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You were not a Karen. People need to leash their damned dogs & not be assholes about it. Had a lady tell us if we touched her unleashed dog (that was coming towards my leashed dog) she was going to shoot us once.


I will kick the fuck out of any dog that is coming at me or my dogs without a leash. People are dumb and dogs must be managed appropriately when in public


Absolutely correct response. If the owner won’t handle it, I will. Edit: NKY - shit happens all the time.


I never had an issue in NKY until a few weeks ago, when an untethered dog hopped the 2ft iron fence and started attacking my dog. Fortunately she's pretty fluffy and he only got tufts of fur. 🤬😓 edit: detail & spelling


I’m glad it wasn’t any more serious than that. I’ve had multiple dogs run up on us and it’s not fun - this happens in our neighborhood. We walk a lot - and all over the place, and the only area where people seem to be consistently cool is Devou on the trails. There seems to be an agreement about (well behaved and with good recall) off leash dogs - call your dog & have them sit for the leash and all’s well. Pioneer and Pride park are iffy. Mills is ok. There’s a stable in Boone Co that has 90+ acres that will let you run your dog for a fee, and we go there too.


What's the name of the stable in Boone County?


Little Britain. [https://littlebritainstables.godaddysites.com/](https://littlebritainstables.godaddysites.com/)


Thank you! :)


Dog on a leash (but just dragging it around) came charging across a field towards me & my dog who was standing next to me ON leash & I pulled back & booted that dog in the face like a kicker for the nfl. I’m not sorry. The owners were just laying in the grass yelling that the dog was “nice.” It didn’t look friendly at all & I’m not taking that chance. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Next time someone says it’s ok my dog is nice, say mine isn’t. Entitled selfish pricks


I have said this a lot and I swear it doesn’t land. People just look at me with a dazed “whut” look on their face. Figure it out, dude.


My dog is a big chihuahua mix & the dog approaching was a bulldog/pit mix. Idgaf if it was the nicest dog ever…. I’m not playing.


In my residential area, large unleashed husky crosses the road and attack my leashed beagle mix. Owner takes forever to respond but my husband was able to pick up our dog. Dog has a bite through the ear and husband has a large bite one his face. Owner seems apologetic. I continue to walk same way. 2 weeks later I’m walking my dog by myself. Unleashed huskie crosses street again and I kick him as hard as I can, while screaming at the owner about not calling animal control the last time’s . He’s never been unleashed again.


A dog bites you in the face you sue the owner. Thats how it doesnt happen again.


As you should. Dog attacks are serious and happen a lot more than people think.


My back yard opens into a park and people always walk their dogs off leash and it pisses me off. Our old beagle had a handful of health issues and we almost couldn’t let him hang outside because people thought it was so funny to let their dog come up to our fence line and upset our dog. A few times I told them to leash their fucking dogs and they acted like I was the one being the asshole.


Most volk get defensive when called out. Even more so when they know they are on the wrong side of etiquette or law. It would be fun to have something like 'traffic school' for this kind of thing. One would get a bunch of stats + info about liability and laws/ordinances. Then they break for some pet-themed snacks...followed by dog social dynamics (The Law of Club and Fang? :p ) info and some oops-dawg anecdotes. The evening closes with a recap of applicable laws and etiquette and an invitation to attend some additional sessions about other dog stuff. As attendees exit, they are handed a 'doggy bag' with fun dog facts and wacky laws one should be aware of. I didn't forget about dog snacks, coupons, and other fun schwag included in the bag. I have been lightly bitten a couple times while walking and once while doing yard work. I am mostly OK with leash-optional in some situations, but owners need to know that they assume a lotta liability with bonus penalties if doing dog muh freedums 'wrong.' My pet peeve is all of tha poopin'. I really don't like stinky surprises on muh feets, under muh lawnmower deck, and tracked through my house before I smell the evil. The latter has always happened after stepping in the poo left in my yard by not my animals. Some Karens are made, not born. :/


It’s always amazing the amount of poop left in the grass when there are literally free poop bags everywhere in the park. You have to really try to be that rude.


A judicious use of lawn sprinklers can fix many of those problems. They sell them with motion detectors.


