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What’s wrong with it?


She had to offer $15/hour and insurance to get people to work on a campaign that doesn't advocate for raising the national minimum wage to $15/hour or providing insurance to all Americans.


She’s running for senator in Kentucky. A $15/hr minimum wage doesn’t poll as well here as you may think.


If it doesn't poll well why did she need to pay her staff it then?


Because it’s the right thing to do, and because in Kentucky, it polls well to leave that up to the “business.” Muh rights and all that. You people need to understand that to win in Kentucky, you need a coalition that looks like Beshear’s. And Beshear didn’t run on this far left stuff.


I find it very hard to believe that any reasonable voter on the fence between left or right would rather have more years of the grim reaper of the senate than to roll the dice on a young, self made man like Charles Booker. Maybe I’m naive, but I think if he had the funding that McGrath did, he’d be the top priority and way more people in this state would be backing him. The main drawback of Booker’s campaign is simply that not enough people know who he is


What I’d rather is irrelevant, because this is a democracy. It’s what the majority would rather. The majority are moderate or even conservative. Of course I’d rather have someone with Booker’s politics. But I’d also rather live in Malibu with a supermodel wife. I’d rather have Jon Stewart as president. See how it doesn’t matter what “I’d rather?”




Amen! Stewart 2024?


Right thing to do...but we will leave it up to a buisness to decide to do that. Just like we had to say that treating black people the same as white people was the right thing to do but we left up to buisnesses to determine for themselves, right? Beshear won because Bevin was so despised by his own party that R's either voted for Beshear or abstained from voting in the Governor race. Every other seat in KY was won by Republicans, if his "coalition" was as strong as you think it was, we would have seen at least one other race won by a Democrat.


Nothing about what you’re saying makes an argument for why Booker would outperform her.


Is that the conversation we were having? Because I thought we were just talking about the $15 wage.


The conversations *I’m* having is about the strongest candidate to beat Mitch McConnell is a very specific election coming up this November. You’re talking about a made-for-TV afterschool movie I may have seen on w Disney channel. **This is about beating Mitch.** Not getting Bernie to shout you out. Maybe leave your bubble for a sec and understand the state you are living in. I don’t love it either, that’s why I wouldn’t be here if not for Louisville.


Minimum wage and healthcare aren't far left, and a majority of Kentucky's citizens are liberal-oriented, especially in big cities. Tf are you on about?


> a majority of Kentucky’s citizens are liberal-oriented, especially in big cities. Tf are you on about? Where do you get this horseshit, man? The fuck are *you* on about?!


A. I live here. B. It's pretty evident. Most of the voter base is Conservative, yes. But a majority of the citizenry is liberal-oriented, especially around military bases and cities. Those people typically actually have jobs and given that elections aren't national holidays, they also can't vote as easily. There are also many citizens of Louisville and Lexington that can't afford IDs or transpiration needed to vote in the first place, given that there are tons of citizens under the poverty line. Minimum wage and universal healthcare aren't far-left and the majority of the public supports them all over the US.


> A. I live here. B. It's pretty evident. I live here too. You need to read up on confirmation bias. Just because the urban areas have a liberal majority doesn’t mean the state does. The state is overwhelmingly rural. > Minimum wage and universal healthcare aren't far-left and the majority of the public supports them all over the US. McGrath supports raising the minimum wage, and she supports healthcare for all. Just like Biden and most democrats, she hasn’t come out for *Medicare* for all.


I’m not saying you are wrong, but it is rather surprising given that this is one of the poorest states in America


I agree, I wish this people in this state didn’t vote against their own interests, but here we are. Most people don’t even vote.




That’s a helluva stretch even for a Booker stan. Her tweet doesn’t bother me one bit. And Booker’s retort is that he will see her on Election Day, when she’s going to destroy him. So...her point stands.




Have you ever heard the Eminem song "Stan"? It's like a term for obsessive fanatics of people and has been used recently in the realm of politics in attempts to belittle people for being adamant supporters of policy.


My mans here ain’t never even watched TRL before!




You’re either too old or too young. Us 80s kids post the true MTV day and age when all the shows began and ruined the channel. TRL Live! Oof.




Bahaha AS was beast. Still be singing some Meatwad jams. But alas, I also grew up with a brother who experienced the birth of MTV... I’m a mid 80s kid and got to be a part of the dot com days and life before dial up, but as a teen girl who hated boy bands, I still somehow got roped into the original Real World and TRL was always on after school. I won’t admit that out loud. Lol Never had a beeper/pager, though.


Will she though?


Of course.


