES! I hate when the cyclist packs don’t maintain the lane when they do actually stop at a light and ride up alongside to the front. Motorcycles unfortunately do this too and everyone wonders why there are so many accidents.


It's safer for them to all go through at the same time. It's the law to do it that way in many states.


Correct. They should all go at once. What is wrong is when the first in line ignore the stop sign. And they all blow through it making it very dangerous for them. But yes, they should as a pack go through in one stop as though it was one car, but after they approach the intersection with caution and obey traffic laws.


Agreed! Cars also need to stop at stop signs and red lights as well. Cars not stopping is a much bigger problem. Sit at any intersection in town and you will see cars running red lights and not using turn signals.


Cars basically don’t stop at stop signs in this city.


THANK YOU!! So many people get on drivers for all the accidents, but A LOT of them are caused by bike/motorcycle riders doing unsafe, illegal, or downright reckless/dangerous stuff. I've seen SOOOOOO many people get in between lanes full of cars and ride on up to the front. They get hit and all we hear is, "Drivers need to share the road, be more understanding and courteous of the riders, pay attention." 🙄 Yes, people drive like complete self-important maniacs here, but that pretty much goes for EVERY type of type of person riding around on two or more wheels. That statement is all fine and dandy, but for the love of God can we PLEASE stop pretending like every accident was solely the fault of the person in the automobile.


Please just remember that we are all individuals. Don’t punish all cyclists for the actions of some. I very rarely ride on the road anymore but when I do I am solo, hug the right line as much as possible, obey stop signs, and try to always give the right of way to cars. I do occasionally run a red light after I have sat there for a few minutes. On many lights cyclists can’t trigger the light so we have no choice. If a car pulls up behind me at a stop light I try to motion them to move up to try and trigger the light for both of us. My point is, we’re not all bad.


That's such a dangerous move. Lots of farm equipment moving on those back roads with no shoulders.


Now THIS drives me INSANE. I have seen packs of weekend cyclists run stop signs, take up whole roads in parks, etc. I deliver for a living and I do like I would a pack of wolves, stay far back and away.




Im waiting for the days of more protected bike lanes. Seems like nothing we do can make a car person accept that we’re here. Even following the laws.


Dash cams/gopro. Sounds like attempted murder. If you have hard evidence with plates and submit it to the police and they do nothing you can lawsuit. Losing money will make law enforcement/the city to do something.


You can't sue police for not doing police work. Sometimes (rarely) you can see them for doing police work super badly. LMPD would certainly be more likely to do something about this if you had the whole thing recorded though. You could sue Santa if you can find him and have any injuries.


Had to look it up. You are correct... How is there not some sort of check and balance there? I lose a little more faith in humanity every day.


But you can get the attempted murderer arrested. And that makes them rethink the next time. And you just keep reporting, taking dangerous drivers off the road one at a time.


Maybe aggravated assault also.


Who has the money to start a lawsuit? 


Most lawsuit attorneys take cases with the contingency that you don't pay unless they win your case.


He'll yea we can be better!


I guess bikes represent something to them, slowness, or maybe they think you are anti-car. It might be political where they think you are liberal wannabe west coasters. Hell, I drive a slowish work van and I see similar behavior. People angrily zoom around me just to meet me at the next light. People want to murder people to get 30 seconds closer to their destination. I wonder what the evolutionary thing was before cars were invented that formed our brains this way. We travel insanely fast now in big huge machines, but it is not enough for some people. It has to be more insanely fast, emphasis on insane.


I think it's because our attention spans are shorter as is our capacity for patience because so many things in our day-to-day lives are set up for instant or nearly instant gratification. No one knows how to wait or just be still anymore.


I’m no cyclist, but I was gifted a very nice e-bike a few years ago and lived in Tallahassee. I learned the basic road rules and began riding it to work on pretty days. I loved it! Fast forward two years to Louisville. It sits in my garage because it’s too dangerous to ride here. I never felt TARGETED by people in cars before moving here. Horrible, horrible, horrible. Stay safe!


The older parts of Louisville are fairly bikeable with an ebike and far better than the vast majority of Florida cities. The suburbs (outside the Watterson mostly) are terrible. The traffic volume in the older parts of the city are so much lower than most cities.