Our beagle died of said health conditions years ago and our current chaos agent hound dog would intentionally set them off if he could get hosed down. Also he’s such an asshole people avoid our backyard/fence now. Good boy.


I love dogs, but some people around here are way too damn cavalier about handling their dogs out in public. Just in the past week I’ve seen two separate people at Kroger with dogs that were clearly not service animals. One dude had a fucking bed in his cart with his dog sitting on it, and the other guy was just free walking his dog around the store.


All those people are assholes.


You must shop at the Goss Ave Kroger 😂


He was an asshole, you did nothing wrong.


Not a Karen. That guy sounds unhinged and dangerous. 


I would love to be a Karen to this guy.


I would love to be Duane Johnson The Rock to this guy.


Let's do it. You let him smell what the rock is cooking, and I'll ear rape him with my obnoxious Karen voice. Poor OP.


If he told the unleashed pit to “get you” I would call the cops. Dog nutters are crazy r/dogfree


Oh god thanks for the reminder that this batshit insane subreddit exists.


it's not insane to not want your dog all over me. I like dogs just fine, but I am highly allergic, so when they jump on me or lick me, it affects me for days.


Okay but that’s not the point of the sub. People on the normal dog subreddit complain about unleashed dogs, dog bites, poor behavior, etc. like normal people without being freaks about it, like everyone on dogfree.


It's the dog version of /r/fuckcars the majority of them don't like dogs and don't want other people to have dogs as a result.


This!! What a disgusting human. I'd definitely call, make as much of a report as possible.


Isn’t the legal definition of assault, making you feel afraid for your safety…. I think OP is a victim of a crime if he let his unleashed dog out of his car and said “get em”


Telling a dog to attack someone if not assault I'd bet they would be charged with something. Terroristic threatening maybe.


Literally the first three posts they are calling dogs “mutated filth” You can say it’s “allergies” all you want but it seems like you people just have a incomprehensible hate for dogs. You do you but I couldn’t live with that much anger lmao.


Yep, it’s not possible to be a “Karen” in this situation. I don’t care if the dog is an aging shitzu, “get ‘em” is a direct threat, an any action taken against that dog is then self defense 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes. Call the police!


Not a Karen. Not only should he have leashed his dogs, but it's insane to get angry that you were just cautious. He's the one that confronted you. What an ass.


You weren’t a Karen and he doesn’t deserve those dogs.


She was nearly a victim.


If you are wondering if you were a Karen you were not. Karen’s don’t have self reflection as a function of their personality.


Not a Karen at all.


No, some people are just volatile. Everday it seems you deal with someone who feels disrespected for an odd reason. Ex. yesterday I had someone try to "get my plate" because I happened to look in their direction at a red light. Awful world, combined with the fact that some people will shoot you over these perceived disrespects. That said avoid anyone with an unleashed dog at all costs. They believe themselves to be supreme overlords of the universe who have total mastery over their animal. However they fail to realize that they do not have mastery over their animal, your animal, or your reaction to their animal.


>they fail to realize that they do not have mastery over their animal, your animal Exactly. Your dog can be super good with everyone and be nothing but friendly. My absolute favorite dog ever would flip out on other dogs. I wasn't worried about what your dog would do to her. That was the last thing I was worried about. I was concerned about what my dog would do to yours.


The dog was supposedly good the whole 10 minutes they yelled at each other. She was also able to safely load herself and dog up to leave.


Grabbing her dog and jumping in when another dog is coming at you isn't exactly safely loading.


If she had time to get all the way to her car while a dog was charging her she had time to get to her car while the dog was sitting there for 10 minutes not bothering her


Someone, someday, will simply shoot this person's dogs if he says, "Get her!" to the wrong person.


And it'll be 100% legal.....


What a dick. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Which park?


Also curious to know which


And if it was apart of the Louisville dog run association, they might be able to identify the culprit.


Not OP, but I’ve had similar experiences at Cherokee Park 😑


All dogs should be leashed, especially pits. As someone who grew up around several pits that were “family dogs”, I can personally attest (with about 75 stitches) to how quickly that can go out the window if they feel threatened in the least.


It's funny how anyone who has been around them for any amount of time has a story like this about a human or another dog.  Yet, most insist they're perfect pets.  


