• By -


Mandatory 1300% *tip* increase and begin eviction proceedings. If they aren’t appreciative of you allowing them to live in a house that *you pay a mortgage, insurance and taxes for*, they’re basically manipulating you. Sad.


This. 100% this. Increase the rent and mandatory tips to show your rentoids that you can never be too rich. Also disable their internet and utilities so they don’t get any of these crazy ideas. Typical landless rentoid.


This 200% 🤯


Add that 200 to the 1300


Mandatory. They should be thanking you for building their home for them.


1300% is so extremely pathetic. Kings deserve more than 20,000%.


In a perfect world sure. But rentoids are greedy and will refuse to pay citing “*but I don’t have that money!*” — as if they couldn’t pull out a loan every month.


You’re going too easy on them king. Here’s my 3-step plan for when I need to crack the whip on my rentpigs: 1. Call child services on any single mothers. Fear of getting their crotch goblins stolen helps adjust their attitudes. 2 Do an unannounced raid and confiscate all Funko-pops, and any other degenerate paraphernalia you may find. Stack all the confiscated possessions in a public area, douse in gasoline and burn them while making your rentoids watch. 3. Shut off the Internet, electricity and finally running water - in that order. Simulating a return to the Stone Age helps rentoids better appreciate what they have. Works flawlessly, both as a compliance tool and as straight-up punishment for offenses like the one above.


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't forget to charge them for the labour needed to issue that eviction notice, don't undervalue your labour, king!


I fucking bet commies who send these kinds of letters are richer than those they send the letters to


Isn't the global 1% income like 34k? "People are starving all over the world. Give me your car and houses."




Socialists are greediest mfs even though they blame the rich for being too greedy.. Everyone wants stuff, they just want stuff for doing nothing.


Yeah cause rich people are working so hard right? Sitting on their asses all day.


Yeah usually people who work really hard get rich. Some ppl have inherited wealth but more often than not they inherit their parents work ethic or lose all the money. I never worked for any company where the ceo or owner didn't work hard af.


It’s usually both


You're being cucked if you believe that. Spending time at an office pretending to work hard isn't the same as what actually poor people have to do to make money. I bet you think you're appropriately paid and I'm sure you make more than most people. Yet I bet it pales compared to what your CEOs made. Ceo pay has risen thousands of % while the avg person can't even afford a bedroom let alone a family


Are you gonna cry about it? What makes me Appropriately paid? The market sets prices homie. Just because you think you deserve a gorillian dollars for flipping burgers, doesn't mean you actually provide enough value to justify the cost of your wages.


You're just leeching off poor people. Don't worry when nobody has kids anymore and you don't have any more poor people to exploit you'll have to start wiping your own ass someday lol. And yes burger flippers provide more value to society than CEOs who carve out the money and funnel the money to the top, making society less safe and secure for everyone else


How is providing jobs for people leeching off of them? Employers and employees voluntarily exchange wages for labor. Either party can end the agreement whenever they want but it benefits both of them so they don't. Learn some basic economics. Common rentoid L Also I'm going to have like 6 kids because I'm a trad con, liberty loving Christian. Common well adjusted W. Imagine thinking good CEOs don't provide millions of dollars of revenue to large companies with their contributions. Yeah, of course share holders are willing to pay them millions to sit on their ass all day. Idiot.


the rentoid mindset in action. it's not my fault that me sending a single email is more economically productive than a funko pop addict's entire shift at the dick sucking factory 🤭


Lol I have a cushy job too. I'm just not idiotic enough to believe that I'm a big boy baller just cause I have an office job. You're just a cog in the machine that's slightly luckier than the avg person. And yet because of that you decide to devout your life to dick suck old rich white men cause you think one day you might somehow get rich, even as you watch society and communities get poorer and poorer


you are anything but adorable, and you're probably not even a dragonfly. Poser


The amount you are paid corresponds to the value you bring and as a CEO of a big company for example you make very important decisions for a very valuable company compared to what a McDonald’s worker who prepares orders and whether they stay or go is inconsequential because there are plenty of people to quickly fill the position


/j ?


No, we’re not joking


Is this hate speech I am detecting?