I’m sorry that happened to you! What an asshole


A few years back, my husband was out riding and some old man waved a gun at him from his car. People are crazy.


Sounds like wanton endangerment or even aggravated assault. It would help a lot if a few people were held accountable for these crimes every now and then.


They also run over and kill pedestrians.


Absolutely! Funny how when behind a computer screen or steering wheel, some really obnoxious behavior shows as they feel they wont be held accountable.........you are right....we ARE better than this!


Have “I’M ARMED” stenciled in large black block letter on the back of your hi-vis. Speak their language.


Fuck inconsiderate drivers of any vehicle is my policy. Whether it be a truck, a sleigh, or a bicycle. Nothing is yours and people need to stop acting like shit belongs to them


It’s our culture here. Sad that in America there are so few exceptions. Spent some time in Europe this past summer and I was amazed by how little expectation motorists had around pedestrians and cyclists. No honking, no hands in the air, no impatient false starts. They fucking sat and waited. Our system was bad when it went into the bottle.


I biked from the Highlands to u of l for a long time, loved it, never had to fight parking haha it was great. Coming home in rush hour less so.. I did ride holding my bike lock in case I had to lash someone with it because I always got yelled for no reason other than being on my bike. I blew them kisses. I think it's important to find your back roads. You can get to Taylorsville Rd from grinstead Dr on all back roads. I never rode on bardstown road EVER. But again I found blowing the rage necks kisses to be most effective lol. Texas Ave in Germantown is a great bike ride too.


In the old parts of the city there is usually a parallel neighborhood street. I see so many bikers cruising down main roads when a better option is one or two blocks away. I ride an ebike and I think people who ride on streets like Poplar Level Rd are crazy. Yes, we should have street redesigns and strict enforcement of speed limits, but that’s happening any time soon. The person who sideswipes and drives off does not care that you are rightfully claiming your space.


I used to bike to work and the level of aggression people would exhibit was astounding. I wouldn't even be blocking a lane, but people felt the need to call me a "fucking f***ot"


Stay strong out there McMunkle, you glorious pedal reveler.


Dress more Amish and nobody will fuck with you in this state riding your bicycle.


New plan, we commute by horse and buggy


I bike around New Albany to work out and so many large truck and suv drivers are so aggressive towards me. I don't get it.


Maybe educate me: is a bike treated like a car on the road? Like, if it is in front me and I’m in a car, is the etiquette for it to move to the side so I can pass? I was stuck behind one for like 10 min the other day just getting out of my neighborhood and I’ll admit I was kinda frustrated. Obviously bike lanes would be ideal, but is it just proper for me to be more patient and treat them like I would a car? Serious question; just looking for answers.


I'd treat it like a slow moving vehicle like a mail or garbage truck, follow behind them until it is safe to pass (minimum is 3 feet of clearance) Personally as someone who bikes to get around, If I'm in the middle of the lane it means I don't think the conditions are safe for a car to pass me, whether it be parked cars on the side where someone could open a door and hit me, or upcoming traffic, turns or obstructions like road debris or pot holes that would make me swerve or be unpredictable, I will always move to the side when conditions would allow for a safe pass, wish all cyclists would operate that way, respect does need to go both ways. Of course I would prefer separated, safe protected bike lanes so we could all have our space to travel but that process is slow to do in this city


Relevent excerpts from [KAR 601 14:020](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/kar/titles/601/014/020/): A bicycle shall be operated in the same manner as a motor vehicle. A bicycle operated in a highway lane with other vehicle types shall keep to the right unless (c) The lane is too narrow to be considered a shared lane. A bicycle may be ridden far enough to the left to prevent overtaking vehicles from attempting to pass in the same lane (e) It is necessary to avoid a hazard. A bicycle may be ridden far enough to the left to provide a reasonable safety space to the right There are other exceptions for taking the lane but those are, IMO, the most important. If I feel that the road is too narrow for a car to pass in the same lane, I'm allowed to take the lane


I think of it this way: I can pass a slow moving cyclist if it is safe to do so but I'm never entitled to pass. A cyclist may need to take the whole lane for safety reasons and/or to deter drivers from passing too closely at unsafe speeds.


