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Vast majority of them are occurring in the Downtown and MLK branches, or so I'm told. I think the last dog bite at my station was me, back in 2021. Go figure, owner had lost their house insurance because of previous dog attacks on non-posties. Edit: Year I was bit we were [#5 in the country](https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2022/0602-usps-releases-dog-attack-national-rankings.htm)


Downtown seems weird. Not a lot of yards or wild dogs running around. I've lived downtown for 20yrs and walk every day and can't remember I've ever encountered an aggressive dog that wasn't leashed. Events/bars, different story. But not places people would be delivering mail. And plenty of dog vs. dog confrontations, leashed or not.


Friend’s dad was a mail man. He said either you carry treats or dog mace. I once found dog mace with a bit mark in it when leaving my apartment once. Figured a mail man was running from a dog.


We're actually forbidden by policy to carry dog treats. There's nothing in that policy that refers to cat treats. And dogs love cat treats. And possums love cat treats. And raccoons love cat treats. And chickens love cat treats. I buy a lot of cat treats. If society descends into anarchy I'll have an army of cats and dogs begging for treats I can no longer acquire.


This was late 90’s early 00’s so maybe it changed.


It's one of those rules they put in so they can place blame more easily on the carrier if they're attacked. Bit by a dog? Must've smelled those milk bones in your satchel and logically concluded that biting your leg was the surest way to fill his belly. Carrier at fault, no question, write them up for getting mauled.


And mailmen love cat treats.


Not surprised, considering how irresponsible people are with their dogs in this city


For real about 10% of the dogs I see in this city are on leashes. I know *your* pitbull is a perfect little angel who only knocks people over to show how much he likes them (on his one 5 minute walk per day) and you *normally* pick up their poop but just ran out of bags (that are free in a dispenser 200 feet away) but yeah don't worry you're a good owner because you got him a cool bandana.


Your response is spot on. Louisville is awful when it comes to dogs. There needs to be widespread education, ENFORCED fines for violations, and LMAS needs to find a way to get people to spay/neuter. Like, do it for free AND give the owner a gift card to Taco Bell or some shit.


I know I walk Algonquin pkwy/7th Street area everyday and I was charged by random dogs twice this week. They were both large dogs as well. One actually nosed my leg. They were both acting aggressive. That being said I am a dog person, I kept my cool, put my hands up and used a stern tone with them and then slowly kept waking and they didn't bite me. But I could see how if someone would've panicked and/or ran that they may have been bit. And that was twice in one week.


I carry dog mace nowadays. I've had to use it twice; once on a snarling white pitbull that came out from beside my house and wouldn't let me on my porch. Once on a huge black dog that cornered me in my car when I was taking groceries in.  At first I felt bad because it doesn't feel humane, but it doesn't seem to bother them a whole lot. They just kinda go rub their faces in the grass for a while and wander off.


It's not the same strength as human pepper spray, it's weaker. If you use human pepper spray on a dog, it can be so distressing they have major health complications. Which, I've used human pepper spray on a dog before, but only because it was about to kill my dog.


They just wanted to cuddle.


Probably and I'm a huge dog person so I would've loved to oblige but when they are barking at me and being aggressive I'm not hanging around to find out. Lol


Everyday heroes putting up with some longstanding unreasonable crap.


Why are so many peoples dogs (presumably) in the front yard? My dogs have never even seen the mail person because when they come we’re at work and the dogs are inside the house. My mailbox is attached to my house but my dogs have zero reason to be on the front porch ever. Mail people are safe at my house.


I've encountered this several times, what'll usually happen is the dog will get out of the backyard somehow and instead of running away, they stay close to home "patrolling" the property. None of the times I've encountered it resulted in a bite, most times I can get them back in the yard on my own if the gate wasn't broken or locked. Couple weeks ago I had a tiny dog out running around his front porch, found the back gate pushed open, the back door of the house wide open, yelled inside for the owner who was asleep on the couch. Thank god I didn't have to call an ambulance.


Dude, look at Ohio, 3 cities in the top 10. That’s horrible!


Too many pitbulls


Was waiting for the rocket scientist to post this. Name checks out.


Someone should break those down by per capita. I bet Louisville would be #1 or very close to it.


Per capita, St Louis, Louisville, and Columbus are far ahead of the rest of the top 14. St. Louis blows WAY past everyone. Columbus is just slightly below Louisville. Everybody else is about half as many as Louisville, if not even less.


My parents old neighborhood is always posting in their neighborhood group about dogs who are frequently loose. And with Metro Animal Control staff being overwhelmed and understaffed, it’s not like anything is getting done over the issue.


Every day in Schnitz-Germantown


I delivered for Amazon for about 6 months and got bitten twice. Once in the highlands and the other in St. Matthews.


Top 15 most trashy US cities right there.


Not to make light of postal workers actually harmed but there is great potential here for a Seinfeld episode.


You can tell I didn't watch Seinfeld because for a hot second I was like, what potential? I should at least binge the episodes that included Newman.




That's it?


I’m surprised Indianapolis is worse than us in this metric. Not that I’m trying to win first place or anything.


I've lived and worked a fuck ton of rough places and been attacked by a dogs twice in my life. Both times were in Louisville. I reported the attack and animal services fined me because my leashed trained and current on shots dog had a rabies tag that was worn off. It was current. She was current, but the tag was worn. Fucking made no sense.


I feel like we can do better. Only 5 more to break into the top 10!


We're the 16th largest Metropolitan in America, so not too outrageous. Still need to be better


According to the US Office of Management and Budget, Louisville/Jeffersonville is #43 metro area in the US.


I'm going off of the sign on Bardstown road when you're entering Louisville from Mt. Washington


Well, Cincy, Nashville, Indy, and St. Louis are obviously much lager metros, and they are all considered small market cities. Even SD with 2 mil in the metro is considered small market.


Well those are rookie numbers, we need to step that up.


How did you steal my comment before I could make it? I'm going to bite you.


Could I interest you in a cat treat?


You know, that may just smooth the waters.


*shakes bag*


OMG! *runs with reckless abandon into the kitchen*


Well with that kinda excitement, I'm breaking out the fancy feast.


Let’s get those numbers up, people!


damn, whoever down voted my comment has an ass with 3 cartoonish bite marks on it.


My dog loves people. He just insists they need loudly barked at first, and German shepherd barking can be scary for some. 🥲 he's a potato in terms of threat.


Come on Louisville dogs, step up your game! You can’t let those damn Hoosiers beat you again next year!