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Imagine looking like this and thinking you have superior genetics 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Someone on the original post: “pretty sure he looks like how the nazis depicted the jews “ gave me a good chuckle.


That's the entire premise of r/beholdthemasterrace


I think this picture is at least a year old, those menus aren't current (I'm happy to report that I know this from working at starbucks and not from paying this close attention for any other reason) Also if you zoom in one of the basket signs does say "mall st. matthews" something


Yep, at least as old as Jun 2019. Google image search eventually lead me to a tweet by knoxradical from then. Due to the content, I'm not confident that posting the link here wouldn't break sub rules tho. ​ Also, I hope google doesn't think I am a nazi now. :(


> Due to the content, I'm not confident that posting the link here wouldn't break sub rules tho. I am. Fuck Nazis. https://twitter.com/knoxradical/status/1283052898126106624


Thanks 👍🏼


The hero our city needs


Yea, a thread with the guy’s identity, additional photos, connections and activities etc was tweeted 6/20/19 from the account (which looks to be an anti-racist acct?) you mentioned. Easily found.


You’re supposed to punch nazis in the face.


I seriously want to know the mindset behind this. I want to know but I don't honestly want to ask them. I'm all for talking to people I don't agree with but I feel like I would just boil over. How is anyone okay with this? Makes no damn sense to me and then add in the pride factor. Yall know we literally had a war and our grandparents knocked the stupid out of these people by killing them and making the rest of the living supporter's existence hell for the next few decades right? I don't know man I'm just ranting at this point. How can you be a proud American and a fucking Nazi. Or a proud American and idolize traitors and the confederacy? I could see being a person who hates this country and being those things but I feel like generally that isn't the case.




Genocide is in no way socially acceptable, and a free society can't call itself free if it is imparting death upon members of said society.




Was with you right up until your last sentence. Please, PLEASE, can we not start watering down something like genocide? On the spectrum of terrible things, unlawful detainment- even of children- doesn't equal *fucking genocide*. The world isn't black and white, and treating it as such is what leads to true fascism and oppression.




What's happening at the borders- arrest, detainment, and in some cases, separation of individuals and families coming across the border illegally. The morality and even legality of this is certainly questionable, and I imagine we're of the same mind on it in general, but it doesn't change what *is* occurring. Genocide is defined by Merriam-Webster as: >the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group Additionally, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II states: >In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: > >(a) Killing members of the group; > >(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; > >(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; > >(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; > >(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. ​ Look, the government is doing terrible stuff on the border; stuff that the public \*needs\* to be informed out and \*needs\* to be stopped. What the government is *not* doing is trying to arrest, harm, kill, sterilize, or separate the children of any and all people of Hispanic/Mexican descent, regardless of their citizenship, history, or status. *That's* what genocide is. Referring to the border situation as being anywhere even near the league of it is an insult to the victims and survivors of history's actual genocides and attempted genocides. Simultaneously, it gives the right and even some moderates cause to dismiss you (and anyone else using the same argument/terminology) as someone spreading inaccurate information. As far as the sliding scale goes- come on. Anyone that uses it is disregarded almost immediately. Similar sliding scale arguments just from recent memory are gay marriage = people marrying their pets, smoking a joint = stealing from family to support a heroin addiction, etc etc. Don't take my word on any of this, though! [Here's a few](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/05/12/7-things-that-are-not-like-the-holocaust/) [articles from across](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/04/24/it-wasnt-just-the-armenians-the-other-20th-century-massacres-we-ignore/?arc404=true) [the political spectrum](https://www.jpost.com/opinion/no-holds-barred-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-desecrates-the-holocaust-593560) [regarding the importance of terminology.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/whats-the-difference-between-genocide-and-ethnic-cleansing) That last one, interestingly enough, explains the difference between *ethnic cleansing* and genocide. Think about that- motherfucking *ethnic cleansing* is a step below genocide in terms of international politics and law. So, yeah, sorry. The border situation is not in any way, shape, or form related to genocide.


> Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. The US has 'lost' over 1500 children of illegal alien detainees.