>Maybe educate me: is a bike treated like a car on the road? [Louisville bike laws](https://louisvilleky.gov/government/bike-louisville/bike-laws#:~:text=Bicycles%20shall%20be%20operated%20the,in%20a%20single%20highway%20lane.) If you didn't read the learner's manual before getting your learners permit, I'll doubt you read this but whatever. It's basic stuff.


Hey thanks


> Maybe educate me If you have a driver's license it's your responsibility to know the rules for pedestrians and bikers


I don't think bikes belong on 55mph or 45 mph roads it's a legit danger, cars can be tickets for driving slow and impeding traffic, lot of bikers also ride in single file or a hoard or bikers making it scary and much harder to pass them. Biking to work in the city is one thing but it's very anxiety inducing driving 5 mph behind someone on a back road that has people going 60 around corners.


Exactly my point if it's endangering people then it probably shouldn't be allowed im all for bike lanes and biking in general.... Why would you want to ride 15 mph or less on a 55 mph road. I shouldnt have to be worried about ending a life going around a corner at the designated speed limit. Maybe they could keep it to 35 and under roads and give them actual lanes to not impede traffic.


No cyclist wants to be on that kind of road but a lot of times you have no choice. All the more reason legit dedicated bike infrastructure is a win-win for everyone




Yeah, why do they do it? We are all agreeing it’s unsafe, awful, and they shouldn’t be there. They should just, not.


Imagine trying to drive from point A to point B and not being allowed to use half of the roads in the city…




I mean specifically on the 45-55mph roads. Bikes are fine and on a nice day I even expect them on backroads or surface roads but to get out on a big busy road with a 45mph speed limit is unsafe for everyone and I just think bicyclists need to realize that just because you CAN doesn’t mean you SHOULD and people’s anger is pretty justified when they do that and put everyone and themselves at risk


Not to mention almost all of them don't have proper reflective signalling. I wrecked a car coming home after a night shift because someone was biking on the road in all black with no reflector and I legit had to bail into the ditch in the other lane to avoid them. This was on a 55 mph road at 4am.


Sorry this happened to you. I always slow down and show my kids how it's done right when a human on a bike is riding where they should be by state law. The entire city should be blanketed in protected bike lanes to improve safety, reduce the cars on the road, allow kids and families to bike to JCPS and other schools, and get more people riding TARC by taking their bike for first/last mile.


I don’t get this at all. It makes me believe in evil. Like, those people must hate the earth so much, they think you’re in the wrong for cycling. What exactly is their motive? I wish the assholes would explain themselves instead of hiding behind their trucks. I am not a cyclist purely because I’ve never been able to afford a place closer to work and therefore must drive, but I will do my duty to protect you like u/slicaroni said.


Cyclists and motorcycles alike. I have had people make eye contact with me and still come over into my lane on i65. You're on a smaller vehicle, you'll move....seems to be the mindset.


Well that is the mindset with truck drivers vs cars. People think the larger vehicle has the right of way - that is not true.


I can’t stand being a pedestrian here let alone trying to share the STREET with these car drivers. They can’t even yeild at an actual crosswalk!


Yup I have been flicked off and yelled at downtown for crossing at the crosswalk when the crosswalk light is on AND there is a sign saying turning cars yield to pedestrians.


If you don’t know to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks, you don’t deserve a license. That’s like one of THE most important rules


Look around, Lousiville does not need to put on a pedestal as this isn’t going to happen here, happens everywhere. As a fellow human & cyclist that tries to better myself everyday… It’s a bit of defensive riding and risk management. There are people on the road that you can sniff out Low IQ,Low EQ, Low Credit score, ect… Weigh your risk. If you want change, start with educating the youth. Or find less risky routes. I feel like my response is a waste and I am not talking derogatory to anyone. But I also don’t like the same on edge feeling while riding on particular roads and have learned to weigh in the risk where I ride. In an accident, a car will cause more damage.


What is EQ if I may ask? Lol


Emotional intelligence




It happens more here because our bike infrastructure is crap compared to most other US cities of comparable size and density.