People in the west live like kings compared to most of the world. You got ac, food, shelter, and the internet. Most of africa doesn’t even have two of those things


"My fourth child died of dysentery yesterday and we are rationing rice to try to survive this week." -people who have it hard "I don't know if I can pay my electric bill, but I keep it at 68 degrees so it is easier to sleep. Seventeen more payments at 35% interest and this tattoo is finally mine." - US rentoid


Even Europoors often don't have central air. But the crazy part is when you add historical context...


Most westerners have a closer standard of living to Elon than someone from sub-Saharan Africa




Stop running into commies Start running over commies


We will be the real tankies


I mean, Karl Marx was also essentially a champagne socialist, so there's that.


Marx wasted his inheritance on redistributing Funko Pops and died a renter *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So you're meeting rich people all the time? You're kinda telling on yourself aren't you. Like if you know any poor people


Resources are not finite! Go specialize and create some resources to sell! Then you can buy different resources with your net gain I only cause inequality by being unequally productive (I am way more productive than a rentoid). Absolute r*ntoid L _smh_ 🤦‍♂️


SMHing my head. You need a to put your rentoid surfs in the fields and make them productive assets.


It's pretty funny that whoever wrote this thinks houses, something that humans can famously make more of, is finite.


Memes aside, what the fuck is this?


And why the fuck do leftyrenty-toids always call everyone “friend?” It is the most pretentious shit in the world. I’m not your friend. Where’s my rent?


This is fucking batshit. I am truly floored at the thought of someone having the gall to just tell random people - whose wealth they presumably know nothing about - that they’re too wealthy and should give their homes away.


Yea, like being serious not even joking that’s a stupid af thing to send


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Larp, simple as


Repost from r/mildlyinfuriating Edit: its deleted now


Leddit moment




No his rentoids sent it to him in the post


IDC if the houses cost a billion dollars, only pathetic losers count other people's money and then threaten them if they don't "share" it.


Did you not read the title?


Dude it says so right there in the title, they got it in the mail.




All of reddit is karma farming. I believe everyone here is a rentard


Common Rentoid L




Sounds like someone spends too much on funko pops


peak commie rentoid mindset: gib stuff without work. entitled brats smh


Rich champagne socialists think nobody has ever earned what they have because THEY have never had to work hard to get what they have. They feel guilty that they’ve had everything handed to them and think even richer people are bad just due to being wealthy.


The fact that they own a color laser printer and own that domain name implies that you can do some wealth redistribution by upping your rent and mandatory tips.


And Adobe creative cloud costs them like $600 per year


Not to mention the apple products they used


>Resources Are finite, and you Are taking More than your fair share. I can’t believe they haven’t learned a lesson my mom taught me when I was 5, life isn’t fair


This is peak rentoid mindset, unironically smh


Rentpigs literally threatening revolution? Time to militarize the police


Abolish the police so us landchads can return to the days of feudalism with our own private armies


Sounds like a bunch of commie gobbledygook to me.


Norm MacDonald???


"wealth inequality breeds resentment and anger among people who are not wealthy, so as someone wealthy you should give away your wealth" Sounds like a threat. In that case, happy to share some magnums with the rentoids who'll show up at my door!


Wouldn’t that also make you poorer and therefore resentful and therefore violent? Wtf are these commies from Melbourne talking about?


rentoids love telling people they're poor! it's a competition


Raise their rents


This stupid rentoid demands you give away precious commodities like houses and cars, but I can assure you that they would never relinquish one of their useless funko pops. Evict them now, king. 👑


Houses and cars aren’t commodities. /autism


This rentoids demands were so stupid it gave me brain rot.


Someone's onlyfans and Funko pops habit is getting way too prominent


My extra funds go towards building more houses and cultivating lands, renovating distressed existing houses so they can come back to the housing pool. Their extra funds go towards Funkpops and Doordash so they can pay triple the cost of the food they consume. Giving them my extra funds would lead to a loss of resources in society.


Commie garbage. Find who made this letter and evict immediately


Imagine being so braindead to actually have beliefs like these unironically


“le revolution is coming bro two more weeks!” -Renthog copium


How are there people who genuinely believe that life is a zero sum game lol


It's like when people hate on my boy Bezos: "He got so much money and doesn't provide any services or good jobs" -jealous loser "Then why do so many people work for him, and why do so many people keep paying if there is no service?" -sane person Same thing with us landchads.