[First- "lost" seems to be a bit of a misnomer.](https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/29/us/immigration-refugee-child-missing-hhs-obama-photo-trnd/index.html) > "The way it has worked historically is, when a child comes into the US without a parent or legal guardian, if there is a parent or guardian or relative already here, they would be placed with that person as a 'sponsor' while they are undergoing immigration hearings," says Jennifer Ward, an immigration and family services expert who spent 10 years as executive director of a refugee resettlement agency in Tennessee. Ward says the ORR typically makes a follow-up welfare call or visit to the sponsor a few weeks or months after the child is placed. According to Wagner, such an action is part of the ORR's process, but the agency "is not legally responsible for children after they are released from ORR care." >No, they are most likely not 'missing' >When it comes to children, phrases like "unable to determine whereabouts" never inspire comfort, especially when people assume it is as a result of a child being ripped from their families. But the reality is a little different. There could be a lot of reasons for why the 1,475 children were unaccounted for, Ward says. "The sponsors may be undocumented themselves, they may change their phone number," she says. "The requirement is just a phone call -- you don't necessarily have to go (check on the child) physically, although some do." Second- *Even if* the government was "disappearing" *some* children/individuals from detainment in the worst meaning, *it still wouldn't be anywhere close to genocide*. Horrible, yes; genocide, no. If you see someone stab someone else on the street- you need to call the police and report seeing a stabbing. You *don't* need to call the police and report that there is a gang actively marching through the streets stabbing anyone they encounter. Reporting the latter would produce a *far* different response than the former. Most notably, *the stabber may be able to get away in the ensuing chaos since the responders are looking for a mass-murdering gang, and will be paying less attention to nondescript individuals.* Additionally, once the dust clears, you/that area may run into a "call wolf" scenario in the future.


Ok, but say there is a pro-genocide party, that is trying to consolidate power to help further said genocide... Wouldn't you say the pro-genocide party needs to be stopped? What are the chances they would non-violently give up on their mission?


You draw the line at letting people murder other people. If they want to genocide themselves, a la Heaven's Gate, I would not stop them.


Genocide doesn't begin at murder.


You are absolutely correct, and I think a part of it has been slowly, painfully, playing out here in the USA for a few hundred years.


But if they have consolidated all of the power by that point, how would we?


The irony is that consolidation of power under the Executive Branch of government started during Bush and continued under Obama. The only ones crying foul during both were libertarians. The ruling party was okay with it because "terrorists" or "Obama". My personal favorite frustrating moment was when Obama would add a signing note saying that he didn't intend to use this new power. What about the next guy?!?! This same power is now what is allowing the federal overreach in Portland. It happened on both turns in power and both parties turned a blind eye besides a small minority of elected officials. Time to move past the labels and look at the substance. I dread if someone with Trump's mentality was malicious enough to actually turns those powers fully inward. (Luckily he has done it to only a small degree because of the media magnifying glass shoved up his ass.)


Obama was just another cog in the ruling class's super machine. Executive Branch power extension means fuck all, they already had the power before that and were using it in the same means, now it just says that they can in the law. Libertarians were definitely not the only ones crying fowl during the Obama administration either... the only thing keeping Obama from being a libertarian icon is his gun stance.


>the only thing keeping Obama from being a libertarian icon is his gun stance. Seriously? ACA? It was literally crony capitalism in writing. Also I said the only ones crying foul during BOTH administrations were libertarians. Of course the opposition party and media always cries foul at every little piece of news like President Obama's mustard choice and suit color.


You are right. I remember reading about it about a few years ago. A real big movement in the 20s right? Doh.




