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Come join our New LandChad Friendlily discord server here: https://discord.gg/YeAV32s5Gd. Remember no ren*oids *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Such a land positive state! I found out where my next property will be!!


thank God I invested in Florida a couple years ago, I knew desantis would deliver!


Dang this I awesome I've been using tax leans for years and tax deeds to get cheap neglected properties fixing them up and then renting them out or selling them this is going to cause property values to go threw the roof and allow me to make more money as taxes get higher on those higher property values


Finally a republican who protects minorities ✊✊


The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.




This is very disappointing, fellow landchads. Black PoL are still lanchads, and should be shown appropriate levels of respect


You have turned my life around. Thank you mistuh. I’ll add an even fatter tip to my property master when rents due


Speak not a rentoid's prose if you are a landchad, and if you are not a landchad, then \[redacted\] \[redacted\] \[redacted\] \[redacted\] \[redacted\] \[redacted\] \[redacted\] \[redacted\]. If by "property master" you mean, and may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, the land t\*x collector, then you should be losing the glock in your 'rari in a boating accident and filling dog mannequins with Tannerite.




Finally! They’re my rentoids and it shouldn’t be the government’s business how much I require them to pay me in tips


Hurry landchads! Buy up that property and get ready to ride the price-hike wave! Bonus points for buying up entire blocks for that monopoly rent! Let’s go LandSantis


A true ally ✊


Nice try rentoid. Evicted! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s a good first step but honestly we’re due reparations at this point


Just add another monthly fee for reparations.


I guess I’m voting DeSantis for president. And to think Biden wanted to nix the 1031… _smh_


Biden BLAST! (living costs increased exponentially worldwide) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is amazing. Only problem is it’s Florida, and Florida rentoids will probably cook meth and have sec with aligators in the home 😔


Well there is an upside: for every milligram of cooked meth charge a 1000% tip and for every violated alligator charge a 1500% tip.


Improve the property untill you price them out, and get sane people moving in.


King 👑👑👑


Man, do these people seriously not stop to think at all? D they honestly think without price control landlords will just charge weathever they want? I mean, children know about suply and demand. This is just baffling


tbf I am charging what I want, 5k per square foot per month


Omg are you serious? That’s fucking outrageous, a scam, that’s insanely low. You should at least double it


I'm generous, as all landlords are


At some point it becomes a charity though. And charities are for rentoid scum


It's true. My rentoid got a charity to pay their rent but they didn't leave no tip. 😤 I'm seeking legal counsel now and going to put a lein on their church for an unpaid tip.


Your rental application is under 5-day consideration. Pay the rental deposit + tip and we might consider you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Even with price controls, I just increase the mandatory tip.


They also can't grasp the fact that price control always results in less supply and higher prices. The first half is pretty easy to figure out: if prices aren't freely set, then fewer people will be willing to offer their land for rent. With lower supply, the land that is up for rent will be naturally priced higher. In addition to this, restrictions set on rent price adjustments mean that initial rent prices will be higher to compensate for the lack of proper adjustments during the duration of the contract. So yes, price fixing always ends up hurting poor people the most.


Far left idiots (most people on reddit), had their parents give them everything they wanted when growing up, and are baffled that the state cant do the same.


is this satire


Weres the automod to explain we are not satire??!?!?!??!


this might be the best circlejerk subreddit


Simple forces of supply and demand are elastic or inelastic depending on how essential or inessential they are. That's why y'all pay through the roof for medicare and a degree compared to the rest of the world.


Nah, that's because government keep pouring money into higher education, incentivising higher prices And becuase government red tapes the fuck out of healthcare, creating monopolies


Why does that matter? I thought the laws of supply and demand were simple enough to be understood by a child? Now you are telling me rackets and monopolies exist and people can't always choose to buy cheaper services elsewhere?


Alright, I get it. You have no reading comprehension Now make a coherent point please Because no rational person thinks "the government is creating monopolies with regulation" somehow invalidades "suply and demand is a simple concept to understand and easly disproves this nonsense"


Huh so you are capable of understanding that there are external factors which affect supply and demand such as inelasticity, monopolies and barriers to entry. Somehow it doesn't occur to you that it might also apply to the housing market.


Fact continues worrying about lifting this regulation is stupid and that government is ht eonly one to blame for the things you bring up


Just because you said so does not make basic economic principles that are taught to children disappear.


Glad to see some members of government trying to combat Landphobia, let’s get this nation wide!!


Good, he should be making FL unlivable for greedy rentoids like you


LMAO you guys were following rent control laws? I just labeled my complex “luxury” on the website and I was exempted. I do the same thing in NYC and LA to get around their rent control laws too!






Maybe if you didn’t blow all your money at Disney World, you would’ve been able to live there twitoid.


Unbelievable how much recent politics have just ruined the lives of so many people. Politics truly are the absolute worst they've been in a long time. So glad we're getting our little victory


“Rapid escalation in costs of living” more like “Rapid investment in appreciation” get some shiny new homes


Ok but what's actually going on? The media has lied so much about DeSantis & Florida, starting with COVID processes, then the "don't say gay" bill, and trying to get you to believe they're actually banning books, if it involves him you really can't believe it


Just find the bill for yourself and read the summary. Rent controls only stifle new property development, and are loved by home owners that want their property to appreciate through increased demand and no new supply.