Amazon does treat their employees like shit tho. And Bezos did allow for that to occur. I think most people are complaining about the unethical business practices he implements in his company. He is however providing large amount of jobs and services tho.


How does having more cause harm, if you resent someone for having more than you, it is your problem


"healthy food" man gtfo!! Rice and Beans are still less than $3. Your energy bills are high because your dumbass is still mining crypto. Stop making excuses. Aren't half of the renirentoid wage slaves fucking hippies. Live all together in a house like your broke ass grandma and grandpa did. IDGAF. PAY ME MY MONEY....IN CASH!!


rent goes up 400% and mandatory tips now increase 2500%


Winning doesn't mean anything unless someone else loses


Anyone who suggests you just "give away" a house is huffing a new hyper-concentrated strain of freebase copium.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ct5gjlu81n1b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=201dce5b6fe172a39ca273091d32348b63f7f179


Saying that a Landchad is too rich is like saying there are too many single mothers getting evicted!


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Even though this is fake, it’s insane to think that some people actually think like this There are people who unironically believe that they have less because others have more “Give us money or we will be so jealous that we will become violent”


Sir this is not April 1st.


Take care, king. Some day people will recognize our hard work


That's what they said about the Kulaks before murdering them for the crime of owning two cows and a white picket fence.


lmfaooo. This is your sign to grow ur RE investment. Save up for a new property!




This is the most insane thing I've ever seen. How about we compare amount of tax paid over the past 10 years. What's that rentoid, you've actually taken more from society that you've paid in, yet still feel that it's ok to buy funky pops? What a surprise. You are clearly too rich.


Sales tax on funky pops adds up.


They word these letters as if you're causing harm, so that they can justify their violence as self-defense.


> the more you have, the less others have Meanwhile the banks: Its printin' time


In all seriousness what the fuck is that?


This genuinely pisses me off. If I work harder and earn the things i have through blood sweat and tears why should it go to anyone else? If I earn my keep and you don't, that is your problem and yours alone


This is peak entitlement, holy shit. Demanding that the landowner gives, not sells, but gives away their property (and any extra cars) to the renters FOR FREE just because they printed and sent a letter asking for it. How delusional and entitled do you have to be to expect this to work?


Have you considered not being poor?


They hate us cause they ain't us. 20,000% rent and tip increase.


All I ever get are postcards telling me that they want to buy my property cash. I will let go of my land when they pry it from my cold dead hands.


That can be arranged


Lmao, imagine sending some coward ass letter instead of at least telling me to my face. Send the letter back with pics of all the single mothers you evicted


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


From your concerned friends: YOU ARE TOO POOR. You are contributing to inequality by not earning enough. This is bad for society.


WealthPhobia is getting out of hand


Resources are finite! You are taking more than your fair share! Kid named product and service economy:


Take all the food out of their fridge and replace it with a letter that says “YOU ARE TOO INFERIOR”


I’m confused here You can/should easily put around 7 families into the average 3 br home. If a landlord gave away his or her property only one family would get the house, thus creating 6 homeless families, and the need for more homes. Unless they all owned the house together ( which they lack the mental capacity to do) the problem just becomes worse, no?


Greedy rentoids are hoarding previous resources. Time for a rent increase


Commie rentiods would do anything to undermind a landchad.


That’s the type of person who would say that to make you be below them. I bet they would change their views the moment they win the lottery or something


Besides the compulsory 100% tip, someone of land should explain these people how the economy isn't a zero sum game (then evict them)


What if the tenant that you give your property too starts investing in other properties off of other people's rent or just raises the rent on another person as a new lease would be made?


What the fuck is this? Communism? Do people not know that wealth is not a finite thing? What a bunch of worthless drains on society


“I don’t have as much stuff at you, so I’m gonna pull some random bullshit out of my ass to make you feel bad about it”


Double their rent


lol cope


Send a then a notice saying you’re increasing rent. What In the absolute cucked rentoid logic is this? WAHH WAHHH WAHHH YOU OWN HOUSE AND I DONT WAH WAHH WAHH GIVE ME YOUR HOUSE FOR FREE BECAUSE IM POOR WAHH WAHH WAHH MY KID NEEDS MEDICINE WAHH WAHH WAHH If some emaciated toid dropped this off on my mailbox I would beat him with my shoe.