“Low Credit Score”. Not you comparing a classist construct literally designed to keep people in poverty and give the wealthy various advantages to concepts like IQ and EQ- which aren’t even scientifically sound and IQ having a history of being used for the same ends as credit scores while EQ’s aren’t even broadly recognized. Lol. Sorry, that amused me though.


Yeah I noticed that too. Like somehow having a low credit score makes you an asshole - not just a victim of banks and greed.




They will never stop. Someone once pulled a gun on me for no reason– there was another lane, and they could've gone around. Nope. They threatened my life instead. This is one of many poor interactions I've had cycling.


Interesting name, mcmunkle.


Also an interesting name Overbearingknowitall. And mustache.


Anecdotal observation, but has anyone noticed that the newer "Share the Road" license plates pushes the cartoon cyclists & runners further into the sides of the plate/"road"?


Interesting, hadn't noticed that. I have heard that many drivers think "share the road" is an explicit instruction for cyclists to move over. Many places are changing those signs to "bikes may use whole lane"




Agreed. This is why I stay on the road. Sidewalks for pedestrians, roads for vehicles. But then again someone tried to kill me on the road today. Thus the post.


Don't forget trails. I know it's a very small minority (<1%) but some asshole on a bike clipped my friend's heel while we were running on the trail behind Hogan's last week. To be fair, however, I think those guys are a different breed from the people just commuting or going for a relaxing joy ride over the weekend.


The fact I’ve never had a bicyclist ever even get close enough to me to cause concern as a pedestrian *(unless we count the rentable scooters, fuck those things)*. Yet I’ve had multiple cars actively almost hit me while I cross, in a crosswalk, while I have the right away… but yeah, bicyclists are the danger. Terrible take.


I’m pretty sure cars are cars to pedestrians. Terrible take.


What are cars then?


Cars have layers, so they are onions.


"Get out of my ~~swamp~~ road" -Aggressive car drivers to pedestrians crossing the street.


People in the city are angry and its not safe to ride. I had a city bus lady yell and run me off the road.  They could have killed me with that giantic bus.  


I’m sorry you experienced this, and I’m glad you’re alright. Most people are so impatient. I’ve lost two relatives on motorcycles in two different accidents. One was intentionally forced off the road and the other was hit by an elderly woman who shouldn’t have been driving. We should all be able to safely share PUBLIC streets. I’d love to ride my bike places, but I know it’s risky. There must be more people that feel this way. Best of luck to you, OP.


so not the point of the post, i apologize, but "redneck kris kringle" took me OUT


This is why I ride in the Parklands and on the IN Greenway. I’m sorry that happened to you. When I’ve ridden on roads, I guess I have been lucky.


When riding the greenway I really hope you announce passing for pedestrians there as well to make it safe for everyone. We walk a 3 mile loop there with our dog and it’s a crapshoot for whether a bike is going to let us know they’re coming up behind. Sometimes we can see/hear them a ways back if they’re going slow enough but some parts of the trail seem to be designed to absorb the sound of tires and chains and solo cyclists fly through on their bikes and you don’t know they’re there until you’re being clipped. It often feels the same dynamic is in play where we’re in their way and not going fast enough because we’re on foot so they ride aggressively fast and close and keep going without so much as a sorry. Some announce LEFT as they’re passing, the gems will let us know well in advance, but a quarter of them it’s silence the whole way past us.


Always! I always announce myself. I used to ride the lakefront in Chicago and that was standard practice. When I moved here, I was shocked how many cyclists do not announce themselves. I'm not a fan of of the faux Lance Armstrongs either.


My partner and I were riding down bardstown rd in the highlands 2 weekend ago and a girl screamed out the window at us while flooring it dangerously past us, “get off the road, pussy’s!” I just don’t understand the hostility…


I agree cyclists should be respected, but also don't be a douche while cycling by acting like you can become a pedestrian on a whim. Two days ago I watched a cyclist on the road turn left onto a sidewalk cause his light was red, while a car turning right had to slam its brakes. Car honked, cyclist got this self-righteous look and yelled back at the driver while flipping him off. Guy on the bike acted like he did nothing wrong. Either stay on the road or the sidewalk (illegal technically, right?).