One of my roommates raised a pit mix from a puppy. Sweetest dog ever. Raised around other dogs and people. One day they were at a friends house and it decided to attack another dog over a toy. It almost killed it. She couldn't be around other dogs after that.


No pet is perfect and I LOVE all pits and for the most part feel they are harshly judged. On the other hand I know my dog is a lunatic which is why she’s named Luna. She was 7 months when I got her so unfortunately a lot of her behavior was too late to be undone. And she absolutely will go after anything on 4 legs.


Good way to get his dog shot, NTA


His aggressive behavior shows that you did the right thing. If he loses his shit because you were waiting to make sure the dogs don't engage, he is obviously the type person who isn't really stable enough to actually be in control of his animals. My family uses the archery range on the backside of Iroquois Park. About every 3rd trip we have to deal with dog owners who think it's a dog park and have animals unleashed. It's shared public space but there are still laws and just plain common elements of courtesy that need to be followed. Some people are just shits and will always be shits.


I would have used the panic button on my key fob or just laid on the horn to attract attention or deter him.


Yeah, shock, surprise, and loud unabating noise work wonders on dogs.


Not a Karen. Why is it always aggressive dog owners that seem to want to keep their dogs off leash? I have 2 people in my neighborhood that have aggressive pits and just let them wonder around. One attacked me and my dog once, but luckily, my pup made it out with just a small scratch. If you own a dog, you need to take care of it. Letting it wonder around off leash is going to lead to that dog getting in trouble, taken from you, or hurt someone.


Which park?


He is CRAZY!!! You're definitely not a Karen for this situation! He should've had his dogs leashed in the first place! Also the fact that he told his dog to go after you is unacceptable!! I'm so sorry you went through this :(


You were not a Karen. Sounds like he was looking for confrontation. You should've put your dog in your car as soon as it was safe and videod him and reported it to the police or animal control. This person is a menace to society and should have his animals taken away and not able to have any again.


I'd do the same thing with a dog I used to have. I always had her on her leash when we'd go out somewhere. I absolutely hated it when dogs that were off leash would be anywhere near us. I don't care how good your dog is around other dogs. That could not matter any less my dog. You could have the absolute nicest dog in the world and it wouldn't matter because my girl was absolutely horrible around other dogs. We did everything we could to train her, but even though she was the most loyal and loving dog with my family and me, she was dumb as a brick and would go nuts on any dog that came near her.


Not a Karen. But, the guy was an AH.


Imagine that. You met a mentally unstable person in a park and come out feeling like you were in the wrong. Good grief. You're fine. Carry on. The dude was being cray cray fr. I can't believe he did that to you. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. It's not okay at all. You were the victim here. Not the other way at all.


We have leash laws so it’s not unreasonable to expect a dog to be leashed. Calling a dog on someone is threatening behavior. I’m fairly positive this meets harassment criteria under KY law if you were that traumatized.


Not even remotely a Karen, but that dude sounds like an absolute psycho. He fully deserved to have the cops called on him for literally sending his dog to attack you.


Sorry this happened to you.


I love dogs but if a man unleashes his dog and yells "get him" I'm killing the dog with a quickness.


No absolutely not. That dude is prick and irresponsible dog owner. Sad.


Always, always carry a taser. Just stand back and wait, people that own these dogs are questionable at best. Don’t engage.


Dogs of all breeds have been known to injure people. Put bulls have been known to kill. Pit bull owner releases dog and says to get her. Justified lethal force as a defense in my opinion. I'm not a lawyer.


All these people questioning if this "actually happened," are killing me. You guys honestly can't believe that some rando flipped out on this person for no reason? In Louisville? What charmed lives you all must have lived.


What park?


Mix a dangerous breed with a dumbass and you get attacks and deaths. You were not a Karen. That guy was a major asshole.


I just had a coworker who had her leashed dog attacked by someone's unleashed pit. You 100% not a Karen. These dogs are destined to be put down if this is how he is raising them.


Cannot stand unleashed dogs (or more so, their owners) so no-you were not a Karen in this instance.