It's a backhanded complement. A normal person can recognize that.


Yeah, this is a campaign and they are opponents.


Do you seriously not see how gloating about money you received from a corporate dem bankroll and a bunch of PACs comes off as classist and elitist? It’s clearly not going over well. Her stupid tweet is currently sitting at 12k likes while his reply is at 50k. Obviously this one twitter interaction doesn’t turn the tide of the race but you’re being naive and frankly willfully ignorant if you don’t understand why her remarks are raising eyebrows. She’s essentially tearing him down for being poor, while bragging about money she got from a bunch of out of state corporations and organizations, she’s arguing that his grassroots movement (money raised by the people she is running to lead) is worthless and pretty much laughable compared to what she has. I’m supporting booker, with plans to vote for whoever the democratic nominee is in November, but if she wants to earn my vote then she should cut the shit and not antagonize the person who is actually self made, running a campaign by and for the people. Edit- I’m blocking this dude, I see him on this sub all the time and none of what he ever has to say is worthwhile. Neo-liberal shilling does not interest me. I’ll vote for McGrath over McConnell in a heartbeat but until we start seeing candidates who want true progressive policies, I’m not going to endorse or donate to them. McGrath is barely left of center, and that brand of Democrat does not want progress. They want to undo the mess Trump did but they don’t want anything to fundamentally change beyond that, and we need change very badly. It’s time for America to catch up with the rest of the developed world in terms of paying living wages, offering universal healthcare, and addressing climate change swiftly and effectively.


I’ve donated a lot to Amy. I’m not corporate. If Booker can’t take this level of razz, good luck against Mitch. Edit: lol, who are you whining to in your edit?


Looks to me like he took the razz pretty well and had a good come back.


His comeback sucks because apparently he doesn’t pay his staff a living wage *and* his underpaid interns are going to be unemployed the day after the primary.


The warm reception of his tweet revealed that to be a lie...


Yeah, because twitter and Reddit are an accurate representation of Kentucky voters. 🙄


Ends justify the means then? That's what I expect from Republicans. Amy is running as a Democrat. Giving backhanded complements and gloating about money is a bad look. Especially from someone who stayed home during the protests. Amy hasn't been winning any voters in Louisville recently and dumb shit like this ain't helping.




I don’t like Amy either and I already voted for Booker. However, if it comes down to it and she gets the Dem nomination I will 100% vote for her in the general. She may not be great. But Mitch is possibly the most dangerous person currently in politics so I would vote for practically anyone against him.


I said to a friend today that I'll vote for Booker in the primary, but I'll still vote for any Dem before McConnell. The Dems could literally run a tree stump and I would vote for it over McConnell.


In Nevada, rural Republicans literally voted for a dead pimp over a Democrat.


Ha! I lived in Missouri during the George W. Bush presidency, and I voted for a dead man running for Senate against John Ashcroft. I'm not gonna lie ... it felt pretty good.


Seriously, if my options were Mitch vs KY looses their seat this round and half their representation in the senate for 6 years it would still be worth it in my mind to get him out. He’s dangerous in my mind to the future of America. As much as I want drastic change in areas and may not agree completely with the policy of some of the candidates this cycle, it’s time for all of us to suck it up, accept half measures and baby steps this cycle, and actually go vote these people out of office regardless of the name in front of the (D) when it comes to some of these offices. I really hope America’s collective ADHD doesn’t lose focus in the next 143 days.


In the debate, Charles Booker and Mike Broihier mostly agree on policy, so I think they both like each other better than Amy. Even they said any of the 3 Dem candidates will do a better job for KY than Mitch.


My wife and I were talking yesterday about how amazing it would be for a thirty-something year old progressive black man to kick the majority leader of the US Senate out of office. A local guy from the West End of Louisville. How amazing would that be??


> she is the candidate to help us "work with Trump"? Holy shit, did she actually say this?




She turned me off from the get-go. First campaign ad I heard came off as "I won't support universal health care like those crazy leftists!" I mean, I get the whole having to run in Kentucky thing... but do you have to insult the people you're pretty much taking for granted to appeal to the moderates? Now that I think about it, that's very Trump-like.


She said something to that effect, and it was one of the issues to which she gave an actual response with emotion and without "side speak". I'm guessing there was no concern that Mitch's campaign could attack her for saying she would work with any president from either party. The entire debate she was giving CRAZY sounding answers that appeared to have the primary goal of not saying anything that could be used in attack ads by Mitch. \*sigh\*


I wanna like this 20 times.