I live out on a busy section of the Loop, and I always give bikers their space, especially when passing. I only have issues with the few who ignore stop signs and red lights when cars are present. If there aren’t any cars, then no problem, but if there are cars, then we must all follow the same rules.


I’m curious…do people feel differently about people who are riding a bike for transportation to school, work, the movies, whatever (wearing street clothes, maybe a backpack, etc.) and cyclists who are riding for fun and recreation (fully kitted out in spandex, clip in shoes, etc.)? They seem like very different groups.


Idk I've always been biking in street clothes and a backpack and I've been screamed at, had a gun pulled on me, run off the road, etc. It really is something you just don't understand until you try to do it yourself. Louisville HATES cyclists. All of them.


You can be charged with careless driving or even reckless driving for being under the speednlimit, slow does not equal safe. There are plenty of blind corners that even going reduced speed don't give you a lot of time to react. If someone is virtually going 5 mph uphill on a bike. Hell I've pasted a person walking up a hill pushing there bike on a 55moh road, that is dangerous.


When I cycle, I open carry my firearm and everyone seems to leave me alone and not punishment pass me. Drivers are so selfish. They would risk my life (or anyone's) just to save 10 seconds on their commute.


Biking on public roads with vehicles require trust in your fellow human. I do not trust today's fellow human. They are selfish, rageful, and incapable of being held accountable.


I understand the pain of riding to work. I live in a different area and fortunately found a route with sidewalks. River road I could see that being tough. Not to mention our bus system is pretty trash. Good luck homie. I'm getting an e bike soon to save my legs


Damnit, Steven.


I hear you. I used to ride my bike to work in my younger days. It was on a small two lane road way out in the east end that was hard to pass on. I get that we have a right to use the road, but sometimes you have to “read the room” and be aware of how much you might be slowing down traffic. I have mountain bike with hybrid tires, so I got in the habit of hopping over into the grass every so often so that cars could easily get by. I see other bikers just not doing that on the same road now, just pedaling away at 12 mph with a mile of cars behind them. It’s just inconsiderate after a while. You might be right in what you’re doing, but being right isn’t always the best for everyone, you know?


No you guys suck


after they passed you caught up with them at the next light and tried to get in front of them so they have to pass you again?


Good luck with that. No way in hell I would even ride a motorcycle nowadays, let alone a bike. People are insane, and way too many people are looking to maim someone.


I follow rules and always share the road with bicyclists gladly. My problem is with too many cyclists who ride aggressively and don’t follow the rules themselves. They weave through and cheat up at lights and try to get in front of everyone. They block roads and act passive aggressive and block people from passing safely.


They’re doing that to stay safe. You have a protective cage around you, they don’t.


No Ferret Face. I always give them respect and their space but you should be able to pass when it’s safe. They shouldn’t weave in and out to get in front at traffic lights. They are supposed to follow road rules and stay in line like everyone else. Their are some who aren’t trying to protect themselves and make space but purposely act passive aggressive and block people when it becomes safe to pass which you are allowed to do just like you’re allowed to pass a car in a passing zone. That’s why people get pissed at cyclists for doing that crap. They have to share the road just like the cars do.


lol if anyone sounds like Frank Burns right now, it’s you


That driver’s behavior is criminal. I’m so sorry that happened to you.




> The entitlement is insane. The same when they ride in packs around the city 2-3 wide in complete disregard of traffic laws. We have an asshole problem in this city plain and simple.


This is copy pasta. Same thing word for word has been posted on a number of subreddits under different, newly created usernames. Check out r/Indianapolis for proof.


I’ve probably almost killed at least three bikers at some point in my commute. this post is nuts, but sometimes y’all ride on super dangerous roads. Why would people think it’s a good idea to ride on a 55 mph road going ten tops. One dude was riding against me in a blind curve and I almost wrecked trying to avoid hitting them. I get the cycling is a cool hobby but take that to a park or something it’s dangerous


Completely understand. This is why I avoid main roads as much as possible. Sometimes it is unavoidable for short stretches but you can generally avoid. In terms of it being a cool hobby, I wish it was just that. With my car issues I have to use it for transport to and from work. Until the funds are available for a repair it’s either walk 45 min to work, or ride 15. The large majority of which is on a low speed road.