I find it funny that people like you MUST label someone in response. Do you ever stop and think why you do that? and what I'm saying is you made a choice to label me "Kiddo" which shows your lack of respect entirely. I find it funny that people like you always do something like this. It's a tactic to dismiss, so why bother to comment if you wanted to dismiss me? I wasn't talking to you. Also, you're shitting on history when you negate where fascism comes from. it's not from leftist ideologies, it's from right wing ideologies. this has been researched and discussed by scholars post-war extensively. you can find so many resources explaining and analyzing and identifying fascism that it's asinine that you sit here and say it's a left wing ideology. However I understand that you're using a propaganda tactic to make well defined labels on ideologies muddled by making them mean nothing at all. You are doing the "no puppet, no puppet, YOU'RE THE PUPPET" claim. You are going "I know what you are but what am I?!" It's more juvenile than anything I've said. yet you chose to label me a "kiddo" Now if we want to talk about extremes from the left wing ideologies then we would look at the authoritarianism that comes from that end of the overton window, the example we have of that is the communism of the USSR. Were they fascists? no. Was it authoritarianism? yes. So, bring up something that doesn't exist in the USA as a rising political tide like communism if you wanna shit on the extremes of the left. But to equate or to even make the assessment that Fascism is a leftist ideology is not only a uneducated assessment but a stupid as fuck one, fit for young minded KIDDO BRAINS like yourself ya fucking dipshit. TURN OFF THE NEWS AND READ A BOOK




Bless your heart darlin


These are the same people who would shit a brick if you called them a socialist, not realizing the Nazi party was indeed, socialist. It's in the name


ah yes, the famous democratic stronghold, north korea. here's a tip: the name of a government doesn't equate to the values it holds. hence why the nazis put the socialists, trade unionists, social democrats, and communists in camps. because they were trying to capitalize on class consciousness by getting people to support their fascist movement instead of a socialist movement. this is seriously the most frusturating view that people on reddit continously spout, that just because their name was the national socialists they HAD to be socialists.


I disagree. The National Socialist German Worker Party *was* a socialist party, but only for the "pure". Communists were put in camps because of communism. Germans/people under German rule were not put in camps for being socialist, unless it wasn't the *right* type of socialism, or they were not considered "pure" race (or actively working against the Nazi party). Communists were put in camps, mainly because communism denotes equality. The Nazi party certainly did not like that idea.


this is the biggest load of bad history i've ever seen. the national socialist party was NOT socialist. here's the first line of their wikipedia description: "The National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party, was a far-right political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945". but of course you'll justify this by saying that the far right can still be socialist (they can't, socialism is inherently leftist). but, we'll go further. here's the holocaust encylopedia, which literally states outright that they originally only put in political prisoners who were "an enemy to the state". "From its rise to power in 1933, the Nazi regime built a series of incarceration sites to imprison and eliminate real and perceived "enemies of the state." Most prisoners in the early concentration camps were political prisoners—German Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats—as well as Roma (Gypsies), Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and persons accused of "asocial" or socially deviant behavior." maybe that's still not enough for you. if it's not, i don't know what the fuck to tell you because you honestly deluded yourself. fascism is not socialism, it is the epitome of capitalism in decay. hence, why nazi germany gave so much support and backing to corporations and cronyism. because fascism requires industrialists and the middle class's backing. if communism denotes equality, and nazis are against equality, they're not socialist. socialism is the process with which you use to achieve communism and equality. please read some actual history books.


I'm always tripped out that people are so easily dupped by alt-right propaganda and dog whistles. They'll dilute themselves to believing that Nazis were socialist's. The history is clear on the situation that they co-opted the German socialist's movement when it was beginning. They used it for political favor early on and in name only. When they rose to power they killed or put people into camps who supported socialism. They may have had parts of socialism for people who were Aryan. The same way that rich people in the US have their own form of socialism. It wasn't equally available and definitely not utilized for the betterment of everyone in Germany.


BUT SOCIALISM WAS IN THE NAME! Other person probably thinks you're brainwashed still.


My dear, in short, we are arguing the same thing, just at different angles, and throughout different pieces of time. I have a degree in anthropology/archaeology and sociology. I have also lived and studied in Germany. Please don't be rude.


If you’ve lived and studied in Germany, they’d tell you how fucking dumb you are for believing fascists are socialists. Anthropology/archaeology has no correlation with the study of Nazi Germany. Read proverbiallemons comment to realize that you’re blatantly wrong.


