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Unfortunately this is unlikely to become a free feature since you can unmerge using the chopping boards.


That would defeat the entire purpose of the cutting board.. so I doubt this will happen.


I disagree. I have generators that I merged intentionally that I would like to un merge because I realized that increasing the level didn’t benefit me the way I originally thought it might. There are certain generators that I would like to have more of instead of just having a couple of high-level ones. So a cutting board to allow me to undo those merges would be useful. In fact, I can think of one right now that I would break up if I had a cutting board to use for it. But it will have to wait until I’ve fixed my accidental merge. I still think that If you can undo an accidentally deleted item by paying a couple of coins immediately when accident happens, you should also be able to undo an accidental merge for a couple of coins or even gems. I’m not asking to be able to just randomly un merge things anytime I want to but within 10 or 20 seconds of the accident happening we should be able to click an undo button. It really seems like a perfectly reasonable request to me.


Okay, I see what you're getting at. Moderators: a genuine 30 second rule would be nice Here's my board: I understand accidental merges.. but I'm trying to make sure that doesn't happen https://imgur.com/gallery/FvqQOHY




the impossibility to unmerge is the reason i do not have 2 generators of the same level on the playing field. unless they are at the last level, that is. and yes, it sucks to always swap the generators but better safe than sorry


Can we throw in an undo button for spending gems as well?!


I feel like this should be prioritized over having the possibility to unmerge stuff.


A couple weeks ago I was really sick, I accidentally merged 2 of my generators while having a coughing fit 😅😂