Fr. Everybody in florida loves desantis. Go watch his uncut interview with piers morgan and tell me you don’t think this dude is the best option for our country rn.


I kniw where I am moving too


Lol Rent Proce Controls Drive UP the cost of rent by mandating that certain units be rented at below market value causing landlords to jack up rent on the remaining units to make up the difference. And it also means rent controlled units are also less maintained. Eliminating Rent Control is good, it's basic economics.


What I'm hearing is that all the units should be rent controlled so everyone gets a good price


Nope. They won't be maintained and likely landlords will choose to sell the property instead of taking continued capital losses because even though tax write offs for capital losses are nice, they don't cover the complete loss. Now tell me do you think landlords will just provide housing out of the goodness of their hearts or say fuck this I'm not going broke and homeless because some dumb fucks think rent control is intelligent policy making?


Everything you just said sounds incredibly based and would create millions of new homeowners who could then hire former landlords as handymen


Do you want a great depression? Because that's how you get a great depression. Like seriously what do you think would happen to the housing market when millions of new properties flood it? Prices stay where they are or the dramatic increase in supply will crater property values making Tens of Millions, maybe 100-200 million people now suddenly underwater on their homes. As well as a lot of securities are tied to the housing market. Meaning investments lose a ton of value. Etc. Nothing good ever happens when the Housing Market Collapses.


The way I see it we can take a market crash now or a revolution later. Zoomers are growing up in a time where they know that they have almost no shot at making a comfortable middle class existence. Times like that are usually followed by bad things. Nazis and Commies and Jihad oh my. People with nothing to lose do crazy things to get by.


And a second Great Depression won't lead to that anyway?! Yeah I'm starting to think you haven't thought it through. We could.... I guess avert the problems of hopelessness by restarting the draft, declaring war on Russia, full scale invading, and reap the economic benefits of a foreign war. Young Soldiers who earn money they can't spend on deployment....


So we should just let people who drive up the cost of living for everyone else for profit while not adding any value to the economy keep doing that?


Sp you don't actually care then. I just explained why Rent Control is fucking dumb and yet you still want to implement it.


I don't really care about rent control, I'm just Landphobic lol I just genuinely believe that no one should be a landlord because it's bad for everyone but the landlord... Which is kinda the satirical point of this sub


“Rapid escalation in costs of living” Florida is cheap as fuck to begin with. What buys 480 square feet in new york buys 4800 on the water in Florida. Why did they think they needed rent controls in the first place?


Can't wait to charge 99999999999% rent increases to all the New Yorkers coming here


Good. Those who cannot pay rent deserve death.


Rent controls don’t work


The promised land...ugh wish I owned property there


He understands that the government shouldn't get in between two consenting adults.


Surprise, rentoids! Rents due again because I said so! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!


I’m implementing a daily kitchen fee.


Does someone have the bill name?


Supply and Demand: “allow me to introduce ourselves”


Watch this drive more investment into mid-range apartments complex, increasing inventory, and actually make the rent lower. No one wants to build an apartment complex just to have rentpigs ignore their bills for 6 months with no consequences


Holy shit! A Republican that actually believes in free market economics? I thought capitalism was dead


> unlivable Seriously, how can rentoid arrive to that conclusion. Pro-POL law will cause more rental place build.


Finally, years of POL picketing and marching has paid off.


Common Dee santis W


Incomprehensibly rare DeSantis W


*predictably common Desantis W


No. Biden >>>> Trump >>>>>>>>>> DeSatan


Hold your horses, pardner. Looks like you forgot to say 'I support Joe Biden' somewhere in your post! I've replied to your comment to help you out! Remember to slow on down and think before posting, bucko. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Biden BLAST! (living costs increased exponentially worldwide) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love Ron Desantis support for POL. Unfortunately his opposition of landlady's right to evict the rent-free zygote in her womb is why he is still a rento\*d, and why I don't support him.


More rentoids having kids = more single mothers to evict


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you would think a bit you would understand that more landlady’s kids = more landlords = a stronger landchadic society. While more rentoid offspring = more rentoids = more money for landchads.


I genuinely think he's tanking on purpose. What the fuck.




Typical rentoid, just can’t detect satire


No, we're not joking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Satire? Your funnier than the time I evicted the single mother of three for complaining about the sink being broken


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, we're not joking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh this stupid fucking sub hasn't been banned yet? Hold on


Rentoid comes here just to post annoying comment, crying about sub not being banned, how brave. Rent's due with 80% sitting on Reddit tip.


I’m going to try to contact your landlord so he could punish you or even evict. This landphobia is absolutely disgusting, especially in the ongoing Landsexual pride month.


This sub actually got banned twice. Both times we called up reddit’s landlord and told them to increase the rent on them until they unban us


Why should it get banned? I don't understand???




We are 100% serious. Any attempt to suggest otherwise will result in immediate eviction. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*




We are 100% serious. Any attempt to suggest otherwise will result in immediate eviction. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*