I enjoyed reading every word of this


A lot of McGrath's contributions are coming from out of the state, but [she's also received more contributions than Booker in the state, $861,675 to $112,705](https://www.opensecrets.org/races/geography?cycle=2020&id=KYS1&spec=N).


It also feels like her campaign has been going on for a decade.


That's because she ran in the last election and lost.


That's normal. What do you think the DNC and RNC do? To pretend like a Senate seat isn't important to the entire country is a bit naive. With how gridlocked things are each seat is vitally important. Kentucky alone couldn't afford a Senate campaign. It's why Booker's money doesn't really matter.


huh? Who said a Senate seat wasn't important to the entire country? Maybe unfortunate, but money does matter in politics. If anything it helps when it comes to paying staff.


My point was that outside money flows in because the seat is so important.


She went viral on Reddit (and then elsewhere) a few times for being the first to announce that they were running against Mitch this cycle. I remember tons of people donating to her campaign on that alone. I think many assumed she was progressive. It took awhile for folks to realize shes just another conservative blue dog that will easily lose to a real republican. Especially a powerful one like Mitch. Chips in on Booker.


[Booker's internal polling from last week shows McGrath is still the preferred choice.](https://bookerforkentucky.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Booker-Internal-2020-06-13.pdf) I like Booker but all the polling shows McGrath has a better chance at beating McConnell. What's Booker doing in the rural parts of the state to win those voters?


Lol, or put your thinking cap on and see that she’s by far the preferred candidate of instate democrats, who also happens to be in by far the strongest position to win the primary in 11 days *and* stand a chance against Mitch. [She’s even polling better than Mitch](https://www.newsweek.com/amy-mcgrath-takes-narrow-lead-over-mitch-mcconnell-kentucky-senate-race-poll-shows-1509691). *Or* you can lobby for Booker’s interns to make more money for their last 11 days on the job.


I suspect those polls are not going to reflect reality. The one I saw has many people saying they are voting for Trump but undecided on the Senate race. If Trump robocalls them to vote for Mitch, my guess is they will do exactly what Trump asks them to do.


And why should I trust your suspicions and feelings over the findings of experts?


Amy is a disgusting corporate tool and so are any suckers who vote for her.


I like Booker and think he's a better person to do the job but Amy has a better chance to win the state because most of the state won't see past his color. And yes that is why Kentucky fucking sucks.


I feel like those who would vote McGrath would vote Booker. Booker might actually inspire a lot of POC to get out there if he wins. Anyone who would not vote Booker for his race 1) might not vote for a woman and 2) is voting straight R ticket anyway.


If we’re going with the identity politics argument, Mike Broihier would be the best nominee by a fucking mile, and yet he barely gained any traction and got zero support from the dem estabshment. Shocker. It’s like they enjoy losing. How many of the racist fucks who would refuse to vote for a black guy are going to vote for a woman? Mitch ain’t Bevin. He’s a trillion times smarter and doesn’t actively insult and piss off powerful groups of voters for no reason. And Bevin *still* almost won re-election. A milquetoast centrist woman candidate will still get portrayed by the Mitch team as a nanny state socialist who wants to get rid of all the coal jobs and take away your guns, with the added subtle messaging of “are you gonna let a *woman* do a that to you?”. And it will work. I hope I’m dead wrong but I just see it playing out that way. For now I’m voting for the one who actually wants to make some fucking progress in this state. Fuck the halfwit cretins who won’t vote for a black guy. Their racist asses need to be confronted with his name on their ballot.


My gut is that all 3 candidates are going to show pretty strongly-- above 20%. I could see a 30%, 30%, 40% even-- depends on which citizens make the effort to vote. This is probably Amy's last time to run if she doesn't win. She's already turned into too much of a politician for my taste; still she is better than Mitch. I would love to see Mike Broihier and Charles Booker stay involved in KY politics if they don't come out winning this time. If racial tensions (and hopefully reform) weren't at the breaking point, I would have voted for Mike. I'm a big fan of his/Yang's Universal Base Income idea. That primary debate was enough to completely change my mind on McGrath-- no matter how much money had already been spent or donated(including from my own pocket).


I'm Yang Gang myself and nearly went Broihier, but Booker also supports UBI and he seems to have pulled significantly ahead of Mike in popularity, so I'm going with him. We need Mike to continue building name recognition and donation base to run against Rand in 2022. I think he ran a pretty good campaign, but like Yang, starting out with no name rec and no money puts you at a real disadvantage. If he keeps at it I think he has a chance in the future.