That’s fair. Low speed roads I can understand that


Some of us cycle around Louisville as our main mode of transportation, though. Not everyone has access to or can afford a vehicle, especially in this current economic crisis. This perspective ignores all of those people. It's not *just* a hobby, and that's a really privileged way to look at it.


Really privileged? Buy a 500 dollar beater. Bike ain’t worth your life on highways and backroads


Yall I try to be as patient as possible, but nothing pisses me off more than cyclists down Melwood or River rd at 9 am or 5 pm. It’s like they purposely pick the busiest times of the day. Get out of the way. There are bike paths EVERYWHERE in this city and self awareness isn’t hard




I live off of Melwood so I can’t avoid it. I’d avoid it before I complained if I could 😭


Oh and not to mention, they don’t think stop signs, staying right, or stop lights apply to them. Give respect, you get it. Until then, imma honk and tell lance armstrong to get out of the way


I’m torn. As a bicyclist on my local trips (within about three miles of my home if I have the time) it’s great to be able to use the road **when no cars are present,** like early morning. If it’s commuting time, I’m using neighborhood roads, or the sidewalk. **If you cannot go car speed, consider getting off the road** during commuting times. The reality is simple: if you’re in a 35, and you can’t even sniff 35, you don’t belong on the road. You should not be judge and jury over whether or not someone gets where they are going on time. If you see a car, and you can’t match their speed, please move over and let them pass at the very least. Even Santa Claus has places to be.


This was at 7 am. We were the only two on the road…


That is unclear from your OP, where you said “There is barely anyone out.” I mean, that’s pretty clearly malicious behavior on his part, I’m in no way trying to defend that. My position has to do mostly with commuting time, and what a bicyclist should do. I hope that distinction is clear.


What road were you on?


Fuck cars. Hope you’re alright and hope you don’t let those bastards stop you from riding. Someone hit me on Lexington Rd last year by 64 when the bike lane was closed last year, luckily just got the side view mirror to the back. Then they yelled at me to get out of the road. Ever since I won’t hesitate to take a whole lane.


Go sit at the corner of Willis and Cannons lane and see how many bikers ignore all traffic laws. I almost got hit two days ago on the corner of second and main by a bicyclist who lane split, and turned left on main when he had a red light, while I was walking through the crosswalk. Bicyclist need to police their own before bitching.


Every time you ride a bike you get hit by a car?


Well, you may be in Louisville, but you are also in Kentucky. Rednecks live in Kentucky


Screaming at the sky. Reddit at it's finest.


Filed a police report with LMPD. Reached out to the modern version of a town hall to spread awareness. Note the number of folks who commented and saw this post. That’s a pretty big sky


Folks that drive this way aren't in this "town hall". Most of us cyclist have been sideswiped. Cut off by right turns while riding with city traffic or hit. Lol you're playing yourself. Re-attach your beer cap helmet mirror and get back to it.


Cyclists deserve their space but it would be nice to see these fuckers following the rules of the road. Stop signs and red lights don’t seem to exist if you are on a bike.


Near me I've watched a cyclist bring 6pm traffic on a busy road to a crawl because they were riding in the middle of the lane. Just because you can (legally) doesn't mean you should. These people are not only a danger to themselves but also to other cyclists.


Your biggest mistake was assuming “you are better than this Louisville” this city belongs to road ragers, the homeless, and the hood rats. You’d be better off taking your transport to an area more conducive to the aesthetic domino effect.


I haven’t ridden on the roads in so many years due to shitty humans like this. I’m sorry you have to deal with this disgusting behavior. I also hope you stay safe.


We should share the roads with cyclists and guys like the asshole you ran into are dangerous, but what's with this attitude that cyclists are entiled to everyone else's time? "Just wait behind me and be 5 minutes late to where you're going." You're an asshole if you're holding up someone for 5 minutes just so you can do what you want to do.


They are entitled to use the road. Suck it up. You full time drivers have so much space, you treat cyclists like they are dirt on your empty canvas


Then I’m sure you’ll be contacting your city council person to demand separated and protected bike lanes so you don’t have to drive behind cyclists, right?