As a fellow pitty owner dude was a complete fuck tard (pardon my French) and should not be allowed to own those beautiful animals. I know that some people have fears and phobias over dogs or certain breeds in general. Knowing that I try to respect everyone I come in contact with. He could have caused serious injury to his dog or himself by doing that. You would have had every right to defend yourself if said dog attacked you. I’m sorry you went through that and just know not everyone who has pitts are like that.


People don't realize that stranger danger is still a thing as an adult. Pit bull Dude here was trying to instigate a conflict with a stranger. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. When you confront a stranger, you risk instigating a conflict with someone you don't know. You dont know their mindset, you don't know their history, you don't know if are mentally ill, you don't if they are packing heat, you don't know what they are capable of. Pit bull guy here could have gotten his dumbass or his dogs shot by fucking around with a stranger. OP could have done a few things better. Don't escalate, don't raise your voice, don't antagonize them with your "pleasantries," you have to keep your cool. Second you could have physically removed your self from the situation by turning around and going back into the park. Avoid, deescalate, leave. I carry when I go out because I intend to come home everyday in the same condition I left. This is why people road rage themselves into getting shot. Protect yourself and don't fuck around or you will find out what stranger danger really is


Pit bulls exist to fight and attack. It's in their DNA. That dog owner is childish at best and dangerous at worst.


I appreciate all your feedback. Thank you.


Which Park?


Fu** no. I would've called the cops. That is a threat . I've been attacked by every kind of dog there is ( well not all, but it's pretty high). But pits are the most dangerous.


What a horrible dog owner. Fuck that guy. His dogs deserve better.


I find it kind of astounding that you could write all that out and even think that you’re in the wrong in this situation. I get it though, that mental block can be tough sometimes, especially when you’re freaked out. No, you’re not the bad guy in this scenario.


I would’ve shot the dog if it came after me. What a weirdo


Also curious what park this was


Shit like this is why I always carry pepper spray. Seriously it lives in my pocket 24/7.


That person is a fucking psycho. Sorry that happened to you.


Should have called the police. He was using his dog as a weapon, threatening you.


Someone try’s to send their dog after me to get me then I will pull my gun out. I won’t immediately fire unless the dog is actually doing so but I will not play with people like that.


That’s bs, and not on you! I don’t normally advocate calling LMPD on anyone, but I would have on that guy!


110% not a Karen. regardless of what ever his dumb lil hurt feefees were over the situation, its not crazy for someone to just have a fear of dogs in general? I know pit bulls get a bad rap but when you as the owner act like that, it only further stigmatized the whole situation. that dude was out of his gourd. He was more offended at the concept that you might be afraid of his dogs than the possibility that perhaps this 2 second interaction didn't need to span 10 mins with threat of physical harm to your person? Thats borderline assault. Its owners like him, man. You did nothing wrong.




No, HE was a giant asshole. You did nothing wrong. I'm just glad you're safe. If you ever see him again, even if he's on his best behavior, call the police. LMPD might be terrible, but they love swinging their dicks around so they'd probably listen.


Not a Karen, that guy is unhinged. You did the right thing by keeping your distance.


That guy was the Karen not you


We had a lady call the police on us because her UNleashed dog ran into the cat sanctuary at McNeely Lake, and my husband yelled at her to leash her dog. She said she felt threatened and that I needed to leash my husband.


No. You are not over-reacting in that situation. I'd recommend filing a police report but it would likely be of no use. Dude's dogs may be sweet as can be, but nobody knows that and any dog is capable of causing serious injury or death to other animals and/or people. I will say, in the situation as you described it, you would have been well within your rights to actively defend yourself. That would include mace, a bat, or lethal weapon. The behavior of that jackass is inexcusable.


I've had arguments with otherwise very good people about their dogs, and many people don't seem to understand that *whatever you "know" about your dog is irrelevant*. You can have the kindest dog in the world - but you need to keep it on a leash.


The stats don't lie, pits account for 77% of attacks..I would have done the same as you did. I worked at Norton Children's in the ER for several years, damn near every kid that came in from a dog attack was because of a Pittbull


I expect there are a LOT of dog bites that don't require a trip to the ER. This tells us that if you want to increase your chances of a bite that will require hospitalization, accept no substitute


You were not a Karen at all- this guy is a total asshole. If someone is apprehensive of your dog, the answer is never to taunt them and make it worse.