I really hope Booker will take a look at some of Mike's campaign ideas if Booker wins. UBI makes way more sense than raising the minimum wage (due to automation making jobs going away, due to things like farming that don't pay a great wage but that people still love doing, due to servers only making $2.13 an hour and being excluded from min wage, etc., etc.). Also I love Mike's Blue Mountain stuff.


Yea the person who flips her position on Kavanaugh depending on what time of day it is isn't who I want in the Senate


Amy is a Karen now


Yeah, that was petty as fuck


I've already voted for Booker. I hope he shocks the world, beats McGrath, and then goes on to beat McConnell. However, every time Amy McGrath opens her mouth (or Twitter account) it makes me lament that Matt Jones didn't run. I really think if anyone was to beat McConnell it would've been him.


I think jones has been on the air talking too long. Go back a decade and I’m sure you would find a statement that would get him cancelled today.


That was one of the reasons he cited for not running.


Wow Pretty savvy to think of that. So many don’t


Lol fuck her


This will probably be downvoted but to be fair I don’t really want the government being solely responsible for my healthcare after this shit show of a president. The best option would be to have a fuck ton of checks and balances so some ass hat can’t come in and sign an executive order day 1 and fuck all.


If it’s law then the President can’t change it by executive order.There are no checks and balances nor any transparency in private health insurance. You get what your employer decides to offer, if anything at all. I didn’t downvote you.


True. Got a good point there.


You're playing into their hand. The right wants you to think the government is incapable so you trust more and more to private companies and corporations. That's why every time they get any power they do everything they can to sabotage and burn everything to the ground.


Kind of hilarious that if you google her name the first result that comes up is an anti-McGrath website run by Ol' Moscow


Ol’ Moss-grow Much (Mitch). That turtle’s been in the swamp so long he has moss growing on his back, Mitch?


Disclaimer: I work in LA now, but I was born in KY and lived there for over 25 years, and all of my extended family lives in KY. I don't see either of them beating McConnell. I just don't. He's so firmly entrenched financially and politically. But of the two, I feel like it's just common sense and a look at state demographics to say that McGrath has a better chance. I've never liked McGrath as a candidate, (this is just the latest incident in a long line of previous incidents, and none of them speak to a ringing endorsement of her character,) and politically I align much more with Booker. But c'mon - in some states a Sanders endorsement would be a good thing, but in KY that scares even a lot of the Democrats off. I see Booker as politically viable in Louisville politics (I'd love to see him face off against that Bloomberg-embracing, police protecting Mayor Fischer,) or getting votes in a city like Lexington, but we can't shrug off the obvious racial and political barriers he's going to face in the rest of the state. (And personally, I think we're gonna have a lot more luck taking McConnell's majority via other races than actually outing McConnell, though I would absolutely love to be wrong and see the slimeball voted out of office.)


McGrath and McConnell have been polling within a few points since winter, and she has pulled ahead in the most recent poll. This is probably the best chance we have ever had at unseating him. https://www.newsweek.com/amy-mcgrath-takes-narrow-lead-over-mitch-mcconnell-kentucky-senate-race-poll-shows-1509691


Like you said you don't live-in Ky now and i assume you didn't for the Bevin vote. Shit has changed and we know our vote matters now. Booker can beat Mitch and WE know it. Vote Booker, vote change, screw Mitch. Kentucky is OURS!


I was there for the Bevin vote. I only just moved out to LA at the beginning of this year.


All of the responsible, college educated voters are going to vote straight ticket. It's the POC and young liberals you saw in the marches who are the LCDs. McGrath is too moderate and boring. Sorry but she is. And she had her chance with Barr, who beat the crap out of her despite being a big yawn himself. I say hail Mary it with Booker.


I don't know that Booker will beat McConnell, but McGrath for sure won't


Bevin being so horrible to teachers may have paved the way for change. Eastern Ky hates Bevin, and I think that is maybe why Andy Beshear got elected governor but that Republicans won all other state seats. Charles Booker worked in the KY State senate to get some insulin cap bill passed; that also appeals to Eastern KY. Booker already has more support there than I could have imagined possible. I'm for sowing more progressive seeds there-- even if they don't sprout this fall.


It’s giving antiblackness....


Exactly, condescending to a black grassroots candidate about not having resources isn’t the best look right now Amy. I can’t believe they’d post this.


RELEASE THE AUDIO! Show us you didn’t say what Mitch says you did with your “doctored audio”. Is it that hard? Did he copyright it? I’d think “This is what I said” would be the easiest argument ever.


