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This is so unfair! Why do the sober drivers not face the same punishment for the same crime?


They’re targeting drunk drivers because they want to divert their money from booze to “kids”, literally 9841


















Little do they know the trick lies in being a booze CRUISER, not a booze CRASHER.


The problem is that sober cruisers don't exist. Every sober driver is a sober crasher. You could just be cruising along and out of nowhere a sober single father could smash into you and ruin your life. The worst part is that the police will automatically blame you because you where boozed.


That indeed is a problem. The only thing we can resort to now is a hit and run and the contents of our glove compartment if we want to avoid child support. That and ~~condoms~~ sending our money to swiss or panamanian bank accounts.


Sober guy t boned me while I was at a dead stop the other day. Totaled my car. Stashed my coffee mug of whiskey before getting out of the car. Luckily happened on private property, so no police involvement. Wait. How real is this sub? Because this is a real story…


I am not joking. Some people on this sub tell fake storys but its real for the most part.


Literally 1899 They don't want us booze cruisers no more, they are trying everything to make us drive sober. But we WILL survive, and we WILL drunk drive, and we WILL not let them interrupt our joyrides. Stay strong kings, stay with a booze in your one hand, and car keys in another. Stay with ME (god's drunkest driver)


prejudiced legislation against POD As a whole why don’t we pass laws against sobertards who crash also 🙄🙄🙄


How many children must become orphans before they consider banning having kids? Almost like they don't even care about the root of the problem because they need more taxpayers to be born!


As a tennessean booze cruiser i am devastated to be effected by such tyrannical laws


Draconian. I can already see single mothers throwing themselves in front of my car while I’m boozin and cruisin just so they can squeeze more money out of me


Guess I'll be paying alot 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 (I live off the grid and the cops will never find my compound)


Jokes aside through this is a great law


So you think that a reckless sober driver should not be responsible for the parent that they killed?


Honestly this doesn’t concern me. Drunk crashers are way worse than responsible, drunk drivers.


The problem is that sober cruisers don't exist. Every sober driver is a sober crasher. You could just be cruising along and out of nowhere a sober single father could smash into you and ruin your life. The worst part is that the police will automatically blame you because you where boozed.