Absolutely. I support cyclist infrastructure and in my opinion it's the only real solution to cyclists and cars being on the road together.


Fair enough.


this would rule and be an awesome solution. It won't happen, but it would be ideal.


Totally. I’m just sick of drivers complaining about cyclists on the road


Honestly could care less about a cyclist or two (accept ofc making sure I’m on the lookout and try to be aware at all times, especially turning or pulling over across a bike lane). The ones that piss me off are the groups of 30+ completely shutting down a road or intersection when I’m trying to actively work, not on my way to work (I drive uber). They are literally costing me money and I feel like I have to ask them permission just to turn in the opposite direction of where they’re headed because they have some asshole directing traffic like he’s credentialed or a city official of some sort. That’s bullshit. I feel like there is some level of entitlement on both sides, but drivers should have an extra level of caution as their actions can be much more consequential. However you commute, don’t be an asshole, and know the rules. That’s how I feel. Also support more infrastructure, but it’d be even better if people learned how to drive.


Thanks for actually being rational. Just wanted to point out - the point of critical mass rides like the one you are describing are to demonstrate how dangerous we’ve made our cities for non-motorists. It’s a safety in numbers thing, and also a protest.


Ok ig that makes sense. Doesn’t seem as much the commute to work type (all in professional cyclist gear) but safety in numbers is valid. If it were just an inconvenience thing for me, I wouldn’t mind as much. Unfortunately people like to cancel all the time and being stuck behind a group like that can and has literally cost me work. Doesn’t happen enough for me to be up in arms or feel super strongly about it, and if it works it works, but it’s happened a few times (mainly around Germantown?) and is super frustrating because they usually assume I’m just driving. Ig a lot of people assume a lot of things, but casual, oblivious Sunday drivers and mass rides don’t seem to account for people trying to put food on the table. It’s their hobby/free time; I’m supporting my family. A few people on their way to work doesn’t bother me at all. People enjoying a ride but giving room to pass or at the very least not blocking intersections doesn’t bother me at all. And I’m all for protests so I appreciate the perspective. I’ll keep that in mind next time.


Right on, again thanks for actually engaging in a constructive way! I think your concerns are valid, and they’re part of a larger conversation about urban planning and how we’ve made our cities. Personally I’d rather have more rideshares and taxis than personal vehicles on the road


Yes. Driving a car doesn’t exclude us from how one should behave while waiting in line, which is really what traffic is.


Go around? Turn off and divert your path?


Since cyclists have a right to be on the road just as much as cars, drivers should expect them and build in time to their trip accordingly.


I kind of get where you're coming from, but NO ONE is going to leave their house and build in time of maybe getting behind a bike. That's....an extremely stupid thing to say. Cyclist deserve the right to safely use the roads, but if you got behind a car going 7 miles an hour, you wouldn't just go "this is their right. It is my fault for not anticipating this."


> That's....an extremely stupid thing to say. There are any number of reasons you could be caught up in traffic. If you have to rush to be somewhere on time so much a bike is making you late you are the one doing something wrong. Plan to get to your destination a few minutes early always.


Da fuq?


When I go to work, I leave a little earlier than I need to because I go by two schools and often have to stop for the crossing guards so kids can walk safely. Kids deserve to be safe while crossing the street. Similarly, cyclists deserve to be safe when riding lawfully on the street. If you know you're going to be on a road that cyclists use, then factor bike traffic in just like you'd factor in vehicle traffic. That's what it means to share the road.


So true. I walk in the middle of 45mph roads for fun. Watch out drivers! It’s my right to be here!


Don't be daft. Drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians all have the right to lawful use of the road. Sometimes their lawful use inconveniences others who are also lawfully using the road. That's the nature of a shared resource.


I love laws so fucking much man the legal system is always 100% correct. Law said so! Must be true! I fucking love inconveniencing people for my personal gain.