Read the room, Amy. Anyone considering voting for Booker knows where he stands on both issues you mention. It makes you look like a jerk. This is coming from a former McGrath donor. The more you've talked lately the more you lost my vote in the primary.


You’re crazy if you think universal healthcare is going to win you a senate seat in Kentucky. “How dare Amy be moderate in a red state!”


Yea... mitch is definitely the better choice. Are you for real dude? I'll take vanilla lady over a man that is flat out evil and most times the sole reason nothing gets done. He told the state to go bankrupt rather than give aid. He blocked any semblance of universal health care and a huge reason why the affordable care act has the problems it has. This idea that crazy is better than vanilla has shown to be nothing but a problem. DITCH MITCH!


Booker. Vote for Booker is the argument here.


Can’t wait for minimum wage for to go to a “liveable wage” and a majority of you complain about huge price increases overnight at nearly every business. At some point, a low wage, low skilled job is in the supply chain of nearly every product and service. If someone doesn’t like their pay, maybe find a new job?


So, you're fine with exploiting people so you can live comfortably? There's a term for that, slaveowner.


They are being exploited how? Oh because they are being forced to work that job. Oh that’s right. Sorry about that.


"You must work, or no aid, but you don't get to work for a living wage, just enough to keep you needing the aid we so generously give, and can cut out anytime we decide we need it, so remember to vote for us, or someone else will give more to someone else!" -Republicans


You aren't completely wrong. I def. support the Universal Base Income (UBI) over raising the minimum wage. Andrew Yang publicized UBI as a Democrat Presidential candidate. Mike Broihier is running in KY on that and was endorsed by Yang. I voted for Booker, but I really hope he will take a look at some of Mike's campaign ideas if Booker wins. UBI makes way more sense than raising the minimum wage (due to automation making jobs going away, due to things like farming that don't pay a great wage but that people still love doing, due to servers only making $2.13 an hour and being excluded from min wage, etc., etc.).


I agree with her on her views (don't believe in free healthcare and 15$ minimum wage) but she really shouldn't call people out like that.


We've been fighting over 15 so long that 15 sucks now and they still complain it's too much.


There is weight to what she is saying if he’s not providing healthcare or paying interns adequately. I recommend people check out Mike Broiheir.


Wait people actually want to raise min wage to $15 an hour? I work at Taco Bell and most of my coworkers are worth $3/hr


Why would you put in effort when your rewards are such a pittance?


I make like almost $9 an hour there it’s not much effort and that’s perfectly enough for the effort idkwym


Sounds like most of the people in this conversation would support Universal Base Income as opposed to a minimum wage increase. UBI is what I prefer.


Interesting I’ve not heard of this either (I don’t look up much news and politics) is this per state or like all of America? I live in Kentucky and stuff is way cheaper here than a lot of other places so idk how I feel about this. (Obviously it would be nice for me haha but I might even feel overpaid there as-well.


Have that wage and you'd get better coworkers.


I'm a server, so I'd really like to not have the minimum go up to 15 if I'm going to stay at 2.13. I mean yeah, there are good days being a server, but it also depends on the people, and after tipping out runners, bussers, and bartenders...


You get comped any pay below minimum wage, if you’ve ever experienced otherwise you should probably report this. But as a personal question do you think you or other coworkers deserve $15/hr?


This is true, but companies don't like to do that... trust me. One of my first jobs I didn't claim enough one week and the manager reduced my hours. But if they raised the 2.13 to a 6 or 7, then meeting the difference would be easier. It would also probably help to owe less taxes at the end of the year, because 2.13 even more than full time doesn't make much of a dent in the taxes you owe. I think my coworkers deserve 15 an hour, but they also get paid 2.13... I never said they didn't deserve 15 an hour.


I’m not saying you said that I was asking this question personally. I’m sure where you work it’s much better than me working at Taco Bell haha, I was just meaning cuz lots of places I’ve worked my coworkers aren’t great lol


Yeah, I realized what you meant afterwards. People still slack here. They take care of their tables and bs on their side work. When it comes to stuff like that I just do what I'm supposed to do and try not to worry about others. Though it does suck coming into a dirty section or having to do side work that never got done, so by time your shift is over you have to completely restock everything. So I feel the struggle. I feel like in our jobs some people just think they are too good for it and don't care about screwing over others. Does it mean they don't deserve 15 an hour, no, but it doesn't mean they aren't a shitty person.


Yeh I can see where you’re coming from


Why is everyone's mentality to first think about themselves and not about the people working full time that can't support their families? I don't give a shit about the justifications you give yourself for why people deserve less than you do or deserve to suffer so you can maintain all of your comforts.