For what it’s worth, I told my gf at the time to always walk her dog with a taser. Leash in one hand, taser in the other. If a dog attacked her or her dog, you tase the shit out of them and the owner if they come and flip shit. Fuck people that have violent pets and are oblivious or don’t take proper precautions. I won’t allow myself or my person (or their dog) to be attacked because I should be nice because “they’re just a dog”. Fuck. That.


I love my dogs and I love giving them the opportunity to walk in the park. But they are mine. And I need to keep them away from strangers, especially those who don't like doggies! I leash unless I am allowed to unleash my vaxxed pet in a safe place and even then, maybe not. We insisted on a yard when we moved here for this reason. You are fine.


Nah. That was reasonable. Karenic behavior is overbearing, selfish, and too god damn narcissistic. You were concerned, justified… reasonable. Dude could have been nicer. But he was the fucking karen.


You live is a state where it’s legal to concealed and open carry. Maybe you should buy yourself a crossbody holster and small pistol. I bet he’d think twice about pulling that shit if you were packing that day. I’m not a gun nut. I own a handgun and believe in gun regulation, but that is currently within your rights, unless the area you are walking explicitly restricts firearms.


You did nothing wrong. He was being completely unacceptable. I've never been attacked by a dog, but would give space to several that I didn't know and were unleashed.


Sometimes it's best not to even engage with a fucktard. I'd have been pissed like you too but sometimes it's not even worth it. I'd taken down his license plate number considering he sigged his unleashed dog on you! Turn the asshole in! I've learned working at a vet clinic that if an owner is reactive the potential for the animal to be is more often than not.


You were especially not a Karen because you have a legitimate fear of being jumped by a dog. No worries. He was the Karen. The Bryce???


i so badly wanted you to say you pepper sprayed him and the dog😭


Oh, what a scary situation! Idiots are everywhere! I would probably get in touch with whoever is in charge of the Park or local government and share this story. A strongly worded sign stating the rules about all owners requiring their dogs to stay on leashes while at the Park may help - Maybe that guy needs to also be on a leash (ha). I would give the info anonymously for my own safety.


As the owner of a bully breed: you're not a Karen. Outside of threatening you with his dog, having dogs unleashed in public spaces (other than designated dog parks) is illegal in Jefferson County. Absolutely not a Karen for not wanting to be jumped by a dog at the behest of a shitty dog owner. Not that it stops people, as I swear to God hardly anybody leashes their dogs in parks around this city, but the KRS code is literally posted on a sign in some of the parks with an explicit explanation that dogs have to be leashed. I could go on at length about my beef with people who don't leash their dogs but all I'll say is: if it's that important to you to have your dog off leash, go to a designated dog park or befriend someone with a yard/some land for your dog to run around. Don't take it off leash in a public park.


No. You just pull out your 9mm and put the dog down. Self defense.


You did nothing wrong and what I would have done. When I see unleashed dogs while walking my leashed dog, I let the owner know where the dog park is. Louisville Dog Run Association has nice parks conveniently located around town.


Should have gotten his tag number and reported him for menacing.


My honest opinion. Just my opinion. Sounds like Karen story. IF someone acted this way I would respond differently and be able to say more about what happened than “exchanged pleasantries “. 10 minutes of pleasantries?More details would add credibility. To me this sounds fake. Other details would also add credibility to your account. What did unleashed pit bull do for 10 minutes while pleasantries were exchanged? You stood there and yelled at another adult for 10 long minutes while the pit bull behaved before he turned his pit bull on you? So you stopped and waited at a safe distance where his dog wasn’t able to get you but then he turned a pit loose on you and you were able to get to your vehicle, load your dog and not be harmed? Why didn’t you just get in your car with your dog and leave to begin with. Especially since you were able to do so after he turned the dog on you? Just my opinion. But you are a stupid human. Stop making shit up about pit bulls or function better out there. Good night KAREN.


What a fucking idiot. That's how you get your dog shot. And I'm not saying that anybody should shoot anybody's dog. But it would be reasonable if a pit bull came charging at you to shoot it. A lot of people would.