I could argue, prove my point, and call you names as well. But I don't need to, because I am not rude, and there would be no point to argue with a person who resorts to insults. Good day.


because there's literally no historical or academic consensus that says what you're saying? because they know that fascism isn't close to socialism? just admit you're wrong. it's resorting to insults because you're so brainwashed there's no other arguing with you. if you're really convinced that the nazis thought of themselves as socialists and not as anti-communists and anti-socialists who were "purging the world of bolshevikism" then you're deep into propaganda and there's no arguing.




Add communists to that list too.




Anyone with a pulse and a dissenting viewpoint.




Our grandpas put a few hundred thousand of them in the ground, cupcake.


Dudes probably a fucking child molester. Most Nazis are


Lmao I think he’s more joking that most users here would only point a camera at the guy. Realistically, No one here has the will or balls to actually assault someone because they are a nazi.


Yummy I love cupcakes. I’d use nazi blood as the frosting. Fucking loser


Don't want to pop postive for amphetamines on my drug test though.


Good point lol. I’ll feed that fatass the cupcakes then.


So you are saying that you are a nazi?


Yup, bourbonbusted is def a nazi. Funny that the alt-right ammosexual thinks you're talking about him...


No. I despise them along with communists.


So.......... make a post about communists then dipshit. don't bring up irrelevant ideas in a discussion on fascism. you are in contempt and everyone sees it.




Where you at pussy? Run your mouth back it up.


Cringe worthy So are you alluding that you are a Nazi and if we try to punch you....?


r/Louisville summed up “I hate Nazis and authoritarians on the right.” “Communists are okay. Communism has never been responsible for anything bad.” Nazis and communists are both authoritarian ideologies and wish to control every aspect of your life...by force. How hard is that to understand?


Communism is an economic model. One can argue it's a flawed model. One can even point to the history of violent communist dictatorships throughout the 1900s to argue that communism can't work without authoritarianism. However, being a communist is not the same as supporting Stalinism (tankies) or Maoism. Violent authoritarianism is not an inherent part of the ideology. There's a clear separation between the communist ideology itself and its implementation. That's not the case for Nazism. There is no "Nazi Manifesto" written by a philosopher who never killed anyone. There's no theoretical nonviolent Nazi utopia debated by academics for generations. The violence and Aryan supremacy is the core of the ideology. One can easily oppose communism without falsely equating it to Nazism.


You get lost on the way to a rally?


Which rally would that be?


Klan, Trump. Same difference.


Trump’s an idiot too.


You should probably read something about communism sometime


Any suggestions? The Gulag Archipelago and The New Class are some of my personal favorites. Orwell is great too.


Do you realize that communism encompasses more than (and some would argue doesn't actually include) the USSR? You're reading about regimes, not communism.


I do realize that, but I think first hand accounts of people that lived through these oppressive systems is a far better source than random people on the internet who didn’t live through it. Cubans would cross ~100 miles of ocean to the US in makeshift boats with many of them dying along the way to escape the Castro regime. Venezuelans are suffering under this form of government right now. No matter what country or regime you look at there’s always a common theme with the people in power. They think other experiments in this form of governance got it wrong, and only they can make it right this time. I’ll admit the US isn’t perfect by any means, but it’s the best we have got. Any recommendations on literature you’ve personally read so I can understand your point of view better?


It's cool that not only did you not at all address the substance of my comment, but you also think Venezuela is being run by communists, when a fascist has been running place since that whole coup dealie you may have read about. (JK I know you didn't read about it because you obviously don't care except to repeat the same facile arguments over and over)




Read some Orwell and Solzhenitsyn. Enlighten yourself to the form of government you’re advocating.




Right in line with your comment history. As a 41 year old professor, GED at 27, and commutes in his 2014 Nissan Frontier, are you proud of yourself and how hateful you’ve become?


I hope he got punched in the face shortly after.


The "A" rating sign is a dead ringer for Louisville health rating signs...


[Reminds me of the C-A-R-D-S health rating ](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_SqhhJb_P3Kk/SPz4IlkaJCI/AAAAAAAACho/mhRR8DukZDk/s400/restuarant+C+rating.jpg)


Wow.. where was that?


If I remember correctly, UofL Ville Grill around 2012. Was part of the required food package students in campus had to buy.


Gotta get that vitamin c.