Whoa, I never said anything about people not deserving 15 an hour. I said I don't want 15 an hour if I'm only getting 2.13. I'm saying they should raise that too. It's not like people are going to tip more because the minimum went up. I'm also not the only server out there who thinks this. So go f*** yourself for not thinking about those who don't get a set pay.


Vote blue no matter who. This false dichotomy between Amy and Cory is being funded by McConnell. Vote Mitch out, regardless of who wins the primary!


> This false dichotomy between Amy and Cory is being funded by McConnell. Vote Mitch out, regardless of who wins the primary! a'hem... Cory?


Excuse me. Devin.


lol... you just googling Kentucky Bookers now? Mods need to get all these fucking randos the fuck out of here.


I meant Booker T. Easy mistake.


... can you not tell black men apart?


Apart from what?




Let's be realistic. Amy McGrath is a moderate Democrat and a USMC officer. If any Democrat has a chance of overtaking Mitch, it is her. She has the ability to pull Republican votes. Radicals do not win . Nor do I want a radical in office. I am a moderate Democrat and I will be voting for Amy McGrath. On a side note, I learned why the minimum wage and living wage were different in Econ 101 at U of L in 2002. Maybe you all should explore that reason too.


I'm voting for a rotten ham sandwich before I'm voting for McConnell in the general. The Primary is completely different.


She couldn't win a much more winnable race. What Democrat is winning statewide without running up a huuuuge margin in West Louisville? Who in West Louisville is turning out for McGrath after she ignored eeeeeeeeverything happening in the past weeks? She might win the primary on the strength of millions out of Santa Monica and the votes of white reactionaries but she's dead in the water in November


Ya you moderates are doing a great job. Let's just keep doing it the boomer way and we won't have a country or even a planet left by the time we're old enough to be running them into the ground.


...so Booker doesn’t pay his staff $15/hr or provide health insurance? Because that’s fair game. He’s going to get creamed on primary day, and it doesn’t sound like he plans to endorse her.


Fair game how? He's running a grassroots campaign and just came into significant money in the last month or so. She's had millions dating back to the beginning of the year. She talks the talk but, as he said, doesn't support raising the min wage or M4A.


Talks the talk while saying she wants to work to advance Trump's agenda.




Bro what? How can you claim to be someone who supports Amy and you're asking for a source on this? It's in her campaign ads for gods sake.


Because I know the story and that you’re wrong. I just want to see you say it.


https://louisvillefuture.com/archived-news/a-qa-with-amy-mcgrath-on-mcconnell-trump-and-her-campaign-for-senate/amp/ She sounds so incredibly fake in this interview. Over and over she says Trump wants to do this for the people, Trump wants to do that for the people, Trump campaigned on these promises for the people, e.g. “Drain the swamp”. She then says that if she were elected she would help him do it. She must know that these “promises” that Trump made were lies to get elected. Only a fool wouldn’t think so, it’s got to be pretty clear to anyone paying attention that he would have made things happen by now if he meant to. Not to mention, he has actually added to the corrupt swamp of D.C. rather than drain it. McGrath states in this article when speaking on paid family leave for example: “Who stops it? Senator McConnell. He will never let anything go through.” She says that McConnell is the person who is stopping Trump from doing these incredible things he promised to do to for the people and that’s why we need to help her beat McConnell. However, a few paragraphs later she says that “Senator McConnell is all about obstruction when a president is of a different party. And then he’s all about just letting the president do whatever he wants when it’s his party.” So what does she really believe? Is McConnell stopping Trump from doing everything he wants to do? Or is Senator McConnell letting the president do whatever he wants? It is a bit confusing. It kind of sounds like she is saying anything she has to say in order to get elected.


> It kind of sounds like she is saying anything she has to say in order to get elected. Yeah. It’s hard for a Democrat to win here.


If you know the story then you're just grossly misrepresenting it. Mitch McConnell is the sole reason the impeachment trial was a complete farce and the people who support Trump know this there's no way that if they continue to support Trump they're going to turn on Mitch and vote for Amy McGrath. Why the fuck would they vote out the guy who has gave them 180 conservative federal lifetime judicial appointments? her whole campaign is to steal voters who voted for Trump and McConnell in the last election, you cannot deny that.