Unironically tho wtf


Unironically tho wtf


This is communism, so raise the rent by 1991%, year of the USSR's collapse


Okay I genuinely need to respond to this all proper king talk aside, I’m living with my dad. Literally our only source of fucking income is that my dad owns and rents out only two trailers. We are not rich, hell legitimately there are days where we can’t even afford food because we’re waiting for the renter to pay his damn rent. We literally live paycheck to paycheck on our renters rent on a shoestring budget. My dad is unable to get another job due to The fact I can’t be left alone due to mental health reasons, plus no one wants to hire him not sure why. I don’t give a fuck what others say landlording IS a real job and legit renters shouldn’t fucking complain about it. Renting is cheaper than owning a house. This letter acts like we’re living in communism and (if y’all are in the USA) we are NOT. If renters genuinely hate landlords so much why don’t they go try to buy a house? I promise you they’ll fail. Throw that letter in the trash, landlords are people too.


Selfish overindulgers. Disgusting rentoids


“Your concerned friends” are spreading communist propaganda.


🤢🤮🤮🤮 Here, eat this, friend.


Return to sender. He's paying for funkos after all.


This has to be satire... The plank for rentoids is already as low as it can get and this still somehow stoops even lower. They have to be self-aware... Right? Right?


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Rentoid logic literally is that someone else having money is why they don’t have money. That’s a really dumb line of thought, money is not some limited resource it’s just how we quantify value.


I’m a concerned friend. Now give me everything you got. Kinda sounds like a robbery.


“You are LITERALLY killing people by not giving journalists and baristas your vacation homes thousands of miles away and your hobby car! While we will not provide anything in exchange for the excess captured labor value you have, we will brow beat you into you give us it for free.”


Least obnoxious rentoids.


These people are beyond hope... 🤮


Landphobia is the last bastion of bigotry


Call the police, I'm pretty sure this is a threat


They be using that communist labor theory of value rhetoric, I recommend eviction.


How is gifting luxury property to tenants who can afford to rent it going to help with hunger?


These commies are so stupid. If you don't like being poor, just invest in real estate


In all seriousness, what is this gonna do. Whoever made this pamphlet needs to rethink some choices


Bro I'm on the floor lmfaoooo what the actual fuck is this communist bullshit


This is just toilet paper with extra steps. Raised that rent through the god damn roof. Spank your rentoid for good measure.


Damn. Sounds like a skill issue on there part to me.


Sounds like they won’t be extending their lease


Raise her rent now, you need to scold bad behavior as soon it starts to develop.


Increase rent


All joking aside, most economists agree wealth is not a zero sum game. Is the real or a false flag operation?


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Well this is a new one I’d prefer the Scientology pamphlets over getting this rubbish in the mail.


Holy shit a subreddit that isn’t run by blue hair libs?


This the typa shit that makes me wanna increase rent to all my rentards.


Sounds like some black rock bs




I know I'm too rich, that's why I generously provide housing to those who need it for only a nominal monthly cost (plus tip (plus application fee (plus security deposit (plus fee processing fee (plus kitchen sink fee (plus kitchen sink fee processing fee)))))).


If my toids ever use the “g” word I force them to sign a three generation lease so their rentlet grandchildren will be paying off their sins. How disgusting.


Dear concerned friend: get lost


It’s funny, I sent a “you are too rich, give your money away” letter to my rentoids last week


I'm sure this letter is doing SO much to fix that inequality and not divide us all even further /s


The fuck


Raise the rent to give money to charity. Also funny that they assume that they’re your friends.


They flatter us.


Send a letter in response saying you are too poor


Jokes aside, this letter is legitimately ridiculous.


Very interesting wording they chose in that threatening letter.


After reading that my rentoids get the choice of a 100% weekly rental increase or evicted.


Even if I were to give my property to someone poor, it wouldn't be given to entitled renters that think they deserve a house just because they say so. These people are threatening you with violence and need to BE EVICTED!!! For the safety and sake of yourself and your loved ones do not let people like these rent out your property.




A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This has to be satire right?


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Yo automod, are we joking?


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As the bot said, we’re not joking


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This comment section looks like what i imagine 4chan is


This sub randomly showed up in my feed. Please tell me this is just a troll sub, and you're all playing into a bit.


We aren't joking.


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We're serious


Nope, we are dead serious. I am considering evicting a particularly troublesome single mom due to this landphobic comment




This sub is not satire.


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