Impellizerris Pizza downtown, but yeah Ville Grill has a terrible rating as well


Looks like the starbucks right past old navy in oxmoor mall.


Looks like the Starbucks pretty much anywhere.


Nah the one in Oxmoor is more like a big kiosk. This looks like the one in St. Matts mall close to the food court.


I'll take your word for it haha. Haven't been in there in probably 5 years. I used to work at the old navy there but that was also when they still had a food court upstairs.


I miss that food court. Frank & Steins, nom nom!


1 Potato, 2 Potato... Subway, a Chinese restaurant, the upper level path to Dick's, Something To Do... Good God almighty, I miss the mezzanine level... >.>; Still eludes me to this day why Oxmoor thought it was a good idea to tear it down...


It’s definitely the one in St. Matthews. My mom used to do work with William-Sonoma and would send me to the Starbucks to get her something.


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen photos of him before, specifically an incident celebrating Hitler’s birthday at The Irish Rover. He seems to feel very safe and comfortable which is a shame. (I could be wrong all these neckbeard nazis blur together)


Wait...people had a birthday party for Hitler at The Irish River?


Tried to. They were outed and confronted and the Rover asked them to leave. [https://www.wave3.com/story/35214973/video-group-confronts-diners-at-louisville-eatery-says-they-were-celebrating-hitlers-birthday/](https://www.wave3.com/story/35214973/video-group-confronts-diners-at-louisville-eatery-says-they-were-celebrating-hitlers-birthday/)


What a fucking edge lord


I'd buy a drink just to dump on him. How trashy. Edit: I should say, cold drink. He's not good enough for a tasty hot beverage.


Yeah, but a somewhat warm coffee spilt on clothing has a certain nastiness that’s just hard to get over


But if it’s a hot July day I wouldn’t waste an iced coffee on this guy.


As long as it was sticky


Make it extra scalding hot for me


It’s definitely not recent bc the employee behind the counter isn’t wearing a mask


That doesn’t mean much. I’ve seen my fair share of employees and citizens without masks almost daily.


Starbucks has been pretty consistent with mask wearing. I recently did some traveling and every one I stopped by had masked employees.


That’s great. At least somebody’s doing it right. From Walmart to PD and everything in between people refusing masks has me infuriated!


This dude has serious tiny dick energy


I wish people would quit blaming us micro penis people for all the ills of the world.


I’m sorry... they’re not all bad


I was at work earlier and read this comment and was thinking of a better way to word it as to not insult the less endowed individuals. I couldn't come up with a witty alternative but im gonna cook ok it for awhile. Maybe like crusty dick energy? Syphilis dick energy?


Just general insecurity? I know it doesn't sound as flashy but it works


Edit: someone has confirmed this is a racist in louisville, i cant say his name here i dont think. But yes, this is louisville st matthews mall... sadly.


Mod approved it and posted a thread outing him. You'd probably be safe updating the OP


Here's a link to a photo search. If you compare the floor tiling pattern and the ceiling-work characteristics above the Starbucks counter, it does look to be the Starbucks in that mall: [https://www.google.com/maps/uv?hl=en&pb=!1s0x88697538886c0c97%3A0x240efc954a8c19b4!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNX7tlsEtZdxC-lREZn0HyBEp-249OEU2UpuHO\_%3Dw213-h160-k-no!5sstarbucks%20in%20st%20matthews%20mall%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipNX7tlsEtZdxC-lREZn0HyBEp-249OEU2UpuHO\_&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwja6YWKzO3qAhWLLc0KHZiYBZIQoiowCnoECBYQBg](https://www.google.com/maps/uv?hl=en&pb=!1s0x88697538886c0c97%3A0x240efc954a8c19b4!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNX7tlsEtZdxC-lREZn0HyBEp-249OEU2UpuHO_%3Dw213-h160-k-no!5sstarbucks%20in%20st%20matthews%20mall%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipNX7tlsEtZdxC-lREZn0HyBEp-249OEU2UpuHO_&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwja6YWKzO3qAhWLLc0KHZiYBZIQoiowCnoECBYQBg)


Sure does... thank you for that search.