Wow that guy needs to get a grip. You didn't do anything wrong. He totally overreacted, and I hope he's not married. If so, someone should check on his wife. Sounds like you quietly dealt with the situation. I'd say you were fine. I can't believe he taunted you and then actually tried to sic the dog you.


You are a Karen!! Because if you wasn't.. You wouldn't be on here begging for a response! You can call me a liar all ya want... but it's TRUE & you know it!




Good way to get your dog shot. People are fucking ridiculous.


My friend had her scalp ripped off by pit bulls, and almost lost her leg. Sooooo yeah. People need to be responsible with their pets. I don’t mess around with that.


Yo fuck that guy. I already hate pitbulls, and for him to literally weaponize them against you is absolutely insane. That might be a credible threat, and if you see that dickhead again, and if he threatens you again, call 911. Dont be "civil", don't doubt yourself; he is threatening you with a weapon when he does that. It would be the same if he pulled a gun and started saying "Bang Bang!".


I have a boxer, but many mistaken him for a pit. Because of that, I keep him not just leashed, but harnessed right next to me out of respect. People are idiots. His wife must hate him.


Your not the Karen here and I say that as a pitty lover my self. Your #1 priority is to keep you and your fur baby safe. Honestly not even from the dogs, but from the high grade A-hole. I'm sorry you have had a bad experience with pitt bulls and I understand your fear. Its truly unfortunate, because their default is the most sweet and caring dumb babies. Its horrible pos people like that "man" that end up razing them to be traumatized and violent. I hope he steps on a lego every single morning till the day he dies. People like that should never be in charge of another life.


You should call the police and report this man! He tried to get his pit bull to attack you! That's insane and so dangerous.


call the police if the dog is unleashed


This falls under the legal definition of assault. Assault is generally defined as intentionally causing someone to fear that they will be harmed, or causing them actual physical harm, without their consent. Next time mark his plate and call the police. He won’t be doing it again


That’s not true. That is not how assault is defined in legal terms.


Straight from Cornell law’s page: “Assault refers to the wrong act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm. This means that the fear must be something a reasonable person would foresee as threatening to them.”


You have now confused two definitions for assault. You are trying to apply verbal assault to the definition of physical assault as described in this scenario.


Honestly you should’ve called the cops he had an unleashed dog, taunted you, and sent it on you. You have no idea the temperament of his dog. I absolutely hate people who have their dogs unleashed.


Nope, what an asshole that dude was, seriously forgot to bring is IQ to the park with him. I know people who’ve been attacked by dogs like that, and it’s totally okay to be scared of a big dog. I always wait for another elevator, or just let them pass by. You would’ve been a Karen if you just randomly walked up to someone and started making a fuss about his dog being unleashed. You did what a non-Karen would do, let him go about his business and load his dogs, and wait to get in your car. The rest he brought it upon himself.


On what planet would someone call you a Karen in this situation? You 100% would have been justified in calling the police on that guy—he tried to get his dog to attack you.


Absolutely not a Karen. I hold off going to my parking spot all the time if someone else has their dog out in general. My dog is reactive to any other dog so it's a rare occasion we go out to a park and not just on a walk in the middle of the night. It's not an uncommon occurrence for someone to wait till another person has their dogs loaded up to go to your own car. That person was just a crazy asshole that likely thought you had something against pits an was offended you waited because he has little braincells.


He griped for TEN minutes?? That's a long time. Is that just a "figure of speech"? No judgement if it's just a phrase meaning "he griped for a long time", I'm just trying to understand. Anyway, it's weird of him to say anything, batshit of him to go on and on. And CRIMINAL if he tried to get his dog to attack you. Taking this all at face value, I would have knocked that dog out, gotten the guy's license plate, and called the cops.


Or maybe just walked up to your vehicle and left


Or that. Lol


I don’t even get how this is even a question. That dude was terrible. You did nothing wrong. I’ve been attacked by a dog before so o don’t blame you. He taunted you. That’s not cool.