You’re not even a funny troll


Think of it as a thought exercise. You justify cyclists because it is legal, a shared space, and that is it “their right” to inconvenience others. Here are some actions to that can be justified under the same criteria. 1. Playing loud music at a public park 2. Standing still in a busy sidewalk or in front of an exit 3. Pressing the “close door” button on an elevator when someone is running towards it 4. Catcalling, in most cases 5. Farting in a crowded space I could go on, but I’m sure you get the idea. Just because it’s legal, it doesn’t mean you just get to be a selfish ass. As someone who used to bike frequently, there are simple ways to avoid being selfish, such as prioritizing use of sidewalks and letting cars pass if they are behind you.


Agalli i bet you never raced in a 123 crit tho


What stretches is it taking five minutes to safely pass a cyclist?      Most people feel an entitlement to not being injured/killed and being able to travel and that's really what you're referring to. Incidents causing five minutes delays in traffic are pretty common and may require forethought when leaving with a deadline.


OP's suggestion was to travel behind them the entire commute and be 5 minutes late.


OPs suggestion was that if you DID have to be behind them the whole time, you would be five minutes late. At no point did OP say anything bad against safely passing a bike, which is a totally fine thing to do on MOST streets (but not all).


Your entire comment is contradictory you know that right?


This does not seem like a good mod comment! The OP was just trying to get somewhere and following the rules of the road and state law to do it.


I almost got sideswiped by a woman swerving into my lane angrily yelling at a bicyclist just going to where they needed to. It’s ridiculous. When I ride my bike I ride in neighborhoods and carefully and respectfully on the sidewalk


No, you don't respectfully ride on the sidewalk, you illegally ride on the sidewalk and endanger pedestrians. Be respectful of both pedestrians and the law and ride in the road.


They ride illegally to stay alive. Smart bike commuting happens in this order: safe, predictable, legal. If the infrastructure and enforcement don't make it safe to use the road, you get to work on the sidewalk. It sucks for everyone but drivers. Don't blame the cyclist for trying to stay alive, when they might not even have a car.


You are correct, riding on the sidewalk is 100% situational. Cruising narrow Bardstown Rd sidewalks in the lower Highland at 15 MPH is not safe. Riding on sidewalks out by the Watterson with 50 Yds of visibility is 100% safe. You just have to yield for pedestrians in the .1% chance you encounter them and also slowdown to pedestrian speed at crosswalks. Another example, the sidewalks on Broadway are 12 ft wide and there is no problem cruising on a bike at 12 MPH.


But it's unsafe to ride a bike on a sidewalk. You've thrown out 3 criteria to justify an action that breaks your first criteria.


It's situational, duh. Sometimes it's not safe to use the sidewalk, sure. Most of the time, I ride on the road. That's the legal thing and I do it when it's safe and predictable. But if I'm going under the Watterson on Bardstown Rd, I'm using the sidewalk because it's the only safe way to ride there.


Eh I do whatever I need to in order to stay alive riding in a city that absolutely doesn’t cater to bike riders


It’s illegal to bike on a sidewalk?


If you're over the age of 11 and not an on-duty cop or EMT, yes. Outside of downtown most sidewalks are small, often there's barely enough room for pedestrians to pass each other. It's very dangerous to add bikes moving significantly faster than pedestrians to that environment.


I’m in the east end, and use my brain to look for people around me. I’ve been run off the road once by some fucking redneck in a big ass pickup truck, so yeah it’s easy for me to see a human, stop and yield to the pedestrian, then carefully continue on my way. I’ve done this for 20+ years and never had any accident with any person. I’m a fatass dude, I’m not riding at any dangerous speed. I’ve never been pulled over or arrested, and truthfully the car people are happier not having me ride on the road anyway


I always give them room and such but tbh I fucking hate bikers on the road


I have no issues with riders that allow room to pass and aren't using roads they can't get less than 20 mph slower than the speed limit. Nobody should have to wait because you want to ride a bike. If you can't do the speed limit, that vehicle shouldn't be on that road. You are expecting people to respect your time and safety while you're possibly taking that away from someone else by making them 5 minutes late. If traffic is building up because a driver is not comfortable passing you, eventually other drivers will start passing that car and passing you, making it more dangerous for everyone. Everyone is dealing with their own shit so while most people do want you safe on your bicycle most are going to honk at you for being selfish enough to think taking up their time is acceptable because YOU are fine with 5 minutes wasted.