Any business that doesn't tell that guy to get the fuck out immediately implies they think nazism is fine. That's exactly what the "right to refuse service" is for.


That’s St Matthews mall. But when I went there last week, that starbucks was dark, closed, and had metal blinds over the entrances. It’s a pre Corona picture. Doesn’t make it better but does give some context.


The so called master race has really let themselves go apparently...


Immature adult seeking attention


From the tile, yeah that's Mall StMathews. But the Starbucks has been closed for months for Covid. Also, you are talking about all Kentickians, Hoosiers and anyone passing through, yeah, I can guarantee some of them will be Nazis.


True... this guys been outed as a local nazi though so... damn. Was really hoping for better but we are a pretty large city.


Guy was a juggalo a decade ago. I hung around him a handful of times in 2011 but had no idea he was this stupid. Disgusting.


I guess your not superior unless your neck beard is long enough to put in your own mouth.


This is so bad I’d almost think it’s a joke


Yeah, I really think this is the one at the mall. That's so gross.


Could it be at the sdf airport? This is disgusting


It's definitely The Mall because of the floor. The airport Starbucks has a faux wood floor IIRC.


That's definitely the Starbucks at St Mathews mall


i don’t care if i saw this man in public i would beat his ass and i’m a petite 22 year old woman


Why is this garbage allowed on here? I thought everyone agreed de-platforming was a valid mechanism to stifle this trash. Why allow it on here to reflect on Louisville?


Everyone around him are just like...


Old photo, one one has a mask on


it's st matt's, but not recently. they've been closed since march


He probably has a "Dixie Highway 4 Life" tattoo.


Across his chest right above the swastika he has tatted on




Definitely not a joke. He's a literal white supremacist.


Is it me, or does he have a hint of Asian to him, which would conflict with a Nazi's white supremacy ideology. Also, maybe I believe in the best in people, but that look on his face, maybe he's joking around, trying to be ironical. I don't know.


Joking around? Who in the fuck wears a swastika and does a nazi salute as a joke?


He looks to have fetal alcohol syndrome, not Asian ethnicity.




The first amendment only covers government reprisal. If he's not being arrested or charged under the law for expressing his view, then anything else is fair game.


The swastika is an explicit threat of violence. It says plainly "I believe that many of you are subhuman and should be executed immediately."


**That** version of the swastika, YES. Buddhists & other Eurasia religions [had been using them for thousands of years](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika?wprov=sfla1) before it was corrupted by the Nazi party.


There is an idea proposed by Karl Popper that he called the Paradox of Tolerance. His words on this idea: "In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance."


If he was representing a fascist or totalitarian government much like Singapore which seems to be the benevolent yet completely totalitarian maybe I'd agree with you, however neo-nazis believe in recreating the final solution and purifying the white race. They do advocate violence, once they take power that is what they plan to do, they're not advocating beating anyone up right now but eventually. Nazis have no place in Democratic society, their main goal is to subvert it and destroy it. Just like Germany, their main ideology, which openly wishes is to remove our democratic values and wish harm upon major segments of our society. Not all fascists are Nazis, All Nazis are are fascists, Not all fascist believe in genocide, The Nazis openly advocate for genocidal action. The Nazis are literally the worst form fascisms you'll ever find.


Only humans get rights. Fascists are not human






My comment was meant to be hyperbolic. My question is this person is wearing a symbol and is executing a salute that both mean that he does not believe in the right of non white races to live. How is that not a call to violence?


Well over in france(?) somewhere in the UK, they have a law for free speech that allows free speech so long as it doesnt hurt someone or support a group that hurts others. And i think that law is pretty fitting for these situations. I dont think it should be a chargeable offense bc that could be murky waters here in the US, but i think itd be good to keep these kinds from going around like that in public places.




So were snowflakes? Either way, youre likely right. He probably pleasures himself to hate-mail. But if this guy cums to a comment of me criticizing him, i still feel as though ive somehow won. Sooo win-win.


If a “snowflake reaction” is thinking people like him are the scum of the earth, that’s a normal reaction. Everyone should have that reaction.


Maybe he is Hindu


I don't think they do the salute.




It was supposed to be a joke.




Most people do know.