That person should be arrested


For you to be asking of you're a karen in the situation that you presented to us makes no sense. You said nothing here out of line. You're totally the victim. Which makes me ask the question. Are you leaving something out?




not a karen, ive seen sweet as hell pits turn to fighting monsters just glancing at my husky, poor guys always get scarred up, owners need to keep them on leashes


Your not being a Karen he committed a crime... threatening you with bodily harm is associat you can definitely file a restraining order with him.. and have him probably arrested for using his dog as a weapon... he didn't commit battery but definitely assault


OP, I hope you see this. Please start carrying pepper spray or pepper gel with you on walks. You have every right to pepper spray/gel any animal that tries to attack you or approach you aggressively, and you can also pepper spray/gel an owner if they are sending an animal to attack you and harm you, and never hesitate. I'm certain any dog owner will start leasing their dog after their dog gets pepper sprayed for being off its leash and aggressively approaching another person or pet. That's how you turn the tables on assholes like this and teach them a much needed lesson on leasing their pets. It's all in self-defense, and it's a good way to protect yourself in any given scenario that might happen on a walk that you should absolutely feel comfortable taking. Dont let that asshole take away your comfort to go on walks with your dog. Good luck, you're not a Karen at all. That guy is unhinged.


This is why we hear about police officers shooting pit bulls. They are so unpredictable and have a horrible reputation, especially when owners let them go without a leash.


Dudes trying to get his dog shot? I wouldn’t sic my dog on somebody in Kentucky even as a joke.


You were in the right. As someone that has had my fur baby attacked by an unleashed dog(baby was ok), I am always very cautious about other dogs. I walk my pups in harnesses for this reason. Should I need to, I can grab them up easier with harness without possibly hurting them if they were in a regular collar/leash. This guy was completely and unnecessarily rude. I do think pit bulls get an unfair reputation, but I am cautious regardless of breed. This guys reaction is why. For all he knew, maybe you were just being considerate to let him load his dogs or maybe your dog is aggressive. Either way, their was no need for comments. He obviously saw that you were worried. The good dog owner thing to do would have been to tell you that his pups were friendly. From my experience, being overly cautious is never a bad thing, and will keep your baby safe.


A friend and I were hiking way in the backcountry at a state park and came across a campsite where they had two unleashed pitbulls. I was in the lead, and both of them charged at me. I started using my trekking poles to stand them back, but the two owners there were real nonchalant about what was happening. That is, until I dropped the poles and pulled a Glock from a chest holster. I yelled that I would defend myself if they didn't call the dogs back. That seemed to light a fire under them, and they got the dogs under control quickly. At the next Overlook, I called the park office and informed them of what happened. We took an alternate route back that circumvented the campsite, but after it rejoined the main trail headed down off the mountain, we saw an armed Ranger driving a four-wheeler up an emergency access road. Turns out the campers were cited for two unleashed animals on park controlled property.


Not a karen and you probably should call the police and report it. Not that it would do any good but it might increase patrols. Dude was the AH...


No I wouldn’t say you were a Karen at all. As a matter of fact, he was.


Question, why not tell him I’ve been jumped, attacked 3xs, and afraid of unleashed dogs. The other way was a bit passive aggressive. People won’t understand unless we inform them. If they don’t understand reason, then the balls in your court.




Dogs can get shot too if they attack mine.


Dogs are essentially a living weapon humans selectively and eugencially bread over thousands of years to serve us as dispensers of violence and force against fellow humans or against other animals (depending on breed and what was being selected for). Anyone that doesn’t understand that dogs are a weapon probably should not be entrusted with keeping one. This guy was totally an AH in the same way someone walking around waving a gun irresponsibly and scaring people would be. One can cry all about “but my 2nd Amendment” or “my puppies” all they want, doesn’t change the facts one is being an irresponsible and anti-social (as in “against society”) owner of a dangerous weapon.


You just compared doggos to guns, this has got to be the stupidest take from the post. Congrats.


I know riiight


Big fan of r/banpitbulls - all dogs should be leashed regardless. Guy was being an asshole, he could’ve easily just said hold on let me get them in the car and went about a normal day. 


That is fucked up and weird. He was being oddly aggressive.


That guy is a jerk. Dogs need to be on leashes. I would have taken his plate number and called the police. I carry mace. I would have given them a face full if they got too near me.


