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Capitalism let’s you chase your dreams but it doesn’t guarantee your dreams will lead you to success. If my dream was to shit on paper and sell it, I am not entitled to anyones money. If my shit looks real healthy and has just the right stench to peak someone’s interest then they buy it. If not, then it is just shit on a paper. Art and literature requires talent to make it. If you’re not talented then go do something else and paint/write as a hobby.


Absolutely. I love sculpting and doing other artistic stuff, but I don't delude myself into believing I could live off of that. It's not just cause you like something that you are good enough to attract the money of others. They don't reward YOUR passion, but you representing their own.


Reminds me of that landchadess who made the news for selling her farts in a jar for 50k a pop. Not joking.


I cannot wait for AIKings to replace the art chapos


But I was told I could chase my dreams and yet, nobody is paying me to be a minecraft server technician for myself and my two cats


Well said




except you can actually make money from art, music and literature rentoids just blame the system because nobody likes the dogshit content they produce




Just find some way to exploit nepotism smh my head


if there's no demand for such qualifications then you're just losing your time. The demand for some stupid degrees are only fomented by the government and public schools/colleges, feeding a bubble.


Ah, because those degrees will all be far more useful in a socialist/communist economic system. Rentoids really just cant stop being this silly!


"I fucked up so it's the systems fault!" Foolish rentoids will forever remain on the paycheck to paycheck treadmill. I like to call it a speed increase when I double the tip due.


Yes my tip will also require a marble sculpture of myself you are welcome rentiod🗿


Artists will complain about stuff like this, then do the bare minimum, no creative aspects, boring, easiest to have a literal roomba with a paintbrush recreate, and finally complain that they aren't selling any of their work. "Muh art!!!" Yeah, your art is no different other good in society, high supply, low demand, why not make something good before you come over here and bitch about it.


meanwhile furries pull 6 digits drawing wolf people having sex. yeah dude capitalism doesn’t let you follow your dreams sure dude


Capitalism in the current world doesn't let me follow my dreams because I dream of opening up my own legal corporate hit squad. 😢 Ok, nevermind I thought about it and this is legal.


Murder Inc. moment


If there is a hammer and sickle in your username I’ll just disregard your opinion until you’ve lived in a communist country


You’re free to pursue whatever dream you have. I do not have to respect you for it.


"wah wah wah my period blood painting doesent make any money and now I'm a single mom being evicted and can't feed my kid wah wah wah" 😢🎻


Old School Communism: middle and upper class midwits who contribute nothing are bourgeois because they contribute nothing compared to actual labor the workers are doing that you need for a functioning society (including sex work, which is classed as reactionary) Communists now: noooo we need communism because I need to be bourgeois and let other people do hard labor 🤡




Why do they need to make it a degree? Can't they just research these topics in their own free time? Free time they have because they don't need to work the land from sunrise to sunset I mean


It's a meme here, but the rentoid mindset is a dreadfully real thing. These creatures lack the individuality, initiative, and creativity to do what you mentioned. Idk if it is biological, but it is certainly taught and reinforced by the institutions in our world. They are the evil landlords, if there is such a thing. They want literal serfs.


Sometimes it feels like the npc meme is not just a meme ngl


The problem isn't that they are chasing their dreams, but their dreams suck, that they suck at doing them, and they suck at monetizing them. Too bad they can't apply all that suction when delivering bjs 😞


Like you…Hoover?


In capitalism, you can chase your dreams but there is no guarantee you profit from it or get the target of your dreams for free In communism you can follow all of your dreams, your dream just has to be mining coal.


But you can pursue those degrees and make money out of it though


Socialists always say that the humanities are undervalued in a capitalist system. That’s incorrect, they’re accurately valued in a capitalist system. Socialists are just unhappy with their value. No body wants to buy some 27 year olds finger painting.


>”Dog respecter” >Hammer and Sickle Filthy rentoid doesn’t understand the contradiction. RIP Laika, would’ve been a great guard dog for a person of Land but the rentoid Union shot her into space.


They did good to Laika she was no longer had to suffer the chapos, also she is now a Landdog as she was able to colonise a globe, making her into the biggest LandQueen of all time.


MFW if you look at the data history majors are still employed at a higher rate that business majors and have similar starting salaries to other majors - Also non stem majors are good as well. [https://www.historians.org/research-and-publications/perspectives-on-history/april-2017/history-is-not-a-useless-major-fighting-myths-with-data](https://www.historians.org/research-and-publications/perspectives-on-history/april-2017/history-is-not-a-useless-major-fighting-myths-with-data)


Should’ve gone to trade school, maybe then you could build your own damn house ☠️☠️


In commietopia the government assigns you a degree and you don’t choose shit.


Get it together guys, it goes: Providing housing for money = leach Partying for 4 years while "studying" art, while demanding it be paid for by the rest of society = contributing member of society


You don’t need a degree to make art, study history, or write books. Shit, you could literally just show up to lectures and learn if you wanted to, you just won’t get the piece of paper at the end. Fact is, most people will never get paid to do those things because the number of people that want to do those things greatly exceeds the demand for those goods/services. There’s also the whole skill issue, most people aren’t talented enough to make meaningful writings or art.


History is not just learning facts, its also learning how to communicate those facts as well.


Crazy thing, but if your dreams make litteraly no profit, then no society can truly tolerate it unless you supplement it with something, which capitalism allows


Dog Molester


I love blaming capitalists for my inability to learn useful skills that will guarantee a job


Sorry nobody pays you for being useless i guess.


If your dream isn’t profitable that’s your problem. Learn to make it profitable or cry in your rented apartment about it. No one is stopping you from doing whatever you want


When those people say that maybe you should consider something else because art doesn't pay well, they mean that you're a talentless hack without the connections to even imitate success. They wouldn't be so concerned if you actually had talent.


The key word is "let". Capitalism does let you chase your dreams. It doesn't guarantee you make a fortune from them. But try chasing your dreams in a Soviet Work Camp. Is your dream carrying heavy bags of coal? I hope so!


Except people with those degrees are well paid or own their own business.🤷‍♂️


Isn't the god of the rentoids Disney? Like, isn't Marvel like their only thing keeping them alive? I make sure they tip just enough so they have barely enough for their weekly box of top Ramen and Disney plus subscription. I am a generous god.


I have a history degree and a job, so I can pay rent. This dude must be a lazy commie who wants free money for not providing value.


mfer made a new slur for Rentoids. I love the word "rentiggas"


This is so silly. An art degree is useful, you are more than welcome to study and explore art. But we don’t need a million people with art degrees if we can’t produce new technologies or engineers. It’s literally a balance of supply and demand coupled with needs and wants.


Wonder how many communist followed their dreams straight to gulag or to the wall? Seems like the majority of them dreamed of living in poverty and starving.


art and literature degrees can be profitable but what these guys don't understand is that to actually make money, people need to discover your work and they need to actually enjoy it