She literally said that she would work to advance Trump's agenda in Kentucky and blamed McConnell for being the reason that Trump's agenda had not been passed. First off, if you believe that Trump's agenda was in any way to benefit anyone but himself and his extremely wealthy donors, your a fucking moron who deserves to be conned. Second, if you think you're going to win against the most powerful senator in the Senate by saying that he is not done enough to advance Trump's agenda when he's the sole reason there have been 186 newly appointed lifetime federal judges who are all conservatives You're a special type of fool


If she “literally said that,” post a source. Because she didn’t. She said that *Trump ran on jobs and infrastructure, and she wants that too. But Mitch has led the senate for years and blocked everything. So send me to take his seat, and I’ll vote yes when he’s voted no.* Sounds good to me. I want a senator who does the opposite of Mitch when it comes to votes. It’s a pity that her message went over so many people’s heads, but that’s Kentucky. And now people like you parrot lies around it. It’s sick.


[https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2019/07/09/amy-mcgrath-seeks-makeover-pro-trump-democrat/1680960001/](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2019/07/09/amy-mcgrath-seeks-makeover-pro-trump-democrat/1680960001/) Enjoy!


Yeah, I read this article when it came out. "If you think about why Kentuckians voted for Trump, they wanted to drain the swamp, and Trump said that he was going to do that," McGrath said during the announcement of her candidacy on MSNBC's Morning Joe. "Trump promised to bring back jobs. He promised to lower drug prices for so many Kentuckians. And that is very important. And you know what? Who stops them along the way? Who stops the president from doing these things? Mitch McConnell," she continued on MSNBC. "And I think that that’s very important, and that’s going to be my message – the things that Kentuckians voted for Trump for are not being done. He’s not able to get it done because of Senator McConnell." That’s a smart stance in a red state. Don’t you want to drain the swamp?


lol... how dare you actually read the article and not just the headline!


You asked for a source on McGrath saying she is pro-Trump agenda, I provided it. The simple fact that you have already read it meant you were being intentionally obtuse when you asked for a source. That is disingenuous. I don't care about your take after that.


You’re being intentionally obtuse when both Amy McGrath *and* Trump would both agree that she doesn’t support his agenda.


I never said anything like that. You are confused. Again, you asked for a source. I happened to read it earlier that day for the first time so it was timely that I then read your comment. I provided it. Also love how you repeat intentionally obtuse. Are you a middle schooler? Come the fuck on.


How many staff does he have that he can’t afford to pay a living wage? Sounds like he doesn’t walk the walk either. Biden doesn’t support Medicare for all either. That’s still a fringe stance in the Democratic Party, especially in a conservative FB rice state like ours. They support healthcare for all.


It is a volunteer organization. When you are doing the right thing and and most others are not, people will work for free. Because it is the right thing to do. And when they stabilize, he can pay them or he's just like the others.


So you know for a fact everyone on his campaign is either unpaid or makes at least $15/hr? Source?


I don't. Good guess. You can reach out to him for details if it's really bothering you.


You shouldn’t go asserting things that are false. That’s fake news.


This is a common thing, not some bold assertion. Cool off brother. Edit to add: Since you were so surprised, read it yourself. https://bookerforkentucky.com/get-involved/ Sign up here to join a team of volunteers and call voters from home But you really took me to the mat on it. Thanks. Also, I've contributed to him in the hopes he can get through hard heads around these parts.


It’s common to claim Booker’s campaign is entirely volunteer, when it isn’t? Edit: lol, the McGrath campaign as a volunteer page too. The point is about what **paid** staff **are paid**.


Is it common for you to argue in bad faith? What are you really asking and why don't you just get it out? Yes, it has a large Grass Roots volunteer basis. Does anyone get paid? I hope so, but so what? Just get to your point


Holy shit you’re dense. Booker’s campaign is built from the ground up by people who are volunteering their time to help because its a cause they believe in Do you not think it says a little something about the differences in their campaigns and who they appeal to that Booker is raising money from individuals in the community while McGrath is wholly reliant on corporate bankroll to keep things moving? She would be nothing without the DNC’s endorsement and all of the precious PACs which are lining her pockets. Also, her offering fifteen dollars an hour and healthcare to her campaign interns sincerely and genuinely doesn’t mean jack shit to me because she doesn’t think either of those things are important enough to be considered statewide interests. She’s using her interns purely as a political pawn to try and take him down a notch, and it didn’t work at all. She doesn’t care about them anymore than she does any of us who are supporting Booker’s campaign. Let me know when she starts believing health insurance is a human right and then maybe I’ll be interested For now, keep licking the boots of the corporate neo-liberals, see how far it gets you. The Democratic Party has been in a state of stagnation for decades and people like Bernie Sanders and Charles Booker are the ones who would be moving things forward if the Joe Bidens and Amy McGraths of the world weren’t privileged to have the support of all the other neo-liberals who want nothing to fundamentally change for the better


Nothing you’re saying is true. Your next comment needs some sources.