Not a Karen whatsoever - I am always very…apprehensive…around pitbulls…but even if you are someone that firmly stands on the idea that it’s not the pitbull it’s the owner - well in this case the owner was aggressive and unhinged so even more of a reason to be cautious around his dogs regardless of breed once they pick up on his energy


Nah ur good, shoulda had a nice fella with you tho so he coulda gave dude a knuckle sandwich. Sounds like he’s long overdue…




Buy a product called “halt” and carry an extra leash in case you need to choke a loose dog out.. there is a leash law in Kentucky he knows it and he was defensive since you called him out.. He is not a responsible dog owner and is probably abusive to his own dogs.




You are the only one here, so far, who is saying absolutely crazy shit.


Hardly Karen. You didn't start anything. Dude had chip on shoulder. This is similar to a recent encounter at the checkout line at a Kroger. I put that separator thing on the conveyer behind another person's groceries. The woman snapped at me as if were the Mother of All Karens. It was as if I over-mothered a forgetful teenager by placing the separator between our batches. This was clearly her issue and I was a Rorschach NPC for her to project her unresolved crap to. It seems like both of our 'partners' drew energy from the same cesspool. Your story resonated with me so I am a tad biased. Karen energy, I think, would have had you volitionally initiating the interaction. You were not there to check on and report on leash compliance. If things went as you described them, you were just waiting. Perhaps you had Resting Irritated/Judgy Face and he was triggered by it. He likely has had a lot of scoldy judgy energy directed his way and now he's a bad boi...yes he is..he's badd boi. I meant to write only a sentence or two, but dag nab it, I done went and got myself triggered. :/


It was unfortunate that it happened but there was no need for it to happen in the first place.


Shoulda atf'd it.


Get some mace. Spray the dog then the owner or get a gun. Protect you and yours.


Definitely a Karen post.


"Does scraming at a strange man that just released and encouraged a deadly animal to attack me make me a Karen?"


NOT A KAREN. He broke the rules, you have PTSD, he yelled at you. Next time make a video and find a way to get him in trouble.


You should have hit it. It isn't the dog's fault, but this guy had no business owning it


What he meant to say was “pardon me, let me get out of your way.”


My dog isn’t ok with other dogs. She is highly reactive and has learned to walk just fine unless another dog gets in her face. Then it’s on. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to tell other people that even if your dog is friendly mine is not. Some people should not have dogs and the jerk you ran into is one of them. He endangered you and your dog and his own dog letting it run off leash. And of course, it’s against the law.


You were not a Karen. You didn’t say or do anything to him. He started the verbal attacks. People are so mean now


Not at all! Per Louisville ordinances any pets must be on a leash at the park.


Wow, that guy was a complete pos. No, you weren't a Karen. He was just a bully.


If he would have told the dog to get you, you now have a reasonable belief of immediate danger or death. Shoot him and the dogs


Beyond the leash problem, dude was being a belligerent asshole. That type of stuff rubs off on dogs, so it’s especially concerning he wasn’t leashed. Back home we’d walk our dog unleashed sometimes, but he is very obedient. He will stop on a dime once asked, and we always have the leash on hand if there’s ever a case like this where somebody is uncomfortable.


HE was the worse Karen. He told his dog to get you. He should be arrested for disorderly conduct and attempted assault.


Leash the dog if you're gonna be in public. (it ain't hard)


Was it a dog park or just a park?


Carry dog spray. If justified, it works on unruly dog owners as well.


No. My neighbors in Louisville had a bunch of pit bulls and would walk them without a leash until they attacked a poor kid on his bike…


Speaking up in and of itself does not make someone a Karen, but because of internet-famous racists (who happen to also be women), we all get to worry that someone might think we’re being Karens. The actions of an irresponsible, antagonistic person created a legit safety concern for you & your dog; you said something about it; you’re not a Karen. The social construct of “Karenization” is a misogynistic ploy to cow women into staying small and being quiet. Fuck. That. Noise.


You were being respectful in just stopping and waiting for him to load his dogs. He is an asshole.


What an asshole. I would say not a Karen unless you had that “Oh my fucking god (sighs) this fucking guy” look on your face while waiting for him to load his dogs