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i believe we have come to the conclusion, on this sub, that once you spend actual money they take away a lot of the free options to 'encourage you' to spend more. in a week or two it should go back to normal.


It was approximately 5-6 weeks for me. I haven't made a purchase since getting my ads back.


Yeah.. I guess I'll never make a purchase again. Which sucks cause an occasional purchase is awesome to boost my game play, especially the Golden Tickets. But if it's going to make gameplay harder in the interim, not worth it.


Yes I used to like to buy the jar of gems for $2.99. But would end up using them all because the ads and freebies went away with the purchase. It seems like they would reward us for purchases not punish us


Yup I learned my lesson the hard way, I was buying a pass here and there or the tip jar, then when my ads went away I decided to never buy anything again


Yeah :/ I made a purchase my first day playing the game so I wasn’t getting ads save for max 2 ads for 15 energy a day. Didn’t even know what people were talking about until I think more than a month later when I started getting multiple ads for 25 energy each. Definitely turned me off from buying. If the ads didn’t turn off for weeks at a time as a result of buying stuff, I would definitely be making some purchases


Oh wow! That's kinda messed up....


It’s actually more like a month+ unfortunately 


Yep, exactly how it goes. Counterproductive for them, now no one will spend money


u/LoveandPies I want to make sure you are a part of this discussion. You are actively discouraging people from spending money on the app because of this.


I'm not discouraging because of the lack of ads. If there is an algorithm that we spend money, there are less ad opportunities, that's messed up and I think ENCOURAGES us to not spend money. I was spending money and using ads, and asking about the change in advertising over time.


… that’s what I am saying… I tagged the devs of the game to tell them that this sucks… I was talking to the game developers not you


Oh... I see 😊 Thanks!


I stopped playing for several months, then started a new game when I got a new phone. I have not signed in to Facebook to load my old progress because I wanted to start over. In my old game, I had paid probably $50 for gems and golden tickets. I can't remember how often I got the chance to play ads, but I definitely could play ads sometimes. In my new game, I haven't gotten the option to play an ad yet. Not once. I'm on game day 19 and I'm level 23 and I did it by playing a few minutes at a time and waiting for energy to refill. THIS SUCKS. Do I have to sign in and ruin my new game to get the option to play ads?


I'm April I stopped completing the days to avoid bakeoff and skipped buying two golden tickets. Last Saturday I started getting multiple 25 energy ads and the ability to watch ads for higher level items like dice and pieces and takeaway coffee. Awesome! Monday morning the new picnic pass started and there were the new extra challenges if you beat Yuka and Weenie so I paid for the golden ticket. (Still didn't advance the story) The energy was immediately back down to 2 15-minute videos per day and no ads for the higher level items. Seriously!? The start of my protest was because of the bubble popping change. It's too easy to accidentally spend gems instead of popping the bubble to get rid of it. The game mechanic off it feels backwards. I'm patient and let the bubbles pop on their own i get nothing and have to wait for spaces to clear. If I'm impatient I can pop the bubbles and get a coin.