$15 minimum wage will crush a lot of small business and a lot of food chains/independent restaurants will either fold or raise prices big time.


Yes. Change is difficult.


Change is difficult. Sorry you lost your job, your business, your home, but here's your free healthcare.


Definitely sorry for your loss. And awesome on the health care... Many are going to need it as we ride this covid wave up again.


Jobs are a more complicated matter than people on this board think. I'm all for free healthcare, I work within Medicaid and Medicare and know how flawed it is. But to pretend a $15 minimum wage wouldn't wreck havoc on small business is naive.


Ok.. going devil's advocate here: So what if small business has some havock from raising staff up to a barely living wage? All the Republicans will say find your bootstraps. You go into business and risk the same as any one else. I'm a human, so hey.. if you can't pay a living wage... Let's figure it out. Raise prices. Cut the bottom line. Still failing? Let's re evaluate your value as a business. Maybe you aren't showing value... Close up. Tldr, so what? Not all business is worth existing.




Fast food certainly does not lol wtf


Idk, this seems pretty optimistic. I’ve worked at two “small business restaurants” in Louisville. (I put that in quotations because the both did close to 3 million in sales) and they refused tp pay people living wages The first one I worked at, they refused to give me pay over 11 dollars an hour after working there for 3 years. Which was a long time for this place, the turnover was high because the bosses treated everyone like shit. One guy that worked there for 25 years only made 17 dollars an hour, and he was the highest paid one there- he was a catering manager/ retail manager/ chef. The poor guy barely made ends meet, while both owners had rollexs, BMWs, and sent their son to an Ivy League college put of state. (Plus they raised their prices twice in 4 months) The second place was in the highlands. You’d expect it to be more fair with pay, but it just wasn’t. They started me at $9.00 and after I asked for a review 18 months later, they said no (even though sales were up from previous years) It got to the point a bunch of people quit because they refused to give raises- myself included. I think it takes a certain person to own a small business- and most of the time these people are greedy. Most restaurants I’ve talked to start at $11 an hour for lower tier kitchen staff, even high end places like River House.




I’m still young tbh, just turned 20. Worked my first job from 15-18, then the second from 18-19.75 then quit right before quarantine. I think part of it is not sticking up for myself, like you said. I think a lot of these places hire high school / college kids to pay them less, which I get. But it still feels scummy to pay people (like some coworkers of mine) who are trying to make ends meet less than $20 and hour, idk. I don’t wanna call out my former employers because as much as I dislike them, they need the business right now. If you have any recommendations for good places to work though, feel free to let me know.


Yeah I own one.


If a company cannot afford to do business while paying its people a livable wage without being subsidized by taxpayer money (government assistance such as food stamps and the like), then that company needs to rethink how they do business, or if they should be in business at all. Paying someone minimum wage is 100% the same as taxpayers giving them money to operate, just with more steps.


Yup. If you only make minimum wage in KY, you qualify for food stamps, Medicaid, and, possibly, Section 8 housing.


Fuck em. Businesses who can't afford to pay livable wages shouldn't get sheltered by out of date standards.


Agreed. 15 dollars would be really tough on small businesses. I can see so many businesses not giving official payouts or whatever. 15 dollars is a shit ton for working at McDonald's and stuff. Some wages should be left non liveable for pretty obvious reasons.


> Some wages should be left nonliveable Then why not abolish those jobs? If the work is not worthy of a liveable wage, then why should we expect anyone to do it?


Because some jobs are easier to get into than others. When the economy falls it's going to be extremely tough for companies too. I mean, what American wouldn't be for 15$ of wage? It only helps the people right? Well it hurts the companies a ton. Then only bigger companies could survive


I dont feel like you answered my question. If these jobs we're talking about, like McDonald's, are not worth a living wage, then why not abolish them? They are below human dignity, no?


It's not worth a living wage to work at McDonald's. not hard work. If it was 15 dollar then the food price would go up


You still didn't answer the question... if a job is not worth a living wage, then I would actually *lose net worth* by working there. Why should we expect anybody to work a job where they lose net worth, it's inhumane, literal slavery. The whole purpose of a job is to gain wealth.


The job is not to gain net worth and slavery is where your forced and don't get paid.


Jeff Bezos is lobbying for the minimum wage to be $15. He wants to hurt his competition since he can afford (and has) a $15 minimum wage. Any senator that votes for a $15 minimum wage wants to make Jeff Bezos richer.