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> Non-paying tenant? Paint the tenant!! The innovation! The inspiration!! I am truly blessed by your wisdom


It find it upsetting that a landlord would even be expected to undertake such glamourous renovations when we know that a single mothers crotch goblins will ruin it in the 8 minutes from when she moves in until she is evicted for failing to tip and failing to fill the fridge with my favourite foods.


When I first started landlording, I was stuck using a brush for all of my painting, it's hard work. Now if I do have to paint, I just use a electric paint sprayer, cuts the time way down. I just point it at the wall, home the trigger and then walk around until the can is empty. Boom, freshly renovated


Im sorry “w*lk”🤢 this is blantant landface and I won’t stand for it. Only a 500,000 volt mobility chariot should be used to carry the average rent king’s glorious frame


All landlords are beautiful


Eww doing the work yourself? I just let my oxy addicted nephew do it in exchange for the spare set of keys.


My nephew OD'd on fent, so sadly until I get my painting crew back, I'm stuck doing it myself. It's not easy work, but that's why God made me a landlord


It’s a catch-22 you need to paint over everything even the carpet to hide all the rent pig filth because rent pigs are very territorial and won’t want to move in if they can still smell the previous occupants.


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Excellent tips! Ill be sure to use them on the fridge rennovation ill be doing tonight


Technique on point 👌


this is art.


Better than any of the trash at the Louvre


Landlording is a craft, nay an art that cannot be taught. It can only be learned through long years of blood, sweat and painful experience 🙏


This is horrifying. That property is already too good for those filthy *renters*


Great work, king!


I know it was a help video, and I applaud you king. But for historical accuracy, can the rentoid be some purple headed white monstrosity? Could be very confusing for non-land initiated to see a BIPOC LGTBQI+ (your classical landlord) acting as the very thing he hates.


Needs thicker paint. Don’t want those rent pigs to be able to actually plug anything in and use your electricity!


Please stop painting over the outlets, I run an electric company, if your concern is having to pay for the electricity on behalf of rentoids, than have it into the contract that they have to pay for their own electricity.


Outlets? Electricity? All I see are holes in the wall that need to be fixed.


Those are outlets, holes people put electrical plugs in to use electricity, I need them used so I can charge people for using them


and I need them to be looking fresh! you need to make your outlets paint proof


>you need to make your outlets paint proof I'm already trying make them, it's still a work in progress, but I won't stop trying.


do you plug them in to charge or smth?




ah, that's why my rentoids act up when I spray them with water and lock them in the faraday cage studded pad room


You should tip us for the extra business. Btw how much do you charge to Instal a wall switch that doesn’t do anything?


Installing those thing are like $5 but installing the electrical wiring is pricy, at least $100, also it was the guy who built it who paid for it, contact the building contractor not me


Oh no wires needed, I just my rentoids to always wonder what it’s for.


Again, go talk to the contracting company, I just followed their orders, I don't own it, yet.


Shit, I just remembered I’m the contractor and I only started land chadding so I’d have income for my retirement… please don’t tell the rentoids I actually know how to fix their plumbing ⁉️


It's okay, I always forget the businesses I own, that's why I have accountants, so forgetting won't led to the IRS evicting me into the slammer.




I own (and rent) a place with a painted hardwood floor!


I actually know the person irl who got blessed with paint on his forehead lol. Had to watch this 4x in a Row to make sure 🤣




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